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Posts posted by Perisemiotics.4579

  1. I certainly am aware that Chinese, Korean, Japanese - and others such as Mongolian, Thai, etc. - cultures have had their identity for a long time... just as the counter-examples in Africa and Scandinavia I mentioned. The question here is, this is fiction: of course it's going to be based off of real cultures to some extent but it is not a deliberate reproduction of anything particularly Chinese. Even if, say, there's a story-arc that clearly elaborates upon some well-known tale either from Chinese history or mythology, that is still valid fictional work. If China has laws forbidding such practice, that is for China to censor them or do whatever they deem appropriate, in their jurisdiction. Over here, we allow and value (since Antiquity at least), in our literary tradition, depicting, re-imagining and freely referencing to history and lore.

  2. > @"Alga.6498" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > Maybe Anet could partner with Starbucks next time, so we can all get our sippy sippy on while gaming!


    > Or they will partner up with McDonalds! :lol:

    > Atleast they are world-wide!


    > _"Hi, can I have a Big Mac and Co, also.... a promocode to GW2, please?"_

    > ???


    Here in Iceland, we no longer have McDonald's... :3


    But yeah, at this point... just mail in-game the outfit and HE to everyone who ever bought the core game and/or either expansion... and maybe some Gems as an apology... and in the future, ANet, think twice before making another promotion that entices cyber-bandits and their bots while discriminating your real, long-time fans and paying-customers upon which country they live in.

  3. > @"Warkind.6745" said:

    > If the next expac takes place in Cantha I will be offended not because of the Oriental theme, but because of the recycled setting. I want something good and new.


    I don't get the complaints about Cantha, lol... did or do we get complaints from Africans or Middle East countries and people about Elona? Have there been complaints from the Scandinavians about the Norn?


  4. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I used to be excited about an updated Cantha. Now I'm sick to death of human centric regions. Please, _ANYWHERE_ but Cantha.


    > Probably because GW1 was a human centric game...


    Yes it was but now we play GW**2**... no doubt Cantha would be a huge marketing and community boost but for the next 2 or 3 expansions, no more humanity in it, please.

    So many great stories left to be told about the origins of the Asura, the Charr and the Titans, and the always forgotten Norn... please find a way to send Kasmeer, Marjory, Anise, Faren and all the sugar-coated cute faces from DR to the Mists for years to come. The one thing I really miss from GW1 is the tone of the story-telling - let all the cutsey and quipping for Taimi already, she's doing it tolerably well, but have the other races and characters have some dramatic gravity and cruelness to their past and fate.

    If for the next expansion story we still have Kas or Jory in them weeping and longing... that'll kill it for me.

  5. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > > > I will take sandswept isles over tangled depths ANY day.

    > >

    > > I'll take Tangled Depths over enitre PoF **any** day. With it's depth and complexity that map had me coming back and having fun for a looooooong time. Infact i'm still coming back to it, not only for materials but because i like it.


    > I would rather have a pine tree growing sideways inside my kittenhole than set a foot again in Tangled Depths.

    > Tangled Depths is the prime tutorial on how to not design a map.


    ...this is why HoT and PoF were designed in such contrasting fashion - it was a conscious decision by ANet. The same thing goes for the design choices of S4 as opposed to those of S3; the game now offers a lot more variety for a lot more people... there's no better or worse, right or wrong... just a much, much more complete and enjoyable game overall.

    These debates about which map is great or sucks, for whatever reason, are always (or almost always) subjective at best.

  6. The "meta" discussion for PoF should be a moot point by now... devs chose to design a different kind of expansion than HoT - don't expect any metas on the scale or complexity of HoT for a LW episode/map, not enough resources even if they wanted to do it. Maybe next xpack we'll have them again if as many people cry about it as those who complained about them back in HoT :P

  7. Honestly, I like it that the Jades are _not_ on a fixed timer - keeps some suspense in the air, you never know when they'll teleport and when they do people genuinely start communicating for the event... unlike most other maps - Istan - where dozens just afk at the one choke-point until :45, :20 and so on and on again... I understand that makes _farming_ more practical but that's exactly the issue I see, which leads into the second point...

    Personally I don't approach BSF or any other map as a "farm" or "grind" for whatever resources. If you really want/need the rubies focus on the dailies - the crystals are just a nice (yes, nice) bonus.

  8. Innovation and detail.


    GW2 doesn't have the most players, the most content, the best graphics or engine (though these 2 are still extremely good and polished)... yet it's the most unique MMO where developers are constantly - and earnestly - making efforts to listen, innovate and re-invent. The result is an extremely diversified and friendly experience, from the amount of mini-games to the fairness of the cash shop and marketing model.


    Two quick examples that as "obvious" as they may seem you won't find in other "top" games (if any games at all):

    * Downed and in-combat revival mechanics - what this brings both to gameplay and social interaction cannot be stressed enough.

    * _Joy of Movement_ concept - from the deep, interesting and useful Gliding masteries to the new mounts, this takes exploring a fantasy world to another level.

  9. > @Vladish.3940 said:

    > [...]a map badly designed like Tangled Depths (by popular opinion which I share)[...]


    Please, drop this nonsense already.

    The complexity and challenges of TD make it the most unique, interesting, intriguing map in the whole game. The one argument that can be made against it is the mini-map not exactly showing you the contrast between the levels but even that can be answered to as such not being the role of the mini-map - it is for _you_ to figure out where you came from and where you're going, and how you intend to do so. You can bring up the full map anytime or you can toggle the UI off if that's what you need to _see_ better what's around - above and below - you; the mini-map is nothing but an add-on, really.

    For instance, Quantum Mechanics is a theory with a fair share of complexity, subtlety and a profound - not to say _intractable_ - conceptual perspective - does that make it a "badly designed theory"? and so the intricate logic and minute thematic unity of Tangled Depths, if nothing else, make it the map with the _best_ design in this game hands-down.


    I'm weary of hearing TD being picked out as the cliché it's most furthest from - the actual reason you say it's a "bad design" comes from your personal, subjective, emotive experience alone; the "popular opinion" (which you share) is, yet again, a vague and non-objective notion easily clung to because... the map is a stark challenge to memory, patience, spatial orientation, perseverance, planning... among other requisites - clearly more so than any other map in the game.


    Whether you or I _personally_ hate or love TD - is not a measure to how intelligibly different and thoroughly engaging the gameplay is there, which speaks to a sensible project and successful execution: that is a moot point, not a discussion.

  10. > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

    >this chef in the Crystal Oasis, his Mastery Point quest is way way over tuned.

    Nah, it's just fine. Really.



    >There are times when I've thrown ingredients at him dead on and they haven't been acknowledged.

    You were probably LOSed - make sure there's no table/counter/rack or anything in the path between you and the chef.



    >If you screw up once you'll fail.

    False. I missed at least TWICE when I succeeded.



    >get ingredients that were far away from the Chef.

    A little RNG just to diversify things a little... but it's still perfectly doable, just keep trying.

  11. It's activities like this one that turn a great expansion into something extraordinarily delightful.

    But all it lasts is 10 steps, through perfect targeting mechanics and ambient dialog that's just too much fun.

    I really wish this one took us double the time, or the ingredients - or both! or could we please have this character-bound, instead?

    I don't mind a little fun task on the side, but this MP is the perfect balance between challenge and entertainment that's just beyond fun.


    In all honesty, thanks devs for such a cool, unique touch on a mastery point - keep it up!

  12. I'm not sure what you're asking for here other than just make the whole mini game so easy it ceases to be a challenge and becomes a trivial, boorish chore. Frankly, it's hardly a challenge as it is - I've completed it without any problems on my newbie necromancer I have very limited experience with. The only thing I could see improved is that the distance indicators are all leveled to the player's foot plane so depending on the shape of terrain you won't see them at all.

    You have plenty of waypoints, speed buffs, anti-cc traits/skills, gliding and now mounts... take a moment out to appreciate the purpose of the activity and... .enjoy it :tongue:

  13. > @"supa suop.8026" said:

    > Aww sad, it seems like know one is a fan of the Norn/Female voice.


    Me! That one is my favorite (though I also like the Sylvari female and both Asuras), it ties in with the Norn ethos very well - fierce, charming and boastful. Excellent voice-actress.

    Someone mentioned the Asura male line at Abaddon's Reliquary... the Norn female is just as good, she goes "Maybe if I stomp around and make noises it'll open?"

    (oh and the Ranger shouts!)

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