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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"Akeno.4962" said:

    > > > @"Krag.6210" said:

    > > > It was supposed to be a melee brawler that gives super speed like a chrono did quickness/alacrity, but it was never really good at it and super speed was never really used for anything. And the melee brawler part would have been fine had the damage not been subpar or mesmers not so efficient at tanking.

    > > > Scrapper doesn't really fit any role in PvE.

    > >

    > > That's because they designed it exclusively for PvP, which is nonsense imo. They could've created a spec with acceptable dps while tanking, and all we've got are pvp related traits , a few of which have never been used succesfully, like shocking speed or applied force.


    > Pretttttty much.


    > Even a cursory examination of scrapper indicates it was solely designed for PvP:


    > * Its "unique mechanic," the function gyro, is practically worthless outside of PvP/WvW contexts. They didn't even bother to do some minor utility improvements for PvE (context actions/rezzing/etc).

    > * Gyros are extremely weak in PvE contexts. The survivability they provide is genuinely unimportant in PvE, as any kind of support a player might need would be provided by an ally better-suited for that task (IE Druid/Firebrand).

    > * The hammer itself is a tanky weapon, but doesn't provide the kind of utility that a chronotank can in PvE. The damage it does does not make up for its lack of utility in PvE.

    > * The traits were very clearly designed for PvP, with a heavy emphasis on CC, which, while important in PvE, isn't as important as PvP.


    > It seems this expansion round, the Deadeye got the Scrapper treatment, except Deadeye seems to be designed for WvW instead. Spellbreaker is also purely PvP-oriented. Meanwhile, classes like Guardian never seem to get the short end of the stick.


    Id understand if the 4th e spec would be heavily focused on a specific mode but doing this now is pretty weird

  2. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > Clipping is normal in games, especially MMOs. Never understood why in GW universe (GW1 was the same with complaints about clipping etc.) people are so picky. Just get used to it. Not that big of an issue.


    Ofc an issue here and there is no big deal but when more than half of the dam medium armor clips like crazy for 1 race in a game that heavily focuses on cosmetics its just absurd.

    Its like they are basically saying "we are amatures,we dont know what were doing and we dont taking this seriously"

  3. > @"Kitty.6219" said:

    > A 100% agreed, and is a crying shame that the cultural armor is the most clipping, unpleasant to the eye, buggy and glitchy of all the armors, and we charrs are the only ones who can wear that stuff; if I had a copper piece for every time I chose an armor only to turn it around and see how stupid my tail looks I would have enough gold to buy the whole Trading Post, twice.


    > I'm not sure if they are planning on remapping all the older armors, but I do notice that armors and outfits from HoT and forward almost doesn't clip at all and have sensible beautiful tail wards/adorns/armor <3


    Its not just the tail,I made a small female charr and almost all the shoulders look the same they would on a max size charr.

    What grinds my gears the most is that cosmetics is a huge part of this game and they just dont give a hoot.

  4. Cmon guys,the game has been out for a very long time.

    One the main points of gw is that we dont have the usual gear grind and a HUGE part of endgame is getting armor that looks cool.

    Some of us wanna play a charr...and its extremely annoying that there are more armors(esp medium armors) that either clip with out tails/shoulders or are just very badly scaled(giant shoulders floating in the air) for the charr model than armors that actually looks right.

    And Im honestly confused here....why isnt this fixed? if you cant fix if it let us hide our tails? at least say something about it?

    It has been like that since launch.

  5. > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

    > hammer scrapper is a superb solo class, has survivability, decent damage and superb AoE CC with daze fields. Along with power renegade, my favourite solo pve class.


    would you please link a solo pve scrapper build?

  6. > @"mov.1246" said:

    > I sometimes use scrapper in WvW as frontliner in zergs with this build:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASlUUh2tYBWw+KQ7FLTGF9fX37t4zUABQ42lMhFA-j1xHABhv/Q+PAgfU+5n6PNpEEgLAgY6AAA-w

    > But thats it...

    > No use in PvE.

    > No use in PvP and WvW smallscale because holo is better and any other bunker or supporter is just better.

    > Scrapper was strong during HoT but recieved a lot of nerfs, and is now outshined by any other PoF spec.


    Like I said,lets put the numbers and balance aside...WTF is the scrapper supposed to be? Core engi with gyros?

  7. Im not talking about numbers here but rather about design.

    What purpose does the scrapper serve? It seems like it completely lacks identity when compared to the holosmith or almost any other elite spec.


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