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Everything posted by Proxima.9051

  1. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > "Struggling" is a matter of perspective. I disagree. It really isn't (it especially isn't to all of those hit with the layoffs). To be fair though, this game could be doing well financially, I don't know. They do have a lot of microtransaction options, so depending on how successful those are, maybe the game will continue to get a pittance of development updates while also getting large swaths of new microtransaction updates. We shall see.
  2. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > Given the vitriol you have towards so many aspects of this game, are you sure you are playing the right game? What keeps you logging in to play this game given the many issues you present? > > This game has a lot of fun stuff going on but it is just a game. When GW2 gets boring or frustrating for me, I leave it and go find something else to do because I don't have time to waste being frustrated by a product that is meant to be enjoyable recreation time. > > PS: I run dual monitor and I haven't had to minimize GW2 in order to look at other windows. There is a setting or two in the Options you might want to look at, Fullscreen Windowed. > > PPS: I ran LWS4 through IBS with no audio (cause I was watching movies on my other screen) while I ripped through the story in a couple hours. I did so primarily to access Rollerbeetle and Skyscale, but also to avoid as much of the story as I had a friend starting up who wanted to play through it with me when they caught up. Point being you can get through the story quickly and avoid the dialogue etc. Thanks for the full screen windowed recommendation. And yeah, I usually have youtube or something at the ready for when I have to sit through dialogue; but, my point is that really isn't ideal -- I would *like* to engage with the narrative content of this game, but it has infinite levels of cringe, and makes me want to vomit more often than not; in my opinion, I think games in general have way too much narrative. Narrative in video games is often exceedingly bad -- not just because the writing is bad, but because cutscenes and dialogue are not a function of gameplay (barring some exceptions). I can just go read a book if I want a good story; I genuinely think the designers should have an overarching plot that the player can experience through the background via things like some voice over (but not focused dialogue), action, background set pieces, etc. Player imagination is often a stronger story-teller than video game writers. For example, you can look a Frank Frazetta painting or drawing; you don't need a narrator over your shoulder telling you what it's about; the artistry is perfect in its form, and a part of what makes paintings moving is that the viewer may interpret more and play further beyond the edges of what is presented -- all good art does this. Unless the point of the gameplay loop is dialogue, don't waste your time and resources fleshing it out, because it comes out half-baked, and people know it and it turns most of them off. And as far as if I am playing the right game -- as I mentioned, I don't always play this game; in fact, I was never able to stomach it seriously until recently; and I discovered that there are things I really do like about this game (and besides that, I have an irrational nostalgic love for GW1 (which I still play from time to time)). But for every bit of enjoyment I get, I also find an ample amount of frustration, and the reasoning for airing my grievances still stands: I want GW2 to be the most successful game in its industry. I want there to be a future for this franchise. It's not that I am some kind of brilliant game-designer (I'm quite ignorant of such things), so it's entirely possible that my opinion should be ignored outright -- after all, I hate gacha games and Genshin Impact has made more money than I could ever dream to in my lifetime (an estimated $6 million a day). So maybe the galaxy-brain advice they should follow is to scrap development on GW2 completely and make GW3, but make it a Genshin Impact clone to ensure the success and future of the franchise. But still, if there is any value at all for opining (which arguably there isn't), then I feel like I should do it, as the costs and consequences are minor.
  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Well, that's an opinion. Remember, what one finds boring, another delights in. What excites one, another finds distasteful. > I, personally, would not enjoy _your_ perfect game, just as you would not enjoy mine. Indeed; but also, GW2 is a struggling game, so perhaps what is fun is a bit more ubiquitous than you give credence.
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