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Posts posted by Resurrected.4132

  1. > @"Beren Deusvult.4582" said:

    > I've been a casual player since the original EQ first came out. I haven't maxed in any games. I would like to return to GW2 for casual play and a light social/roleplay atmosphere. Are there any servers or guilds that are best for this?


    > ps. I'm a 55 year old man who has been playing D&D since the late 70s. I'm frustrated with the current state of my RPG life and looking for a fix. :)


    Hi Beren,


    OLDE is a new guild based on the NA Ferguson's Crossing server. We have both NA & European members and we are a mature guild. I am 58, ages range from 60+ to mid 20's. Whilst we do not roleplay we do chat and communicate through Mumble voice chat when we are playing. At present we are mostly PvE but hope to expand into the other areas of the game. We are very laid back and relaxed. We aim to have Saturday as our main day of play at the moment. Both Sto (guild leader and American) and myself (recruiter and in the UK) have a beer Saturday session of normally 5+ hours. We start at about 7-8pm GMT and play through. If you need to world map and pick up POI's, Hero Points etc then Sto is your man and can help as he knows the world like the back of his hand.


    You don't say if you are on an NA or EU server but ideally you need to be on an NA server. If we sound like the guild for you then it is possible to transfer over to NA and Ferguson's Crossing is busy at most times of the day and night.

  2. > @"Bullocks.3695" said:

    > # Me

    > Hi I am dead old, I was playing online computer games using abacus and Woolly Mamoth tusks. but seriously I am pretty long in the tooth gamer, I really did hook two commodore Amigas together using an RS232 lead to play Falcon with my mate. I am now having to lead a more sedentary lifestyle and returned to Guild Wars.


    > I played Anarchy Online, WOW, GW, GW2, Eve and a few others in my time. I am now looking for a helpful guild, with no pressure, good banter and no 12 year old Bulgarian Hackers telling me I am kitten because I don't raid 25 hours a day, 12 days a week.


    > I cannot be online all the time as I have work, which believe it or not I am a professional developer. ( but not games ). I don't drink beer, ( will discuss why one day ) and I haven't a clue what I am doing in game. I got my half baked little mutant jobber to level 80 and now I am lost.


    > Did I say I am old.... I forgot... I think I might have just wet myself ... but I need a coffee now, hope to speak soon... Steve


    Hi Bullocks,


    From your description, you sound like you'd fit in perfectly. I'll be in game tomorrow and will contact you.





  3. > @"Xabog.9504" said:

    > > @"Resurrected.4132" said:

    > > Hi Xabog,

    > >

    > > We most definitely are aiming to grow. Once large enough we will look to organise fractal runs.

    > >

    > > I enjoy WvW and hope to expand that side of the guild community.

    > >

    > > Above all the aim is to build a friendly community of like-minded players who will all get on, have fun, whilst taking part in the various elements of GW2 that make it the game we all enjoy playing.


    > I do really enjoy WvW except its so much harder to do with guild due to server limitations. Could I get an invite and try your guild out, or should I search your guild up online and apply?


    I will send you a guild invite. If you do not have Mumble, then please download it.

  4. > @"Xabog.9504" said:

    > Are you planing to do fractals, dungeons and to level your guild? I'm a returning player that is really interested in PvE but also want to see a guild grow. I got a bunch of 80 characters but only one that has good equipment, that may change though.


    Hi Xabog,


    We most definitely are aiming to grow. Once large enough we will look to organise fractal runs.


    I enjoy WvW and hope to expand that side of the guild community.


    Above all the aim is to build a friendly community of like-minded players who will all get on, have fun, whilst taking part in the various elements of GW2 that make it the game we all enjoy playing.

  5. Just a quick update to the OP. We've now changed over to Mumble for voice comms with our own dedicated server.


    We are still looking for active friendly players who will take part. We DO NOT want players that sign up and then just do their own thing and don't chat with other members and just consistently play solo.


    OLDE want to build a community of friendly players.


  6. Yes, you!


    **Who are we?**


    We are two gamers that have gamed for too many years to even remember =) . One of us is based in the USA (guild founder and PvE player) and one of us in the UK (being British I am very posh :p ).


    **Where are we?**


    Ferguson's Crossing (NA) - To take part you will need to be on Ferguson Crossing or any other NA world server.



    **What do we want?**


    YOU, of course, =) and you want us, that's why you're reading this...


    Both of us are casual players and we both go back to the Guild Wars original game. Whilst we both log in every day, our "game" day is a Saturday - aka beer Saturday (we like beer). Saturday will find us online from about 13:00-14:00 (CST) and 18:00-20:00 (UTC). Normally we play for a five or six-hour session. We then carry on with Serious Sunday - our day of prayer (yeah right!). Sunday we plan fractals and using Discord we look to run Guild events that members want to complete. It's a laid back hangover cure day of course :# B)


    We want to recruit players who are not too serious and want to have fun playing. We run PvE (Sto the guild founder, is brilliant and knows the world like it was his own neighbourhood). In the past, we run WvW, dungeons and fractals. We'd love to see players join who want to lead and are happy to lead the areas of the game outside of PvE.


    So, if you want to be a leader but don't want to be under a guild that treats the game as if life depended on it, then we could be the guild for you.


    We use Discord for voice comms and will help any new players find there way around the world.


    **What do we expect?**


    Just that you are respectful of others, that you rep the guild when online and there is at least one other guild member online. That you take part and have a laugh and a bit of fun.


    Could we be THE guild for you?

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