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Aspen Tie.5084

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Posts posted by Aspen Tie.5084

  1. Maybe I'm an anomaly but, If I get killed by one of the aforementioned 'one shot mesmers, unkilable rangers, runaway warriors, one shot thiefs or dodging forever ones while dealling damage', my first thought is what can I do differently? It's extremely rare that I will rage. I will rez, track down the same opponent, and try again. It's very possible I die over and over again, have my dead body jumped on while I check the dmg logs, and become a bag vending machine. However, I will not be discouraged. At no point will I analyze the situation in a way that the game has pigeon-holed me with an inherent disadvantage and the only solution is to handicap everything else so that I gain the upper hand. Instead, I welcome the challenge, analyze **my own performance**, and make some changes. Some encounters are more difficult and tedious than others but, I feel that is to be expected and there is no problem with this - some classes, mechanically, will counter others.


    Long story short, the rift between class balance might not be as big as you think.





  2. I fancy myself pretty competent with hammer while playing core medi guard. I would appreciate the buff but, this would be out of hand. The burst is already pretty damn good and lowering the cd on that would be OP. As far as the duration of chill, I have no problem using my kit to rack up a few stacks, and if used with Superior Sigil of Hydromancy, there's more than enough. Even if you disregard the chill on disable, Glacial Blow by itself, with it's increased dmg and inherent chill, is pretty beast.

  3. > Actually, hammer is the weapon which benefits from this the least... lol


    I don't know about that. Catching someone in a Ring of Warding can set up a few stacks of chill. Enemy trips (1), Banish(2), bounce off of RoW(3-4), Glacial Blow(4/5). That's potentially 5 stacks of chill within a few seconds.


    Edit: stack count

  4. FWIW I tested it when I got home. Glacial Blow (superseded hammer #2) inflicts chill regardless, it seems. If the target is disabled, Glacial Blow also triggers Glacial Heart - which does a minuscule amount of damage. In light of this, Glacial Heart should be able to crit, or in the least, have it's base dmg increased - to reward players who coordinate Glacial Blow with disables instead of spamming '2' on cool down. As of right now, the damage it provides is so negligible that what the hell is point.


    _edit: Scratch all of that. The actual disable is what triggers glacial heart. Wasn't looking close enough at the logs._

  5. "Mighty Blow becomes Glacial Blow. Chill and damage foes that you disable.

    Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.


    — In-game description"


    The game description for this trait is confusing me - Chill and damage foes that you disable? I could easily just wait until I get home from work and do some simple testing but, I figured I would ask. Does the chill only proc when my target is disabled? The tool-tip on the action bar does not mention 'disables' when traited for Glacial Heart (only in the trait description). Does anyone have an clarification?



  6. I've been playing Gw2 since release. My main focus has always been sPvP. By absolutely no means do I consider myself a really good player but I feel I can hold my own and have a fairly good understanding of proper map rotation, targeting, and when to peel and decap etc. I've always played core guard and would manage to trickle into platinum bracket, usually floating between gold 3 and plat 1. Recently, however, I've fallen in love with playing Deadeye - there is just no going back for me. I know it gets a bad rap but, I enjoy it too much. With that being said... For fucks sake... I've never been so verbally abused in my Gw2 career. Recently I've contemplated turning off team chat and just blindly playIng. The moment my team is down on the scoreboard it starts. I'm nailed to the cross and berated here on out for; not just one game BUT several because, the same Judas assclown of course is matched on my team over and over again. Needless to say the matches haven't even started yet and I'm already being buried. I begin to wonder if maybe it really is my fault? and it's a downward spiral of insecurity that I'm constantly doing something wrong - and I begin to not play as well: making more mistakes, backtracking, and not being confident. I placed and ranked up to gold 3 playing only Deadeye and the torment has been consistent throughout.


    I know the thief stigma has been brought up several times before and I apologize for the rant. I just had to clear my conscience.


    Have a good rest of the weekend!

  7. > @witcher.3197 said:

    > > @"Aspen Tie.5084" said:

    > > I played hammer guard before HoTs (before the talent build changes). I stopped playing when HoTs was released, and only recently started playing again a few weeks ago. I never changed my build upon returning, and voila, here it is getting some recognition. It's an incredibly fun build and the great thing about it is, you can utilize it with a free account :smile:


    > You may want to doublecheck your traits and amulet though. Before HoT hammer guards used honor and marauder amulet, now they take radiance and valkyrie.


    I was actually using zerk, but having since returned, I'm using valk with rune of the traveler(same as before HoTs). I also use mace instead of sword - protector's strike can hit pretty hard and i like the auto attack. My traits are essentially a mirror of what's on metabattle.

  8. I played hammer guard before HoTs (before the talent build changes). I stopped playing when HoTs was released, and only recently started playing again a few weeks ago. I never changed my build upon returning, and voila, here it is getting some recognition. It's an incredibly fun build and the great thing about it is, you can utilize it with a free account :smile:

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