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Posts posted by Mauzi.5892

  1. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > What this (and in game discussions) boil down to is:


    > Remove downstate: mostly people running cheese buids, playing thief, ranger, mesmer. Claim to be good because they can gank others out of stealth and without the fear of any danger at all.


    > Keep downstate: everybody else.


    > I am fine with removing downstate under the following conditions:


    > Eles get +10k hp

    > Thief, mesmer, ranger damage gets nerfed by 60%. Maximum stealth: 1s. No blinks.

    > Holos are removed from the game.


    > Simple stuff. Really.


    You should repost this on April 1st.



  2. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:


    > No one wants to play a game where you just die and that's it


    What are you talking about?!

    I ran around as a P/P Deadeye with no stealth access in my non-meta build and in full zerk gear. Alone. And I can count on one hand how many times I died last week.



    Like I said, no-downstate-week makes a visible cut between good players and baddies.

  3. > @"Antioche.7034" said:

    > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

    > > > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

    > > > I bet you play a cancer one-shot/nuke build. There are some builds with little to no counterplay options (*cough* thief and ranger *cough) and they always come out of the woodwork on no downstate weeks

    > >

    > > this is just wrong. I see ranger and thieves ALL THE TIME. It's only during no-downstate-week, that you realize how much you suck, because you can't rally off of some random scrub.

    > >

    > > I love the no downstate. Maybe people start playing with more caution and brain instead of going full zerk when they have no skill.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Imagine believing randomly getting oneshot by someone from stealth is being bad at the game. If that's what you call "Playing with more brain", no thanks.


    Peh - leaaaase... WHO exactly is ONESHOTTING you from stealth?!

    Whait what do you say? There are thieves in WvW? Must be new...

    MAYBE dont play full glass-cannon and use some of those other gazllion attribute combinations the game offers. Like Soldiers maybe...

    It's EXACTLY people like you that run around with their META bullshit build and in full zerk gear and then complain when they get outplayed by everybody and who rely on rally to be able to play. Adapt to the situation and get better at the game instead of being a sheep and complaining about change.



    FACT: downed state is something that favors bad players more.

  4. > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

    > I bet you play a cancer one-shot/nuke build. There are some builds with little to no counterplay options (*cough* thief and ranger *cough) and they always come out of the woodwork on no downstate weeks


    this is just wrong. I see ranger and thieves ALL THE TIME. It's only during no-downstate-week, that you realize how much you suck, because you can't rally off of some random scrub.


    I love the no downstate. Maybe people start playing with more caution and brain instead of going full zerk when they have no skill.




  5. > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > Material/Gold Sink while also being a long term goal. Personally I think it's a huge waste to design something for a very small percentage of the population that will actually try to get it but I get why.


    The worst part is that they use said infusion in their video to promote their oh so cool new saga episode... selling people something they will never get.

    Infusions apart, what did this episode give us exactly?! 10 minutes of story and a long and boring meta extension.


  6. Yes this is bullshit. The argument that people would create tickets is invalid. They did a similar thing with the boreal weapons. You can buy the discounted one for a few silver if you wanna craft the upgrade and don't have the original anymore.


    And maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't it say somewhere you get a Stormcaller Core from salvaging these weapons? I kept them for the T2 and now that we don't really need them I figuered I would at least get some cores back.... nope.... ZERO cores from salvaging them. Was this stealth nerfed as well?


    All in all I'm VERY disappointed in this release -.-

  7. "or not actively playing the game" means even doing homework and watching your screen is against the rules, since you are not actively playing.

    But let's be nice and let that one slide, as long as you instantly respond to a GM. thing is, that's a myth. I've never heard or seen somebody getting whispered by a GM for standing there.

    People use that as an excuse, saying they ARE actually playing in case somebody whispers me. Which is BS.


    But still, let's count that one as the "grey-zone".

    What's not okay is when people are NOT anywhere near your computer. And that is the majority of the cases. I see the same people over and over the whole day at the same spot... ya, _maybe_ they are there 12 hours every day... or _maybe_ just _maybe_ they logged into their afk char and went to school/work/whatever....

    Now which one seems more likely?


    And this wouldn't even be a problem. Afk, not afk, unattended, inattentive... who cares. Just the appearance alone makes you look suspicious and maybe guilty. Just kick/ban those behavior in general and people will stop.


    And please stop arguing the same lame excuses like they are actually at their pc or they are just doing something else meanwhile... the OP described the situation where you can clearly see that they target easy loot for zero effort. There is a difference between farming some mobs for a while in easy/lazy mode and having a dedicated character slot parked at well known mass-afk farm spots for hours and hours.

  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

    > > It's supposed to be against the rules, but nobody cares.

    > Where is your proof that it is against the rules. If the player is checked by a GM, and responds, then they are not breaking any rules. Have you even read them?




    Here you go:



    Stop defending those leeches.

  9. Why do people keep making excuses. Whoever decides to place an engi or necro at a certain spot, does that with the intention to leech and afk. And even if you are just doing homework or watching a movie. It's supposed to be against the rules, but nobody cares. Wait a few months when there will only be bots around and watch how this game will take a dump.


    This is so sad. Because they apparently have time to clean up forum posts and such, but have no time to fly around a few maps and just mass ban everybody that is doing that. Afk or not.

    If I need to farm specific mobs for some drops, I can do that on any other class or spec. By choosing necro/engi/ranger you just show what your intentions are. (Unless you are actively moving around with your character and PLAYING the game.


    I reported some people multiple times these last days. Just yesterday some guildmembers from [FRA] stood the whole damn day at malchors leap at the wood farm spot. No kidding. THE WHOLE DAY...

    How is this okay? I would also rather go outside laying in the sun or go for a swim, but I was farming my mats "the hard way" ... while those people just afk and get rewarded... cool thing....

  10. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > Which will make meta events in some maps, such as Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, and Dragonstand, fail due to insufficient player numbers.


    > If they were actually going to drastically lower the caps, they would adjust the events to compensate. That said, these events scale for 3+ per lane.


    Still, not the way to go. If it were me, I would increase the player cap.

    Decreasing it seems like a cheap solution. This is a MMO after all. I like seeing lots of players at events.

  11. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

    > > So you can afk farm it with your necro? Nope! Loot is fine as it is. and g/hr is fine, too.

    > > They already removed the coffer cap. What more do you want....


    > You can not if you mean literal AFK because you have to be around approximately every 15 minutes to click the switch instance button. You could automate it but that turns into a form of botting. Additionally several of the bosses have knockbacks that throws you pretty far so an AFK person could easily be thrown out of range of most stuff and stay out of range.


    Yes, but still worth "afking" it. And every attempt to free leech loot/gold/dailies/whatever should get punished. Or did they remove it from their user agreement?! Is afk botting allowed now? hm.. Time to make a new account then I guess.

  12. Sounds like you are bored with the two builds you played and want more "OP-free-win-fotm" builds.

    When in reality thief has quite a lot of builds. I am switching from power to condi to DD to DE to Core and with a variety of weapon combinations. All are viable and playable. Even some "Troll" builds. Am I rank #1 with it? No! Do I have fun killing people? Yes, most of the time.

  13. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > Hi. Great job on the huge mega balance patch, this game is in the best state it's been in since pre-dhumfire.


    > You guys have gone to great lengths to make sure tanky, sustainy, "invincible" builds do not exist in PvP by consistently removing any amulet that allows such a build to exist. However, in WvW, we have normal PvE gear stats, and some stat combos that make it very easy to become nigh-invincible in PvP. This makes unfun and frustrating, as someone being incredibly tanky is as unfun as someone one shotting you.


    Stop unloading all your burst into the enemy block and invulns.


    Problem solved.


  14. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > > > This is THE thing I'm waiting for. Even more than the ex pack.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This is ~A~ thing that has not been needed. It'll help only those with legendary armor. ( carrot ignored, still not gonna do RAIDS )

    > > > > > According to the data at gw2Eff, 9% of those registered there have completed the precursor questing for Envoy.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They 'could' monetize it and make it helpful for all gear types like ascended then more people would benefit.

    > > > >

    > > > > Templates pretty much ruined the point of legendary utility with how stat swapping and upgrades work with them. The value of ascended skyrocketed because of templates.

    > > > >

    > > > > A legendary armory is necessary to put legendaries back up to how useful they were. The whole point is that it only benefits legendary equipment because it is that valuable.

    > > >

    > > > Not to mention it made it 1000% more tedious to switch gear between characters. That one single update switched my mindset from "oh wow my legendary gear is useful, I can switch it between toons so easy" to "kitten my life I've gotta remove it from all templates, remember what template had what stats and runes, gotta resocket the runes on the new toon (also infusions if you need those), and then do it all again when switching back". Talk about gutting high end gear convenience with one single patch.

    > >

    > > Its not even about convenience for me.

    > >

    > > The legendary armory would give me a goal in gw2 again.

    > >

    > > My long time goal of 39k AP is done with this update.

    > >

    > > Really need something to work on.


    > Legendary skins are the only thing I've got left to work on in this game. I got one of each armor class via raiding, just got the newest trinkets and weapons to go. However if the armory is monetised I'll be straight up quitting. I'm so done with the greedy and manipulative monetisation tactics.


    > My policy is if you want money from me, release an expac. The LS episodes are free, therefore I won't be manipulated into pity buying things off the gemstore. If they wanted cash for it they should have released it at a cost.




    This feature remains a optional QoL. So if they want gems for it, it's fine.

    Or they can go the other route, offer you all upgrades for free... and when they release a LS episode, thec charge 400 gems for each... let's see how you would like that idea...


    People need to stop demanding to have everything for free.

  15. OR ... just make the achievement two-time only, so you get them for your rings and make the "new" repeatable achievement drop no rewards.

    This way you get your two emblems for your rings, your bank stays clean and ANet doesn't have to come up with some currency conversion, which inevitably will be a shot in the foot, because people always complain and/or find a way to exploit it.


    Or take the easy way out and make them cost 1 silver, so we can vendor them.

    Those things are NOT there to make money off of them. And intentional mass killing, zerging, feeding... should not get rewarded.

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