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Posts posted by Stalkingwolf.6035

  1. Its the same with the trophies. No system behind them. You can sell some, some not, others you have to destroy with typing the name in a field.

    You never know what to keep and what not.

    If i have an achievment tracking, why do you give me a trophie in my inventory which i have to destroy? it's pointless.

    The whole inventory and item system is completly broken in this game.


    The only thing it's about to do is sell bags and bank places.

  2. > @Mikuchan.7261 said:

    > You get the star from "map completion" (100% vistas, pois, etc). Not from opening up every area ("exploring" I guess that's called?).

    > There's no reason outside of self fulfillment to opening every area (the second time).


    sure? Cause i had all vistas, poi, hearts, HP.

    or maybe i run into that bug noticed in the wiki

    _Some players reported that they did not receive the reward when they obtained the world completion achievement. For some, revisiting the Chantry of Secrets resolved the issue._


  3. > @Kalli.4506 said:

    > To get the golden star you have to do 100% world completion on that specific character. If you've already got it on your main you have to do it all over again with your alt to get the star on your alt.


    > You can easily see your map/world completion progress for each character by open the map while logged in on that character. Hoover your mouse over each map name to see how much progress you have on each map.


    i know what i have to do. i have 100% https://imgur.com/a/vtVVk

    and i disabled Events and Personal story in the Content Guide option. i visited every map twice and found 3 places i haven't visited. But no golden star.

    And yes i have the new lionsarch poi and Chantry of secrets.


    That was not the point of my post. If you open the Achievments and go to Explorer everything is done because of the main progressin. You need to complete everything again but you can not see whats missing because everything is green and done.


    And if you got the star it would be nice to see it myself somewhere on my character.

    i mean that would not be to complicated.

  4. like in WoW where you can see in already achieved achievements how far you are with your alt.

    im trying to get the yellow(golden) star for 100% map completion and i don't know what i'm missing because i'm already achieved it on my main character.

    or/and give us an information to track whats missing for every char, because i have always ask someone else if i have the yellow star on my character.

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