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Posts posted by TheNecrosanct.4028

  1. > @Kyban.4031 said:

    > The squad instance would be the one with the commander in it, so it would be nice to have a marker on the commander in the squad ui so we know who to join on to get into the right map as well.


    That is already there. The player icons you see in the squad UI, the one with the commander has the tag in the top left corner. It's not very noticeable, though, and easy to miss while browsing the squad for the commander to join. I usually try to find a squad with a group 2 that holds the commander, so he's listed apart from everyone else in the UI and is easy to spt and join on. I'm of the opinion that commanders who don't do this automatically aren't as seasoned as I prefer my commanders to be anyway. ;)

  2. ANet has a knack of making incomplete sets for a while now. The weapon skins from the Nightmare Fractal and the Caladbolg weapons are 2 other examples. Not to mention all the single armor pieces we've received through the Living Story. But that last bit notwithstanding, I really wish they would just release full weapon sets. As a Fashion Wars player I really like these skins, but I find it very hard to match a Caladbolg skin with any other weapon skin in both color scheme and design (I know, mismatching weapons is a pet peeve of mine).

  3. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > Honestly, outside of this time of year, there really isn't that much of a problem with full maps and LFG.


    This time of year it grows to enormous proportions, but the rest of the year this is still a problem, depending on the kind of content you do. There are plenty of commanders who don't bother removing their LFG when the map is full. They might also not always be aware their map is full to begin with. The LFG system filtering this out is an excellent idea. Anyone browsing the LFG panel will know which squads not to bother with because the map is full, or choose to join anyway in the hopes of being able to get in anyway after a few tries. I've come across plenty of bounty LFG's I tried to join but their map was full. It happens with HoT metas as well. If there are too many of them you might miss your chance at a timed meta because you've wasted too much time trying to join squads you didn't know were on full maps.


    So yes, this is a year round problem. It's just much more obvious during Halloween, but that is the only difference.

  4. Yes, a commander has the right to set rules for his squad. He is the leader and others choose to follow him (might have even chosen his specific LFG message), and we generally don't tend to follow people we don't like, unless we are forced to (which is not an issue in a game, because no one forces you to do anything). GW2 is, in my experience, also a friendly and polite community for the most part. Many different kinds of players in the game, but mostly we respect each other and don't force our own views and preferences on someone else.


    However, this commander OP is describing can be summed up with many words, all of which would end up as kittens in this forum post. And since I don't want to insult the kittens because they are way too sweet and cute to be associated with a person like you described, let me just state a simple rule. What's considered rude and inappropriate verbal behavior in real life is just as rude and inapproriate in game. The tone of that commander says it all. He is not a nice person, at least not in this context. I don't know about other people but I've never been able to find common ground with anyone who stated "My way or the highway" or who purposefully excluded people from the group. Furthermore, in GW2 as an unwritten rule, we res the downed and ask the dead to WP. We don't discriminate over who's in the squad and who's not.

  5. So today's patch notes state the following: "Fixed a bug in which some Path of Fire™ reward skins were hidden in the wardrobe until they were earned."


    I held off on making over some of my characters until they fixed this, so I could experiment at my leisure without having to alt-tab constantly for the codes. However, I checked my wardrobe for Funerary, Bounty Hunter and Warbeast armor skins, and none of them are in the wardrobe (except the ones I already unlocked, of course). I didn't bother to check the weapons.


    So my question is why these are still not in the wardrobe. Did the fix not work out as intended? Or are these armor skins not intended to be viewed in the wardrobe (since the patch notes say "some ... skins" instead of all. And to add a secondary question: why are there even armor and weapon skins not viewable in the wardrobe? Some gemstore skins have the same problem. When they released the Hydra Staff skin I wanted to check it out on different characters, but it's a no show in the wardrobe. What general rule is there for skins to be added to the wardrobe or not?

  6. > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > Okay I run a pretty big guild and I really enjoy doing guild missions. Yet, we do other stuff as well. We do everything from open world exploration together, to story achievements, to hero points runs. I don't really require the game to spoon feed me specific guild content.

    > >

    > > And not having a guild team doesn't mean guild content will never come out. It means there's no team dedicated to making guild content. In theory, every expansion will come out with a guild hall as an example Doesn't require a dedicated guild team to do that.


    > This.


    > If your guild needs outside motivation to do things together then it might not be a real guild.


    Missing the point. Guilds don't need outside motivation to do things together. The topic was Guild Missions. That's hardly the only thing guilds can do together. Fractals, Raids, Dungeons, World Bosses, Story Instances, all things guilds can and will do together. Sure, not all guilds, but it's never an all or nothing thing. My guild does things together, but Guild Missions not anymore. And that is because it is years old content with the same rewards that everybody who has played Guild Missions since introduction already has or isn't interested in. If this game, or any game, doesn't add new content, people will get bored with the same old thing over and over again. That's just human nature. And it's not so much outside motivation. Would you still be playing this game if we only had the core maps, core story, base specializations and no elites, no new skins? Maybe. But I'm guessing new content keeps you motivated to keep playing this game, or plays at least a role in that. Yes, people need motivations to do things. That even goes for you. Loot might not be your motivation, but something is, and that something doesn't have to be purely the content. It's the interactions with friends/guild members that makes it more enjoyable for one (at least, that's my experience when comparing pug runs to guild runs, to name an example), and there can be many other reasons. But saying that guilds who need outside motivation might not be real guilds is kind of a reductive statement, in my honest opinion.

  7. > @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

    > > @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    > >


    > Orichalcum is an alloy. They took the word from an ancient metal alloy mention in writings about Atlantis. From Wikipedia **"Orichalcum has been held to be a gold/copper alloy, a copper-tin or copper-zinc brass, or a metal no longer known. "** The exact mixture of the alloy isn't known but there are some artifacts that are made of it. It's not an element but a mixture of metals that themselves are mined, refined then melted together into an alloy. I know Iron isn't rare in the game but it's more rare than it should be. It should be on more maps than it is.


    > Mithril is a **rare** fictional metal mentioned in the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien. By the name "Elderwood" I assume to mean an old growth wood should be rare due to the level of development of civilization in the game and it along with ancient wood (assuming dead old growth wood) should only found on the most remote areas. Old growth wood tends to be depleted quickly by settlements using it for large construction beams leaving young growth in abundance.


    > I know it's a game but games and other forms of entertainment teach and should at least strive for some level of accuracy on the elements of the story derived from real world things or be consistent with things from other fictional properties. To many entertainment mediums put out bad info which teaches the wrong thing to it's target audience. A good example is how so many people "know" that before Columbus everyone thought the world was flat which is false; in reality everyone with knew it was round. It was a historical inaccuracy perpetrated by a series of writers and taught to the masses as fact.



    You're mixing up things. Mithril is rare in Middle Earth. Tyria isn't Middle Earth, and the word comes back in many fantasy universes. As for orichalcum, everything we know about it is assumed. In fact, you're referring to Plato's "Critias". By his time, orichalcum was already nothing more than a word and even they didn't know how it was made. There are several theories but no facts surrounding orichalcum. And besides, your source is the writing on the fictional island of Atlantis. Again, hardly fact. In Tyria, orichalcum is an ore and we mine it. Besides, Plato also states orichalcum was mined on Atlantis. So it was either called orichalcum even before it was mixed up with other metals, or that mixture occurred naturally. But I would't take the word of a man who admitted that orichalcum was no more than a word by his time and knowledge about it was mostly lost. Even to this day, facts regarding orichalcum are highly debated among scientists.


    A game's purpose isn't to educate but to entertain. Sure, developers can put educational aspects into their game, but are by no means supposed to. And if you do such a thing in a fantasy game it blurs the lines. How are you supposed to know what is inspired by real facts and what is pure fantasy? You can't, unless the game breaks the fourth wall and tells you, or unless some developer explains it on a third party source. People play games for the purpose of entertainment, to get away from real life things and delve into a world of fantasy. Fantasy universes often don't have any references to the real world, in fact.


    "Games and other forms of entertainment should at least strive for some level of accuracy on the elementals of the story derived from real world things or be consistent with this from other fictional properties". That is just your opinion. It's not a fact and certainly not a rule. A lot of fantasy has been inspired by other sources (J.R.R. Tolkien not in the least) but inspiration isn't copying. If we were to stick by these rules, all Elves in fantasy would be like Tolkien's Elves. Tolkien himself was inspired too, by real world mythology, legends, languages and cultures. But he didn't copy them into his stories, he used them as inspiration for his own mythological creations and made it his own. We see the similarities but recognize they are not carbon copies of the real world thing. I'm sorry this game doesn't meet your expectations in this regard, but that's just the way it is for the majority of fantasy universes.

  8. Iron rare? You can find it in any map in the level range of 15 to 60. If I'm not mistaken that's 12 maps where you can farm iron. When I take a character for a run along all the rich iron veins I usually end up with more than a full stack of ore. Granted, I also farm the nearby nodes that appear on the minimap and use the guild gathering buff (which doesn't really give a lot of benefit, but every little bit helps; using a gathering boost on top of that really makes a difference, though). But still, even without buffs there is plenty of iron to farm in open maps.


    Nodes are tied to the level of the map. The reason there's so much mithril to farm is because it's a level 70-80 map node and by now there are a lot of those maps. It's also the reason why orichalcum has become more common, even though you will still only find a handful of nodes on any map (the return of rich orichalcum nodes has helped). And ore isn't an alloy. An alloy is a micture of metals. Metals need to be mined and that is what we do. We refine it but technically only steel and darksteel ingots are alloys, because a second ingredient is needed to refine it. If by your reasoning orichalcum shouldn't be mined but salvaged, than this should be the case for all the ores.

  9. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > @Sarrs.4831 said:

    > > Dunno how you'd reconcile the mastery with *not* being power creep for XP3 players. Sure, mount engages are a thing, but that's not an excuse for piling on more power.


    > I guess it would add power creep. Maybe if they absolutely wanted to ensure that everyone could get the most basic benefits of it, they could make one of them a Core Tyria unlock? Rytlock maybe?


    Easily solved by making your NPC's count as party members, just like when playing with real people. In that way you'll never have more people (whether real ones or AI) fighting in a group.


    Of course, they would have to make the NPC's a lot more efficient than they are right now, because if not it would actually be the opposite of a power creep. You'd be doing yourself a disfavor with the state of NPC's as they are now.

  10. > @typographie.1742 said:

    > > @Redfeather.6401 said:

    > > I'm at 10/14 for the shortbow elite specialization collection and am considering just crafting a shortbow to save gold! Isn't that silly.


    > I crafted the Sunspear Firelight, and it did not count as Nagozi's Enchanted Lamp for the Guide for the Lost collection. I don't know if that is intended or a glitch, but beware of that approach.


    I think he/she means crafting an ascended shortbow since it would cost about the same as buying the named exotic weapon needed for the collection. And it's the ascended shortbow he/she can't get because of the very rare chance of one of those named exotics dropping.

  11. I'm kind of tired of incomplete armor sets. I don't mind a few standalone pieces, but it's become the standard now for story rewards and gemstore skins. And it's beyond me why they consistently ignore the chest and leg armors. I have the same problem with weapon sets, like for instance the Caladbolg skins or the skins from the Nightmare Fractal. I'm very aesthetically minded (Fashion Wars all the way!). Mixing armors is relatively easy, also considering the fact that you can dye armor and so make pieces from different sets fit each other like a single finished look. But we don't have that option with weapons. I'm still waiting for an axe skin for one of my Rangers that goes well with the Nightmare fractal sword skin, or an axe for one of my Revenants to match the Caladbolg sword skin. More so than incomplete armor sets, I dislike incomplete weapon sets even more. And that includes the 3 underwater weapons they've been ignoring for years. Not doing anything with underwater content does not mean you have to ignore those weapons when new sets are being released.

  12. Some people have used the argument that metrics would show that people don't do much guild content, so that's why ANet decided to scrap the Guild dev team. I can only speak for my own guild when it comes to this content, but the reason we're no longer doing guild missions (to my regret) has to do with age old content and few rewards. The existing guild content has been in game for about 5 years now. Everything you can get has already been got and the rewards aren't enough to stimulate people to keep doing the same old content over and over again.


    If you'd put 2 incarnations of GW2 next to each other, one with only old guild content and no more guild dev team and one with newer guild content and an active guild dev team, I wonder how those metrics would differ from each other. Add in new rewards that make it feel worth it to do guild missions, because everyone apparently wants their shinies, and to be honest that's what will keep people playing the same old content over and over again. I'd argue that even keeping the existing guild content but adding new rewards in the form of skins, gold or ascended drops would make more people play the content again. Add in actual new guild missions and I wouldn't be surprised if even more people go back to it.


    Disbanding the guild dev team because metrics might show that not enough people do the content anymore is a reactionary measure, nothing more. Instead of removing the proverbial boulder on the road they just go around it and leave the obstacle where it is, forever. At this point I would argue why the game is even called Guild Wars anymore. Yes, I know it's a part of the history of Tyria. But it's like calling The Lord of the Rings the Silmarillion Part 2. It has nothing to do with silmarils anymore, but it alludes to events from the past so we're going to keep calling it that.

  13. Same here. Gliding has many benefits over the griffon. It's not the griffon that makes gliding obsolete. It's people choosing the griffon over gliding, for whatever reasons, that make gliding obsolete, but only for them personally, not in general. I still glide frequently, because it's an instant thing and I don't have to select it before I can use it. It's an easy escape when you end up in combat while you don't want to. If I see I can glide somewhere, I choose to glide instead of selecting my griffon. I love the griffon, especially the races (got gold on all of them by now), but in no way does it devalue my glider skins or gliding in general. Considering the responses above, I'd say it's a personal perspective and far from fact.

  14. She's an Asura who is not afraid to admit she doesn't know something or isn't sure what her inventions will do. That, in my book, makes her better and infinitely more likable than the rest of her entire arrogant and misguided race. "We're better and smarter than anyone and should be the rulers of everyone and everything". Seriously? Go back to your underground caves and go beep yourself. xD

  15. Amalgamanted gemstones have always been expensive, even before PoF. The price used to be around 1.5G per gemstone, which puts a full stack in the 600G range. And the MF recipes are anything but cheap (3 T6 materials for 1 gemstone is not expensive in and of itself, but when you need 250 of them you might as well just buy them off the TP; the bigger recipes aren't much better). I wish they would've made gemstones a bit easier to get, not by much but still. Considering I have 6 gen2 legendaries I want to make, that's 1500 amalgamated gemstones I need. And that's not taking into account the gen2 legendaries that are still to come, of which I might like one, or some. Personally I use my savings from daily Fractals to at least buy some of the gemstones, instead of doing 4 HoT metas a day for I don't know how long. These metas take too much time for 1 gemstone, and the fact that they're on fixed schedules doesn't make it more appealing to do them. Don't get me wrong, I like the metas and I do them on occasion, but farming them will burn me out in no time.

  16. All I know is that I'll be playing the PoF maps for a while, to get all the armor and weapon recipes and kill lots of legendary bounties to complete my funerary armor and weapon set. I'll be taking all my alts through those maps for HP's, because they are generally easier to solo than the HoT HP's and it's much faster than getting all the HP's in core maps.


    People thought Dry Top would be dead after a while too, but they made it so that the map currency is necessary to make gen2 legendaries, keeping the map relevant over a long period of time. I have no doubt that, if the PoF turn out to be less populated over time, ANet will implement things to keep them relevant. I mean, aside from the metas in HoT (which many people may like, but many also don't) those maps would still be relevant for their currencies and gen2 legendaries even without those metas.


    Time will tell, but I'm not worried the PoF maps will be left behind.

  17. > @MetalGirl.2370 said:

    > It'd be fine if they at least made it so that you can get items while playing any character instead of looking for it on each character.


    That still leaves the question: why was it fine with the treasure mushroom, but not with the caffeinated skritt burglar? The same system applies for both: kill it with each class to get your collection trophy for that specific class' elite specilization weapon. Especially with the link Illconceived posted, there really shouldn't be any issues anymore.

  18. So, when it's a mushroom that spawns in fixed locations that you have to kill 9 times (once on each class) it's fine. But when it's a skritt burglar that spawns in fixed locations that you have to kill 9 times (once on each class) it's not fine? Skritt burglar chests always spawn in fixed places. Find out which places, visit them with your characters and you'll find it in one of them, guaranteed. I've come across several spawn points on several maps, and that just by exploring instead of actively looking for it. There's one in the Teratohedron in Crystal Oasis, and also one a little east of the quicksand pool with the mastery point, hugged against a cliff. There's one north of the Garden of Seborhin in the Domain of Vabbi (easy to run to if your guild has the Windswept Haven guild hall). Try those spots.

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