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Posts posted by Oglaf.1074

  1. > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

    > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > > I’d say an entire engine overhaul is in order as unrealistic though that prospect may be.

    > > >

    > > > The current one is starting to show it’s age (kinda crazy just how old the game is by now when you think about it).

    > >

    > > I'd disagree. Central Tyria and other older content is showing its age, but if you look at PoF, LS4 and new fractals like Deepstone, you'll see the engine has come along way..ArenaNet just hasn't gone back and updated the core game to use the newer technologies they've added.

    > >

    > > What this thread should say is: We need a new NPE (New Player Experience).


    > This is also true for armor skins. Looking back at the earlier "prestige" skins the detail is pretty basic compared to up to date PoF armor skins.


    Which is a shame because a lot of them are conceptually very nice. I really like the Scallywag heavy set (the pirate-gladiator) as it is one of the few “skimpy” heavy sets for males.


    But the texture quality is such a step backwards... :anguished:


  2. > @"Artyport.2084" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > Any of the three, really.

    > >

    > > 1) Born into a noble bloodline is a given.

    > > 2) If you’re rich (thus powerful and influential) you can pretty much found your own noble house. All noble families have to start somewhere.

    > > 3) The Queen can basically dub you a noble, yes.


    > what constitues a nobel blood line?


    See point 2 and 3.


    Edit: There is also the political system where ministers and the like being nobles. However, I’m not sure that means that only nobles are allowed to become politicians or if politicians become nobles by default as part of their position...



  3. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > It might be for the better to just remove all racial skills.


    Or rework them into gizmo skills entirely. I wouldn’t mind the Norn shapeshifting ones becoming permanent Costume Brawl “tonics” so that you could at least role play with them a bit if you want.


  4. Any of the three, really.


    1) Born into a noble bloodline is a given.

    2) If you’re rich (thus powerful and influential) you can pretty much found your own noble house. All noble families have to start somewhere.

    3) The Queen can basically dub you a noble, yes.

  5. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > I’d say an entire engine overhaul is in order as unrealistic though that prospect may be.

    > >

    > > The current one is starting to show it’s age (kinda crazy just how old the game is by now when you think about it).


    > I'd disagree. Central Tyria and other older content is showing its age, but if you look at PoF, LS4 and new fractals like Deepstone, you'll see the engine has come along way..ArenaNet just hasn't gone back and updated the core game to use the newer technologies they've added.


    > What this thread should say is: We need a new NPE (New Player Experience).


    I’m not necessarily talking about graphics. On the whole the engine is terribly outdated.



  6. Speaking of which, I wonder if godhood as it relates to the Six is exclusively dependent on a human “host” or if any species can acquire it. Like we kill a god and a hapless Quaggan stumbles into their residual “god goop” - instant Quaggan god!

  7. > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > If anything, we need **more** motivation to do Serpent's Ire! :open_mouth:


    No. That obviously doesn’t work. Anet keeps shoehorning collections in with this kitten meta patch after patch yet it doesn’t make it more popular. Just more frustrating for the people wanting the things “blocked” by it.


    The meta itself needs a total overhaul to be less... stupid. :confounded:


  8. The term _easy_ is sort of a trap. Warrior isn’t really easy, but it is simple (as in the opposite of complex) and straightforward. Which also means it is very limited. Warrior lacks any of the fancier tricks of the other classes, which is particularly noticeable in PvP. Warrior can be hard to play because you have to deal with the more complex classes running circles around you.

  9. > @"Shaozi.3271" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > Sounds like a Thief w/Daredevil to me. :wink:


    > Actually, I've managed to play Thief the longest out of all classes (up till 55lvl).

    > Second was Mesmer (up till 40lvl).


    It changes completely when you unlock Daredevil with all the ninja-esque jumping around and dodges.


    You’d love it, I reckon.



  10. You could actually make you able to move while keeping the old animation. Characters in GW2 animate parts of their bodies individually. Notice how regular Sword F1 and Primal Sword F1 use the same animation but one lets you move?


    Because the lower body/legs are not tied up in what the upper body/torso is doing.


    So you could similarly “unlock” the legs for 100b to let you move with proper leg animation. I mean, it would probably look extremely wonky but it could definitely be done.

  11. > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

    > It is sad because it is a great espec thematically. A lot more than spellbreaker imo.


    I hear that. Headbutt is probably my favorite skill in the game, both functionally and thematically.


    How I wish it was Core - I’m so sick of Signet of Rage. :sleepy:



  12. > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > It wouldn’t be overpowered in PvE so...


    > because it's easy to land 3 berserker bursts in a row on pve mobs so nerfing from a level 3 to a 1 didn't impact pve.


    > The whole nerf did nothing but bury berserker in wvw/pvp.


    Erhm, no? The nerf very much affected PvE as well.



  13. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > The biggest problem with Berserker to me is that it is a Condi specialization and Warrior is heavily, heaaaaavily biased towards Power when it comes to weapon options. That makes Berserker so limiting and unfun in my eyes.

    > >

    > > Heck, we don’t even have a proper Condi melee option. Sword is “hybrid” which in my opinion is just trash design. We need a dedicated Condi melee.


    > berserker was also never intended as a condi only spec. it just so happened that over the time, with all the random buffs and nerfs that berserker got hit with, that the power and the tank part of berserker have become to lackluster that the spec is now considered a condi spec. the removal of pulsing stab, the increased cd of burst skills, the increased casting time on gs primal burst and headbutt (aswell as cd increase in pvp) and the fact that burst skills only count as lvl 1 bursts (thus triggering only 1 stack of adrenal health and clearing only 1 condi even though you need 3 bars of adrenaline to activate berserk mode) completely wrecked this spec in wvw/pvp.


    Indeed. Spellbreaker brings enough goodies to the table to warrant the dumpstering of the Burst skills. Berserker clearly does not.


  14. GW2 is a fantasy universe. We as players live in the comparatively less magical and mundane real world. I don’t think we can put ourselves in the shoes of a habitant of Elonia where a myriad of magical and mystical beings already exists: the Sylvari would just be one such being among many others.


    As such, I think the rather lackluster reaction of “Eh? That’s some new, giant kind of Choya or something?” seems about right.

  15. > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > They are still Gods. Just because you think they don't classify doesn't make it true. They are stated to be Gods by the creators of the universe, therefore, they are Gods.


    > What different races view them as is irrelevant, they would be wrong. Nor is what they actually are relevant, powerful Mist beings or whatever. They are most certainly Gods relative to anything else in the GW universe bar the Elder Dragons. They are unique and operate by their own rules clearly separate from other rules.


    > Your views are perfectly reasonable for characters *in universe* to believe, but with us as outside observers of the story we can use the multitude of evidence and hindsight available to us to categorically state that yes, they are indeed Gods.


    They’re like most non-Abrahamic religions’ gods. The Norse, Egyptian, Greek etc pantheons all have gods that are beings on a higher “power level” than humans. They can be killed, have children and all those other “mortal” concerns.


    Which stands in stark contrast to the Jewish/Islamic/Christian god who is so overpowered in contrast to everything else in the mythos.


    In view of this, the GW2 gods definitely fit the definition of gods for the vast majority of religions out there.




  16. The biggest problem with Berserker to me is that it is a Condi specialization and Warrior is heavily, heaaaaavily biased towards Power when it comes to weapon options. That makes Berserker so limiting and unfun in my eyes.


    Heck, we don’t even have a proper Condi melee option. Sword is “hybrid” which in my opinion is just trash design. We need a dedicated Condi melee.

  17. Scarlet was an oddity indeed. Definitely seemed to have been a “when you gaze headlong into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you”-situation rather than her “going Mordrem”.


    Her fate was very tragic, very Lovecraftian. I liked it a lot from a writing perspective.

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