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Posts posted by ramorambo.6701

  1. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > Would it actually be better to watch a recording, by yourself, several hours/days after the event? There's alot to be said for the hype and communal feel of watching a match with a large group of other people 'live', with commentary, banter etc. Pretty much every sport is best watched live. As long as there are streamers actually streaming, this setup is fine.


    The live streaming excitement part is true, yet again the easy solution is just make the streamer cast the delayed version of the game if that's the case.

    Also i already said the reasons about why the streamer- only version is not good and why a replay system or delay would actually help:

    > @"ramorambo.6701" said:


    > To furthermore prove my point i want to point out that most new build are shown only there, and most of the time, i, and many others watch AT not only for the gameplay, but also to learn and try new builds, wich is very impractical to do if the streamer forgets to show the build [or if he simply refuses to do that](https://clips.twitch.tv/FancyUgliestArmadilloShadyLulu-ltLh5cl0bWSE8q0K) .

    > What i'm trying to say is that gw2 pvp is a really competive enviroment, the difference of skill between a silver and plat player is abysmal, and so it is between a plat1 and a plat 2/3, and right now people just do not have a simple way to access to actual competitive material. Wich is a terrible thing in such a competitive enviroment, because making hard to even have acces to the knowledge you need to improve, results in big gaps between the playerbase skill, and with a playerbase as little as right now the matchmaking is affected heavly.




  2. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > > Gw1 always had this future


    > And I'm sure learned that teams use it to cheat, to read what the other team is doing via some remote guy in their voice chat who's job is to watch the other team.


    Dota 2 and many others game work around this issue showing a delayed recording of the game, still from what i understand it's not possible to replicate this 1:1 but there is surely some work around to make it happen, like, idk a downloadable replay? Or maybe make it like wow, that you can have access to the users information and have someone casting them on the ufficial gw2 channel in a proper manner, showing builds and making a more new-user friendly enviroment?

    what is realy needed is some work or feedback from anet side with the purpose of making pvp more accessible and informative than now

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"ramorambo.6701" said:

    > > The question is simple, why can't anyone but partners watch the monthly AT matches?


    > 1. Too many people would use the function to cheat while in voice coms with their friended teams. IE: "Guys, the Thief is stealth and he is going to far for a decap right now." or "The Support just burnt all his CDs to save the Herald. Burst the Support right now." This would happen while they watch the screens of other teams in real time. I'm sure some people have already done this.

    > 2. Allowing everyone to watch from in-game would kill stream views, and streamers are free commercialism for the game. When streamers stream, people who do not yet own the game can watch the stream and potentially become interested in playing the game.




    It wouldn't kill twitch viewership at all, those who will watch ingame will always be a minority in regards to those who watch in on twitch.

    There would be a benefit however in the playerbase overall knowledge and quality of life, resulting in more people playing thus more viewership and population in the long term

    > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > Because theres no possibility of having a delay so in other words it can be exploited.


    Yeah i remember when i first readed this explanation, wich was probably more than 6 years ago, what i was implicitly suggesting was finding another solution around that or just redesigning how the spectating works, pvp has been declining since day1 and it's main structure has never really had a rework.

    Most of the work on keeping the pvp scene alive is coming from the community, the point of my thread is to solicit anet of doing his part of it.

  4. The question is simple, why can't anyone but partners watch the monthly AT matches?

    While this may seem like a non-important issue, it IS important, gw2's pvp is always shifting and full of innovations, there are semi-competitive tourneys every day, but right now the only way to see competitive gameplay is through AT streams, wich people may or may not know about, or might just entirely miss since they're on another platform outside the game.

    To furthermore prove my point i want to point out that most new build are shown only there, and most of the time, i, and many others watch AT not only for the gameplay, but also to learn and try new builds, wich is very impractical to do if the streamer forgets to show the build [or if he simply refuses to do that](https://clips.twitch.tv/FancyUgliestArmadilloShadyLulu-ltLh5cl0bWSE8q0K) .

    What i'm trying to say is that gw2 pvp is a really competive enviroment, the difference of skill between a silver and plat player is abysmal, and so it is between a plat1 and a plat 2/3, and right now people just do not have a simple way to access to actual competitive material. Wich is a terrible thing in such a competitive enviroment, because making hard to even have acces to the knowledge you need to improve, results in big gaps between the playerbase skill, and with a playerbase as little as right now the matchmaking is affected heavly.

    To make a comparison, in WoW Arena world championship they literally made an interactive site that shows in real time builds and equip of those who are playing.

    I am of course using WoW just to make an example but AT should at least be free to watch indipendently in some way, shape, or form, or if that's REALLY impossible to reprogram AT LEAST make it public with reserved slot for streamers.


  5. > @"Geiir.7603" said:

    > What’s your thoughts on S/D DD in the current meta?


    > I find it pretty good given the insane condition spam and burst that’s going on now. It is durable and can dish out a lot of damage. I also find people not knowing how to play against it as they’re too used to D/P or P/D in the current meta.


    > Been having a lot of fun and success with it lately ?


    > Edit: [Forgot to add the build, so here it is.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAwiVlNwuYbsOGJOMXrNVA-z5IeKZKC6VIEvEogFgJGA)




    that's most likely a better build

    build is fine, not the top performer but good in some situations, it requires good game awareness tho

  6. the 2 best advice you can have are:

    in WvW do not expect balance, thieves tactics of running the shit out of the fight is just the way they compensate their uselesness in zerg fight, you can win no prob in 1v1 against thief actually, since ele are masters of 1v1, but you seem to deny it so i won't even bother

    in Spvp thiefs are not even meta, just play a thief and learn how they work.

    Also what's your sPvp rank? thief prey on unaware player and noobs, so that may be the case

  7. I was trying to craft the superior rune of mesmer when i discovered that it's not in my tailoring list, according to the wiki it gets discovered when you reach 400 in tailoring (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Mesmer ) but i can't seem to find it i also noticed that several other items are missing.

    Here's a screenshot, am i doing something wrong or missing something?


  8. > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

    > > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

    > > > *The biggest problem that I'm encountering is there is no counter for being marked.* Invisibility, condi cleanse, LOS... nothing works. The DE can actually mark, then go completely out of LOS and simply let it tick. That's wrong. It's pretty much a free kill pass.

    > >

    > > DE mark do no any damage, its just passively to increase caster damage to marked foe and only how mark can deal damage its only while activating stolen skill which also have low damage and need to be in range to deal this damage


    > That's not the point. The DE can mark, then leave combat and wait. When they return they have a huge free burst. There's no way to remove the mark. So this is a death burst without reasonable counterplay.


    Deadeye's Mark:

    Mark a single target to generate stacks of malice over time. Malice generates faster and increases your damage against the marked target as long as you have recently struck it.


    Nope you can't go out of combat and also you need to keep hitting the target to get full stacks, yeah the burst is nonsense but i've never seen a single succesful DE over 1.2k pvp rating, the only way a DE can kill you is if he can catch you without dodges or reflects or any sort of wall around you, after the first 2 unloads you can blink to him with almost all classes, it's really a bad designed spec both for the way it gets his results done and for howsuch spec works only against low skilled players.

  9. > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > @ramorambo.6701 said:

    > > That's because spellbreaker is pretty much on par with scurge (if not even bettter)

    > > they'll get both heavely nerfed dude, don't worry


    > You want scourge vs thief?

    > I can tell the man who play as scourge in this video to do that. And if its no match for the thief.. Can we ask for heavely nerf too ?


    Not sure about what you're trying to say but thief is definitely less meta than scourge or sb, not to mention that this game is about capping points, not duels.

    Also i don't really care about threaths about thief nerfs (if you were trying to say such a thing) since i can play pvp with almost all classes dude;; i only seek a decent pvp without SS tier classes

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