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Posts posted by Altion.9576

  1. It sucks, meanwhile Revenant has the best hammer ingame imo. It should work as the axe, It would be cool as a weapon able to create aoe shields or aoe safezones by smashing it to the ground, or if it caused cripple or stun or even fear.

  2. **Follow the Story**

    Take out a pesky dragon! meet Destinys Edge and lot of interesting characters in the world of Tyria.


    **Explore the world!**

    The games world is full with events to do and landscapes to see (This is a beautifull crafted world take your take, theres no rush!)


    **Do Map completion**

    That means finding all the Points of interest also known as Poi view the vistas do the Hearts (quests) this one will help you get gear up as you are leveling and so you dont have to buy gear or weapons and this will help you get used to your class skills (seriously save your gold, theres no point in spending if you are not lvl 80)


    Are you a fan of old school platform games? then try jumping puzzles!

    Jump like crazy in a series of obstacules to reach a juice chest at the end of it




    You hit lvl 80 and you want to gear up? No problem!

    Your first grown up lvl 80 set will be your Exotic gear, for that go to Orr and find the Karma vendors, Karma is one of the many many maaaany ingame currencies that will allow you to buy stuff like food, recipes weapon and armors


    Heres a lists of the sellers https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_armor


    **Do Dungeons!**

    Dungeons are small instances for a group of 5 players with all diferent stories and mechanics, they are super fun and your first real challenge in the world


    Da list https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dungeon


    **Learn to craft!**

    Theres tons of them and they are great for selling stuff and making some money along the way, you will also need to learn a profesion for when you reach lvl 80 and need ascended gear for fractals.




    **Do Fractals!**

    Now we are getting in 80 + exotic gear territory, the meaty part of the game. Fractals are Dungeons ++ divided in numbers from 0 to 100 and by Tiers that requires ascended gear and a special item called "infusion" you add to your ascended gear


    **Try PvP!**

    Want to smack another player sensless? then pvp is for you! But be warned, pvp is an activity for players that want to win at all costs so you may find ehemm very vocal players from time to time, dont be discoraged by this! practice and getting familiar with the maps is a big part in pvp.




    **Try WvW

    **Want to smack another player sensless but in huge group confrontations? then Wvw is for you!


    This mode is crazy, huge maps with 20+ group of players crashing into each other, conquering fortress and killing Lords.



  3. Yesterday a teammate found a bot (im new to 2v2 so I didnt know there were bots in that mode) It was a Charr ele that went straight for the fight and targeted my Guardian all the time, when he told me there was a bot we simple went for the other guy and ignored the bot until it was its turn to die.

  4. > @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

    > I'd also want a skeleton infusion for all the races if possible. A skeletal charr, or skeletal asura would be fun imo. Not quite sure how a skeletal sylvari would work. Emphasis on the if possible.

    a skeletal sylvari would be just plant veins walking around hehe


  5. Cool skins that look different from the base mount.


    Raptor - Gallant Lightbearer Raptor Skin

    Springer: Sun Temple Gecko Springer Skin Timberland Badged

    Skimmer - Shell Surfer Skimmer Skin

    Jackal - The kitsune skin, so cool!

    Rollerbeatle - Synergetics Gyrocycle Roller Beetle Skin

    Warclaw - Yeah, they all look kinda the same

    Griffon - Grand Lion Griffon Skin Sacred Pegasus Griffon Skin Sky Bandit

    Skyscale - Yeah, they all look kinda the same




  6. I did it with a T4 group, the first bosses were way too easy, we passed those like nothing, someone said, well for t4 this is too easy, then we reached the last boss, boy was she bugged! she jumped stages ignored completed mechanics and so on so we parted ways until patch, then the patch came fixed a few issues and I tried again with another group, it took us SIX tries to kill the boss, not only the visual noise is annoying as hell but all her mechanics are kinda annoying as well, specially the water effects at the end so In my opinion, the clouds, the Agony ball the meteors the bombs and the water field are waaay too much for a Fractal.

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