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Posts posted by Xstein.2187

  1. Father: NcSoft-overly controlling, just wants his sandwiches

    Mother: Anet-due to overly controlling husband and not splitting up with him has slowly over time changed as a person. Has tried working multiple jobs in the past to make up for father being unemployed and living off of her, but was fired from one of them some months ago due to the burdens of life.

    PvE: Young child or toddaler who is easily attracted to shiny objects. (obviously not all PvEers-don't hate me for this)

    WvW: Has a big passion for a lower salary, but respectable profession. Mother keeps telling not only WvW, but everyone else for that matter, that WvW wants to be a doctor instead. WvW keeps telling mother he doesn't want to be a doctor, but mother doesn't listen.

    PvP: A teenager who was given hardly any attention by the mother. When the teenager got in a big fight with mother, mother gave a shiny object to PvP. When PvP told mother they were 16 years old and not 6, mother got mad at PvP and no longer gives them anything anymore for years. Mother just talked to PvP and said she will try to give another shiny object to them in the future for Christmas. PvP confused and now all siblings concerned about mother's health even though deep down inside they know they still love her, just don't think she will ever be the same person again.

  2. > @"Hugs.1856" said:

    > Anet probably thought of the event along these lines :


    > " Let's have a cheer up moment for the team after the rough times of the lay offs and share some quality time with our community to boost the morale of both the studio and the players.


    > With a free live event, we'll announce some free content, and since we explicitly said the announcement would be just about the living world and not features or expansion, what can possibly go wrong?"



    I don't really know about that. Mike Z. seamed offaly off during the anouncement. It could be just because he was nervous about public speaking, but I don't know. If you watch, he also got a runny nose during the announcement, which is odd beings it is not flu season.


    My guess is that it was this:



    Potentially could have been going on for awhile.

  3. > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

    > I've spent thousands of dollars on this franchise and my game mode hasnt seen an update in what? 4? years?


    > No more. ;)


    This! In the past I would have gladly payed for content, such as a new PvP game mode in the gem store, but it never showed up.

    In fact, on more than one occasion in the past there have been threads coming up with ideas for **HOW** Anet could make money off of PvP since consumers realized that the need to develop will only be there if they make money in that particular area. As a result, nothing has changed.


    Now enough is enough. As a once dedicated player and spender who also once got other people involved and spending money on the game, I wouldn't even pay for an expansion anymore.

  4. > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > It's not the quantity of the people around you though mate, is it? It's the *quality*.


    I think you need some more sleep . . . . . . . . .jk


    Seriously though, I hope by better 'quality' players you really mean people who spend more money on the gem store to make up for the 'quantity' of players who no longer play or in the case of any potential future expansions, buying multiple copies.


    Because at the end of the day, $ is what matters, and I certainly am not going to be spending any.

  5. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > Oh right, ArenaNet doesn't announce an expansion therefore they are out of money and therefore players must come up with solutions on how to make more money for ArenaNet.

    > > >

    > > > Seriously, can we stop this nonsense? I'm sure ArenaNet knows about these ideas and rehashing ancient ideas is not going to do anyone any good.

    > > >

    > > > Gem sales are their main source and apparently they feel they are making enough. Perhaps because they lost 35% of their staff and also the accompanying costs. Personally I feel they should bring out the next expansion sooner rather than later.

    > > >

    > > > But I guess the problem is they were set on another LS and they either want to prove to NcSoft that LS chapters are enough or they're buying themselves time to finally make the next expansion because NcSoft told them so. Either way, it's ArenaNet that got us in this situation and they need to fix it but they are clearly not willing to talk about the future beyond what they're doing now on the release schedule.

    > > >

    > > > I don't like it, but trying to come up with money making solutions that have been by here already many times is really not going to solve anything.

    > >

    > > There is no indication that there is a planned expansion.

    > I said I feel there should be an expansion in the making, not that they are doing it.

    > > Some people post comments like these because they just want to help insure that gw2 has a future. If gw2 doesn't have a clear future, perhaps they don't want to invest as much time into it, or at least on in game long-term goals.

    > And I'm saying these comments don't actually help. I get their wish to help but you don't fix the problem with something that actually isn't related to the problem. They assume it's about whether or not they have the resources to make an expansion. They clearly stated themselves last year that they wanted to focus on LS and not an expansion. It was their choice of how they used their resources and NcSoft wasn't in agreement as we now know.

    > > But yes, you are right that such ideas have been posted numerous times and ultimately it is up to Anet, especially when they have vastly more info than the player base.

    > And this is why I don't think these threads really bring anything useful to the table because it happens a couple of times a year at least and none of it is really new and none of it addresses, in my view at least, the actual problems.


    1. You didn't say that. You said "Personally I feel they should bring out the next expansion sooner rather than later.", which isn't the same thing at all as saying you feel there should be an expansion in the making. I was just making sure you understood this.

    2. Ya, they don't help if they are posted over and over again, but some initial, novel comments might. However, the OP doesn't necessarily know that. Not everybody browses the forums all the time. I was just ensuring you understood the OP had good intentions before you stated your second post. Additionally, yes, the OP is assuming recourses are a problem. However, that also doesn't necessarily mean they aren't a problem.


    I gave you a thumbs up before I wrote my first post because I agreed with you, I was just writing to add on and ensure you knew where the OP was coming from as well because it wasn't evident from your first post.

    Thank you,

  6. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > Oh right, ArenaNet doesn't announce an expansion therefore they are out of money and therefore players must come up with solutions on how to make more money for ArenaNet.


    > Seriously, can we stop this nonsense? I'm sure ArenaNet knows about these ideas and rehashing ancient ideas is not going to do anyone any good.


    > Gem sales are their main source and apparently they feel they are making enough. Perhaps because they lost 35% of their staff and also the accompanying costs. Personally I feel they should bring out the next expansion sooner rather than later.


    > But I guess the problem is they were set on another LS and they either want to prove to NcSoft that LS chapters are enough or they're buying themselves time to finally make the next expansion because NcSoft told them so. Either way, it's ArenaNet that got us in this situation and they need to fix it but they are clearly not willing to talk about the future beyond what they're doing now on the release schedule.


    > I don't like it, but trying to come up with money making solutions that have been by here already many times is really not going to solve anything.


    There is no indication that there is a planned expansion.

    Some people post comments like these because they just want to help insure that gw2 has a future. If gw2 doesn't have a clear future, perhaps they don't want to invest as much time into it, or at least on in game long-term goals.

    But yes, you are right that such ideas have been posted numerous times and ultimately it is up to Anet, especially when they have vastly more info than the player base.

  7. Obviously I cannot speak on behalf of what someone else said and obviously I do not like the state of the game right now based on some of my previous posts, lol. However, I think there are a couple of things you need to realize.


    1. These are individuals who made those comments, not the company. Maybe their comments are focussing on toxicity because after working so hard for this presentation, such behavior makes them feel pretty shitty psychologically. Some of them may also want to enjoy Pax and the weekend and having such a community reaction after this event makes it difficult. There are a lot of dynamic emotions flying around


    2. You don't know the actual comments some of these people have said.


    3. It is the companies responsibility to make such announcements you are talking about, not for the individual employees in their spare time.


    3. Every employee does not have absolute control over everything that happens in the company.


    4. I 100% agree with what Ruby said about abusive comments. Yes, there will always be abusive comments on the internet. However, it is always a good thing to at least try to decrease the quantity.


    5. However, on the other hand, some comments may be pragmatic and make a person feel sad even though they were never meant to be abusive or a direct attack on an individual in the first place. But if someone calls what you did bad, of course you are likely to take it personally and take offense to it, especially if you spent a long time on it and are passionate about it.


    For example, if someone says that Mike Z. as game directer or NcSoft was partially indirectly responsible for much of the emotional and phycological troubles Anet's employees are dealing with right now, of course he would likely feel sad about it. However, in the end, that still doesn't mean that it is not true or that changes shouldn't occur. Even if you are a good guy, doing your best, and are passionate about the game or product, you still have to control the problem and make changes accordingly. If you don't, it is just going to happen again and again until it can't happen 'again' any longer.


    6. I don't think this is a one time event issue. This is not just about the announcement. I would look at it more like a bag of marbles with a hole in it. The marbles represent Anet's plans for the future. Slowly over time, a marble may fall through the hole and be revealed. All Anet did in their announcement was shake the bag a bit more to release more marbles. They also picked up some old marbles off the ground to show off again and say "Ooo shiny!", perhaps because there are no more marbles left in the bag anyway. However, if people didn't like the marbles that were falling out of the bag to begin with or the rest of the marbles left in the bag, of course they would be upset later as well when the rest of the marbles slowly fell out. All that happened is that more marbles fell sooner. It doesn't matter if the marbles continued to tinkle out and it doesn't matter if there was no hole and instead all the marbles were released at once. In the end, many people weren't happy with all that what was in the bag of marbles to begin with and therefore perhaps wanted to see a whole new, different bag of marbles.

    I'm sure there are some people who just wanted to see more of the same types marbles in the bag, but hell, I just wanted to see a different type of marble, regardless of weather it slowly fell out of the bag in the past or weather it was just shaken out of the bag now. I'm just not a big fan of blue marbles!


    Anet may say "oh I shouldn't have shook the bag" or "oh I should have waited and revealed all the marbles at once"

    However, even though this may hurt someone's feelings, I'm saying NO, you should have shown a different or more varied bag of marbles to begin with!


    p.s. Guys, they already likely communicated everything they have planned. They may have done this BECAUSE they wanted to communicate with us sooner, just like you are saying and they may not have plans after this yet. Perhaps you're just saying you wan't them to communicate better and reveal more marbles in their bag because you don't realize that over time they have slowly already revealed all their marbles to you already, just like you asked.

  8. > @"YtseJam.9784" said:

    > I would like to hear your plans about fixing Chrono. If you look at all the questions and feedback chronos are leaving in the Mesmer forums for the last month and a half, you'll see that the last balance update that added the 1 Illusion requirement makes the class unplayable in all aspects of the game.


    Working as intended, just like elusive mind. If you don't like it, you can always quite playing or spending $$$ like some of the rest of us.

    . . . . . . or just deal with it.

    I could never have the faith, care, nor hope anymore to write as much as @"Pyroatheist.9031" just did.


    _Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”_


    However, on a positive note, in the past I would have appreciate the System team's decision to post such changes and look for feedback.


    My Consensus: For the most part like what was written, don't like what was not written.



  9. > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > > > If you're going to quit the game, the whole community doesn't need to know - unless your the Game Director or someone important that contributed to the making of this game.

    > >

    > > Get real, these people aren't just posting videos to let the community know they are quitting the game. They are posting videos and comments because they at the very least care about what the game could have been or how it could potentially beneficially change for others. Putting your nose in the corner and ignoring the reasons why people quite are are quitting while proclaiming that no one wants to here it or that it shouldn't be posted in the first place does nothing to help the community or the game.


    > I get that, have a look at the cover picture of that video. What impression would you get from "The 5 reasons I quit Guild Wars 2 explained".

    > Me personally don't want to know the reasons behind why someone is quiting the game, I'm also sure a majority of people don't either.

    > No one would care if you explained your reason why you left McDonald's IRL would they?


    Obviously the title has negative connotations. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't something worth saying or hearing in it.

    The video was posted yesterday and already has almost 5k views. Therefore, I don't think the title is putting people off from watching it.


    "Me personally don't want to know the reasons behind why someone is quiting the game, I'm also sure a majority of people don't either."


    I don't quite understand this. When I was happy about the game, I would click on a video like this just to see what people are unhappy about or why the game isn't maintaining steamers or players. This could be useful for many reasons: players understanding better how others in the community feel, devs understanding how others in the community feel, players hearing other ideas of how the game could possibly be improved and weather or not they agree, devs hearing other ideas of how the game could possibly be improved, gaging if other people and how many feel the same, etc.


    I can also understand people who may think such videos would turn people away from the game. However, based on the comments in the youtube comment section, it appears many others feel the same way. Weather you currently enjoy the game or not, sweeping what others consider issues under the rug and not discussing them, but ignoring them, in the future will help neither the people who currently enjoy the game, the people who currently don't enjoy the game, nor the devs. Even if you don't agree with weather or not an issue really is an issue, if many others do, refusing to talk about it is never the most beneficial solution for anyone in the long run.


    "No one would care if you explained your reason why you left McDonald's IRL would they?"


    Again, I don't quite understand because I would like to know why they left. Maybe based on the video it would save others time and money not applying to McDonalds if they agree with said reasons, maybe it would help upper management understand an issue that is happening at the local level, maybe the video would cause those particular issues to be looked at and fixed, maybe if McDonalds treated employees poorly or disgracefully it would interfere with your decisions of weather or not you want to purchase anything from there and indirectly support such employee treatment, etc.

  10. > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > If you're going to quit the game, the whole community doesn't need to know - unless your the Game Director or someone important that contributed to the making of this game.


    Get real, these people aren't just posting videos to let the community know they are quitting the game. They are posting videos and comments because they at the very least care about what the game could have been or how it could potentially beneficially change for others. Putting your nose in the corner and ignoring the reasons why people quite are are quitting while proclaiming that no one wants to here it or that it shouldn't be posted in the first place does nothing to help the community or the game.

  11. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    > **This is copy and pasta'd from one of my previous posts**

    > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    > I'm a multiclasser in high plat on NA ([r2](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) and [r4](https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS)). In other words, I play ALL classes at this rating. I can say from personal experience, playing as/with/against mesmers for years, that the amount of effort it takes to be effective on this class is disproportionately low in comparison to the effort it takes to play every other class in the game at the same level.


    > I posted this [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1) on one of my threads where I went 26-0 in unranked during my _second_ time playing berserker power mirage. I also play the CI build and the traditional Dueling/Illusions/Mirage condi build in ranked and they also work extremely well.


    > There are so many mesmer mains downplaying the strengths of this class. I see them [whining](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming) on the mesmer forums saying stuff like: _we've been nerfed the hardest, can't deal damage, don't have mobility, are worst class in the game etc. etc._


    > It's ridiculous. I played these so-called "nerfed and unviable" builds a few days ago **[on stream](https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head)** and farmed players in ranked going 16-1, 9-1, etc. etc. back to back while winning/kiting outnumbered easily because of how much damage/cc/survivability/mobility/utility mesmers have access to. The only matchups a mesmer _could_ ever lose are against s/d thieves that never miss their steals, other mesmers, and/or holosmiths IF the mesmer plays terribly and stays in melee range on the node. Funnily enough, even if they "lose" the fight, the mesmer can just blink away, escape with stealth, cc any counterpressure or attempt to chase, and block/blind/invuln/distort until their cooldowns come back.


    > The class is literally ez-mode and probably the most overpowered and reliable carry in ranked if you want to completely roll over 99% of the players you come across.


    > If the links don't work, here they are in order:


    > 1. https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS

    > 2. https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS

    > 3. https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1

    > 4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming

    > 5. https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head


    Here is your post with replies.



    I would rather people just read the whole thing with replies instead of just screenshots.



  12. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > "The trait has been the same for years" Yes but the game hasn't.

    > So many things have been introduced/buffed/shuffled /reworked since the last time this trait was changed. Just because the trait hasn't changed in a vacuum doesn't mean the game hasn't changed around it to make it a problem.


    > The same thing happened to epidemic.


    I'm not even saying this isn't the case for sure, as I don't even play CI.

    But if this is the case, then what **HAS** been changed to make it a problem within the last several months?

    I'm not posting on here because I think mesmer shouldn't be changed.

    I'm posting on here because I find it insulting that players can complain about a trait that's several years old to have it removed in the middle of a season.

  13. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"Chiuvitas.8946"

    > > 4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

    > > So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

    > > Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o

    > >

    > > Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.


    > Except the trait doesn't exist in a vacuum.


    > Mesmer didn't used to get Chaos Storm on heal, now they do.

    > Mesmer didn't used to get IP as baseline, now they do.

    > MoD didn't used to reduce CD of Diversion, now it does.

    > MoD used to have a 30 second recharge, now it has a 12 second recharge.

    > Mantras didn't used to regenerate charges without re-casting, now they do.

    > MoD used to have a 3.25s cast-time. Now it has a 2.25s cast-time.

    > With core, you couldn't cover mantra-casting with mirage-cloak, now you can.


    > This is why it has "become" an issue, when it wasn't in the past. Open your eyes.


    Your quibbling

    1. What?

    2. IP went baseline at the exact same time that CI became an immobilization trait. Therefore, I don't know why you brought this up.

    3. The patch that added a reduction of CD to diversion after recharging the mantra also reduced the ammo count down to 2. Therefore, all together, that patch was a nerf to MoD.

    4. Once again, MoD used to have a higher ammo count. Additionally, they used to go on cool down and recharge as soon as you prepared it, not when you used the last charge. Mantras were in this form for about 3 years before the cool down system was changed. That is why the cool down on MoD was reduced, to compensate for a change in how the mechanics worked.

    5. The cast time was reduced from 3.25 sec to 2.25 seconds on Apr 30, 2013. That was still over 6 years ago and before CI could Immobilize!

    6. Yes, you are correct. Without mirage cloak, people used to mainly charge their mantras in between fights instead of during a fight. Oh wait, they still do!


    You don't even appear to understand some of the changes over the years and why they took place.

    Why are you citing reduced mantra channel cast time as a reason when it was changed before CI?

    This just shows me you likely just googled mantra of distraction and tried to find any changes possible to try to rationalize CI somehow magically becoming super OP and more powerful within the last 6 months when no such think has ever occurred.


  14. @"Chiuvitas.8946"

    4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

    So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

    Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o


    Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.

  15. Chaotic Interruption: immobilizing since June 25, 2013


    6 years later: CI removed middle of season because quick hot fix not possible.


    My question is, if a hot fix wasn't possible in 6 years, how long is a normal fix going to take?


    Chaotic Interruption is going to end up like Elusive Mind anyways and never be used again after the next balance patch. So, what is the difference between that and just removing it now?

  16. One of my fondest memories was on June 23, 2015 when care was given about PvP and WvW class balance and build variety.

    It was a time when it was understood that Illusionary Persona was practically mandatory in PvP+WvW builds, cutting down viable build variety, since it was the only way to use your class mechanic without meeting certain mandatory conditions and constraints.

  17. > @"Chaos Archangel.5071" said:

    > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > > > @"Chaos Archangel.5071" said:

    > > > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > > > The real question is whether you took the free 20 gold.

    > > >

    > > > Right!? The suspense!

    > >

    > > Omg! :o Who resurrected you?!


    > For years I've been slowly, inexorably digging myself out from the grave... Only to find Chronomancer doesn't have Distortion anymore.


    > ... I think I'm dying again. :'(


    Just wait till you find out they just removed Illusionary Persona from it as well . . . . . . . . . .oh wait :#

  18. > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

    > > @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

    > > Between this patch and the Dec. 11th patch it's obvious that someone at Anet is seriously out to destroy this class.


    > I suspect that Robert Gee, the man behind chronomancer and Mirage, is no longer working on the balance team (or gw2 in general?). On the forums his last post was about the time they(he) did phantasm rework and I believe that's also his last piece of work that went into the game. It's sad to see that a man with the talent to design fun classes is no longer there.


    That is what I said back in October in a bit more ardent manor and got infracted/banned from the forums for a bit.

  19. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > @"broFenix.1632" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

    > > > > I may be wrong as i play necromancer and we’re all arguing amongst ourselves about the changes - but didn’t F5 and F4 get merged? So yes there’s no “distortion” but at the same time it effectively changes how continuum split works from a “second health bar for x seconds or until depleted” to “cannot be damaged and cool downs get reset”. I am aware that distortion on continuum is not as beneficial as separate as you don't need to distort AND shift together, i do feel the change is... strange, however as an outsider I see the change as a way to make continuum used as a damage effect instead of a cooldown effect, while focusing more on cooldowns (not sure how to word it), like now you have to time when to shift timelines to get the biggest benefit from both invulnerability and cooldown reduction. Chronomancer was (and most likely still is) extremely strong in PvE, such as raids, I cannot speak for pvp or wvw however. If i am missing any information please tell me.

    > > >

    > > > All damage you take after continuum split gets reverted back after continuum shift. Therefore, the actual 'distortion' aspect of distortion in continuum split is absolutely worthless. Have distortion in continuum split, take no damage. Don't have distortion in continuum split, still take no damage. The only reason why they added distortion to continuum split is because some of the current baseline mesmer traits like Inspiring Distortion play off of distortion 'activating'. They at least were an important aspect of PvE and such traits would be near completely useless if CS didn't apply distortion, even if the actual 'distortion' aspect doesn't matter.

    > >

    > > I thoroughly agree, so much >< The distortion effect on Continuum Split, now, is worthless in my opinion. Before the July 2019 patch, Chronomancer had 2 offensive shatters, 1 CC shatter, and 2 defensive shatters. Now we have 1 defensive shatter that has a very long cooldown :( We could use Continuum Split if we really needed to, to not die to some very damaging attack and we could also use Distortion to evade an attack we knew was coming. Now we just have Continuum Split with distortion effect, and who gives a kitten? You're just going to get all your health back, what does it matter if you evade during Continuum Split!?! Ugghh........I freaking hope these changes get reversed...PLEASE ANET


    > If you die during continuum split you don't get your health back. And if you get condi or cc bombed they don't go away when you revert. The distortion on CS is purely for setting up offensive skill chains not defense.


    > It is a tradeoff. The real problem is we lost illusionary persona on top of this.


    You are apsolutely 100% right. I think the only thing people disagree on (or should disagree on) is HOW useful it is and why distortion was combined to begin with. I'm not saying this is the same for everyone. However, I have played hundreds of PvP matches as a chrono without distortion on CS and believe I died in continuum split maybe 2 times, with both being 100% my fault and I don't even know if 1 second of distortion at the beginning would have saved me. Additionally, yes, after you enter CS, even though your health goes back, conditions continue to tick when you get back. However, what matters in this discussion isn't continuum split, it's distortion. As far as I know, distortions makes it so conditions don't do damage, but they still tick as well. Let's say I have 6 seconds of bleeding. If I pop CS without distortion for 2 seconds exactly on 5 seconds left of bleeding, I'm going to be at X damage taken with 3 seconds left of bleeding when I get back. If I pop CS with distortion for 2 seconds exactly on 5 seconds left of bleeding, I'm still going to be at X damage taken with 3 seconds left of bleeding. There will be no difference. The only way it absolutely matters at all is if a stack of conditions are applied within the first 1 second of continuum split that at least lasts longer than the duration of continuum split itself. Of course that could potentially be beneficial. However, the exact amount of HOW beneficial and likely both of these are can be quite arbitrary and open to scrutinization. I still highly, highly doubt that the potential of dying in CS was the reason they implemented it in the first place and still maintain the belief that it was due to some mesmer traits becoming completely useless if if wasn't implemented in some shape or form. If you remember, in PvP chrono was responsible for distorting your allies durring attacks, such as greens on Vale Guardian. Even when this was changed to aegis on the trait, it was still extremely useful for the group. Even though this is a lot harder now, if the devs didn't add distortion at all, this would be absolutely impossible and players would additionally blame the devs for having a traits that are 100% useless when playing chrono. However, there is really not much necessity to fight about this too much since we pretty much agree on 99% of everything else :)



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