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Posts posted by Bassdeff.1895

  1. > @"Fangoth.3164" said:

    > Yesterday i got a drakkar fight being top dps of a 50 player group with a bad 8k dps. Doing a proper rotation and having good buff could easily double that and still the boss got killed with 15min left on timer.

    > Health isn't an issue, wouldn't be surprised to see it killed in with 22 to 25min left on timer by good and well thought groups. Especially if they phase it at first burn and so do not get downtime waiting for him to relocate.


    I laugh when I look at arcdps during these events. Last night I was playing a Renegade Healing build and I was 5th or 6th DPS in a full 50 man squad. No wonder these nubs find him harder to beat, they can't even out DPS the healer. The entire fight is being carried by 5 or 6 people.

  2. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > No change can affect balance to the point where the game becomes permanently unplayable.


    > So your main argument is:

    > We should have 4 utility slots because I want to, balance can never be good or too broken so we shouldn't care for it?


    > Along those lines:

    > I disagree and think having 3 utility slots gives a healthy limitation on having to chose between everything available, thus creating more value per slot and giving more meaning per choice.


    Completely agree, 3 utility slots is just right in my opinion. What I would mind having though is more utilities to pick from especially on classes like Rev. If they aren't going to create new specializations having a couple new utilities to play with might just be what this game needs in order to bring a new diversity in playstyles.

  3. I would say it depends on what you want to get out of the game.


    I came back in september after a 3 year break, started a new account (gave the old one to my wife so she could raid more) bought the bundle which all the xpacs and it came with a auto lvl 80 boost. I kept it for my second toon as I wanted to experience the game as a new player. Leveling to 80 didn't take all that long but having played before I new some trick to make my play time more efficient.


    That being said, had I used my lvl80 boost right off the bat I could have just jumped into HoT and PoF to unlock the glider and mounts and start working on the masteries right away but I really wanted to experience the entire story in same order and fashion that a player who started in 2012 would have..



  4. If you really want to level up fast Join a guild that can offer xp boost and find a friend who is willing to run you through areas above your level (5 to 10 above) as long as you can do enough damage to tag mobs. Let your buddy take agro, tag what you can, let him kill. Do this running from way point to way point to unlock areas of the map and you will be level 80 in no time. I wouldn't bother waste time or mats crafting to level up, to much wasted mats which could be put to better use.


    EDIT: For got to say, if you get killstreak xp boosts save them for Orr. Event there have tons of trash mobs that give XP.

  5. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > > I am so done with these lopsided matchups. My server is stuck in T1 outnumbered on pretty much every map getting steamrolled during NA primetime because we have a strong OCX that just PVDs all night and caps everything. Looking for a new place to call home but I fear that the moment I spent hundreds of gold to transfer that Anert will give my new home some other stupid pairing and end up with the same problem.

    > > >

    > > > Ahh.. Yeah, BG is tough..

    > > >

    > > > Oh wait.. that’s right.. BG is in T4.

    > >

    > > BG is just a shadow of it's former self.


    > Nah man... BG has 24/7 coverage and has map queues on 3 maps all the time.


    > Don’t let BG fool you!!


    If that's the case what are they doing? RPing as a herd of yaks?

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > I am so done with these lopsided matchups. My server is stuck in T1 outnumbered on pretty much every map getting steamrolled during NA primetime because we have a strong OCX that just PVDs all night and caps everything. Looking for a new place to call home but I fear that the moment I spent hundreds of gold to transfer that Anert will give my new home some other stupid pairing and end up with the same problem.


    > Ahh.. Yeah, BG is tough..


    > Oh wait.. that’s right.. BG is in T4.


    BG is just a shadow of it's former self.

  7. > @"Blackhawk.3951" said:

    > Meh...don’t stay on a server because your afraid of the unexpected. Just weigh your options and if you can’t find any reason to stay on a server, then it might be time to leave. I eventually decided to stay on my server. I did it because I had lots of gaming buddies who I didn’t want to split up.


    The only reason I have to stay at the moment is I don't have the gold and I refuse to give Anet any money for server transfers. Not for a game mode they've all but abandoned.

  8. > @"KockyAttitude.2108" said:

    > So just coming back from a long break and the server I am on seems like it sucks for wvw in US EST(currently on SoS). Looking at WvWstats.com it seems Anvil Rock might be the most populated during my time frame - any comments on this or suggestions? I would like to find a server that has a pin running nightly in the early US EST time frame (4pm-8pm).


    I so understand how you feel and I'm about ready to dump SoS as well. I'm just worried that the moment I move to a new server that the WvW guild there decide they want to play somewhere else.

  9. I am so done with these lopsided matchups. My server is stuck in T1 outnumbered on pretty much every map getting steamrolled during NA primetime because we have a strong OCX that just PVDs all night and caps everything. Looking for a new place to call home but I fear that the moment I spent hundreds of gold to transfer that Anert will give my new home some other stupid pairing and end up with the same problem.

  10. I get the flip side of this when I'm placing buy orders. I want to buy a couple of stack of something at 66c but there is already a sell order for 15 at 66c. I then have to put an order for 15 at 66 copper before I can place my order for a couple stacks when all I should really have to do is place my buy order. If there are 15 available at that price they should automatically just get bought without having to make a separate transaction. It would be a great QoL thing for those of us that play the market.

  11. I will judge when it is over but if you just look at story content it is on track with every other season (6 episodes containing 5 instances each) and xpac, HoT was 4 act and 17 chapters, and PoF 3 acts 16 chapters. Map wise I I think it will be coming up short but I am fine with that. The addition of strikes, rumors of new fractals and a raid wing. Probably won't any elite specs and I'd rather they hold off on that until they get the current game balance under control. I believe that content wise it will be comparable to the xpacs but will it be the content that players were asking for?

  12. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > "Optimised" is meaningless by itself, since there are varying degrees of optimisation and diminishing returns on the things you can optimise.

    > > >

    > > > It is bizarre that the game still doesn't support DX11 or higher, but that has a fairly modest impact - the overhead required to run GW2 over the last 7 years hasn't increased much, while hardware has improved substantially.

    > > >

    > > > It's certainly not in a state where a properly maintained system with reasonable hardware can't run it without significant performance concerns, and hasn't been for years. So aside from some general upgrades for sanity's sake (like moving off DX9 finally) there's not a whole lot of point in going over the game with a fine-toothed comb to get the last few percent out of it.

    > >

    > > The problem isn't that the game runs bad, it does but that isn;'t the problem. GW2 ran "OK" on the PC I built in 2010. In 2018 I built a top notch gaming rig and do you know what kind of improvement I saw in GW2? Essentially none. Sure I gained a couple of frames here and there but the game refuses to use more that 50% of hardware capabilities. I still can't turn shadows up to max, or increase character limit past low and character details past lowestI. Even with those setting I still get 25FPS in some areas and 8 fps when AB meta ends. If I only played GW2 then the money I spend on my rig would have been a total waste. Luckily GW2 isn''t the only game I play.


    > Are you running it on an ultra-high resolution screen? I'm getting better than that on 1920x1200 with a system the same age (which I wouldn't call top notch, although I did go for a relatively high-end CPU, which is where GW2's bottleneck tends to be).

    > If I raise the character limit to high (I usually set it low with everything else max) and go to a world boss fight, I can get it down to 25FPS but otherwise it's running 90-120 most of the time.


    That is what I mean, sure my top end improved but I saw very little improvement on the bottom end which is what really matters. Getting 120fps doesn't mean a thing if you can't at least hold 60 or even 30 during the most demanding events. I run the game at 1080p cause I play off a big screen and it doesn't like non tv standard resolutions and 4k is to big a hit on FPS for what I get out of it.

    I was getting 25 fps in boss fights on my old rig which was running at near 100% capacity, now I'm still getting 25fps and both gpu and cpu are running 40% to 50% because the game doesn't know how to take advantage of multi-core cpus. Might not have been a big deal in 2012 but in 2020 where 8 core cpus are plenty and affordable it is a problem. Hence while people have been asking for a revamp of the game engine which will probably never happen.

  13. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

    > > Main problem with small audience in raids are not difficulty, but requirements from players. Currently it's more like "I have to show LI or KP to get into raids, but I have play raids to get LI and KP" which means: it's better if you already have something to show, otherwise we will say goodbye to you. When new raids comes — you have to show KPs from previous raid.

    > > It's not easy to get into raids if someone's doing them first time. Same with CM fractals (only Shattered Observatory). Specific and unique currency is taken as KP and we have to show them to join someone. I got info CMs because my guildmates took me for this adventure. I played with experienced 250KP+ players while having literally 0 of them. In normal conditions I couldn't join anyone. I think we have to get rid of unique, content-specific currencies and items.


    > I don't think the answer is taking away the ability of players to check for experience of PuG's, besides that usually they will always find a way, it just gets more and more contrived the more difficult it is made (such as resorting to AP).


    > The game simply needs more (difficult) group content to encourage people to get out of their comfort zone for a moment and to join Guild's such as yours, incentivising the forming of communities that will help each other out and get each other into different forms of content, all while having fun together............



    I've been thinking real hard about what could be done to grow the GW2 raiding community. The problem we have right now is that those who have the experience don't want to waste their time teaching new players how to raid. Newer players are hitting an entry barrier because of it and have to resort to paying or starting their own groups a suffer the learning curve on their own. We need a way to reward experienced raiders for taking the time out of their schedule to help less experienced players. That got me thinking of WvW commanders, they get extra pips for leading a map, something similar could be done with raids. What if the game tracked your kills,? After so many kills you can qualify and purchase a mentor status. Every squad member with mentor status would get a bonus rewards for every squad member under s certain kill threshold. Throw in a special back pack skin or something for help x mount of people get x mount of kills. That would encourage more experienced people to take on a few nubs in their party.

  14. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > You people wanted "harder content", and "longer goals". This is what that looks like.


    Longer goals and harder content are fine aspirations but locking shit behind mastery points isn't the way to do it. Unlocking masteries isn't fun or challenging, it's tedious. The only reward you get from completing them is the feeling of finally being rid of them. I for one am glad that these masteries only require a few points and a couple of hours to level up in Grothmar. There are plenty of long term goals to chase in this game, we don't need this to be one.

  15. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > > @"Blackhearted.1264" said:

    > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Because they don't want to hold the entire devlopment of the game for over a year? lol

    > > > > > Not sure what to tell you. Tweak your settings.

    > > > >

    > > > > Other MMOs have made improvements to their engines as well as adopted modern API's that make proper use of of modern hardware without having to halt any and all content development. I don't know why you think that would have to be any different here. Perhaps you're just making excuses since you seem to think that "tweaking your settings" is an acceptable solution to a **7.5 year old** game running with very sub-par performance on pretty much every machine out there.

    > > >

    > > > It's running fine in most situations, and has been for years. Unless the issue is that you can't display 50 players on your screen at full detail simultaneously (other games solve this problem by not attempting to do it - it always causes problems), there's something wrong with your hardware.

    > >

    > > Speak for yourself, the game isnt optimised. Hell, theres a thread in the front page advertising the dx12 addon with plenty of comments from ppl about the performance of gw2.


    > "Optimised" is meaningless by itself, since there are varying degrees of optimisation and diminishing returns on the things you can optimise.


    > It is bizarre that the game still doesn't support DX11 or higher, but that has a fairly modest impact - the overhead required to run GW2 over the last 7 years hasn't increased much, while hardware has improved substantially.


    > It's certainly not in a state where a properly maintained system with reasonable hardware can't run it without significant performance concerns, and hasn't been for years. So aside from some general upgrades for sanity's sake (like moving off DX9 finally) there's not a whole lot of point in going over the game with a fine-toothed comb to get the last few percent out of it.


    The problem isn't that the game runs bad, it does but that isn;'t the problem. GW2 ran "OK" on the PC I built in 2010. In 2018 I built a top notch gaming rig and do you know what kind of improvement I saw in GW2? Essentially none. Sure I gained a couple of frames here and there but the game refuses to use more that 50% of hardware capabilities. I still can't turn shadows up to max, or increase character limit past low and character details past lowestI. Even with those setting I still get 25FPS in some areas and 8 fps when AB meta ends. If I only played GW2 then the money I spend on my rig would have been a total waste. Luckily GW2 isn''t the only game I play.

  16. Just get the basic glider in HoT which only takes a few minutes. then jump into PoF to get the mounts. Mounts will make HoT such much more enjoyable cause you will be able to skip all the trash and get to the things you really want to do. I also recommend focusing on unlocking all the masteries the sooner you are done those the better. You will be able to keep leveling and collecting spirit shards which you will need a ton of if you want to craft a legendary and it is a great way to get cheap t6 mats by upgrading them in the mystic toilet.


    Don't worry about ascended gear, aside from agony resistance infusions the difference between those and exotic is only 5%. I recently completed soloed my way through both xpacs and all the seasons with only exotic gear. When you are ready for ascended gear I recommend this order trinklets>weapons>armor. Trinkets and weapons well get you enough infusion slots to to get you up to fractal level 50. By then you should have enough gold mats and relics to get your armor and with a bit of luck you will have dropped a piece or 2 along the way.

  17. Replayability to me is something I can do more than once and experience something different. With 9 races, 9 core specs. 18 elite specs, and tons of build variety there is no shortage of ways to experience content in this game. There is also difficulty, the harder the content is the more often I get to play it before I hit the skill ceiling and get bored. Farming shit for loot or achieves isn't my thing, if it is something pointlessly repetitive, like chasing a rare drop, it gets ignored by me.

  18. > @"Jables.4659" said:

    > > @"jasonorme.5014" said:

    > > I'd love to start raiding but It's too difficult for new raiders to join raids as groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because they want a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because... you see the problem?.


    > Watch an extensive guide for the raid wing you want to do. Determine which role you are going to fulfil in the meta by checking snowcrows or another resource freely available to you. Make a post for your own training group on the lfg, and preferably have a discord set up for the players to join. Get your team comp setup, help explain the mechanics to the other players, and give it a go. You will get kills eventually, but not with every group. After a while, you can start joining or making semi-experienced groups for these same bosses, and slowly work your way through. Its time consuming, I know, but it does work. Its the same thing but easier for fractal CMs since the party size is more manageable.


    The problem with that is that many of those guides use strategies that bypass a lot of mechanics and are only achievable if everyone on your team is on their game. Not really suitable for groups starting out. It's like learning how to run before learning how to walk. There are some basic mechanics that should be learned even though they can skipped because some other boss will have those same or similar mechanics and you won't be able to skip those.

  19. > @"Nero.3654" said:

    > Yes get rid of kp Li linking and give ingame DPS meter, simple one like (10.4) k numbers on portrait or something


    No need for in game DPS meter. we have Arcdps which not only shows you DPS but logs can recreate a full replay of the fight so you can see everyone's positioning at any given time, how many mechanics they missed, how many boons they applied etc. etc. You can also analyze your rotation, see which skills failed to cast properly. There again, if you don;t have someone showing you how it works, learning it on your own can be a little daunting.

  20. > @"jasonorme.5014" said:

    > > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > > > @"jasonorme.5014" said:

    > > > I'd love to start raiding but It's too difficult for new raiders to join raids as groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because they want a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because... you see the problem?.

    > >

    > > No, I don't see the problem. You can go ahead and acquire KP and LI like the rest of us did. Join groups that are learning or training new people, or make your own groups. But if active players haven't tried raiding in all these years, they just dont care about the game mode and they never will, the LI/KP excuse is just an excuse.


    > That's not the case at all, people want to raid but elitist gatekeepers push them away.

    > The stupid thing is, as Andrew has stated " raids attract a small audience", and that audience will never grow if more people aren't let in.

    > Raiding needs to become accessible for all, otherwise, Anet won't focus their development time working on raids and those elitist gatekeepers will have shot themselves in the foot.


    This, I know a lot of people who have skills, know the rotations, who can play their characters extremely well and would be fully capable of raiding. When I ask them why they don't the answer is "Because then I have to deal with raiders."

    That being said, not all raiding group are the same. Some of them do take time out of their schedule to help newer players learn and benefit from their experience but those groups are few and far between. If only these "elite" would realize that we all stand to gain if we help each other.

  21. If you wanted to make a gradual introduction to raids wouldn't have been simpler to just add an easy mod option which just reduces boss HP and damage output while keeping all the mechanics intact and reduce the rewards accordingly? People get to experience the content while learning the basics until they get comfortable enough to do it for real.


    Also, pleasing more experienced raiders could be as simple as making the rewards for CM worth repeating CM for. Many of people have resorted to buying their CM and getting blacklisted because finding anyone wanting to do them after they get their title is near impossible because it isn't worth their time.

  22. > @"ancafr.9274" said:

    > > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > > If you are impatient as me and not place buy order but buy all materials from the tp straight up, I calculated around 70-80g a piece of armor

    > > This is ofcourse not using any materials you have but just outright buying everything buyable through the tp insta buys.

    > >

    > > If you are in no rush, place buy orders for all the mats you need and you will be buying much cheaper.

    > >

    > > Also to note. If you are crafting you will also need ascended recipes for the correct item you need.

    > > A recipe is required for each piece of equip.

    > > Ascended recipe can only be bough through the laurel merchant and need 5 laurel + 3 gold per piece. So armors alone for just the recipe is going to cost you 30 laurel and 18gold


    > Yeah it seems I'll have to spend some gold, first to improve craft to 500 cuz I dont even do craft here, but it worth cuz I'll be able to wear the gears on any character xD. Time for some farming... But first I'll get the trinkets then weapon and last armor.


    Take your time, there is only like 5% difference between ascended and exotic. Level up your weapon and armor smith and start crafting the daily ascended mats.


    Trinkets are easy enough to get, with laurels, guild commendations. For the back pack I found Sirens Landing to be quickest providing you have Season 3. The easiest amulet to get is from the guy in the hut after completing "The Hunger" achievement in Bjora marches. That should be enough to get you started in Fractals

    Take a look at you achievements, some of them give ascended pieces.


    If you can, join a raid group. Raiding is the cheapest way to get ascended armor because raid currency has no other real use.

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