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Posts posted by WDBoldstar.7649

  1. MMOs in general, and GW2 in specific, have always had a little bit more in their DNA. Crafting, exploration, and socialization are all expected base parts of the genre, and GW2 in particular has put heavy emphasis on exploring via map completion and the need to find hero points to max your character, and platforming via Jumping Puzzles that can be found at all stages of the game, including the base game's opening zones.


    At the risk of sounding harsh, I feel like if you "just want to kill bad guys," as you put it, you are best off logging out of GW2 and playing a game like Diablo or a FPS that are very specifically about mowing down waves of bad guys with various weaponry and not much else, though even those will often expect you to navigate a map or solve basic puzzles.


  2. As an MMO Veteran myself (Started played back in MUDs and MUSHes, and have been consistently playing at least one MMO for at least 20 years now), I find Guild Wars 2 (which I currently play in tandem with FFXIV) to be a fun change of pace. The issue is, if you play MMOs for the vertical progression, GW2 may not be the game for you. You don't really get stronger by mere gear alone past a certain point.


    Instead, GW2 for me, is a place where I can log in, pick an achievement, and grind away. Most stuff won't be gated, or is behind requirements that can be easily chipped away at. Every day, I can feel like I made progress, and I dont have to worry I'm falling behind because I'm already max level and I already got near end-game gear that at best only needs a few stat tweaks to be back on top. That can be soothing and just what the doctor ordered for me after a long day.


    Not every game needs to be for everybody. But I like the alternate avenues of MMO playing and progression that GW2 offers.

  3. > @"Laevateinn.6289" said:


    > Finally, if you have a few minutes I'd like to collect a little feedback about the Super Adventure Festival. Feel free to answer the following questions to help us make the game, and the game within the game, better than ever!


    > - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


    > - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


    > - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


    1. My favorite level is probably W1Z1. It's not too long, the bright and sunny aesthetic is cute and great throwback to early mario, and the secrets are for the most part pretty intuitive, such as the specks of dirt on the ground over dig spots and most bomb spots having stacks of rocks piled in front of them. Searching for secrets is fun, but can be tedious when there's no real way to tell other than bombing every single wall or digging over every single inch of ground.


    2. I love being able to get some spare Currency Vouchers, so I think the other thing I'd like would be lockbreaker kits. I have a lot of different old Maguuma chests in my home instance, and it is a little painful to leave them untouched when I havent had a chance to refarm keys for that particular type of chest.


    3. A world 3 would be nice, but I'd love a new way to upgrade my sword to a proper "Master Sword" type of thing. It might also be fun to have some sort of small "bonus" level that goes completely sidescroller like old school mario (or overhead like old school zelda).


  4. I got a precursor about a year ago from a random identify and immediately sold it for gold. Nothing else that I can recall in my 6 years of on and off playing. I've recently started mystic forging my rate weapons tho so maybe that'll help?

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