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Posts posted by Blue.1207

  1. > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

    > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > How bad is it? I recently rolled up a Guardian and started playing Dragonhunter in PvP and it seems to work ok for me. Not the best of the best but I'm also not the best of the best players. But I do win about half my matchups using the Elite, with it becoming one of the stronger professions I can seem to win with in PvP. Or am I just getting lucky in my matchups and playing against players who happen to be worse than me?

    > >

    > > You can still be effective and have fun with it but against the more experienced and skilled crowd, you'll feel a bit useless on DH. It just doesn't bring enough to the table and for the role it plays, there are many other builds on other classes that do a better job.


    > What role is it good at? Or supposed to be good at?


    Once upon a time DH was the king of node holding (from a non bunker perspective) and burst damage. This is when longbow & traps were good and Mirage didn't exist yet. They were a very versitile class, although their skill ceiling had a certain cap to it and didn't see a lot of high tier play outside of Moobs.

  2. It's times like this that I really wish they literally reworked staff and slapped it on a new elite spec for Guardian, or at least build the spec around the weapon to some extent. Staff as it exists is so niche and straight up boring. I'd love to see a dervish like spec for guardian the focuses heavily on mobility and heavy area denial/aoe damage (yes I know the hammer exists, but it is a dreadfully slow weapon and slightly less niche than staff).

  3. Staff is my ideal weapon for the warrior. Tho I'm not sure how it could be implemented in a unique manner that seperates it from other variants that already exist.


    I think, a complex weapon/play style for the warrior is needed. If such a weapon were to be implimented I'd like to see a mechanic similar to kit swapping, or "stances" similar to how ele's attunements work, even if it's a simple offense/defense" style toggle, with weapon skills reflecting said stance.


    Warriors have always been about versatility in an unintentional way, I'd like to see them really dig into one, or the other, and not both (at the same time) for once.

  4. DH is a "decent", but outclassed roamer. Use standard Medi-DH build w/ traveller (rip) runes for that with marauder gear. Soliders DH can prove great in a zerg setting for LB's (only good ability) #5 for good CC. Outside that it's pretty meh and any good Mes, War, Ranger or Rev will figuratively eat you alive. You don't counter much outside of bad players.

  5. Play whats fun, that's what it comes down too. There's a few classes that definitely have a low skill floor, but across the board, the ceiling is quite high across most (if not all), classes.


    A few examples come to mind:


    Warrior might be the "easiest" class of the game due to its absurd passive uptime and ability to disengage while regening 50+% of its hp, but you can play around this type of play style, and a good warrior certainly knows how to time his/her cooldowns and ability to disengage. A condi rev in PvE may be theoretically the highest dps in the game right now, but due to it's absurd rotation, requirement to disable cast confirmation, and the abuse of UI hovering, it is an incredibly unfun class to play in an actual scenario.




    tl;dr, reread first 2 sentences. Play what YOU enjoy, ignore the haters.




  6. I don't think you understand how absurdly cancerous the "bunker" meta of Season 3 actually was. It came to the point where if you lost a node to your enemy team the game was more or less over (hyperbole, but on high skill games, not at all). Now we're contending with matchups that have the potential to be over far too quickly. Not sure if I enjoy it any more or less.

  7. Downstate has been a PvE centered meme since the game came out. Rallying in PvE? Sure. Rallying in PvP/WvW? Absurdly annoying. The whole mechanic revolves around the downed player getting outplayed. They could have disengaged, positioned themselves better, ran more defensive stats - the fact of the matter is that they died. They were killed, and they deserve to respawn and get back into the action, or hey, wait for your group to win the engagement and get manually rezzed.


    This weekend favours team play, individual skill and not over tuned and quite frankly boring mechanics. Is it such an absurd idea that people actually have to consider if they want to humpsiege for 4 hours straight without fear of actually dying (take note eles). Being able to pull a stupid maneuver and get immediately rezzed by MI, IoL, or Banner or even just 5 people mass rezzing is an absolute joke, and this weekend proved it.

  8. Gonna be honest here. I think I would have accepted literally ANY kind of WvW weekend at this point in the game modes life (excluding the infamous golem week). The mode, and almost everyone I regularly WvW/play with thinks the game mode is staler than a 2 year old piece of bread. The Alliance update has been semi-confirmed by server leads and dev's to be coming in around 6 months time. I don't know about you, but given the rate of change, and the absurd lineup of AAA games coming out this fall winter, ANET really needs to deliver on it's content, but at the same time, take a look at keeping WvW fresh.


    The game has major competition. Most of my long term GW2 buddies have pondered off to Fortnight and Overwatch (memes I know). I have little doubt in my mind that the few that remain will let Monster Hunter or BF5 pass them by. Heck, even some guildies are excited about BFA (something I never thought I'd say).


    Anet needs more changes like this. Be it permanent or not, in an effort to keep the mode fresh, rewarding, and most importantly: fun. Guild wars 2 has always been that golden MMO that you can return to at any point in time. But honestly I don't see there being a point to return if it's just the same old stale gameplay that results in people afking in Stonemist for 6 hours.


    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to 1 shot groups while I can avoid being mindlessly spammed by someone spamming 1 from the ground.

  9. > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

    > > > > @"Blue.1207" said:

    > > > > Why would anyone, ANYONE, ever bring a weaver (ele even) to a group if their damage was nerfed even further than it has? They have absolutely no utility that's worth bringing, or party buffs for that matter. All they bring is damage, and that's it.

    > > > >

    > > > > Hell you don't even need them in groups outside of speed clears. My static cleared 4/5 wings without a single ele last raid reset.

    > > >

    > > > Welcome to the Thief, Necro (without Epi) and Revenant worlds. It's about time the tables are turned for once (in the PvE endgame), this META hasn't _really_ changed for tooooooo long now!

    > > > And once that's the case, well, I'm sorry for all you Ele mains, _but at least you're still **viable**_ ... (Thief, Necro and Revenant mains know what I'm talking about, how many times they have heard that one before!)

    > > >

    > > > Ah what am I thinking, if ever ...

    > >

    > > I don't know what you're thinking. I've seen a Staff DD pretty much match my dps in t4. So yeah, they are **viable** all right.


    > > @"Blue.1207" said:

    > > Thief are top tier in PvP/WvW roaming. They are also perfectly **viable** in t4's (CM or not) as well as raids (again **viable**). (...)


    > Wow, you guys, just completely proved my point!!!




    If your point was to prove that your original point was redundant because the above classes can perform just fine in group settings while opting to bring party utility where as weaver can only bring dps utility without sacrificing an unholy %'age of their DPS then yeah, point made.

  10. > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

    > > @"Blue.1207" said:

    > > Why would anyone, ANYONE, ever bring a weaver (ele even) to a group if their damage was nerfed even further than it has? They have absolutely no utility that's worth bringing, or party buffs for that matter. All they bring is damage, and that's it.

    > >

    > > Hell you don't even need them in groups outside of speed clears. My static cleared 4/5 wings without a single ele last raid reset.


    > Welcome to the Thief, Necro (without Epi) and Revenant worlds. It's about time the tables are turned for once (in the PvE endgame), this META hasn't _really_ changed for tooooooo long now!

    > And once that's the case, well, I'm sorry for all you Ele mains, _but at least you're still **viable**_ ... (Thief, Necro and Revenant mains know what I'm talking about, how many times they have heard that one before!)


    > Ah what am I thinking, if ever ...


    Thief are top tier in PvP/WvW roaming. They are also perfectly viable in t4's (CM or not) as well as raids (again viable). Necro (sans epi), well hey, heres the thing, you can't just take away one component of a class and use it as an example. To counter that I would say "well Chrono is poop at support without SoI", so yeah no, don't do that. Power Rev's have been gutted, that design decision is on ANET, and something they need to fix. Condi rev however? Completely viable in all game modes (minus pvp), and META in many raid fights.


    Nerfing a DPS class that brings zero utility to the levels that other more utility driven dps are is not the answer to anyone's problem. If eles are nerfed to sub performance, be ready for the 6 warrior, 2 chrono, 2 druid comp. You can QQ more then.

  11. Why would anyone, ANYONE, ever bring a weaver (ele even) to a group if their damage was nerfed even further than it has? They have absolutely no utility that's worth bringing, or party buffs for that matter. All they bring is damage, and that's it.


    Hell you don't even need them in groups outside of speed clears. My static cleared 4/5 wings without a single ele last raid reset.

  12. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > At risk of sounding like a broken record I will just state for the record again that I prefer the ICD with UI visual indicator solution for EM stunbreak because I don't believe there is anything wrong with having stunbreak on the same button as dodge


    Gonna just stop you right there, and ask you to imagine if every class had access to a stun break on dodge like Mirage does. It would be ridiculous. One of the main reasons why "stuns" are a thing is so that you can force the use of a stunbreak, or have your opponent eat your axe or condi bomb or whatever. If you can simply /dodge and break that stun, then you have effectively given that class not only a free utility slot (don't need to bring a stunbreak), but you've upset the actual balance of the game in regards to stunning and stun breaking. I main mesmer. It's an absurdly powerful skill that allows for one to easily cover their mistakes instead of being punished for them.

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