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Posts posted by Orack.9756

  1. I fell in love with Necro, the core one.

    I know it's not even close to be pve meta, but damn I really love the shroud like this and really can't go reaper or scourge.

    I always wanna play something who feel mage, and I really appreciate the Dark Magic & Lich theme we got with him.

    I also really love the Blood Fiends, this little ball of mist. A friend sent me the mini-one so I've two of them now <3

    I'm not a big fan of other minion look, but I've play a period of time with Nova, Rise and all minion, damn, it's so fun to run in a mass fight and end-up with 15 minion around xD

    I've always ton of idea about how to play it and it's very fun to build this class to me.

    It's very tanky, never encounter something I can't solo (except when I play like idiot :>) I'm ranged and hit like a truck.

    I've build so I'm 80%+ of the time under shroud that allow me to be always full life with the Unholy Sanctuary and use few minion mostly for cleanse and CC.


    I've also play Hizen Mesmer double-staff who was hella fun but still don't like mesmer animation/gameplay.

    I've try Spellbreaker and Dragonhunter, and was disappointed, their core version were more fun to me.


    Edit : Trying to find a picture on my phone dunno if I've put them on cloud..

    Got one from char screen.

    As you can see, I love simple thing ; and since I'm still a bit new, I don't have ton of outfit. Any tips to gather a decent collection for free ? I've try to buy with karma the gear look I don't have in all region I explore but still have only few :<


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/xlnvpJN.jpg "")




    @"Buran.3796" Your Guardian look very cool :)

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