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BrotherBelial.3094's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. The games main problem at this point, is it has a lot of "end game" maps. this leads to the illusion of the game being dead. the player base is spread out a lot. Add to that the "dead content" like dungeons, that got there rewards nerfed into the ground so people would play fractals over them. Basically if you're new to the game there's a lot of content you'll probably miss out on. Temple events in Orr, map meta events getting completed in the living world maps, HoT and PoF,(the vast majority fail now in my experience as there is never enough people to do them) also dungeons as I've already said.
  2. What? I don't follow what you are talking about? People reach 80 before finishing the core game. 80 has always been the level cap.
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