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Posts posted by Ardenwolfe.8590

  1. > @Chorne.8195 said:

    > I heard a ton of good things about the story, mainly through others complaining about the terribleness of recent story on these forums. From the descriptions I heard you would have thought it was a classic masterpiece that would last through the ages. So, I decided to get the bundle with Factions, Nightfall and Prophecies. I made an elementalist and loved the gameplay of the class, but I HATED HER because of her awful fan-service armor. I could never stop staring at it. Oh, and her awful breast-shaking dance animation. I did it once and never did it again.

    > I was having an OK time with the story. But the gameplay was too much for me.

    > I didn't like how the skills worked, I hated how I was trapped and couldn't move as freely as I wanted to, it was slow-paced, the graphics were... not great, and Post-Searing Ascalon. UUUGHGH. Post-Searing Ascalon was a factor in of itself. It was depressing, repetitive, and slow to move through with all the enemies all over the place. I hated the popups that popped up when I hit '1' too much. I hated the awful ground, the depressing music, the constant fighting. And when I went north of the wall to level it only became a million times worse.

    > I tried Nightfall, I couldn't get into it.

    > I tried Factions, I disliked it.

    > I tried, I really, really tried to get into the game. I played it like I was doing a chore. But eventually I realized it was only stressing me out and I quit.


    Pretty much this for me. Only game I've ever tried to get a refund, and by then it was too late. But, to be fair, I did like my spirit spammer. Might go back one day and try again.

  2. > @Fengzhou.9853 said:

    > Before I knew it.. I was out 50 dollars worth of gems almost and only got a couple skins I really was after. I really dislike the 'random' on things like this. Letting people collect them in the order they want during X period of time would be a lot nicer.


    And this is why I refuse to play the RNG game with real cash. I'd rather spend my money on something I will get and not something I _might_ get instead. No, sir. Not with my hard-earned money, thank you. Well . . . here's to hoping Black Friday comes through with a nice surprise.

  3. Ahem. Not to point out the obvious, but the mount skins are fluff. They do nothing more than what the base skins do. If someone wants to pay more for the 'pretty' than the expansion, that came out less than a month or so ago, that's on them. I, however, am waiting until Black Friday. A discount/sale may be in order. Either way, it's fluff.


    People need to keep it in perspective.



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