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Posts posted by HnRkLnXqZ.1870

  1. ... can be a little tricky. Writing certain things like a guide or a detailed list turns out to be difficult and the formatting options are quite limited. We have received a few upgrades over the last years, but the struggle is still real. With the recent patch, I was forced to re-write the post from scratch. Most of the formatting was ruined, codes became unreadable and as most of you may have noticed, spoiler work a little different now. But some things still work, which are still not embedded in the formatting options. Here we go again ...

    1.) Text coloring

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/wEqDoYz.jpg "")

    2.) Separating text with lines

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/tYvzgos.jpg "")

    3.) Capital Letters

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/pd92Y7w.jpg "")

    #Capital Letters

    4.) Spoilers

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/76zgAuW.jpg "")

    >! This is a spoiler. Every line of the spoiler needs this tag at the beginning.

    >! See?

    If you leave a line without a tag, this will happen.

    >! If you use it on the next line, this will happen.

    >! It really gets messed up. If you use the spoiler-option in the menue after marking the whole text, it will be added automatically.

    >! The old tag does no longer work.

    5.) Underlined Text

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/fK4q00b.jpg "")

    Underlined Text

    [bUG] Sometimes the picture not gets loaded. You can also find the tags in the topic below, 6.) CODE. I use it there as an example.

    6.) CODE

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/8l53wRa.jpg "")

    The code tag only functions as a highlighter now. It adds a yellow background to your text.

    But it does no longer allow you to show other people code-tags. Those will get executed instead.

    Example: underlined text

    7.) Text as Link

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/D7q9nUk.jpg "")


    7.) Tables

    Those seem to work, but you cannot enable borders, what makes them look really weird. Creating a table is a bit complicated in my opinion. If you google for "html table editor" you can find excellent programs which create you the code so you only have to copy/paste it.

    This is the most basic one I found so far: divtable.com


    Example for a 2x2 table:



    Note: Column width get adjusted to the longest text in a cell, obviously.


    8.) Special Symbols

    A trend that recently started. People use all kinds of colored symbols in their threads. Some even use them in titles, to generate greater attention.



    This is a massive database with all kinds of text-symbols there exist. Just use the search-option and find what ever symbol you are looking for.



    Fire ?

    Crossed Swords ⚔

    Candy ?

    Water Wave ?

    Battery ?


    Note: If people over-use the feature, they may limit the amount of symbols we can use. But for the moment, almost everything works.



    As with the old version, I hope this helps you a little. All the stuff you see listed above was found by try and error.



  2. When you travel through Tyria, you see plenty of heavy armed characters. Big guys with even bigger swords, axes, daggers, rifles & longbows. Next you notice every second person you meet has a pet and minion-masters (necromancers) sort of flood maps. In every corner stirkes a thief. After the balance patches and the global complaints about nerfs, it always feels like the majority of players jumps on the fastest horse until the next patch arrives. This is what we see, or beleive to see.


    But we actually live in an equilibrium. Most of the classes are equally balanced in terms of player ammount. There are some seasonal shifts, due to (im)balances. During the time of the popular necro-farm, we had a slight increase in necromancer players with minion-master. In the previous years we always had an increase in staff-guardians during Halloween. We also have a group of underdogs, classes played by lesser ammounts of people. But the overall distribution hardly changed over the years.


    There are always people who want to play support and tank. And there is always a need of DPS. Play what you like, enjoy your class. By doing that you master it over time, what makes you even more valuable for group-content.

  3. There are countless of items which create visual effects and are yet far away from being expensive.


    Trail effects:

    - Peacemaker Weapons: They create **purple light-balls** which remain at your location for short. Those can be purchased for small ammounts of karma at Rata Sum, from the cultural weapon vendors.

    - Chalice of the Gods: This is a focus, easily obtained from the heart-vendor _Lakor Grizzlemouth_ in Butcher's Block (Meatoberfest) in Diessa Plateau. It just costs 336 Karma. It does create an impressive** fog-trail** behind you, which remains for a short time.

    - Shiverpeak Talisman: Another focus skin which can be bought for very less money on _TP_. Most players have it already. It creates a trail of **glowing yellow light** behind you. Similar to the Chalice.

    - Steam Gizmo: A focus with a **blue** and intense **light trail**. Cheap versions can be found on _TP_ for a few silvers.


    Glow effects:

    - Dark Asuran weapons: Those have a red glow and a futuristic appearance. They can be aquired in Lion's Arch at the **Dungeon Armor and Weapons** at Fort Marriner. Those require tokens from the Sorrow's Embrace Dungeon.

    - Glyphic weapons: Similar to the Dark Asuran Weapons but with **blue/white glow**. Suit well to futuristic characer designs and are easily purchasable on _TP_.

    - Modniir weapons: Especially the **Staff/Trident, Scepter and Focus** are pretty shiny and create a special light aura. Easily aquired from Karma vendors in the _Harathi Hinterlands_.

    - Auric weapons: Those are **mostly craft** only, can be obtained for completing a certain chapter in the **Heart of Thorns story** as well. Compared to the fancy skins, still cheap(er) to obtain. They look enchanted with a **green glow** and suit imho pretty well with a few glow-outfits if dyed correctly.

    - Mystic weapons: Those are craft only and quite expensive ones. They eat Mystic Coins and an Eldrich Scroll. The weapons have a blue appearance and some of them create random sparks/lightnings.

    - Inquest weapons: Same as Mystic weapons, but in **red** and purchasable also from the **Dungeon Armor and Weapons** at F_ort Marriner in Lion's Arch for Crucible of Eternity Dungeon tokens_.

    - Whisper's Secret Staf: An easy staff with a **yellow light** on top. If you are already a member of the Order of Whispers, you can purchase it at HQ for 5g. Or you decide to join the Order of Whispers during the personal story, which results with a selectable Order of Whisper's weapon at the end of the level 30 quest - that would be free.


    Aura effects:

    - Leystone armor: Those can be obtained in the Dragon's Stand map. Do the meta-event and you get them one by one. Especially gloves & shoulders create a visible aura-effect while suiting to many different armor styles, with the correct coloring.


    I am pretty sure I forgot a lot of stuff. That is all I remember atm. Real auras are sort of difficult/expensive to aquire. If it would be easy, it would not be special anymore.

  4. A few things about certain maps in particular:

    - **Queensdale**: When you are in the Godlost Swamp area, head to the **Godlost Waypoint** and then **north-east uphill**. You will find a sitting NPC named _Tirzie the Painter_. If you share the awesome view with her and **/sit** next to her, you receive a 5 minute lasting regeneration buff.

    - **Dredgehaunt Cliffs**: When exploring this map, you come across several **shrines of animal-spirits**. If you **/kneel** infront of them, you also receive helpful boons which last 5 minutes. The boons are different from shrine to shrine, but stack. Careful with the bear shrine, it tests your strength first.

    - **Lonar's Pass**: In the center of the map (vertical), east in the mountains is a Point of Interest and a Hero Challenge, both named _Grenth's Door_. If you **/kneel** infront of Grenth's statue, you also receive a boon that lasts 5 minutes.


    And a few side-quests which are easy to start, and can be completed over time. Those usually take an extended period of time to complete, if started early you complete them automatically during your adventure:

    - **Queensdale**: In the center of the map, a bit to the east near the Krytan Waypoint you will find the Eldvin Monastry. Most people know this place, as the heart is a bit boring to complete. Inside the Monastry is an NPC named _Masterbrewer Desch_. He looks like a mix between an Engineer and an Elementalist. He does sell a "**Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Membership**." This thing costs **10 gold**, which is a lot for new players. However once this item is purchased and consumed, the quest starts. To progress, you have to play the game and enter a city-map once a month. If you play normal, that happens automatically. Every month he sends you a special brew via mail. Drink it and the quest goes on. When you have done it 12 months = 1 year, you finish the quest. You receive a special title, unique back-pack skin and Aachievement Points.

    - **Lion's Arch**: When exploring the map, you may come across a Charr with a gigantic spoon on his back, named _Legendary Collector Rednax Youngblood_. He is located in the Commodore's Quarter and sells an item called "**Collectible Spoon Box**" for **10 silver**. Whenever you complete a heart-quest or come across an NPC vendor, check the goods they sell. If you find a spoon, buy it (both green and blue). It is one of the more tedious quests to complete, but if you start it early, you save yourself a lot of trouble. In the end you receive a **Tyrian Mastery Point**, which is very useful once you hit level 80, and some AP.

    - **Any bar**: Whenever you come across a bar in Tyria, the bartender offers a good variety of drinks. Usually they do not have much of a use, aside from blurring your vision. But some of the NPCs sell an item called "**Observational Zymology Manual**" for **50 silver**. Once this is consumed, drinking becomes rewarding. Try out every drink you find in the game in order to complete that quest. It also requires one exotic weapon, which looks like a drink. But you either get it as a drop, craft it or buy it in the end.

    - **Rata Sum**: Newbies tend to be a little confused in this map, due to its symmetrical architecture. In the lower area of the city, the _Auxillary Study Rooms_. You may find an NPC named _Gastronom Plikk_. He sells you "**Vintner's Guide**" for **1 gold**. This is also a drinking-quest, but for vine. Same as with the other, drink as many different drinks as possible. It also has a weapon, which looks like a drink, at the end. But you either get it as a drop, during your adventure, craft it or buy it at the end.

  5. The date/time stuff works, big thanks!


    That archive.org looks ... complicated. They are about to delete more than four years of history, they are not going to save the important stuff themselves. But they tell us how we should save the stuff we like to keep. That is already twice the work now. For the priory!


    I wanted to put the link in my signature, but we do not have signatures, yet ^^.

  6. This is a medium disaster for me. I used several posts in the old forum (from myself and others) for quotes and stuff. And as Illconceived Was Na pointed out, all the important Dev intel will be gone. All I can do is a run down this evening, grab as much as I can and create some sort of backup. Should make at least a screenshot of the Dev posts. What I do not know yet, is where to save that. I do own a personal forum, which I use as an extended notebook ... maybe I could use that. On the other hand, do I have to ask the original writers if I am allowed to save their "work"?

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