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Posts posted by Bassdeff.1895

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Converting spirit shards to gold yields way more gold per hour than anywhere else in the game with the exception of TP trading. Doing mystic forges doesn’t really take all that much time.

    > > >

    > > > The above is me referring to upgrading materials to the next tier.

    > >

    > > The part that takes time is researching which recipes are worth while crafting with the materials you have. Throwing things into the forge takes a minute, figuring out what you will be throwing into the forger can take hours. Especially if you aren't familiar with all the recipes.


    > None of the in-game farms yield direct gold. All of those involve time to convert your drops into gold.


    > GW2Efficiency lists what’s currently the best items to make with shards so the time involved is like 30 seconds for a quick google search for the site and to scroll down for the MF recipe.


    I tried it, it goes like this. Look at first recipe, I'm missing this component but either can't afford it or it can't be bought look at next recipe. Got most of what it takes but I'm missing this component and I either can't afford it or it can't be bought, loo at next recipe. I have everything for this one but if I craft it I won't have enough to pay the transaction fees on TP, I'll have to wait, look at next recipe. Lather, rinse, repeat. Maybe if you have been farming mats and gold for years it isn't an issue but for newer players it is so simple.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Converting spirit shards to gold yields way more gold per hour than anywhere else in the game with the exception of TP trading. Doing mystic forges doesn’t really take all that much time.


    > The above is me referring to upgrading materials to the next tier.


    The part that takes time is researching which recipes are worth while crafting with the materials you have. Throwing things into the forge takes a minute, figuring out what you will be throwing into the forger can take hours. Especially if you aren't familiar with all the recipes.

  3. I somewhat agree with OP, the way stealth is implemented in GW2 makes for toxic gameplay. The power creep has only made it worse. The thing is that to change stealth they will need to rebuild every class that relies on it heavily from the ground up. I doubt it will ever happen. We'll see what the next balance patch brings in terms of toning down overall damage in competitive modes. I hope they look into how to fix the build template abuse in WvW. Build for perma stealth weak dps, sneak up on target, click click to change to a high DPS burst build, 1 shot from stealth, get OoC and click click back into perma stealth. I'm suing the perma stealth example here but every class is abusing templates at the moment.

  4. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > You have that backwards. The reason spirit shards retain such a high value is exactly BECAUSE it is so tedious to convert them. If it was as simple as 1 mouse click, everyone would do it. That does not change the fact though that spirit shards can be converted into a certain value. Lazyness or unwillingness to make use of a resource does not reduce that resources value (similar with gifts of exploration or obsidian shards), it merely devalues the resource to you personally.


    > It's not backwards at all. That value is illusory - you have no practical way of realizing it. It's not possible. The value you see on GW2E is an inaccurate calculation not related at all to the spirit shard component of those items, but only to the fact that it is the "bucket" available for placing the premium in those items that require huge amounts of time (in the form of account-bound non-currency components that don't get assigned value in such calculations).


    > Example: I want to make the legendary MacGuffin. It requires the following four components:


    > 250 Widgets - tradeable on the TP for 10 gold each

    > 250 Dohickeys - tradeable on the TP for 5 gold each

    > 1 Gift of Whatzit - account bound, requires grinding 250 of an untradeable new drop that can be accumulated at the rate of 1 per day by doing a very tedious meta that most people don't run

    > 1 Spirit Shard


    > Let's say you can sell the final product on the TP for 5000 gold. After TP fees, that's 4250, a premium of 1000 gold over the calculated component costs. A site that is trying to calculate the gold value of an alternative currency doesn't have a way to quantify the Gift of Whatzit. It's not even trying to make that calculation. It assumes that ALL the profit of such an item is due to the component it is trying to analyze - the currency Spirit Shard. When in fact almost NONE of the true value is derived from the shard. So it will state that Spirit Shards have a value of 1000g when they really, really don't.


    > It has NOTHING to do with "laziness or unwillingness" to do anything. It isn't possible to realize those high valuations because THEY AREN'T REAL.


    One way to do it would be to factor in time and attribute a cost to it. How much time did it take to get that spirit shard or gift of whatzit? How much gold could you normally make in that time?

  5. I left after HoT because I didn't like the direction the game was taking. Too much grind, tedium and that aweful TD abomination. It wasn't really the difficulty, if you played smart and didn't just dive into a pile of bad guys you could get anywhere you wanted but that was part the issue. Spending 10-20 minutes fighting past trash mobs to get to the event or activity you wanted to do was not fun. You couldn't just run past the crap to get to the good stuff. Then there was the mastery grind, I'm not even going to start expressing how I feel about those, god am I ever glad the did a 180 on that. I understand why it got so much hate, while some (even many) loved HoT the ones that didn't really really hated it. It was a very polarizing expansion, you either loved it or despised it, there wasn't a lot of in between.


    3 months ago I came back to the game on a new account and played it as a new player would without the lvl80 boost and I have to say that the game is in much better state then it was at launch. Leveling a toon is rewarding, you always get decent gear you can use and for the most part the game does a good job of explaining what to do next. I also play the story and expansions in the order the came out. I rushed through HoT, my feelings hadn't change about it. I got to PoF, and I loved it, mob density/difficulty was just right for my taste and mounts were the best thing that could have happened to the game. Mounts are the reason I now enjoy HoT, I can now skip the crap to get to the stuff I want to do. I'm actually enjoying more that PoF because of it. I hope they keep that in mind with future content.


    The game is also much more rewarding now, I had no issues what so ever dropping all the mats I needed to level my crafting and making my first set of ascended without a ton of grinding. Gold is easier to come by without having to play the TP. For the first time since launch I find myself wanting to craft a legendary armor because I get rewarded enough that it seems feasibly to make one in a reasonable amount of time without having to mindlessly grind or farm certain areas of the game.


    The question I have now is, does Anet have the resources it need to keep GW2 alive and thriving for the next 5 years? Do they have what it takes to revamp the game engine (either for gw2 or gw3)? cause they will need to do so for the future of the franchise. There has been a lot of changes within the company, change can be good but it also creates a lot of uncertainty,

  6. > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > >................

    > > >

    > > > There's also a more specific (and more easily avoided) problem, which is that some people (as they probably will with any build) will use all their skills whenever they come off cool-down, which means every 15 seconds they're using Point Blank Shot or Counterattack (skill 4) to send the enemy flying backwards. That's _really_ annoying for everyone else, especially those using melee weapons or area-of-effect (AoE) skills because it effectively stops their attacks from working.

    > > >

    > >

    > >

    > > This!!!, so much this!! Too many nublets running these easy mode builds spamming their knock backs.

    > >

    > >


    > I used to do this. especially when i was new to the game. I couldn't understand the concept of not using a skill/waiting to use a skill to get more overall dps.


    Rangers aren't the only class. Every class has some problematic skills. There is nothing more frustrating what you pulled 5 mobs into a nice little dps bundle just to have someone just fear, or blast them all apart. It's just easier to spot the ranger with the obvious pew pew pew.

  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:



    > There's also a more specific (and more easily avoided) problem, which is that some people (as they probably will with any build) will use all their skills whenever they come off cool-down, which means every 15 seconds they're using Point Blank Shot or Counterattack (skill 4) to send the enemy flying backwards. That's _really_ annoying for everyone else, especially those using melee weapons or area-of-effect (AoE) skills because it effectively stops their attacks from working.




    This!!!, so much this!! Too many nublets running these easy mode builds spamming their knock backs.



  8. There were pricks being pricks about gear and dps at launch, there are pricks being pricks about gear and dps now, and in a few years there will still be pricks being pricks about dps. Nothing will change as long as the "time/effort" vs "rewards" ratio favors high DPS.


    I used to be anti dps meter until l started using one. It has made me a better player and I recommended everyone to start using one even if you aren't serious about "gittin gud". Seeing for yourself that your are the one holding the group back is a great motivation to improve your game. That being said, it is also important to know the mechanics, because if your high DPS gets shut down because you don't know how to dodge then you are now the one holding the group back. If you are going to be demanding DPS checks then you should have at least mastered all the fight mechanics.

  9. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"intox.6347" said:

    > > If i run one of my DE permastealth (one is condi dire tank and one zerk ) ** i cant be killed if i try hard**.... once i get bored and start being lazy ... its chance to catch me.

    > > Why doing it ? Keep being attacked, no wp. Chance to portal in more ppl for takeover. Or just just keep ppl busy (sometimes more than 15 try to hunt...)

    > > Sometimes ppl just get bored trying to hunt... and if we are 2-3 in... we can take it.. (fast template change helps alot )

    > >

    > > From whole experience with thief for long time... it get easier and easier to permastealth ... also templates helps a lot that i have 4 different eq and 5 builds to switch on run... hope they will look on it... but dont think so.


    > A lot of that comes down to most people just not caring anymore and too many people don't take cc's or any kind of stops. The window for prime time action is shorter and some clown can bunny hop around your keep to try to lure people into a chase but no one wants to burn through whatever time they get anymore.


    ^^This. Got better things to do that chase some little shit thief around the castle or keep. The time I waste trying to dispose of him is time where I'm not earning any xp, badges, or loot bags, or fun. I'll go fight people that actually want to fight and are not going to run and hide every other second.

  10. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > > So what if they fix the trap exploit? 'cause that's what it was. DH is still one of the top DPS in the game. How this change will affect PvP remains to be seen but in PvE this is a non-issue.

    > >

    > > You can't swap skills once the match starts in sPvP so it doesn't apply there. In WvW this 'might' help you, but honestly, it wouldn't make much if any difference and is more hassle than it's worth.


    > But its not a hassle. I talked about this needing to be fixed when HoT was released, and this was back when traps had a stun. However, with templates now (which I also warned about), push one button to load DH template with all traps, lay them, push one more button and you are now core burst, or FB, all the other person sees is a FB, which are hard enough to down and they go into the fight to all of a sudden be hit by 5 traps. This can also be done in reverse, load FB profile, prebuff, load core/DH just before going into combat. This also effects more than guard, perm stealth thief that can also be full DPS, load cheese stealth build, stack stealth, move in for the kill, push one button to load DPS build and attack. I fought a power mesmer the other day who was losing, he stealthed and ported OOC, swapped to a tanky condi build and ran back in a second or two later, he still lost, but it caught me off guard and I was not running much condi clear at the time, so the fight went from easy enough to pretty hard.


    I had never though of using the build template that way. Things like this is why we can't have nice things. Always some prick who will use it in an unintended way to their advantage. Change builds should remove all buffs stealth.

  11. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > @"Shacka Hacka.7068" said:

    > > It shouldn't effect PvP as you can't change your skills, But after 5 years it isn't a exploit to players who are using it, taking it away is a nerf. Dragonhunter has always been nerfed and never buffed, If you've played it since HoT you'd know what I mean.....It's a class that's slowly falling behind, it needs buffs not more nerfs.


    > Exploiting isnt exploiting after 5 years? So if youve been cheating for a longer time its no longer cheating? What.


    > I dont even know where you would want to exploit traps like this that it isnt overly tedious and takes alot longer than fighting normally without one extra trap.




    You do it in Raids and saome high level fractals. Place all your traps before the fight starts, swap whatever traps you don't normally use for useful skills. Start the fight lure the boss in, start your rotation, fopr ridiculous burst damage. Anet never paid any attention to it until someone figured out that you could take your firebrands ans well, have them switch to DH and place traps before the fight started and switch back into Firebrand for the fight. Definitely something that needed fixing.

  12. > @"Shacka Hacka.7068" said:

    > It shouldn't effect PvP as you can't change your skills, But after 5 years it isn't a exploit to players who are using it, taking it away is a nerf. Dragonhunter has always been nerfed and never buffed, If you've played it since HoT you'd know what I mean.....It's a class that's slowly falling behind, it needs buffs not more nerfs.


    Just because some people are exploiting it doesn't make it a feature. It was never the intended use. DH is my main. It was a top DPS highly sot after class in the HoT days and it is a top DPS highly sot after class now. It wasn't buffed because it didn't need buffing, but it sure as hell needed toning down.

  13. If only ranger was vulnerable when you got to close range. Right now rangers a pew pew big damage from 1500 range safe mode. You got to blow a bunch of skills to make into combat radius just to have him disappear or turn invulnerable or use their insane mobility to get back into 1500 pew pew safe mode. That is why everyone hates pew pew rangers, it's too powerful for such a low skill.

  14. I am fine with stealth in this game for the most part. Yes they are annoying to fight against and yes I sometimes wish they had cancer but the stealth mechanic isn't the problem. The problem is a surprise attacks from stealth that hit for 15k. In WvW you basically start every fight against a thief with less than 30% health and their mobility makes it nearly possible to regain control of the fight.

  15. > @"omarxz.5837" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > So, no constructive criticism? Only complaining?

    > >

    > > You don't have to purchase anything from the gem store to play the game. Or, you could play the game and convert gold to gems to buy things from the gem store.

    > >

    > > I don't understand the point of the thread.


    > my issue is not understanding why buy expansion while you put most of your visual progression behind cash-shop otherwise just make the game f2p same how blade and soul do the same thing but its 100% free and there is alot of legit and cool costumes from ingame content in blade and soul and not just cashshop , but compare to guild wars 2 armor of game ingame armor i mean is so bad looking and bad effort put into it compare to cash-shop one


    > "You don't have to purchase anything from the gem store to play the game" did i mention p2w or something ?? no so i don't understand??


    You buy the expansions for the new maps, specializations, story content, achievements and abilities.

  16. > @"ancafr.9274" said:

    > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

    > > Berzerker Power or Berzerker Condi? What weapons and traits are you using?


    > power zerker, the weap and trait i keep changing cuz i'm still testing but currently i liked the mace/axe and rifle or 2hand sword and rifle. I'll use streng when i back to my warrior now i'm working on ranger.


    In that case I would just go with scholar runes. That way if you ever plan to take that toon raiding or do high level fractals in an organized group you won't need to change them. If you never plan on doing that then there are some cheaper runes that will work just as well like runes of the strength and eagle. Runes of the Ogre are also pretty good.

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