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Posts posted by dceptaconroy.7928

  1. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > Is there another class that can only heal itself and not receive heals at a specific time by others out there? Obtena can you explain the rationale behind Anet having our healing/sustain designed in such a way.


    > Sure ... Necro has a unique theme and Anet doesn't want them healing for ridiculous amounts in shroud. If you want a more detailed explanation of why we can't heal effectively in shroud or why Soul Eater healing in shroud was removed completely instead of just toned down to more reasonable levels of healing, Anet would be who you ask.


    Sure I can ask but will I get an answer like countless posts have done similar. I'd like your take on it as you have a unique perspective. KrHome's points +1. Pvp. Dont just look at this change via a Pve perspective. It's made a vast difference in my playstyle and I'm sure a number would agree. How have you faired in your Pvp dealings with vs without the trait?

  2. Id like anything positive done that doesnt get reverted in 6 months but I'll mirror Anet - It's fine and in a good spot. ...Starts random tweaking in no general direction. Add - here it comes animation to focus 5 plus additional self chill.. Unfortunately I see no real logic in their movements. I suggest an elite spec devised around the ways of Seppuku.

  3. Is there another class that can only heal itself and not receive heals at a specific time by others out there? Obtena can you explain the rationale behind Anet having our healing/sustain designed in such a way. Also does the 'only self heal while in shroud option seem like a better trade off. Once SE's removed will wh5s sustain return or? Are we being channeled into using BB thereby slow attacks in both forms. Alot of questions I'd love these guys to answer. I thought they said we were in a good spot and represented well. Why not leave us be. 'Change for the sake of change'.

  4. Split 100%. Some of us still PVP. Who here thinks its OP in PVP?? Theres not just one mode here that gets affected. But Anet know what they're doing without a Split right, they'll compensate, wh5 :/. Give us SE sustain minus warhorn sustain. Next patch - minus SE sustain. Were we too durable at this stage that we deserve a backtrack of this amount. C'mon. Are we too durable? Is that 2nd health bar/defense, which hold on - has to be earned too much? Are we being slowly throttled into Pof class only territory here.

  5. > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:> Hey, You don't like my speculation. usually the simplest answer is the correct one. It simply seems to me that Anet forgot to turn it off. I know you like to have your conspiracy theory engine on overdrive ... fill your boots. It's not really valuable discussion as to how we got here, other than to understand that the healing we were getting in Shroud with Soul Eater was absolutely ridiculous.


    > Turn it off like it's a switch they left on? Now who sounds a little conspiratorial? We are talking about putting the notes into the game and explaining the rational for the change, testing it and that sounds accidental? Would you like me to link the patch notes from that particular day because they are easy to find so here you go; https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74356/game-update-notes-april-23-2019#latest

    > This was clearly added out of purpose, so your opinion is no more valid then mine. The healing is necessary because the changes they made forced us into shroud, and they knew that which is why it was added. To fix it they could revert that, or lower the healing value, flat out removing it will cripple the Reaper in many game play situations period and i'm not the only one who thinks so!




    Good points Vlad, and Nimons case regarding durability is spot on as its thematically linked to our movie monster they spruked. "Jason", I think not.

  6. People throwing a fit aren't bothered about cleaving mobs, we could manage without blighters or soul eaters..thats just gravy. We're voicing it in regards to PVP. Until you understand the true benefit of it in that respect you wont get it. It was a fantastic way to keep us alive enough to not being simply insta-deleted. PVE no big issue correct, duking it out in the Arena, different story.

  7. > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > Pls link..any thread, any post that indicated Soul Eater was OP. Where who what where. I, honestly like warhorn changes have no idea this was as massive an issue enough to require this complete delete rather than even dumbing down of the healing. How about, 'you can now receive healing by allies'. No trade off no sustain/defenses added.


    > Who are you talking to?



  8. Pls link..any thread, any post that indicated Soul Eater was OP. Where who what where. I, honestly like warhorn changes have no idea this was as massive an issue enough to require this complete delete rather than even dumbing down of the healing. How about, 'you can now receive healing by allies'. No trade off no sustain/defenses added.

  9. No healing in shroud, cool I'll remember to not activate it as my oh 'oh snap' button, and only when I've access to decent hp which'll be melted in moments. Lucky I've got that wurm to dart out of danger. Just hang on a bit while I cast it. My Necrodamus senses knew this was coming. Buffing DS and underwater skills bahaha. Worth taking a look...tell me how that goes. Anet nice wrk again! Consistency lads that's what we've got here.

  10. > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > TLDR:

    > > > > > If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Spot on Dragon. If you're continually matched with those who know what's up it's a rough night.

    > > >

    > > > I disagree I think reaper is in a great spot at moment. But no1 but few know how to use them properly.

    > > >

    > >

    > > And i disagree with your statement. I think plenty of people know how to use reaper properly. Note no one you replied to above this said Reaper was in a bad spot.

    > >

    > > Infact im pretty sure i said reaper itself is in a good spot.. a great spot? no but a good spot yes.

    > > Great spots are limited to very few specs right now

    > > I consider pwoer chrono and mirage or mesmer in general , scrapper, holosmith, firebrand, hearld rev, and spellbreaker great spots. These classes run pvp right now.

    > > Weaver is possibly sitting borderline between good and great though its kind of a one trick pony and that personally bothers me.

    > > Scourge is sitting some where between good and great also.

    > > Reaper is good but not great its traits are fairly solid and its shroud and weapon skills are fine. Only a few traits need touching up at this point and maybe a few touch ups on shouts as well and reaper would be solid as far as that elite spec by itself goes.

    > >

    > > However the reason i will never consider reaper great is simply because that its weaknesses and issues will stem from core necromancers faults. Until core necro gets a proper touch up on those faults they will be there in every elite spec built on top of it. This is something thats been said time and time again.

    > >

    > > Does reaper need big heavy buffs? No probably not at this point

    > > But CORE! D:

    > >

    > >


    > Oh hahaha idk what this convo is I was probably to baked



    Glad that was clarified.

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