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Posts posted by Bassdeff.1895

  1. > @"toyz.2450" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.


    > Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?


    I hate RNG in general and will not pay for RNG items. I will support them by buying accounts upgrades, skins, and things like permanent harvesting tools, NOT stupid loot boxes with crappy drop rates.


  2. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > On 1 hand: if u dont like it, than just dont buy it, number of cryposts on that thread is funny.

    > On the other hand: yea wvw players are poor AF, so 200 g May be a bit to much


    WvW players need to learn how to play the market to supplement their income. With the amount of spirit shards you can gain in WvW there is no reason why anyone should be poor.

  3. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > As for losing players, they are already losing players in troves because they only focus on the open world, we already see it in their revenue.

    > >

    > > This may not correlate. Lower revenue doesn't necessarily mean the loss of players. It could be that the player base is relatively stable, but just aren't purchasing anything. I still believe that players gravitate toward those events that bring them the most gold per hour and that those players never need to spend real money on anything as they have plenty of gold to convert to gems.


    > I agree, but with provisos.


    > WvW, PvP, and high-end content (hard-core) are the least populated in the game. Best guess based on surveys is a smaller portion of the player base.


    > However, I suspect that the hard-core players average per player spending in the gem store is significantly higher than the spending of the more casual population in open world. So, while I don't think they should focus heavily on those players, they should probably focus more highly than they do on them. (See my post on finances and communication somewhere on page four.)


    You also have to think about how much effort it is to keep each player happy and spending money. If I were to wager, i would bet that casuals require significantly less effort to please and extract money from and significantly outnumber hard core players.

  4. Whatever I feel like doing. I play it all, raids, fractals, open world, WvW, even a bit of PvP. Sometimes it's just standing in front of the BLTC playing the market or even a JP if I feel like just wasting my time. When I stop having fun I take a break and go play something else, the last break I took lasted 3 years, yet I am still here today having fun.

  5. > @"Lothwyn.9863" said:

    > A suggestion, can we get something like a commander tag for people who need help on the map. So if we need help, we can put up this tag and other players can see on the map that I would need help with something, mouse over us to see what help we need with and join our party if they are interested to help :)


    > Thank you


    You could use the mentor tag and just announce in map that you need help at on the Apple. Although a Lemon tag would be a pretty neat addition.


  6. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > I'm no expert, but GW2's engine *seems* (from the user's perspetive) to be solid enough to just build GW3 with. Now, I'm not saying there aren't problems with skill lag in WvW, but the devs on the WvW stream have... more or less hinted that someone's friend's dog heard a guy down't pub say it could be possibly maybe something to do with badly programmed skills, but nobody is pointing any fingers at Jon "Six Signets" Peters, because it's definitely not his fault, probably.


    > How would you sell it as a new game if you don't present a new engine, though? You could just bang out the same maps etc. How is that a different game?


    > What do the players want from GW3 that GW2 doesn't have (aside from the obvious, i.e. a completely rewritten combat system)?


    GW2's engine is barely solid enough to keep GW2 running and the Devs are already pushing the limits of what this 15year tech can do. GW3 (if it ever becomes a thing) needs to be bigger, better, and prettier than GW2 or there is no point in spending any money on it. In order to carry the franchise into next gen it will need an engine that can utilize next gen hardware.

  7. At the rate this crap is flooding my inventory I'm just glad I have a way of getting rid of it. The fact that it uses karma is even better, not very many good uses for karma. Now I gearing up alts with trinkets is going to be so much quicker. Was also able to finish my legendary pretty quick and reasonable priced with the trophy boxes.


  8. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > > had Drakkar fail today, because the first raven's gate phase took ages, after the first breakbar took ages. The time lost there was never recovered.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There are two problems:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > a) people who think that pressing 1 is enough

    > > > > > b) people who think that cc is something they do not need to do.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > there is another general problem haunting the whole game:

    > > > > > idiots pushing mobs out of the melee group with knockback.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > but at least those people are not a problem during Drakkar.

    > > > > From the whole whooping 2 drakkars I've done (one prepatch and one after, both successfull) that looks to be the same reason as always - too many people scaling the mobs. It's the same thing as in every other event. 5 competent players with decent dps and CC will kill champions faster than 30 with mediocre dps that barely understand what CC is. And of course, everyone rushes the first gate.

    > > > My feeling though is that the mediocre or worse players are the vast majority of the player base. And there are things that ArenaNet could do to improve that situation but this isn't it.

    > >

    > > It's not just a feeling. The vast majority of players are of the extra casual sort who don't have proper builds and don't care to learn how to DPS or apply boons properly. Many are so oblivious to what is going on that they will stand and die in the middle of a big red pulsating circle and then ask what happened.

    > Well that makes it an interesting, because the game does cater a lot to casuals, except when it comes to character builds. Considering the content, I think the character builds including weapon choice, stat choice, spec choice, trait choice etc. it seems that it's rather unnecessarily complex compared to the simplicity of the actual combat and player base.


    > One of the things I never understood in this game for example is the huge impact of which weapons you choose. So for flavour purposes I may want to play a staff and scepter/focus on my necro but then it would mean that that will destroy my dps output, especially in combination with the spec choices. And a lot of it is micromanaging buffs/boons and durations in 1.x second durations and such. That just seems such a crazy approach for a game that is otherwise so casual oriented and then punishes people for caring about flavour and punishing other players by association in groups.


    > It just seems entirely superfluous just like many choices that aren't actually choices when it comes down to it. Like most stat sets should be ignored if you want to do decent DPS, so why do we even have them?


    > And you see, you can blame players for not wanting to learn "proper" builds and such but the game shouldn't be made to appeal to casual players and then make the character build system so convoluted that people get lost too easily or simply don't care about it cause they don't or because they make choices based on what they like. The difference in DPS output is also too large between such players and "pro" players. I can get that being a good player should result in a better output but the range is so big in this game and it caters to a minority of players so it's never gonna get better like this.


    If the options are there to either bring more DPS or Support and the player chooses not to use them then that is the player's fault. This is a multiplayer game, the way you play affects other people's experience and Drakkar is a fine example of that. Do you want to be a burden and have people carry you through or do you want to bring something worth while to the fight and have the satisfaction of pulling your own weight? If you want to bring something worthwhile to the group then you need a half decent build and half decent rotation. It doesn't have to be meta, you just need to make sure there is some synergy between you trait and weapons/utilities, armor that isn't all toughness/vitality, and know how to press something other than 1.

  9. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > had Drakkar fail today, because the first raven's gate phase took ages, after the first breakbar took ages. The time lost there was never recovered.

    > > >

    > > > There are two problems:

    > > >

    > > > a) people who think that pressing 1 is enough

    > > > b) people who think that cc is something they do not need to do.

    > > >

    > > > there is another general problem haunting the whole game:

    > > > idiots pushing mobs out of the melee group with knockback.

    > > >

    > > > but at least those people are not a problem during Drakkar.

    > > From the whole whooping 2 drakkars I've done (one prepatch and one after, both successfull) that looks to be the same reason as always - too many people scaling the mobs. It's the same thing as in every other event. 5 competent players with decent dps and CC will kill champions faster than 30 with mediocre dps that barely understand what CC is. And of course, everyone rushes the first gate.

    > My feeling though is that the mediocre or worse players are the vast majority of the player base. And there are things that ArenaNet could do to improve that situation but this isn't it.


    It's not just a feeling. The vast majority of players are of the extra casual sort who don't have proper builds and don't care to learn how to DPS or apply boons properly. Many are so oblivious to what is going on that they will stand and die in the middle of a big red pulsating circle and then ask what happened.

  10. > @"Leo.3428" said:

    > LOL. One mystery down. Regarding the smoothness, 20fps at a regular pace looks comfortable compared to a scattered 30fps. Also, even if the game doesn't send more frames, it might now have more time for other calculations such as movements, making the whole smoother - supposing that the game performs several updates in parallel as opposed to cramming everything into one pipeline.


    That makes sense. I toned back my settings to what I usually play and I do get a respectable FPS gain. An extra 5 to 10 on the low end and finally seeing the game use more than 50% of my CPU is a welcome sight.

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