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Posts posted by Mauzi.5892

  1. I don't know man... HP trains are not really the answer. My first experience was horrible.

    Hot maps were new to me. I had no waypoints, no mounts and only basic gliding. I couldn't keep up and it was just stressful.

    Of course now with full map completion and skyscale and the knowledge I aquired, it's no problem at all. Sadly I don't even bother doing them anymore and when I do map completion, I can usually solo all HPs.


    What I'm saying is, yes, HP trains ARE an option, but considering his current level in the game maybe not the best one.

    As others have said, WvW is very good. Especially if you are still low ranked, since you get the first few ranks very fast.


    What I did, when I needed Hero Points for my elite spec was going around all Hot and PoF maps and just doing the ones you have to channel. You only need 25 of them, since every HP gives you 10 points.


    For what it's worth: I just did HoT map completion and almost all HPs solo with my scrapper. Not underpowered and you certainly don't die very fast, at all.

  2. > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

    > Another 2v2 season and Anet allows premades vs hotjons... Me necro+a core thief VS a premade of 2 scrappers...... Im tired of this!


    exactly. as soon as you see two ppl with the same guildtag the best thing you can do is afk and let them end. let's see how long it takes for anet to change this kitten show.


    i get a bot, and get matched vs a premade. fun game

  3. > @"Peter.3901" said:

    > I'm in love with this 2v2, tons of variety of builds and classes with skilled players:

    > Guardian + Guardian

    > Necro + Necro

    > Guardian + Necro

    > Necro + Guardian


    > Thanks Arena for this great experience...


    Your first time? 2v2 3v3 sucks hard. pvp in general is full of bots. Just had a 1v2 and I almost won, except the bot threw three times in a row. just remove pvp rewards already, so the botting can stop. we dont care for rewards. we just wanna have fun. and right now pvp is horrible

  4. People hate getting the Gift in WvW, because they know they get killed by an actual human, instead of a NPC. If you can overcome that issue, which is entirely YOUR issue and not a WvW or GoB one, then you are golden. Just treat WvW as a map-wide meta event like Octovine.

    People usually write in chat where help is needed. Go there. Do damage, heal, repair, whatever. Live or die. Profit. Sooner that you'll know, time will pass and you get your GoB without even realising it.

    And if you die, just port to the nearest Waypoint. Works exactly like in PvE.


    This just in addition to all other things that have been already said.



    And no, GoB should not be buyable or tradable. Especially not for Badges of Honor. And if people would actually think for a second, you would realise that that's even worse. Right now the WvW track is so easy to do.

    Now imaging you need BoH to buy it. It's not harder, just different. How do you get those? Correct.... by actually "playing" WvW. Which is the reason people are complaining in the first place.

  5. > @"NotTooFoolish.7412" said:

    > > @"suzako.1526" said:

    > > I already accepted that this only comes with the expansion. But I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't leave


    > It wouldn't make any sense to leave it for expansion and spoil it in advance. Especially since, we won't see the expansion until fall 2021. That is ofc the optimistic version.


    For me it would make more sense to release it now. So people will play the game to get current legendaries and when the expansion comes, they should introduce Gen 3 legendaries, so people have an incentive to farm those to use with the armory. Both ways keep players busy and playing the game. Which at the moment is rather lackluster and boring. I'm not even sure if I will be playing gw2 anymore when the expansion comes and if I won't be, then I probably won't buy the xpac then either.


    So anything to keep us in the game should be done NOW. Short lived Icebrood Saga content is not the answer. Legendary armory is. Because prople who would never have started on their leggy might and will do so, because it makes sense. And for casual players that will take some time. Thinking to release the armory in fall 2021 in the hope that everybody will go out and make a full set or armor, sigils, runes, trinkets and all weapons is pure fantasy. And knowing how some people are, they wany everything now, which leads to them getting discouraged by all the work they have to do. And no aNet, they won't play for another 3 years until they are done with their leggys. They will rather quit or flame the forums for clover nerf or whatever.


    Just release the armory already and stop being afraid that you won't have enough content for your xpac. What good is all that content if you don't have any players left, because they got bored and switched to other games?

  6. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > Why do thieves think the mark/detected mechanic exists just to hassle them? It's a counter to any stealth abusing group of players in enemy territory. The game is full of party stealth sources and this mechanic is its counter.


    With the difference that a Warrior with 3500 armor and 25k hp doesn't give a kitten about the debuff, whereas a squishy thief does, because his survivability mechanics are compromised.


    Now I get and understand the "marked" debuff, even though it is annoying.

    The "revealed" debuff is what breaks thieves neck.

    Thieves should be immune to marked and revealed needs a lower duration (in wvw). At least outside of structures or flags. Inside it's fine, so you can't hide and portal in people.

    And if that's too much to change in their code, because of range detection or whatever, just make a different debuff for sentries,. that does basically the same as marked, but is called differently, so thieves can have immunity against that specific debuff. Call it "uncovered" or whatever.


    > Instead of defending their broken shadow arts traitline thieves could focus on asking for buffs of acrobatics.


    Acro was fine until they made their stupid 300 second CDs.



    > And bringing that up because infiltrator's arrow costs 2 more initiative than before is ridiculous. Infiltrator's arrow was never meant to be a disengage tool that can be used 3 times in a row to cover 2700 range. And I do also doubt that is was some basis for thief balancing in the past.


    Thief is balanced around disengaging. Through stealth and blinks. So yes.

    And you can't spam it 3 times unless you are just walking around.

    You use Sb5 to disengage from a fight. Which means you are usually low on initiative already and you can blink maybe once after swapping and another one after a few seconds. tops. And if so, you won the fight. Be happy.

    And you always have the choice to chase the thief. It's not like other classes are not mobile. Engi, Warrior, Revs, Ranger, even Eles and Guardians to some degree can chase or even outrun a thief.



  7. > @"appelflap.8310" said:

    > So basically what you're saying is that infiltrator's arrow is underwhelming now after the patch? A 900 range teleport on a weapon that can be spammed 2 times in a row when full ini, even when no ini you regen 8 ini in 8 secs without the use of other initiative sources. So that's a 900 range teleport with an 8 sec cd in the worst scenario, how is that underwhelming? If this is a problem for thieves then it is a l2p issue, it means you relied on overperforming mechanics in the past.


    It is when a rev can port 600 range and do 6k dmg by the side, which can go through walls.

    And it's also a difference how a skill is used. Deathstrike is often used aggressively and applies pressure. Whereas Infiltrator Strike is our means to get away. Which means we decided that the fight is lost for us and we use up all our initiative to do so.


    Why did it get nerfed? Because pepegas cry that "the thief got away" and they didn't "feel good".


    Then pls nerf all other mobility skills as well. Most of the classes outrun or outstealth thievs.


    I agree that the higher cost might be okay for sPvP, because if one team has a thief (that doesn't suck) and the other team doesn't, they can outrotate them and have easier and faster decaps, which makes it "unfair". But even that is a stretch... but I might give it to you...

    For WvW the change is just dumb.


    And as other said. Thieves will find another way to replace that or play some other builds or weapon sets. I'm already curious when the crying for another skill will start.

    Maybe Sword 2? Shadowstep OP? Dash? Too much dmg?



    My suggestion to all thief hater. Make one yourself and play. I bet you 1000g your view will change from "nerf OP thief plxxx" to "thief need a buff".

    Balance is not about how good or bad you feel for winning or losing an encounter.


  8. QoL ideas:


    Remove all those confirmation windows for the "Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee" from WvW chests (LS4 reward tracks)


    Make Firebrand Mantras auto charge after GG or at least after entering a fractal.


    Delay Ley-Line Anomaly spawn timer a few minutes so we can do Pinata --> LLA without missing it and having to wait 2 hours for the next one, since they are at the same time.

  9. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > Thief mobility was never balanced to begin with.


    > That IS a big nerf, don't get me wrong, but thief is still the most mobile class out there and mobility in this game needs to be brought down. I can absolutely understand them not being happy, but this is long overdue lol


    What are you talking about?! Thief is balanced BECAUSE of his mobility. Take that away and you are done. Might even play something else. Like all those facetank classes that require no skill at all.

    Meanwhile Warriors run away like there's no tomorrow... talking 'bout OP mobility.

    As a warrior you have more HP and more toughness and your skills should only work when you are in range of your target. If you pick a fight you should be in it. If you lose, too bad for you. But no... warri can go in, oneshot you with one skill, while he has high sustain and when he gets low, because most have no skill, they just run... good gameplay.

    But Infiltrator Strike is OP, sure....


    Getting random 6k dmg from a Rev's Sword5 is...



    Mobility has gotten out of hand, yes. Warri, Holo, Rev, Ranger, ... they all should have low mobility or none at all. Their skills should require a target to use at least. The only classes that should have "real" blinks are mesmer and thieves. Same with stealth. Because they are balanced around that fact. Instead all easy to play classes get more and more and high skill classes get stripped...

  10. Like the title says...


    We tried to join a pvp tournament and one of our group member was offline. The party dissolved when the AT started and now I am stuck in queue and can't leave.



    Tried entering into Mistlock Sanctuary and into the fractal area. It shows "Abbandon PvP", but nothing happens.

    Clicking on "Leave Queue" only gets you in/out of HotM.

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