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Posts posted by Bassdeff.1895

  1. Personally I never understood what the big deal is about having more than one character with the same name and why they chose to block it in game. How many John Smiths are out there. Our GW2 ID is what is important. There were a lot of original names that people beat me to like Chive Owen and Donald Trunk, Charr Lemagne. That being said, I don't want them to pull resources off other projects for something like this.

  2. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > working as intended.


    > You and I both know that warrior kill shot/ sniper warrior is broken because it isn't a new problem. Anet had dealt with it before and will nerf it again..



    The problem is not kill shot as such but all the stacking damage multipliers than can be piled on in WvW. That's what they need to look at.

  3. The only thing inherently bad about them is that they cast at your feet. If they had a 400 range to them or something I would probably use it for something other than PvE.

  4. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > Kalla Will be useless most of the Time in wvw, ur only Group heal is ticking Kalla heal spirit which Will die easilly/ u move out of it. Im not even mentioning SS for the same reason.

    > Swap Kalla for ventari if u want to do any healing. So now u wont make any prot and u dont want to use ur f4, as alac is not that usefull in pvp as in pve and chill is rly bad for ur team. I would just swap renegade at this point, as u dont put to much boons now.

    > Make leg armor, its usefull on rev. Squishy healer in wvw is kinda useless imo, but mby im just bad


    Yeah, I've kind of given up on Renegade for anything other than roaming or havoc. I now use Herald for running with my fellow zerglings. I also dumped the hammer, I thought having a range option would be good but I have been a lot more effective with a staff/sword and board. Hammer is just too effin slow for me.


    I've kind of settled on this until I get legendary armor.




    Thanks for the input everyone. I got a viable versatile build using most of my existing armor gear. Still a little sad I couldn't really make Renegade work for the large scale fights even though it rocks in in Havoc squads.



  5. I don't know why people call this a grind, it's super easy to get. It took me about 5 or 6 hours. The grind starts after you get it if you want to level up all the mastery for it.


    I do like the rental idea. I think the warclaw, should have been a rental only option for WvW. You could still personallize it, and get masteries for it but the only way to mount it would be to talk to an NPC in towers, keeps, camps.

  6. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > @"Bassdeff.1895" imo would try alacrity renegade and deamon, u can give nice resistance to your allies and pull conditions from them.


    > Rev is a great and fun class, every legend provides several valid ways to play :) contrary to most classes.


    I'm just not sure that would mesh well my current gear which is the challenge i put forth to myself, create a viable build using my raiding armor but I know what you mean. Contrary to what a lot of people believe there is a lot of potential build variety with the Revenant. I don't mind changing the trinkets (they are quite easy to get) and weapons cause I already have some spare ascended that I can stick in t forge to change the stats on but I don't want to waste resources crafting another set of ascended armor cause I'm working on a legendary and still currently use this one for raiding. I also find it difficult to drop Jalis cause vengeful hammers is so nice for tagging down players for sweet sweet loot.


    The other part of the challenge is to avoid using Herald cause quite frankly, I find Herald lame to play and there is a shortage of Renegade builds in WvW. I'll try mixing in some Diviner and bring my crit chance to 20+% and give myself more access to fury, that will increase my DPS quite a bit and grant me a little extra vigor. I' I'll trade in Salvation, I'll put more focus on damage and less on healing. I'll either pick Devastation for assassins presence for group DPS boost, and maybe brutality (looks useful for WvW) or pick up Retribution and trait for more retaliation, not sure yet. I'll have to play around. I should still have enough healing power for some respectable group heals from staff and bastion and have a half decent Ventari if the need ever arose..

  7. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:


    > Problem is we live in a min/Max society, and well not having this stuff on non Herald Ventari screws us all and contribute to one of the many reasons Firebrand and Scapper are superior to Revenant healers. WvW is a dynamic gameplay environment. Nothing is every stationary for long besides structures. Tablet has delays all over it. Tablet has more delays than traffic in Baltimore.


    > We can't have the high energy, delay heavy tablet with small radius in WvW. Especially when Commanders are always on the move


    This is the reason why I only turn on Ventari if I am expecting to fight in narrow or confined spaces like lord rooms, keeps and keep walls, pangloss, etc. Trying to effectively position the tablet correctly in open field is near impossible unless you are very in tune with you commander and know exactly where he will be going next. With the 3 sec CD on positioning, travel speed and delays on some heal activations You have to be 2 steps ahead of your tag in order to have the tablet be where it needs to be when fighting in wide open spaces.

  8. You guys have really given me a lot to think about. Looks I will have to rethink my role in the group if I am looking into making a viable WvW build using my existing armor and runes.


    Some things I have noticed is the healing orb on dodge is complete junk. It seems to spawn in random locations so I can't control its placement and because the radius is so small the healing and vigor it provides are very unreliable. So that is going to get dumped for sure.


    I will probably have to forgo Renegade and pick Herald which makes me sad cause I really enjoy the active gameplay it provides but after some testing Glint offers a more consistant boon apllication to the group than Kalla. I'll have to play around with my trinkets to add more toughness if I want to go frontline without the perma-protection I got from Kalla.


    I will probably end up running glint/jalis and glint/ventari depending on the type of engagment and how much stab is being supplied by the group. That's the thing when you are pugging, you have to constantly adapt to what is in the squad.

  9. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > People die to conditions? Is 2020 trailblazer meta?


    > Yes because there is so much skill lag in the game you can't cleanse any condition off so you end up dying :D


    This I agreee with, I don't know how many times I've died trying to fire off a skill that just won't fire.



    Thanks for the input. The idea was to trade off some of armor for perma protection which is also shared with the group. I see your point about the Healing though but it wasn't the primary focus of the build, the main focus was sharing sharing the near perma Alacrity and protection along with some decent stability. The healing is just a by-product of the gear I currently have. I'll play around with trinkets and see if I can come up with.


    Ventari is a very good at healing but managing the stupid tablet effectively in open field fights is damn near impossible. The tablet is just too slow to keep up with the group. Unless were are fighting in a choke point like pangloss tunnel or a keep wall ventari is very lack luster. Which is why I opted not to use it most of the time, although the thing I love above Rev is that I quickly swap out stances when out of combat.


  11. Good day fellow Revenants, I would like to get some of opinions on the build I'm working on for WvW. The idea was to create a Renegade front line support build/healer using the most amount of equipment from my raid set as possible cause I am cheap and don't want to deal with multiple sets of gear. It's still a work in progress but this is what I came up with. So far has been working pretty well for me, tons of protection, vigor, a respectable amount of healing, and lots of Alacrity, Fury, and a decent amount of retaliation and stability. I`m really liking the gameplay but I sure there is something that could be improved.



  12. I don't know how to fix WvW. I think the a lot of the issues we see are there because of the core design of the game, NA and EU servers not being able to match up with and against each other. I don't think it is possible to fix this but if it could it would eliminate a lot of the time zone imbalance and you could have decent action on the battlefield around the clock.


    Add WXP vials to either final track rewards or pip chests. It would have support players feel rewarded for their scouting, trebbing, dolyak escorting, and just general defense. It's painstakingly long to build up WXP without running with the zerglings or having a zergling build that can tag a lot of dots.

  13. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Artits.2795" said:

    > > The paywall has been the biggest complaint about this new system for a while now (in this forum and especially outside of it) and that one point of criticism (the main point of criticism really) is conveniently ignored every single time. Color me surprised, just like every other time they've paywalled QoL features.

    > >

    > > Mark my words, Taco is gonna be next. "Contract Black Lion Company scouts to map out and mark helpful routes, guides and icons on your map. For the low, low price of 500 gems per map".


    > Per character, of course.


    Don't give them any ideas.

  14. It was an admirable attempt at large scale PvP but WvW was an abomination at launch, it was a dying abomination when I quit the game 3 years ago. Just recently got back in the game and WvW is an abomination on life support but with better rewards. I was a failure because they didn't put the resources to do it right and it is not going to get any better. Personanlly, I think the idea should have never made it past the drafting table. It was and is resources that could be put into sPvP and PvE instead of a halfassed attempt at large scale pvp. Think of all the content that could have been made for PvE and sPvP if all that time and money wasn't spent on a failure.

  15. I think mounts are perfect the way they are now. Allowing to mount in combat would lead to abuse. Yes sometimes I find myself struggling to get out of combat, in those times it's quicker to kill. Personally, mounts have made my game much more enjoyable for me and I find myself enjoying areas of the game which I previously despised (looking at you TD). Now I can skip all the trash and move directly to the event I want to do. It's working fine, please leave it alone.

  16. > @"otto.5684" said:


    > PvE heavy classes survivability as dps:

    > Rev

    > Guardian

    > Warrior


    > OW having 1-1.5K extra HP is useful. Litany of Wraith is not only full heal, it is near 6 sec of invulnerability. And with Precision Blade and SoJ you can annihilate most mobs before they even have a chance to do anything.


    > The big mistake I see most people make as DH in open world is use raid utilities and runes. Do not. Major loss of dps and probably sustain. I use Fire Work runes, LoW, Save Yourselves, PB, SoJ and Feel My Wraith. Food with concentration. You will get good offensive and defensive boons for a pretty good duration, with 100% retaliation and fury.


    > Start with sword symbol. Instant blind. Follow with Spear, which is another blind. This should shut down most of the damage from 1 mob.



    There is nothing bad about running raid gear and runes. However, due to the varying nature of PvE open world content, utilities and trais should remain flexible. I run Snowcrows' Power DH raid build in open world all the time, partly because I'm to cheap and lazy to make another set of gear for open world and story, but mainly because I am a junky for big DPS bursts and believe that the faster I kill stuff the less likely that I'll need any heals or cleanses. Very seldom do I run into dificulties but being a raid build the relies on others for healing and condi cleanse, stability, it sometimes becomes an issue. When that happens I'll just swap out a trap for some cleanses or stability or if I'm in an area with lots of trash mobs I'll swap the big game hunter trait for hunter's fortification. If I'm really having a hard time I'll drop Zeal and go Honor for extra healing.


    I always bring a bow and swap out sceptor when I need to. My go to heal is also Litany of Wrath, best heal in the game IMHO. Also the bigger the DPS, the more it heals. Pop your heal, drop a trap, spirit sword, symbol and spin to win on you GS will usually bring you to full health and kill anything that was hurting you at the same time. It's ridiculously powerful.


  17. The thing is you don't need to run meta. Our guild runs raids with all classes and squad composition changes all the time depending on who is online. The main thing is knowing your classes and running a proper raid build (which doesn't have to be meta either). We'd rather have a less than optimal composition made of people that play their class well than forcing people to play a class they aren't proficient at to fit into some meta. Players who are more comfortable with their build are less likely to get hit by mechanics that can wipe the group.

  18. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > You are playing your class wrong.


    > As a roaming guardian you should pick at least 2 mobility skills. You have plenty of them. A typical dragonhunter roaming build has 3 leaps/teleports to wreck any roaming necro.


    > Some of your mobility skills require a target so learn to select ambient creatures to change your position.


    > He pops shroud -> you disengage -> he leaves shroud -> you cast some block (focus, DH block...) and go all in ... at this point 9 out of 10 reapers are already beaten. Repeat this strategy if he can manage to pop shroud a second time.


    > Your sustain is the opposite of "little". You have tons of blocks, some of the best heals in the game and an invulnerability that on top resets one of your blocks and your mobility skills.


    > Get a set of marauder gear for roaming!


    > If you are hit by grave digger you are either way to slow and need to improve your reaction times or you are facing one of the very few roaming reapers that are capable of setting up a deadly GS5, skill cancel, GS2 combo to destroy you. If you duelled such a player then you totally deserve the loss as you are a beginner that does not fully understand his own class up to now. But there is always room to improve! Good luck!


    > One last hint: when you duell a reaper and you hear him shout "nothing can save you" then use a mobility skill to get some distance as all his attacks are unblockable for the next 5 seconds. Also take a look at the game wiki for the unblockable symbol to become aware of it as this symbol in the buff bar of your target is your biggest counter on guardian. So many guardians do whisp me for cheating just because they never heard of unblockables. Don't become one of these noobs!


    Thanks for the tips and I promise I won't become one of those noobs. I have a mindset that if I get my ass handed to me it is because I need to gitgud, even it I happens to be facing a hard counter or outnumbered.

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