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Posts posted by WDBoldstar.7649

  1. It may be because I've been a Norn main for my entire time as a GW2 player, but I'm on Braham's side too. Taimi was 1000% out of line to lecture him the way she did in the Metrica province and I wish I could have taken his side. We just watched Jormag nearly destroy the Charr, AND the Norn have been chased from their ancestral homeland by him the same as Primordus chased out the Asura. Just because the places we fled too still have some snow doesn't make it magically better, and it was insulting for Taimi to say so.


    This whole "Alliance" with the Frost Legion is also not sitting right with me. Ryland has committed horrible crimes against me and mine. Jormag definitely has. And now we got the whole "for the greater good we have to cooperate" stuff, and I dont like it. It's not a good story beat. I'm just as dead whether the dragon who killed me wielded ice or fire. One of the reasons I quit WoW is because I got tired of being told to play nice with the Horde as they burned down the major cities of my faction one by one. If the next chapter dont let us fight Jormag again and make Taimi eat a HUGE slice of humble pie for negging Braham about this, I might have to take another break from the game.


    TLDR: Braham was right, the lore for this chapter is shaky at best, I'm disappointed.

  2. There is no best race from a mechanica standpoint. The only real difference between races is some base racial special abilities, all of which are pretty weak and should be replaced by class-specific abilities as soon as possible.


    That said, I went with Norn because I have a thing for giant women and rangers fit well with their lore.

  3. Don't be afraid to slow your pace and take breaks. Log on and just do daily achievements. Or, Log on and do one or two metas you like or want to try. Or, Log on and choose a simple achievement or activity or item to craft and do that. Then, log off, or just take a few days off period. The game will still be here when you get back. I have taken long breaks before and it has revitalizedy love for the game.

  4. I think she will probably die because killing characters is a well anet loves to draw from.


    I think she shouldn't die because she is important representation for disabled folks and there's usually a better way to end a story arc than death, especially in a narrative setting that already uses it far too often.

  5. FWIW, you wouldnt even have to drop back to get more EMP in most maps I've been in. I usually see at least one personal drop a portable waystation to help Pillaging along, and If no-one else does, I tend to drop one these days myself. I find two taps of EMP applied directly to the offending structure is enough to destroy said structure almost all the time. If a lot of people are doing it and you tag the structures with a couple weapons taps, you can probably get Pillage credit within one or two invasions of a specific place - or at least such was my experience once I figured the EMP thing out.

  6. No, we're on the right side, as much as a right side exists in any war. Personable and Friendly does NOT automatically equal good. The Steel Warband has some friendly and personable folks in it. They are the still fighting for a bad cause.


    Bangar is trying to control an Elder Dragon and use it to dominate the "lesser" races, and is turning his own people in Icebrood. Ryland has commited a lot of really heinous acts, or enabled Bangar to commit them, and the Steel warband has, in turn, enabled them. Whether they believe in Bangars foolhardy, racist vision, or simply like Ryland so much they blindly follow him regardless, they are committing evil acts, in service of an evil master.


    On our side, Smodur's an ass and has made a lot of decisions that are questionable at best (although I dont think bombing an active weapons research facility was not necessarily one of them), but the basic cause of the United Legions is far, far superior to Bangar's. Things could go wrong if the United Legion doesn't reign in Smodur soon, but between the two sides, they are very obviously in the right, internal personality clashes and one leader who is too angry think straight aside.


    I dont think its as simple as the Inquest and the Svanir being "accepted" either. The proximity of the two to their races' capitals is more due to the politics of those racial nations than any acceptance. The Inquest is able to exploit the Asuran's incredibly beaurocratic government to avoid punishment for their crimes by tying things up in paperwork, whereas the Norns really dont have any central government whatsoever, just scattered steads. Even Hoelbrak is just one particularly influential Norn's steading, and the Svanir just happen to have set up camp nearby - a camp you are raiding and killing Cultists by the first part of your personal story, depending on the path you take. Regardless, the point there is that it's less that the Svanir are accepted as it is no-one really has political or military power to push them out because Norn dont do militaries or big political systems. The two factions, regardless, are pretty widely detested by the rank and file of either race.

  7. I am a massive fan of elves, and usually end up playing them when given the choice between a bunch of standard fantasy races in both single player and Multiplayer RPGs. I play an Elezen in FFXIV, I played Night and Blood Elves as mains for a large portion of my time in WoW. Some of my most beloved Dragon Age characters are Elves.


    High Elves simply do not need to be in this game. Not every fantasy trope you like needs to be in every game you like.


    I mean, even the standard niches High Elves usually feel are already taken up by other races. Sylvari already take up the close to nature wood elf slot. Asura are the magic progidies. Forgotten fill the mysterious ancient lost race with a special connection to the gods thng.


    I guess it COULD happen, I fully support the right of devs to introduce new lore and even whole new races, but I'd rather they spend their time elsewhere, and if we get a new playable race, I hope it's one of the existing interesting races already introduced in Tyria.


    Anyway, as long as we're on the subject of WoW, I thought early previews of Shadowlands suggested they would allow both Blood Elves and Void Elves to choose standard high elf blue glowy eyes in character creation/appearance change, so in theory you should be able to play a WoW high elf in all but name soon anyway.

  8. I bought that Norn-themed chair because my main is a Norn and I like the idea of her having a big old Norn throne to sit on with a wolf and furs and weapons around it.

    I've also considered pulling the trigger on that Inquest hover chair for my Asura, who isn't Inquest but is a gadget lovin' professor type who would probably have a fancy tech chair to sit in while she's doing her programming.


    So mostly, it's cosmetics and roleplay, in other words.

  9. I own the Skyscale but not the Griffin. I use the Skyscale pretty much constantly. Even when it's slower, it's convenient enough to use over other mounts that may need to go around mountains or otherwise avoid terrain my skyscale can just fly over.


    In cases where the Skyscale truly is a bother to use or there's a large amount of open land to cross, I am known to use Roller Beetle if the terrain is relatively smooth, Raptor if it isn't, but otherwise, I just fly all the time. When I have to cross lots of water or quicksand, I also use the skimmer, of course.

  10. In addition to the suggestions above, I would also note the possibility of doing PvP reward tracks. The Istan track gives 250 Kralk ore on its own, and the other tracks give around 50 of their zone's currency, as I recall. It's probably not worth grinding, per se, but if you do one or two matches a day and get at least a daily chest or two, it may add up quicker than you think.

  11. Given he promoted Ryland to Tribune, I imagine he still considers himself Imperator, if not Khan-Ur. It's the United legions who he considers traitor. He HAS commanded the legions to March with him, I Imagine, but those who refused due to their loyalty to the Charr legion stayed, and Crecia is essentially their leader, being the highest ranking blood legion officer who didn't leave with Bangar. In a civil war, often people on both sides consider themselves legitimate holders of the same title.

  12. > @"Adry.7512" said:

    > > @"WDBoldstar.7649" said:

    > > No. Designing something for a well-off monetized game like GW2 should be a paid job, not a way to extract free work from fans.


    > Nobody said it would be free, smh.


    To elaborate, then, I'm saying artists who design things for a profitable video game company should be paid a fair market rate. Something like a handful of gems or an armor or weapon skin, even a unique one, wouldn't really meet the definition, In my book.


    Especially since, in these contests, most people don't win anything, but the rules make them de-facto sign over the rights to their design to the company anyway.

  13. I cant tell you for sure because I dont have the boards myself, but my understanding is that every day, you can get 1 box of items from the region you pick, which does include, among other things, a few pieces of the harvestable "currency" for each region.


    With that said, it's your money, BUT the Skyscale currency grind is very doable without it. I did it myself in a few weeks a few different ways:


    1. PVP Reward tracks. Do one or two matches a day, aim to fulfill at least 2 of the PvP Daily achievements. Doing the Istan track along should net you all 250 Kralk ore you need. The other tracks manage much less per full track, but they're still a semi-passive source of extra currency.

    2. If you have the Volatile Energy to spare, the main vendor in the Dragonfall base camp sells 5 of each currency (or 25 kralk ore) every day, for volatile energy. It does add up.

    3. If you have a lot of spare Karma, you can do the Drakkar and Snows of Winter meta events and the vendors offer 10 of each regional currency for 75 Eternal Ice plus a few thousand Karma.


    Combine all this with the usual doing map metas and map hearts, and I find it's a pretty solid thing.


    Again, it's up to you, but I'm telling you, it's possible without the boards, so dont feel obligated to buy them if you dont have the extra scratch. Even at best, they only give a small amount of one currency a day, so they won't speed up the grind THAT much.



  14. Listen, I admit I kinda preferred the original Dragon's Watch overall, but some days I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually LIKES the current group?

    -Taimi is a badass and hilarious as someone growing out of her rebellious teen stage in fits and starts, plus it's pretty cool how she has a riding golem as a mobility aid and her sickness isn't just magically cured, since a lot of people just are chronically ill and it's good to recognize this and think about how they can be and usually are still contributing members of society.

    -Gorrik is trying his best and I'm glad he's found some nice constructive stuff to turn his mind to, even if his social skills aren't the best sometimes.

    -Marjory and Kas are a cute couple, Marjory is a cool goth lady, and Kas' struggle with her beliefs was, while not always super well written, pretty compelling.

    -Braham's angry period got kind of old, but since he and the Commander made up, he's been loyal, steadfast, brave, and funny, and I appreciate that he's my belligerent son.

    -Rox's journey to finding acceptance from being an outcast in her society was touching, and I hope we see her return at some point.

    -Canach's sarcasm can sometimes be vaguely amusing.

    -Rytlock's a jerk, but he's our jerk.


    Honestly, Canach and Rytlock are my two least favorite of the current crew, but I dont necessarily want to see them disposed. My biggest complaint about Anet's storytelling is that they resort to killing people way too often. If we DO have to lose this group, I hope they at least get to live happily ever after off screen (as may be the case with Rox already, for example).

  15. FWIW, I've been doing Dynamics Asura the past few weeks for my key farm. The pattern matching challenge is a little annoying, but the storyline is a nice change of pace from the bandits, and I find it mostly easier to navigate Metrica than Queensdale, on the whole.

  16. To be honest, as someone who doesn't like PvP THAT much, i'll still play a match or two a day just to get one or two of the dailies done. This lets me get the PvP reward track rewards I want in decent time, while still devoting most of the rest of my time to PvE.


    Between the possibility of even a casual PvE getting the PvP tracks done with a small bit of effort, and the fact that Pve has plenty of good loot to keep you in gold otherwise, I'm not sure PvE reward tracks are all that necessary. In the few cases where a PvP Reward track DOES offer a clear advantage over PvE (such as the /rockout emote), I can usually get the PvP track done in the course of a few weeks casually anyway.

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