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Posts posted by Choppy.4183

  1. I dropped Might Makes Right for Berserker's Power after the change to see how I liked it. I think I prefer BP to the current state of MMR, but I have to admit that I haven't used the post-nerf MMR yet. That said, I'm not salty about it at all... I'm happy to just have a few viable build options.

  2. > @"Mal.1670" said:

    > The unfo> @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > If you enjoyed the fight, was it not rewarding?

    > >

    > > If you want loot, add some damage so duels don't last all night


    > Pretty much this, solo roaming is more for fun than participation rewards compared to running with a zerg. Unfortunately most solutions could be exploited in some way without a fundamental redesign of the participation system, and _that_would require a lot of development time they probably want to spend somewhere else.


    And yet, it's still really easy to maintain max participation as a solo roamer. The advantage you get running with a zerg is killing/flipping more stuff, and the drops, etc. that comes with that. Participation is no higher though.


    As a committed solo roamer, I personally don't see any need to expand the range of activities that grant participation. It's already easy enough.

  3. > @"Colly.4073" said:

    > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > @"Colly.4073" said:

    > > > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > > > Warrior doesn't really require much skill to begin with ...

    > > >

    > > > This.

    > > >

    > > > Op class and builds carried by bad balance! No class should be able to facetank 4/5 people while still hitting like a truck.

    > >

    > > Don't worry, with a little practice you too can learn how to defeat more than just skritt.


    > And your probably running the same op build. or your a Vaanss fanboy.


    Nope, I run core and don't even use the strongest weapons. Wanna run some duels to see how you do? Or, if you'd rather, you can run warrior since you think it's so OP, and I'll run something else.

  4. > @"Colly.4073" said:

    > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > Warrior doesn't really require much skill to begin with ...


    > This.


    > Op class and builds carried by bad balance! No class should be able to facetank 4/5 people while still hitting like a truck.


    Don't worry, with a little practice you too can learn how to defeat more than just skritt.

  5. > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > Condi soulbeast is kinda weak, your better off either going power or Condi druid with trail and apocothary stats. The problem with Condi ranger is you loose range, CC, stunbreaks and defense in order to do do dps. Condi druid at least gives you cleanse, roots, and defensive skills and is super trolly.


    I've seen a lot more of them around since the condi change though. No idea why.

  6. > @"Ghost.7032" said:

    > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

    > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

    > > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

    > > > > > I would be happy to learn from you then.

    > > > >

    > > > > The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...

    > > >

    > > > excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.

    > >

    > > You're talking about 15 v 60? And you're wondering why you're getting farmed? Come on. 15 v 60 is doable if they're REALLY bad with no co-ordination. If both groups have good players and decent co-ordination? Then numbers win. They outnumbered you by four times as much. The best you can hope to do is keep doing fake pushes to bubble bait, or if they're playing too aggressive, bait them to a choke and don't go open field. If you do need to go open field, then you need to cloud them.


    > Ok I'll repeat myself again. We won 15+ vs60+ many times lately. Even against guild groups. But now they are using 12+ spellbreakers if they see they can't win. Getting farmed? We want to fight outnumbert so we know the risks. But we can't anymore cause people find now it fun with spellbreakers to wipe organise groups to remove boons in each half second. And bait them into choke piont? If they bubble you on front, then you'll see the next 2 other bubbles at your back and side where you want to retreat. As I said many times, No piont to fight when they run 12+ spellbreakers. As I am asking you while you haven't answerd my question. Will you be able the do it? Yes or no?


    I don't think you're going to get a lot of sympathy when you're effectively whining that your entire group isn't able to 1v4 anymore. I mean, you can you imagine the mockery that would follow a roamer calling for a nerf to a skill because it was preventing them from regularly winning 1v4s like they'd gotten used to?


    Do you think maybe, just maybe, that the comp you were running is one of the things that Anet _wanted_ Winds to counter?

  7. In principle, I believe it can. But remember that Full Counter gives one stack of stability. So you'd either need two unblockable cc's (like fear) or you'll need to use an unblockable corrupt to convert that stab to a fear. Otherwise your one fear will get checked by his stability with no other effect.


    Then again, I don't know if that would cancel the Full Counter or just send him running with a bubble around him.

  8. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"PH Law.4063" said:

    > > So am I the only one that notices that gamebreakers r the only class that can facetank a zerg and run away unscathed...? Pretty sure they can build full zerkers and be just as tanky....


    > Its because of the double Endure Pain that encourages people to go into full idiot mode.


    Yeah, about that... you do know that the warrior stability and resistance stances were recently nerfed, right? Endure Pain isn't going to do much for a warrior loaded down with condis and stuck in chain cc.


    If a warrior is face tanking your zerg and your zerg isn't choosing to let that happen, you're keeping super scrubby company.

  9. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > > o look people are loosing their insta win buttons and start the crying already. How typical

    > >

    > > Instant win? Do you even know what you're talking about? Conditions have clear, abundant and easily accessible counters, even under stunned conditions. Power does not. Really, please educate yourself before spouting such pretentious nonsense.


    > Interesting that you say power does not. One of my classes is a soulbeast that runs at the lowest with: 2.7k power, 75%+ crit chance, 225% crit damage... engaging a skill I can put the crit chance over 100% after stacks and put out a huge amount of damage. ok so you say.. yep that's what I'm talking about. But then I come across a warrior/spellbreaker.. I hit the skills and engage and watch as he takes almost zero damage, switch weapons and reset power etc to a degree and power him again and see his bar move a little bit. I've taken down guards in seconds, I've had thiefs sneak up behind me, and if they're not real good, watched them die fast... but warriors? These days it's like they have some sort of perma invulnerability... at least for the folks that really know how to play them.


    > Maybe it's what you're saying in that the counters aren't easily accessible? I'm not sure... but I know that regardless of my soulbeast, and my DH (which kills even faster), that I have serious problems against the new warrior meta. ;)




    The build that you're playing is actually a reasonably good counter to power warriors, spellbreakers included.


    Trait Unstoppable Union and merge with your pet when you see him use his shield. Otherwise, use your stealth and mobility to keep him at range as much as you can, and watch his defenses struggle to keep pace with your offenses. Use your PBS to force out his stun breaks as much as possible.


    Druid probably has more tools to get the job done, but Soulbeast has enough.


    The defenses the Spellbreaker has against you are Endure Pain and Defy Pain. It's basically your Signet of Stone. Then there's Shield Stance, when he can't attack you and you can defeat anyway as per above. Finally, Full Counter, which will block one hit per 12s, and being ranged with a pet, you're well equipped to never eat the damage from it.


    Frankly, once you get it and understand how not to fight warriors, they'll be your play things unless *you choose* to fight them on their terms.

  10. > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > > > > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > > > > > o look people are loosing their insta win buttons and start the crying already. How typical

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Instant win? Do you even know what you're talking about? Conditions have clear, abundant and easily accessible counters, even under stunned conditions. Power does not. Really, please educate yourself before spouting such pretentious nonsense.

    > > > >

    > > > > Interesting that you say power does not. One of my classes is a soulbeast that runs at the lowest with: 2.7k power, 75%+ crit chance, 225% crit damage... engaging a skill I can put the crit chance over 100% after stacks and put out a huge amount of damage. ok so you say.. yep that's what I'm talking about. But then I come across a warrior/spellbreaker.. I hit the skills and engage and watch as he takes almost zero damage, switch weapons and reset power etc to a degree and power him again and see his bar move a little bit. I've taken down guards in seconds, I've had thiefs sneak up behind me, and if they're not real good, watched them die fast... but warriors? These days it's like they have some sort of perma invulnerability... at least for the folks that really know how to play them.

    > > > >

    > > > > Maybe it's what you're saying in that the counters aren't easily accessible? I'm not sure... but I know that regardless of my soulbeast, and my DH (which kills even faster), that I have serious problems against the new warrior meta. ;)

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Warriors are special, they have multiple complete damage immunities, which makes them insanely OP in WvW, especially since they're using that to spam winds of disenchantment. But it's not specific to power, these immunities also work on conditions. Your only chance against a warrior is not getting hit for 10s then you can start doing damage. Yes, I know, good luck with that.

    > >

    > > Lol wut? No man, you can (and should) start damaging warriors from the beginning of the fight. Sounds like you either need to play a warrior or find a warrior friend to duel for a while into you figure out how to fight the most obvious class in the game.


    > Of course you should, I merely said you had to survive for 10s and then you can start playing instead of being a punching ball for the warrior.


    Which class do you mostly play?

  11. > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > > > o look people are loosing their insta win buttons and start the crying already. How typical

    > > >

    > > > Instant win? Do you even know what you're talking about? Conditions have clear, abundant and easily accessible counters, even under stunned conditions. Power does not. Really, please educate yourself before spouting such pretentious nonsense.

    > >

    > > Interesting that you say power does not. One of my classes is a soulbeast that runs at the lowest with: 2.7k power, 75%+ crit chance, 225% crit damage... engaging a skill I can put the crit chance over 100% after stacks and put out a huge amount of damage. ok so you say.. yep that's what I'm talking about. But then I come across a warrior/spellbreaker.. I hit the skills and engage and watch as he takes almost zero damage, switch weapons and reset power etc to a degree and power him again and see his bar move a little bit. I've taken down guards in seconds, I've had thiefs sneak up behind me, and if they're not real good, watched them die fast... but warriors? These days it's like they have some sort of perma invulnerability... at least for the folks that really know how to play them.

    > >

    > > Maybe it's what you're saying in that the counters aren't easily accessible? I'm not sure... but I know that regardless of my soulbeast, and my DH (which kills even faster), that I have serious problems against the new warrior meta. ;)

    > >

    > >


    > Warriors are special, they have multiple complete damage immunities, which makes them insanely OP in WvW, especially since they're using that to spam winds of disenchantment. But it's not specific to power, these immunities also work on conditions. Your only chance against a warrior is not getting hit for 10s then you can start doing damage. Yes, I know, good luck with that.


    Lol wut? No man, you can (and should) start damaging warriors from the beginning of the fight. Sounds like you either need to play a warrior or find a warrior friend to duel for a while into you figure out how to fight the most obvious class in the game.

  12. The change to condis should reduce the relative importance of resistance against condis because condi damage won't be front end loaded (clears will be more of an issue though). So perhaps see how things look after the Wintersday patch because resistance may not matter as much to you then as it does now.


    That aside, if you're playing a necro (as per your avatar), why not just corrupt the SB's resistance? The only one that pulses is Berserker Stance, and that's only 4s on a 60s cd. The others should be potential pots of poison for you at fairly manageable intervals.

  13. > @"Meurto.8520" said:

    > Looks like the WvW servers are taking a break again tonight 12/11. I'm in tier 3 and each side has a fairly small force (30ish) roaming about and I haven't seen a single 3 way yet, but there is terrible hitching, skill lag and warping. I can't imagine how bad t1/2 are currently. Anyone else experiencing this?


    Yeah, I had some pretty hardcore lag the night before last even in a 2v5. In fact, just jumping off a cliff on my own had a 2s lag between landing and registering fall damage. Couldn't tell if it was a local problem or not though.

  14. > @"Grim West.3194" said:

    > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

    > > > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > > > @"xarallei.4279" said:

    > > > > > And I'm not sure why people are complaining about JQ wanting to open the server. Why not have someone that can challenge BG?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because most people probably realize that having to deal with two overstacked servers is less fun than having to deal with one, and that the people JQ will be pulling to get there will come from the already underpopulated servers?

    > > > >

    > > > > Beyond that, there's probably a general revulsion to the notion of gaming a system to achieve a result that people have complained about almost since launch. Lopsided populations and coverage.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > 2 overstacked servers is objectively better than both 1 and 3 (because of 1u1d)...

    > > >

    > > > Because only 1 server suffers instead of 2 every week on average

    > > >

    > > > Such flawed system

    > > >

    > > > On second thought, you must be from BG

    > >

    > > I don't find fighting BG to be much different than fighting other servers, but then I don't participate in Blob Wars 2. Their bl is usually as dead as anyone else's these days, and their players aren't any better or worse.

    > >

    > > But, no, I'd rather not have JQ deplete other servers just so it can feel important again.

    > >

    > > Obviously, none of us know what the impact would actually be. Maybe the draw would be limited and nobody would notice. Or maybe it would be huge to the point that JQ gains a huge population and we're right back here a few months from now with BG players gaming to get their server unlocked.

    > >

    > > Regardless, I don't love that JQ is selfishly trying to game the system to do what caused the problem in the first place.


    > What else is JQ supposed to do? BG is certainly never going to fix themselves. So to compete with them JQ has to bring in more players in every time zone than JQ currently has. That is the way the game mode is designed. ANET let (and even encrouraged) BG to become even more overstacked than JQ ever was. Just because of their hatred of JQ.


    > ANET's hatred of JQ is misplaced. If they were honest with themselves they would admit that it's their own pathetic design that created the problems we have now and have always had. And now WvW is even worse.


    > Good designers don't blame the players.


    I don't blame JQ for wanting to do it, but I'm not particularly inclined to support the idea either, seeing as it's all the other servers they'll be stepping on to get there.


    I also don't buy the whole, "Anet hates JQ but loooves BG" thing. Frankly, I don't see how anyone could have that level of emotion tied to server identity, but certainly not people involved with the game as a job.


    And it's a bit rich to criticize Anet for not designing a system that constrains player behaviour while simultaneously supporting a collective effort to game the system they designed to do exactly that.

  15. > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

    > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > @"xarallei.4279" said:

    > > > And I'm not sure why people are complaining about JQ wanting to open the server. Why not have someone that can challenge BG?

    > >

    > > Because most people probably realize that having to deal with two overstacked servers is less fun than having to deal with one, and that the people JQ will be pulling to get there will come from the already underpopulated servers?

    > >

    > > Beyond that, there's probably a general revulsion to the notion of gaming a system to achieve a result that people have complained about almost since launch. Lopsided populations and coverage.

    > >


    > 2 overstacked servers is objectively better than both 1 and 3 (because of 1u1d)...


    > Because only 1 server suffers instead of 2 every week on average


    > Such flawed system


    > On second thought, you must be from BG


    I don't find fighting BG to be much different than fighting other servers, but then I don't participate in Blob Wars 2. Their bl is usually as dead as anyone else's these days, and their players aren't any better or worse.


    But, no, I'd rather not have JQ deplete other servers just so it can feel important again.


    Obviously, none of us know what the impact would actually be. Maybe the draw would be limited and nobody would notice. Or maybe it would be huge to the point that JQ gains a huge population and we're right back here a few months from now with BG players gaming to get their server unlocked.


    Regardless, I don't love that JQ is selfishly trying to game the system to do what caused the problem in the first place.

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