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Posts posted by Maethor.2810

  1. There are several interesting things in this trailer. Aside from what others have pointed out already...


    1:01 shows a dragon approaching Balthazar. It could be depth of vision, but it seems too small to be Kralkatorrik himself. But from a distance, it looks too fleshy to be a champion a la The Shatterer. It looks almost like a more grown Aurene. Later on at 1:06 we see Balthazar fighting a dragon (mostly a wing over his head) but we can see on the left side of the screen some skin with crystals growing out of it. Yellowish crystals and not the typical purple crystals from Kralkatorrik's corruption. Judging by the background being the same as the shot of the dragon flying in, I'm assuming that is the same dragon. My guess is some relative of Glint, whether it's a suped up Aurene, Gleam, or some other offspring (as we did see a ton of eggs in the Dragon's Lair mission).


    Additionally, the line where it says that "I fear he may get the weapon" sounds awfully similar to the voice we hear talking to the Master of Peace in Hidden Arcana to me (and confirmed on Reddit by Bobby Stein that it isn't Rytlock).

  2. A god can look like a human and still look like a god. A god can look like a norn and still be a god. Since when was it a requirement for a god to look inhuman in order to be defined as a god? Since when were they less of a god by having a humanoid appearance? Sure, it isn't as ~cool~ as having some extreme magical/divine look about them, but so what?


    The Six as we know them have always been humanoid in depiction, regardless of scale. With and without wings, branches, skin colour, multiple faces/twin, and in Balthazar's case - [a giant dude that is literally on fire](https://imgur.com/JEp6G7s "a giant dude that is literally on fire").


    They're still pretty awesome looking gods to me.

  3. I wish they were tradeable. In the beginning, I had so many that I didn't know what to do with. Then I learned the best things to salvage from them and now I have maybe 2 left? I don't usually have much spare money to get gems to buy more. I would buy some from the people that have a stash of them in a heartbeat.

  4. Yea, I can way too many ways in which a list of nearby players by name would end up being used in a negative manner. Even for just guild recruitment; If I started getting whispers asking if I was interested in joining a guild more than a few times it would start to tick me off. Even if going Offline prevented your name showing up, then you're closed off from your guild chat and such all just to block potential map recruiters.


    I would be in favour of a population counter per map but not names being listed.

  5. For me, it is almost a tie between Bloodstone Fen and Siren's Landing, but Siren's won between the to. BF I love because I like the danger of the devastated area, plus it was a zone that I knew from GW1. So there was a bit of nostalgia there, seeing the shattered bloodstone and fighting Hablion again.


    Siren's won, however, because it's another look back at pre-Cataclysm Orr. I loved the GW1 lore of the gods (so the Balthazar storyline has me both excited and wary at the same time) so being able to go back and see more of what Orrian life was like and the reliquaries was pretty awesome. As well as seeing some of them working on being reclaimed post-Zhaitan and seeing some ghosts of the old royalty.

  6. > @draxynnic.3719 said:

    > Hrrrmn. I _think_ that there's an indication that the Tomb of the Primeval Kings was constructed after Abaddon's banishment. The Primeval Kings certainly pushed north in the aftermath - they built the fortress-city of Morah, which watched over the Mouth of Torment until it had to be abandoned by the expanding Desolation.




    From what I recall, that is the case. The Primeval Kings expanded their rule northwards around 29AE including into the Desolation and CD and that year is when it is specified that was when they started burying their dead in the desert (Tomb of the PK in CD, Dynastic Tombs in Desolation, and Traitor's Tomb at some point). So I would assume they didn't start construction on the tombs until after their northward climb, which happens after Abaddon's banishment.

  7. * I don't like that forum features are locked behind badge/activity gates. Forum signatures, edit time, etc. New features would be easier to handle but things that we were able to have before are now locked to us. Having to grow rank to be able to have a longer edit window (which there should be none at all) will really put a damper on updating fanmade story posts, updates during lore discussions, and other similar threads.

    * Need more avatar choices and perhaps smaller icons.

    * The posts seem crowded within a thread. I'm not sure if there's too many lines (two per post, instead of just in between them) or what, but it does make it a little hard visually to have a nice clean flow of posts.

    * I've wanted this from the last forum too: theme options even if it's just light and dark.

  8. I would love to see (and this one we likely will see) is the area where the Glint/Kralk/DE went down.


    From GW1 specifically... Any of the Forgotten that were once in there (Yassith possibly? We have an ascended stat set with his name), King Khimaar would be cool if we end up over that way or any of the old Margonite ghosts, Shiny, the Junundu, references to the Nightfall Heroes, Primeval King references and/or ghosts (like King Jahnus since Ossa should have moved on after helping complete the hero's Ascension).


    I could probably keep going...

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