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Posts posted by Ozgu.5864

  1. In addition, try to use every advantage you can. Take on two opponents instead of five; or use the terrain against your enemies (e.g. line of sight blockers against ranged attacks). If your stats are a glass cannon build and you're sort of squishy, check your traits and utility skills for the class you're playing. Use what you can there. E.g. Apply blind and/or weaken to enemies if available to increase your surviveability without adding toughness or vitality through equipment stats.


    Fight dirty. Use crowd control. Slow, stun, root etc. Whatever your class can do, try it out, see what you can add to help you survive.


    Also, make sure to check on your equipment from time to time. If pieces are damaged, you're okay, but if any are broken, you don't get the stat values from those pieces. Speak to a repair NPC or use an Anvil to get your gear durability back up.


    _After all equipped pieces of armor are damaged, items will randomly become broken when defeated. Broken armor provides no attribute or defense bonuses, but upgrade components continue to provide their normal effects._ [Wiki article on Repairs](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Repairs "Wiki article on Repairs")

  2. As has been mentioned previously, we can't really help if we don't know the details.

    For example - Core Tyria difficultly is vastly different when compared to the expansions - there is a quite a leap in challenge between Core and Heart of Thorns.


    There are also synergies between your weapons and your trait lines, so what class are you playing?


    My interaction with our community has been largely positive, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out in /map chat in-game, or expand upon your queries here on the forums.


    In game, the forums, snowcrows/metabattle, the wiki - all of these resources are where I get my help - and they are all community driven - so I emphatically recommend them.


    Best of luck!

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