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Posts posted by Mikuchan.7261

  1. I see that to get the average value, you're just dividing the added value with the number of items.

    I see you do acknowledge this with removing precursors, but even the other exotics surely have some form of tier list for droprates?

    I'm not meaning to downplay your effort, but to just suggest that people take the average values with a grain of salt and that the "average" may not mean much in reality.

    But it's a nice effort and it provides other useful information, for example that precursors are possible drops.

    Neat job!


    If you want to further the research, it'd be a good idea to try to figure out droprates so you can weigh the average based on the droprate to get a pretty realistic average value.

  2. The transmutation charge question raised here reminds me of something from Blade & Soul.

    They have a costume wardrobe, but back when I was playing, you had to be premium or something in order to be allowed to use it.

    So people had to pay to be able to store the outfits they had to pay money to get from the store.... Of course leading to people buying less things from the store.

    Blade & Soul recently made the wardrobe free to all, probably having realized their mistake.

    I feel with TCs it's a little bit of the same story, but likely not as severe.

    But TCs can absolutely be in the way of implementing new and better systems, like templates and changing outfit with area and season and what not.


    For me personally though, TCs aren't a hindrance as it is, because I rarely change my outfit, because of inconvenience. And I did a fair bit of PvP, so I have a ton of them.

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > what about a longbow skins that goes fully EPIC, replacing your animations so your character is holding an instrument like they're going to play it,


    > Yes, it would be even more awesome if each instrument had its own animation, but... I think we have to assume that's unrealistic given their design budget. (Remember they work for nearly a year on new armor sets and months on weapons, and they have a score of fan-supplied weapon designs to implement).


    > I do wish I had thought of this (and posted) during the contest; someone might have been able to render it (not me: takes me two rulers and US$900 worth of CAD to draw a straight line).



    The point of a suggestion thread isn't to be realistic.

    It's to give inspiration to the devs.

    It's pointless to assume whether or not something is realistic unless your idea is that we should give no suggestions that risk being unrealistic, which would mean potential loss of great ideas.

    So.. I'm not seeing where you're going?

  4. I'm not sure I'm super into the idea, unless I can get a guzheng worked into it somehow. Guzhengs are cool.

    But I figured I'd contribute that while a harp would probably be the obvious bow, a shamisen, or another long guitar-like instrument with few strings, would make for a pretty hillarious bow, using the strings as... well.. strings.

  5. Not being anywhere near pro at either GW2 or HotS, I feel like Heroes of the Storm does this quite well.

    It's quite similar to what Reaver was talking about, but with hotkeys instead of click-drag.

    Maybe some pings could be hotkeyed and other pings could be click-drag.

  6. I could use a legendary armor to go with my cat or bunny ears...

    **That aside**, it -might- be the case that they wanted to give WvW and PvP legendary armor for people to work towards.

    But because of the long time it takes to design the legendary armor, judging by the raid one, they released it plain at first but might update it with skins or a recipe to skin them later on instead of making people wait another year. A lot of people want it just for the functionality, as do I.... Unless it matches my cat or bunny ears.

    But we might never know.

    I'll have hope.

  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts in this thread. This is a subject we’ve been thinking about, too. I'm Communications Manager for ArenaNet, and I strongly believe in always striving for good and meaningful communications. I feel that our having official forums provides us all -- dev and player alike -- with a valuable medium to accomplish that goal. Like you, I think that a company's *official forums* absolutely should be a reliable source for *official information*.


    > Now, ArenaNet Team members may choose to engage in conversations on Reddit or other places, and that’s totally fine. However, I recognize that many of you are not concerned about those conversations, but are concerned about the fact that essential game information may be posted somewhere else, even though it is relevant to you as a player. For instance, knowing a dev’s favorite profession isn’t critical to you; that's a conversation that could take place anywhere. However, knowing that the team is working on a bug fix, a balance change, or something else that will potentially impact your game experience is critical info. You should be able to get that info here on these forums, even if it’s posted elsewhere, as well.


    > We’re going to continue to look into how and where we communicate with an eye to potential changes that will broaden our ability to keep you informed. Thanks again for your thoughtful comments on this subject -- they are very informative and helpful.



    Not sure it solves the problem, but reddit is seemingly the place where things happen other than the official forums.

    So how about having a reddit bot that posts and links dev comments from reddit in a place on the forums?

    The place would be read only, but people can feel free to follow the link to participate in the discussion or create their own thread about it on the forum.

    Perhaps you could somehow have the bot write in the appropriate place on reddit to notify that a thread about the subject has been made on the forums as well in case people want to partake in the discussion.

    Maybe it's a bit of a naive attempt at a solution, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there at least..

  8. I did buy a pack of 10 skin tickets.

    I do regret doing so.

    I got some nice skins out of it and I'm actually happy with my haul (naturally unhappy with what I didn't get, like the star griffon, but it was a nice haul).

    So I don't regret it because I got a bad haul. I regret it because I fed into a system that is anti-consumer and really rather disgusting.

    I didn't think of it then and that was dumb of me given that I watch about every rant TotalBiscuit puts out and agree on most of it.

    I only saw the skins I wanted, and I suppose that's the point of the system.

    So I hope to atone for that by adding to this thread.


    This system is very anti-consumer and disgusting.

    The saving grace is that you can't get duplicates, but that's not enough.

    It's gambling and it shouldn't be there.

    I can't tell you to remove and rollback it, because I bought into it (which was dumb) and then this post would lose its value.

    But I don't want to see this bullshit done again.

  9. Leave the vendor accessible after first clear.

    If there's a time gated item they're selling, lock only that item and give it a fancy OnHeartDailyDone() event that unlocks it each day, but leave the rest accessible.

    Can even have different vendor tabs opening up depending on the number of times you've completed the heart. If the items are good enough, then that's a good reason to go back over and over and do it.

    But the idea with repeatable hearts was to give rewards, not put in restrictions.

  10. With mounts come races, as we've seen in the new maps.

    But wouldn't it be great if we could make our own custom races in guild halls with automatic timing and tracking?


    Suggestions for implementation.

    I'm not sure how much interaction you can get out of guild hall placeables, so this is perhaps more about the ideal case rather than the realistic case, but

    I'm thinking 4 different objects, starting line, gates and finish line as well as a score board if possible.

    2 modes, high score mode and race mode.

    When no race is active and you cross the starting line, you enter an adventure style time attack race.

    When a race is active, there's a countdown and people stand in a marked area in front of the starting line to enter.


    The starting line.

    The starting line, upon interaction (?) lets you start a race. If possible, you could also have optional restrictions for which mounts, if any, are allowed in the race.


    The gates.

    The gates come in different sizes or alternatively have a setting for the size which you can set by interacting with it.

    You set the order of the gates either via a gate ID, via a dialog on placing it or interacting with it, using a similar system to how signs store their text.

    Flags for ground based races and rings for air based or underwater races. The same racetrack could use a combination of both types of gates.


    The finish line.

    It's a finish line, not much to say, when you cross it in a race, it announces the race winner throughout the guild hall for participants and non-participants.

    When in a high score run, it announces your time locally around it and around the starting line and if there's a score board, you get placed on it, if applicable.


    Score boards.

    Different types of settings / objects or possibly showing all of them in a dialog on interaction if it can't be written out on a board.

    All time high scores, monthly high scores, weekly high scores, daily high scores and most recent times.

    Or, a bit more advanced, have a statue plinth that displays the statue of the player with the highest score, tying into the system.


    Different tracks.

    Now if possible, it would also be nice if you could set the objects up for different race tracks at the same time as well, designating which track either by having different objects for different tracks, or more preferably a setting for which track ID to use upon interaction / placement.


  11. On the topic of random dungeons.

    I remember Anarchy Online having a mission system where you get your randomly generated dungeon each mission you do.

    Those dungeons were extremely repetitive, but it could actually be a neat idea as long as it's not just made out of square rooms put together, but a bit more naturally looking.

    There are a lot of doors around Tyria that could be used for it.

    The bounty system also shows a neat way of generating bosses with random abilities.


    But that said, I'm not convinced it's actually needed or if people would even use it.


    About modernizing dungeons though... That'd be nice.

    Dungeons have deterred some of my friends from playing GW2 back in the days and probably keep doing so for other people.

    So I think it would probably be good and worthwhile to overhaul them despite fractals existing.

  12. Completed the Crystal Oasis map around 7:50-8:00 CEST (on my elementalist) and only got 8k experience as a reward.

    Have the rest of Tyria completed beforehand.

    Did enter Desert Highlands before completing Crystal Oasis.

    Entered no other PoF map.

    Completed story up until the beginning of Desert Highlands.

    The last item to complete the map was the Hero Point up north in the pyramid.

    Reminds me of the bug in HoT that had a similar symptom, though if I recall right, that gave some rewards, but not all.

    In this case it's just the 8k exp and nothing else.

  13. Would you prefer the patch to be 200 MB and not have any content? :D

    As for the speed, I got 10-20 MB/s almost constantly, so that's more an issue with your connection.

    The loading screen fail and instance create fail though is a bit problematic I can agree with.

    Though they're working on fixing it.

  14. > @Alatar.7364 said:

    > > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > > > @Alatar.7364 said:

    > > > I have never sold any of the Legendaries that I have crafted because I was never willing to undergo the entire World Completition for Gift of Explorations again, just to be able to craft something I won't have/keep. Items and/or other interesting or "rare" stuff is more important to me than the Gold they are worth.

    > > > So, maybe just ask yourself If you don't mind doing World Competition all over again in case you wanted another Legendary for yourself.

    > >

    > > You get 2 Gifts of Exploration per world completion. So OP can easily craft and sell Sunrise and still make a 2nd legendary.


    > That will forever be 1 less Legendary in possession. I was talking about future, he/she may want to have/craft more than One.


    It won't though, You just delete a character and make a new one and get more gifts.

    If you have no characters you want to delete, get a new char slot and make a new character and you get more gifts.

    Then you can use that slot as your key farmer, gift explorer or whatever you wish.

    If you don't already have 9 char slots, you can use that one for swapping class for PvP whenever you want as well.

  15. > @hornswroggle.8023 said:

    > I think SAB is perfect as a recurring Festival. I don't really need more of it. The dose makes the poison. I just hope that the Festivals Team has most of the Fests on Autopilot soon as they worked on that for the last year and can go into expanding the Festivals themselves (s.th. like World 3, New Rewards, new Activities, etc.)


    Yup, that's exactly the thing.

    World 3.

    Not more often, but world 3.

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