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Posts posted by ASP.8093

  1. Homogenizing downed state would be worse for the game, imo.


    Different build/classes play different when you're up, have different weaknesses and different positioning requirements. So the circumstances for when you're going down in the first place aren't perfectly symmetrical.


    I think there's room to replace/rework some of the downed skills and tweak the coefficients on most of them, but just throwing them all away for the sake of a more trivially-balanced generic set would just make one of GW2's unique mechanics just… worse. Dull and bland and still not really that much more balanced.

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > **There should be 1:1 healing restriction** *<- delete power res*

    > **Rally should be removed** *<- delete rally botting, more teamwork to res*

    > **Downed penalty should be upped to 33% (ie 3 states with 66% HP start, instead of 4 with 75% HP start)** *<- harder penalties, more time to stomp*

    > **Downed penalty timer should be 3x longer per state** *<- harder penalties*


    This is by far the best proposal I've ever seen on the topic.

  3. The whole point point of skills like Shadowstep, Distortion, and Elixir S is that a quick down finish is your reward for saving a major resource for the finisher.


    That's all the downed skills are supposed to stress: does your enemy have cooldowns they can burn to finish you in a team fight? They do it in unequal ways but, honestly, which one's hardest to deal with is also kinda matchup-dependent.


    The actual comeback mechanic in the game is *other players* reviving you, interrupting stomps/cleaves to secure the revive, &c. If you're downed 1-on-1, you've already lost. An enemy can just back off and slow-bleed you from range if they really need to.

  4. > @"coil.3420" said:

    > **geforce**_now_


    > I wanted to try geforce now after seeing the 'endorsement' by arena.net and youtube videos of the graphics. looked like a totally different game. BUT, i didn't attempt it because technically this MacBook doesn't meet geforce now's minimum system requirements, and, most importantly, I've read comments about players getting temporarily banned. From what i gathered, the thought was that accounts were getting automated bans cause of suspicious ip/location changes, which makes sense since it's a remote streaming service.


    I've had first-hand experience with this so let me comment.


    If your account gets locked you write a support ticket explaining "I am using GeForce Now" and they'll unlock it within like a day. (Write an anonymous ticket if the system doesn't let you log in.) I've had this happen to me while playing on old hardware while my laptop was getting repaired. It's annoying but, imo, very unlikely to get your account lost forever.

  5. > @"Gumbolia.5381" said:

    > (Aside: I don't know why the tar files are called PlayOnLinux-* - they actually contain macOS dylibs.)


    As far as I know, they're sibling projects using the same code base, and PlayOnLinux is basically the development "frontrunner" while PlayOnMac usually takes their stuff and adapts it a bit for Mac OS.


    > @"Gumbolia.5381" said:

    > Using this seems to help a bit, but performance is still not awesome.


    Great work, though!! Thanks so much for coming back to share.

  6. Parallels is kind of a worst case, imo.


    Boot Camp is fast, takes a lot of space, and requires setting up a whole Windows environment.

    API compatibility layers (PlayOnMac, CrossOver, PortingKit, Wine, &c.) are slow, take up minimal extra space, and don't require fussing with Windows directly.

    Parallels is somewhere between "slow" and "not very fast," takes up a lot of space, and still requires setting up a whole Windows environments.


    It's potentially nice for other reasons (high fidelity to how your programs are "supposed to work" with easy access from your Mac OS desktop) but I think it's seldom going to be ideal for games.

  7. > @"Svata.8034" said:

    > > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > Still works for me. I assume they'll kill it when the next update comes.

    > > (Sorry I've been neglecting the thread a bit, I have plans to sit here and do my own Bootcamp install, just haven't had the time yet.)


    > How much space on internal HD will you use and can you put it on external drive?


    I'm using my internal SSD:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/aOFpUAg.png "")


    I feel like 150 GB is a safe amount for GW2 + Windows + free store. Below that you probably risk running out of storage in dumb ways.

  8. You can submit an anonymous support ticket requesting an e-mail/password change using secondary information about the account (account name, character names, gemstore purchase history, billing address, &c.). See "Still Having Trouble" here for some examples: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000819168-Recovering-Your-ArenaNet-Account


    Don't put, like, your full credit card number in there, but anything that establishes you used the account previously should help.

  9. Got GW2 running on my laptop via Boot Camp and updated the guide accordingly.


    The experience is good so far, though I ran into a bunch of quirks specific to my setup:

    1. The Boot Camp touchpad driver isn't nearly as good as the built-in one, so moving the camera is harder. Maxing out sensitivity helps a lot. I'll experiment with Touchpad++ to see if I can fix that tomorrow.

    2. Current Radeon Pro 5500m drivers don't support 1536x960 resolution (half-scale 3072x1920). You either have to go big (and subsample) or make everything blurry.

    3. Windows wants to treat the ⌘ Command key as the "Windows key," which means you can't bind it to other stuff and you'll get dumped to your desktop with your game minimized any time you press it. (Workaround: I used SharpKeys to map both Command keys to Left Alt and both Option keys to Right Alt, which allows me to approximate my Mac keybinds.)


    I'll expand the Nvidia steaming write-up soon, but there's no credible way I'm going to test Parallels anytime soon — if someone else wants to do the work, I'll gladly copy/paste your notes into the relevant section.

  10. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > lol, not a demand and supply issue.....

    > Many people need/want them, few are available. How is that no a demand and supply issue.

    > If you can't afford MC, you won't have a legendary weapon. It's that easy.

    > Are you guys the first day on this planet?


    "If you can't afford MC, you won't have a legendary weapon. It's that easy."


    I made a leggo (to sell) with a pile of Clovers I obtained directly without any Mystic Coins. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ PvE players are absolutely swimming in loot, you can afford it.


    Or you could just… stockpile your login rewards and do the Leyline Guy once a day.

  11. Honestly, I far prefer seeing the occasional fun 1v1 turn into a lopsided 2v1/1v2 over the thing where an ally just stands there idly while you're locked in combat with some build that absolutely counters or out-sustains yours. The former actually feels like "open-world" gameplay, the latter makes you feel like your teammates don't even want to play anymore.


    (I'll gladly make an exception for the Alpine BL "dueling spot," of course.)

  12. > @"Leila.7269" said:

    > Tried out Codeweavers Crossover and it's a bit odd. IF I go in and click on the GW2-64.exe or w/e it is it runs fine. If I just click on their shortcuts or try to open from with in the Crossover application it opens but then crashes before fully loading the launcher. I'm not sure performance is any better than using Portingkit / Wineskin from initial WvW testing. So far I haven't been able to obtain acceptable frame rates for WvW with either approach :/


    CrossOver and PortingKit have a lot of overlap, as far as I understand.


    I've also been disappointed in WvW with PortingKit so far. Gonna do the dual-boot (and tweak those write-ups a bunch) once I get over my laziness with respect to doing all the backups and other stuff first.

  13. > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

    > You don't see other classes porting people inside structers and kitten around with you for hours. I have yet to see any other class do this but thief or a mesmer.


    I think it's fine that two of three least zergy classes have some specialized out-of-battle utility.


    Fix the jumping bugs and Portal shenanigans are mostly interesting and mostly fair.

  14. > @"raaahbin.7405" said:

    > > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > Do you see the "we are ending Mac support" notification when you log in with the 32-bit Mac client?


    > Nope! That's why I'm hoping it will survive (given that it's apparently the Windows client in a wrapper).


    > The long load time for maps (especially Lion's Arch) isn't wonderful, and not having the mini-map is a pain... but it's the closest thing to playable remaining.




    Does the long load time affect waypoints within a map, too? (E.g. if you're standing in LA north side and you click the waypoint to go to the Fractal/WvW gate area.) Or only loading a brand new map?

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