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Posts posted by Mikuchan.7261

  1. To work with what Taril.8619 said,

    CD Project Red announces their problems and explain that they have to delay things to make them better and how and what the causes are.

    (Partly) Because they have great communication, people are understanding and keep loving them.

    Yes, some people will whine about how something "was promised" a year ago and didn't make it in time.

    But you explain why it happened and what the plan is and the majority will be good with it.

    Even an "We are currently having internal problems that we are trying to resolve and we sadly can't talk about them right now." is better than silence. Especially if the explanation comes when it's available.

    It was good that ANet told us that they can't safely have voice actors do their job and that voices would come later. That is communication and resolving problems. But as explained by others earlier, there are so much more that needs to be talked about.

  2. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > I would want from ANet EITHER an explanation of why their template system keeps not working with the Revenant class (randomly swapping the skill utilities from the legend loadouts I use) or a REFUND or the real world money I spent in a feature that doesn't work (the same as they refund the gold spent in PvP amulets, runes and sigils when they chose to remove one which was previously sold to you). They were eager to monetize the new system without even testing if it worked properly before releasing it, and now we are MONTHS (half a year+) since the release and it remains utterly useless and broken for the Revenant class.


    Yeah, you could try to send a ticket to support about getting a refund. But this long after, it could be harder.

    If you're in Europe, there are usually laws about products that are broken that you may be able to point at.

  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


    > > ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

    > To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.



    > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > True. But then i do not believe they were interested in player feedback even in the beginning. The whole system was clearly designed to _not_ take player desires in regard, and its prime purpose was not to offer a QoL upgrade. The main goal was monetization, so from the very beginning, they weren't interested in any feedback that was not about them getting more money out of it.



    While, honestly, this more and more what it seems to look like, there is still value in showing that this isn't something that dies out by itself.

    Somewhere will be the developer that sees this each day and thinks "Man... this system really isn't as it should be." and "I wish the management cared about the players and didn't put the monetization first, after all they're who we are here for and if they are happy, they stick around and give us money."

    And eventually, those devs may talk to each other about how things are and what they like and dislike and eventually they may challenge the management on it.

    Or, it may not happen.

    But at least as long as they see discontent, there is the chance that someone may do something about it.

    If it just dies, then nobody will care.

  4. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

    > Hi all, I have some more news for you. Like I mentioned in [last week's post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1099265/#Comment_1099265 "last week's post"), we had a list of updates we felt confident we could start working on and planned to give you an update on that list early in the new year. That has changed because one of the updates to build and equipment templates will be ready earlier than expected.


    > We've been working on an update that will automatically switch your build and equipment templates when you enter or exit PvE, WvW, or PvP. The game will remember which build and equipment template tabs were last active when you return to a game mode.


    > Also, PvP equipment will be integrated into all Equipment Templates, which will bring all of your equipment management into one convenient place. Our current plan is to add a new button to the equipment menu to view the PvP equipment slots in each template. By doing this, it means you to be able to manage your PvP equipment whenever you like, even outside of PvP game modes. Because PvP equipment is very different from normal inventory items, it will not take any space away from your standard equipment.


    > This update to Build and Equipment Templates will go live on December 3. We'll still follow with another update early in the new year.



    Thank you!

    These are some nice improvements assuming care is taken to implement them in a way such that they don't become distruptive in other ways.


    However now there have been 2 replies (which is good) without any word about people's concern over the monetization and other major issues (which is not as good).

    It'd be very nice if we could have a word on what is planned to happen with that.

    I get the "when it's done" or "when it's done enough" idea, but these are issues that could maybe be expedited a bit, for the sake of calming people down and preventing people from leaving and/or spreading sadness.

  5. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

    > Hi, everyone,


    > Thank you for all the constructive feedback you’ve provided about templates. We’ve spent a lot of time reading and discussing your thoughts, and we’ve identified a few updates we feel confident we can start working on.


    > Here are the pieces of feedback we’re currently working on addressing:

    > • Automatically switching build and equipment templates when a character enters or exits PvP and WvW. We’ll need to make updates to this functionality to further integrate templates with PvP.

    > • Ease of swapping legendary equipment between characters.

    > • Greater flexibility when making experimental changes to templates.

    > Because we have limited time to program, test, and implement these changes before the winter holidays, we’ll be able to give you a progress update early in the new year.


    > We’ll keep reading your feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts as you play with templates.

    > Thank you!



    Appreciate that these 3 points being talked about.

    But other very important ones raised in the thread are still unanswered.

    Especially what has been called the "Monetization fiasco" in other threads.

    It kinda feels weird to make a post here and not even mention them.

    Because that kinda makes me feel they are ignored.

    And I imagine others feel the same as well.

  6. Don't be EA, Blizzard or Bethesda please. Those are the kinds of companies we love to hate.

    Be like CD Project Red.

    Be transparent, be non-scummy.

    Then people won't love to hate you, but will love to love you instead.

    As for the link equipment suggestion, not bad. Would be nice to be able to select builds and equipment for being the main set for a certain game mode too.

    But that all of course depends on templates being made consumer friendly first.

  7. ## The good

    Yay, build templates!

    Yay, less things in inventory!


    ## The wtf?

    300 gems for storing 59 bytes of information that I would happily store locally on my PC to easily get an unlimited amount of build templates. Because why not really?

    500 gems for unlocking a single 'nother equipment template tab? Sure, I get that the tab means I get to store things in it, which is neat. But seriously? Don't you think that that's a -bit- too pricey? This is PER CHARACTER too.

    500 gems for unlocking a few slots to save build templates in? As stated before, let me host those 59 bytes on locally on my PC and have an unlimited amount of them. This is too expensive.


    ## The...

    You're showing on Facebook how bad it was before this system. How many clicks it takes.

    You know how much people have wanted this because of how neat it was in GW.

    Then when you log in, you see that you only get 2 equipment templates for a character.

    There are 3 game modes that all require different approaches to builds, Fractals, Raids and WvW (I won't even count general PVE).

    So essentially you're going just short of what people need.

    Whether this is intentional or not, you've done it so that people are to get used to using the templates, but they're going to feel that they're missing out that one slot for that last game mode. This "forces" them to buy the last slot because of how inefficient they would be otherwise.


    ## Final thoughts

    Build templates should be free and locally stored with unlimited slots with the option to store a few online for the convenience should you move to another device.

    Equipment templates should have -at least- one template for every game mode and -at least- be unlockable account wide and not character wide.

    But really, it should just be free, because a player should never feel obligated to buy something when their mates are nagging on them about how long they take to equip those items and how they're making them wait because they don't have all equipment templates unlocked.

    It's a quality of life feature.

    Quality of life features makes it easier to play the game, easier to enjoy it and easier to stay playing it without getting tired of it.

    That is something that should unlock spending in other places that doesn't matter for game play (in such a high degree that templates do).

  8. It would be interesting if they did do this for the new "home instance" sunspear place.

    The problem is however that non-PoF and potentially non-CH4 players wouldn't have access to it.

    I don't really think a feature like that should be expack locked and I don't think ANet would disagree.

    That also wouldn't really feel like "your" library the same way it would if it was in your own home instance instead.

    So I don't really think that they would do that.

    However, that said.

    I just want my books on a shelf somewhere, still kept, but out of my inventory and bank, so I really wouldn't be against doing it in the new sunspear place.

  9. The update for the novelties is great and I can't wait for the tonic update!

    The next culprit after that in my book would be books and relics.

    I'm not really sure what to call relics, but what I mean are things like Reforged Shadowstone, Class II Rift Stabilizer, Polla, Ley-Infused Lodestone.

    Basically items that you've gotten through various story-related means that have no actual use, but you'd want to keep for the sake of having them.

    It would be great if we could have a book case and display case for these kind of things in the home instance or something. I'm not asking for 3d models of them (although that would be cool). I'd just want some place with wardrobe-esque infinite storage where I can put this kind of items and if I can also display it to friends in that manner, then all the better.

    I don't really want to toss it away after all, but it really clogs up inventory space. I have a bank tab, sans a few slots, full of books and enough relics to fill the remaining slots and quite a bit more.

    I'd ask for a wardrobe for it, but that really doesn't make any sense. So I figure a book case and display case would be the way to go.


  10. I see the point stated. But if demand increases and prices with it. Then that also gives players a way to earn more money to afford the things they want.

    However, drop rates may need to be adjusted to fit the lower population.

    While botting may very well be -a- solution to the problem, I don't think it's the right one.

  11. So, Utopia, the playground of the gods themselves if I understand it right from Wooden Potatoes' summaries.

    Was there any thoughts at all about where you would go after that, in the hypothetical next expansion?

    Or was it known that that would be the last expansion regardless?

    Could you even go anywhere after that, would there be any way to top that?

    To me it feels like one of those very dangerous places to go because of the risk that everything after that will just seem uninteresting and normal.

    How would you have handled that?

    Did any of this factor in in the decision to scrap Utopia in favor of Guild Wars 2?

    Don't get me wrong though, I'd still have loved to see and explore the place and find out more about the story there~

  12. > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

    > > @"Ringlin.1863" said:

    > > > @"GrahamW.5397" said:

    > > > It doesn't really matter how much they buff the first few hits on targets when the rest of them you may as well be throwing dust. Part of why Ele was so strong in wvw was because of the insane amount of cleave and pressure it could put on people who were downed from 1200 range which is effectively gone now.

    > > While I'm concerned primarily about PvE, I liked that aspect of Ele play in WvW, too. 3+ seconds of immobility is risky, but if you positioned yourself wisely, and got the right timing, you could have a big impact. Seemed a fair trade.

    > >

    > > Apparently, the devs didn't think so, but man... such a nerf! In a game where people devote weeks and more to gaining gear that can improve their DPS by a few percent, a 60% cut to a primary damage skill is HUGE.

    > >

    > > And as far as I can see, it's completely unnecessary in PvE. It hurts us significantly while improving the gameplay for no one else.


    > A Meteor Shower nerf against Large Hit Box targets was desperately needed. Weaver will still be best DPS, but the gap will be about 5k now, not 12k.


    You say that, but consider that Weaver brings -nothing- other than dps to the party.

    You're glass, you have essentially no CC, and what you have requires 2 attunement swaps or conjuring a weapon.

    What point is there with a weaver if you can bring another class that also has a bunch more hp, gives buffs and/or heals and/or inflicts vulnerability?

    And what point is there with channeling Meteor Shower for 3.75s and letting it be on 24s cooldown when a lava font actually does more damage, is instant and with 6.5s cooldown?

    They are essentially deleting Meteor Shower from the game and making Weaver pointless along with it.

  13. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > > > When they take about pvp armor 1 and 2 what set are they talking. Also they are working on armor set 2.5, have we received any info on what this?

    > > > > > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glorious_armor

    > > > > > > > > 2.5 is going to be new variation of the Ascended glorious sets with some fx treatments. It's still in progress.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > How come its not for the legendary armor?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > "Legendary" skin has a certain connotation to it that we don't want to ascribe to these skins. They aren't going to have similar features. Flashy animations and the like. And while they are being enhanced, they are still going to be very similar to the base Glorious armor.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Let me make sure I'm reading this right. So the Ascended 2.5 version is going to be similar to the base Glorious armor, and the legendary is going to be flashier and different?

    > > > >

    > > > > My understanding is the legendary component is an upgrade. So it would take the initial appearance of the Ardent Hero or Glorious Hero set. I would imagine this new 2.5 armor can also be used as a precursor as well for the upgrade, perhaps replacing the Glorious Hero. That is my understanding. As in it works just like the wvw legendary upgrade.

    > > >

    > > > Yea but it kinda sounds like legendary armor is going to get it's own look eventually?

    > >

    > > Don’t think so, however, Ben would have to confirm that, not me.


    > No, legendary PvP is not likely to ever get a unique look.


    It sounds like it's not off the table.

    And I think it shouldn't be.

    I'd believe that nobody is asking for a super advanced new set of legendary skins that are flashy and are moving around and all that.

    At least I'm not.

    Personally I'd be satisfied with a skin that just look good and is different from the ascended version.

    It would of course be better if it also was fully animated and what not, but I don't think it has to be.

    But what happens with this and with things like SAB not being finished is that Guild Wars 2 gets a stigma of not finishing things.

    That is a very bad thing for attracting people to the game.

    You want to get expansions done and I get that. I want to play new expansions.

    However, the main point with the expansions was just that, to have something to show outwards to the rest of the world in order to get new players.

    Otherwise, just catering to current players, living story was doing just fine.

    So wouldn't it be better then to delay an expansion for just a bit in order to finish things up, such as the rest of the legendary weapons, SAB, making some legendary skins for pvp and wvw armor? That way you can show, "Hey, look what we made for the players! We are a company that finishes things and you can trust us with your money". More happy players getting their friends to play and more wallets opening up for you.

    I do think that it was a good idea to release legendary armor upgrades for pvp and wvw before there were skins for them in order to give players something to work towards. But I also think it'd be a very good idea to "finish" the armor up by also giving it its own unique skins.

    The skins can even come with a minor additional upgrade step for the skin, which gives another potential sink to the game.

    And well.. you have the lessons learnt and the systems in place from the last legendary armor, so it would be a waste to not use the experience and effort.

  14. > @"Dukotje.4382" said:

    > i'm so glad Super Adventure Box returns every year as a festival now! it's by far my favorite part of the game.

    > Returning every year for another tribulation adventure. The race this year is very nice! i love the beedog adventure half way through!


    > now the never-ending request. I would (as many others) love to see World 3 and maybe even World 4 being brought into the game... i know it has been confirmed by an ArenaNet developer that it's not gonna happen, but i'm still requesting it ^.^

    > So please Anet! Isn't there anyway we could possible get W3 for next year?


    As far as I know, it's not been confirmed that it's not going to happen. It's just on hold for an unknown amount of time.

    What they have said is that they didn't want to spend resources on doing it.

    That is, it wasn't going to happen when they said it (and until times change to make it possible).

    Similar to what was said about the legendary weapons.


    But yes, I'm with you. Give us world 3 and 4 please.

    It's a one-time commitment (though I realize it's a large one).

    When it's done, it's done and then people can't whine and it can be taken off The Table .

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The current system has every feature you're asking for _except_ you can only choose it bag-by-bag, i.e. it's limited to 8-, 12-, 14-, 18-, 20-, 24-, 28-, or 28-slots.


    It's ok that you may not want the features, but it's a bit ridiculous to say that the features are there when they very clearly aren't, don't you think?

    What's the point with that?


    > If ANet were to work on overhauling the inventory system, I would prefer a ton of other proposed changes over this one. Besides the economic implications, it feels complicated to use (lots of micromanagement of slots for each character) and complicated to code.


    What's preventing them from doing multiple features in an overhaul? It's an overhaul after all.

    What are the economic implications when you need as many bags of each kind with the proposed system as you did before, with the current one?

    There is no micromanagement, in fact, there's no management at all. You do a setup, once done, you're good to go. You can then completely forget about it for all time or change the setup whenever you want. Click the default button if you want to return to normal sorting.

    You indeed need to do it per character, however if you do nothing at all with it, as I said, the slots are arranged the way they are right now. So there's no change if you do nothing about it. It's opt-in in that sense. You choose your own complexity of your setup.

    Further, how complicated it is to use is up to the UI design, not the features.

    Say for example that you enter a slot edit mode from the inventory options menu. You mark the slots you want to change via drawing selection boxes and ctrl/shift-clicking them like you would in any graphical OS UI. Then you have a sidebar with tick boxes and radio buttons for the settings for the slots, for example invisibility, protection and what type of items they support.

    That would be quite fast and easy to use in my eyes.

    And it would provide very useful sorting features.


    As far as coding goes, it's only conjecture since none of us knows how the ANet code is built.

    To you it may sound complicated. To me it doesn't.

  16. **So, inventory and bags.**

    Now the supposedly bugged bandolier have been fixed and isn't "safe/invisible" anymore in that you can salvage and sell stuff in it.

    Fair, it was never meant to be that.

    But that it was invisible was really useful for me in order to protect the unidentified gear and farmed leather, etc from salvage all.

    However, it goes without saying that everyone wouldn't want that.

    I also found part of it annoying. Say for example you overflow the normal invnetory with identified gear from a use all action on the unidentified gear and flood the bandolier. Now you have to either move everything out of it or manually salvage things in it. (with how it worked before the fix)

    I like invisible bags, but always have to fill them up with random stuff to not get loot in them. They're convenient but inconvenient.

    I'd love to have dedicated slots for crafting materials too, but I wouldn't want a whole bag for it, just a few slots.


    **Customizable inventory slots**

    Let us customize the inventory by selecting what slots are to be invisible, what slots are to contain equipment, consumables etc.

    You can also overlap settings when applicable, for example invisible consumable or invisible equipment.

    I'd prefer if this could be done regardless of what bags you have, but to keep the economy as is, for example with a 20 slot invisible bag, you get to assign up to 20 slots to be invisible, the rest will work like normal slots.

    Because you can overlap them and you may need an odd number of slots, you can equip more bags than you have bag slots, but you can only get inventory space from the amount of bags you have bag slots for, the rest just give customizability to existing slots.

    This lets us choose to have a number of invisible consumable slots for the unidentified gear, while not dedicating a full 32 slot bag for it, causing other issues. We can choose to keep 15 out of 20 slots of that rare fractal equipment box for rares and just have the 5 other slots be normal inventory slots.

    To make things simple for new players and players new to the system and players who aren't interested in this change, the slots are assigned like they currently are by default and you have to re-assign them yourself the way you want them.


    **New protected inventory slots**

    You can set certain inventory slots to protected. What this does is that even if all other slots are full, these slots will not fill up even if they're empty except for the type of items they are assigned to contain, no more blue items filling up the slots you want your consumables or crafting materials to go in.


    **Hotkeys for inventory slots**

    This may not be super useful once we get our tonic wardrobe, toy box and most importantly our build templates, etc.

    However it would still be nice to be able to assign hotkeys to certain inventory slots of your choosing, triggering the primary action (use, equip, etc depending on item) when you press the hotkey (keeping any warnings there currently are). For example I can put my infinite salvage kits on hotkeys to quickly trigger them without having to scroll to them, or I could put that harp on a hotkey so that I can start playing without even opening the inventory. Tonics - consumed. Consumables - also consumed. Hotkeyed gear equips and swaps out for equipped gear. Bind multiple gear slots to the same hotkey to swap out the whole set with one click.


    **New protected gear swapping slots**

    In addition, there would be slots specifically for swapping to alternative gear, assigned manually like the other slots as described above.

    So what happens is that you place your alternative gear sets in protected gear swapping slots, then when you swap them out, either with the fancy hotkeys or by doubleclicking them or what have you, the equipped gear goes into these slots. The important part is that when you for example equip 2 weapons and replace a two-handed weapon, there will be one slot left over. This is where the protection comes in handy. The empty slot won't fill up with cogs and other junk when you kill stuff and then when you want to swap your staff in and replace your double daggers, the first dagger take the place of the staff and the second dagger pops in into the slot next to it, regardless if there are empty slots before or after in the inventory.

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