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Everything posted by Sorra.1735

  1. i got issues with the infusion also, it does not work when you have legendary skins (tried only with heavy armor from pve). when you enter combat or just draw your weapons the infusion covers only the skin of the character. looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/efcfwiN not sure if its intentional, if yes then its a shame imo, i was looking forward to having the whole armor turned to stone ^^ (my armor is black and red, also tried it with another set thats white and blue, did not cover any part of it) edit: just saw the comment from another person pointing this issue with lege armor out ^^;
  2. i reinstalled the game, cleaned the pc from dust (there wasnt much of it) and cleaned the files. so far it seems ok, hasnt crashed yet, maybe its gonna be ok. thanks for all advices
  3. at the moment the temp is aropund 50°C for cpu (have chrome, discrod and gw2 launcher open) gpu is at 45°C. im not sure what temp is good and what is bad. Last time i cleaned the pc from dust was in august this year xD tho i dont have much dust there. Must admit i do not trust the softwares like CCcleaner and others cuz they look kinda.. not professional, dunno how to explain it. so im afraid to use them but i do delete old stuff from my pc, tho i guess that does not help much. i did reinstall the game and so far nothing happened, but im afraid there will be problems after some time again. will clean the pc today just to be sure. thanks for the advice tho
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