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Posts posted by JekthAvid.1408

  1. Yep! Only time I did a story instance with another person was because they wanted help with theirs. I played (until recently) a herald with random pieces of gear I got through playing. Tanky enough that I wouldn't die, but it took forever to beat some of those bosses. I didn't have a specific build or anything, I just kinda.... did it xP

  2. For me, my first goal was completing the story. So every time a new chapter comes out I go and do it soon as I can. Next was crafting full ascended gear. Then a legendary. Then a skyscale. Then Griffin. Now I kind of want to learn t4 fractals and raids, and am working on getting enough gold to get another equipment template tab thing. Just do what you feel like doing. =D

  3. I always thought it was about a sense of community/togetherness or whatever you want to call it. To be fair, I'm part of a really big guild (400+ members last I checked) and those of us who are active and regularly rep have a good time messing around with each other. And if you come across someone doing an event with the same tag, well hey! Why not help em out? So I guess I think that while it may not be necessary, it can certainly help keep the guild active/alive.

  4. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > Make mastery points available for gem store purchase for those that do not want to take the time to do all the cr(stuff)ap to get one point. Sometime an entire list has to be completed for just one point that's just bad, especially if people have to get x amount of experience to use them. I hate taking the time to get them wasting the time i could be getting the exp. to use them.



    This strays too far into p2w for me. I see where you're coming from, but no thanks. =D

  5. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > I would say Rytlock was the first rev society knew about and who (might) talk about it. There is nothing stopping you creating a head cannon where your rev was an ordinary warrior who had a near death experience - and then was silent about it, for one reason or another.


    I always had a head cannon where right after exiting the dream, my character was pulled into the mists. He felt right at home, and thought it was the "real world." Until he encountered an enemy wvw zerg. Having not seen much combat, he barely got away with his life, but entered Tyria where he was pulled away. Then the real canon story happens =D

  6. > @"Lord Hizen.5918" said:

    > I am a big fan of revenant and i really love how renegade spec works but the main reason that i dont like to use it is because Renegade : Heal, Utility and Elite can be CCed ( knockback, knockdown, Stunned, dazed and feared ).

    > https://prnt.sc/vd9lfg

    > https://prnt.sc/vd9lnq

    > and when they do after i summon them their duration will be before i get the benefits of using them beside wasting 30-50 energy :skull:

    > almost 90% mobs of path of fire season 4, 5 they CC lock renegade skills so i hope the devs do something about this for new players and rev mains sake :(


    I play condi renegade and it works fine for me

  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > (By the way, you might know about this one already but if not check out the pools in the bottom level of the Grove. I don't want to give away the surprise but you'll know it when you see it.)


    I think that one is needed for Knight of the Thorn, no?

  8. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > One thing that helps immensely with this JP is a staff Daredevil. Use "Vault" = staff skill 5 for precise jumps in places that need those. (Yes, there are other professions with aimed jump skills, but none of them cools down as fast as Vault.)


    I'm pretty sure revenants have a 3 second cooldown on call to anguish with mallyx... BUT it doesn't move that far, and it doesn't go up at all.


    I helped someone with this achievement, and we used teleport to friends. We tried portals but it didn't work out very well

  9. I think sylvari herald. In the sylvari story you get introduced to trahearne and the risen way faster than the other races, (not to mention that whole dynamic with mordremoth) and as a herald you channel glint, which works with the whole aurene thing. If you really want to go further you could also have ventari as your secondary legend to keep with the sylvari theme. But then again, revenant technically shouldn't exist until after rytlock does his whole thing soo....

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