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Everything posted by Archer.4362

  1. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"Arheundel.6451" said: > > EX: a flat number reduction in healing will affect a class like ele differently from say a thief or mesmer or necro which have access to better inbuilt defensive mechanics and don't rely on heal burst to stay alive, this is the reason builds disappear. > > Don't you think that's an heavily biased argument you got there? Just from core and without even including traits, elementalist got the ability to equip defensive mean amongst: > - invuln (_Obsidian flesh_, _mist form_, _fortify_) > - block (_arcane shield_) > - instant mobility often coupled with dodge frame (_lightning flash_, _burning speed_, _burning retreat_, _Lightning leap_, _Fiery whirl_, _fiery rush_, _earthen rush_, _updraft_) > - Reflect/block missiles (_magnetic aura_, _magnetic surge_, _magnetic wave_, _ring of earth_, _swirling wind_) > - Without forgetting about barrier access (_crippling shield_, _stone shift_, _magnetic shield_), boons (protection, vigor, stability), conditions (weakness, blind, chill, cripple), aura (frost aura), hard CCs... etc. > - Even elementalist's ability to condi cleanse options are underestimated granted that at any given moment you can have up to 4 cleansing skills sloted (Ice elemental's _crashing wave_, _cleansing fire_, _ether renewal_, _cleansing wave_, _magnetic wave_, _healing rain_) > > I doubt there is another core profession with this many active defense skills and effects available in game, maybe elementalist relying on heal burst isn't it's only option to stay alive. I would say that the reason build disappear is often narrowmindness, people focusing on a single aspect that proved to work well at a moment and forgetting that there is many other aspects that only wait to be exploited. > > NB.: Traitlines and elite specs only had more to this list. Now of all the ones you have mentioned tell me how many can be used in the same build. I answer you 1. you can have multiple locks but only use 1 that is feasible.
  2. Balance patch? what is that? I really ask. Isn't it always a nerf patch?
  3. > @"Shao.7236" said: > @"Archer.4362" > > That's extremely biased to claim that PvP was declining exclusively because of the 5 man queue removal. > > The moment PoF meta settled, that's where the player count actually started to declined because it was extremely boring and you can actually verify that with many player opinions talking about it even to this day, not losing team Q. > > The repeated and aforemention issues are balance and DuoQ being a hinderance in higher ranks because of unwanted behaviors and stale experiences although since the balance patch we've seen improvements and newer builds even if people have complained about having lost their older overpowered builds, it's been a long time coming since there was only as little as 3 builds on the meta list but many in the great and good sections. > > TeamQ does not improve on anything at all, that of being match manipulation and alt accounts breaking the leaderboard. Imagining the plebs not wanting to lose their ranks so anytime they've got what they want for the day, you might end up fighting teams of alts everywhere to which losing will be worser while they risk nothing, compared having just one player on one team that can only do so much by being afk 4v5 which have been known to still be winnable. > > And obviously even if you don't care about Leaderboard like most, that doesn't change the fact there will be pratically no one to play with other than sweats and your fun will be ruined, y'all can't even put up with losing with randoms, losing with forced teams will be even more demoralizing. > > I can imagine everyone trying to dodge TeamQ to avoid the sweatlords just not have even a match ever going at all. > > @"choovanski.5462" > > You say that like AT's in the long run don't benefit former teams compared Ranked SoloQ/DuoQ but they do and reward better in cash if winning accordingly, they also show you how easily Ranked would become stale with the same teams winning at no risk under different accounts to break the system even more and the lack of player for it. > > For every 3 hours and you're not able to find the time? Sounds like a bad excuse, for mAT I'd understand but for every AT, I believe you might not even be trying. > > Based on the average of 8 teams or so that show up in AT's which is one entire continent, with you telling me that can't be interested in doing AT's. The TeamQ will be dead in a week even if Anet hyped it up. It would be very easy to implement, a checkbox like the fortress mode, you want to pair up with groups of people V or X, you don't want queues alone, you want to, you can enter those groups, and solved. but hey, it's your opinion and mine. And I speak more behind POF than before POF they already removed the option of 5 vs 5 in group, so the patches and others are not worth it. people clearly left because they couldn't play with people, but rather look at the myriad of posts over the years and on reddit. But as I say, you have your respectable opinion and I have mine. a greeting
  4. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"Archer.4362" said: > > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > > > @"Archer.4362" said: > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > > > > No until population can prove me that they have real full teams to play with for more than just 2 Golds. You kitten well know players will complain about being stacked against certain other players as usual, nobody will play the mode because the only teams you'll see will be all the pubstars together which is not even close to 1% the current PvP playerbase, you're allowing problem to only get worst. > > > > > > > > > > If you want to improve the quality of matchmaking, remove DuoQ from people that are top 250, consistent winners should prove their ability to win by playing SoloQ exclusively. > > > > > > > > > > > > If anet does not give the queue option in group classified, your first sentence of your publication is impossible to be fulfilled, if you do not allow to play in team classified and only in AT, you are answering yourself. > > > > > > I don't get what you're trying to say. > > > > > > If the population really care about having a full team Q, they'd already be playing AT, that's one factual part of the statement and we can easily prove that false. However AT's are underfilled at best and mAT suffers the same meme culture regular AT's have, just in for the gold. > > > > > > Full team queue would be cancer and separate the population even more until we are left with people only caring for an improper DuoQ again. > > > > > > All of that results in wasted dev time for Anet, preventing DuoQ from being as toxic as it is by properly adjusting restrictions for players with a greater influence is a better way to improve the current state of the game high level. > > > > The ATs do not work to create groups of continuous teams to generate more population, they are specific times and not always people can. > > > > If it would be in a group of 5 in ranked, people would return to the game, which is why there are fewer people, you want to play with friends at any time, but you can, because people leave it and that's what happened. > > > > Under what claim do you think that 5 man Q's will bring more people when you're enabling even more toxicity to the try hards that already try to stack team in duoQ? > > Nobody will want to play against 5 man try hard just like they already refuse to play AT's anyway. > > DuoQ should be removed from people on the leaderboard, that would solve a great part of the competition because those who match manipulate are always on it. > > It's not a competition if you can always be with someone when there is only one place up there. That arguement alone should make it obvious how having 5 man only makes it worst also. Under what statement? When were more people playing? with groups of 5 friends or now. I've been in gw2 since it started, and as soon as the groups of 5 were removed, the pvp was declining, it is a reality and a verifiable fact
  5. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"Archer.4362" said: > > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > > No until population can prove me that they have real full teams to play with for more than just 2 Golds. You kitten well know players will complain about being stacked against certain other players as usual, nobody will play the mode because the only teams you'll see will be all the pubstars together which is not even close to 1% the current PvP playerbase, you're allowing problem to only get worst. > > > > > > If you want to improve the quality of matchmaking, remove DuoQ from people that are top 250, consistent winners should prove their ability to win by playing SoloQ exclusively. > > > > > > If anet does not give the queue option in group classified, your first sentence of your publication is impossible to be fulfilled, if you do not allow to play in team classified and only in AT, you are answering yourself. > > I don't get what you're trying to say. > > If the population really care about having a full team Q, they'd already be playing AT, that's one factual part of the statement and we can easily prove that false. However AT's are underfilled at best and mAT suffers the same meme culture regular AT's have, just in for the gold. > > Full team queue would be cancer and separate the population even more until we are left with people only caring for an improper DuoQ again. > > All of that results in wasted dev time for Anet, preventing DuoQ from being as toxic as it is by properly adjusting restrictions for players with a greater influence is a better way to improve the current state of the game high level. The ATs do not work to create groups of continuous teams to generate more population, they are specific times and not always people can. If it would be in a group of 5 in ranked, people would return to the game, which is why there are fewer people, you want to play with friends at any time, but you can, because people leave it and that's what happened.
  6. > @"Shao.7236" said: > No until population can prove me that they have real full teams to play with for more than just 2 Golds. You kitten well know players will complain about being stacked against certain other players as usual, nobody will play the mode because the only teams you'll see will be all the pubstars together which is not even close to 1% the current PvP playerbase, you're allowing problem to only get worst. > > If you want to improve the quality of matchmaking, remove DuoQ from people that are top 250, consistent winners should prove their ability to win by playing SoloQ exclusively. If anet does not give the queue option in group classified, your first sentence of your publication is impossible to be fulfilled, if you do not allow to play in team classified and only in AT, you are answering yourself.
  7. I think that returning to groups of 5 vs 5 in ranked, returning the amulets and the old seals and runes would be more fun and people would be happier. what he likes is to play with friends and since they took it away the pvp from bad to worse
  8. also incidentally that they remove the stealth of the thief, the elite of the necro, the burn of the guardian, the seal and the cure of the ele, the stun of the warrior. stop crying that if you know how to move you can kill a DH like any other
  9. > @"Widmo.3186" said: > >how to utterly fail at balance > Step 1: be ANet no, they aren´t anet, all those who were originally are no longer, now they should change their name. 0 communication, 0 participation in forums and add many more 0 to the list.
  10. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > > @"Quadox.7834" said: > > in some ways it was a mistake to split pvp and pve balance bcs now it feels like they just bandaid fix everything and never make an effort > > Eh, at least up until the end of last year, there has been some significant changes to certain Profession or Espec mechanics in an attempt to balance troublesome traits or mechanics. > > After the massive Major balance patch though, it has just gone downhill, like the entire "balance" idea was tossed down a cliff. > The few Balance patches we have had this year was nothing but competitive only coefficient slaps. > > There was some attempt to make Scourges less oppressive by making their Shades affect less targets in Competitive but that was met with hardcore resistance and complaints so much so that they were forced to revert it. > > And now with Dec Patch, I'm just straight up bemused as to who's idea was it to utterly change how a skill functions for Competitive vs PvE. > > The change I am talking about is of course the change for **Facets** and **Tempest Shouts** to affect 10 people in PvE and 5 people in Competitive, and gutting the traits which previously increased the number of allies affected. > > This is just so bizarre a decision to remove any sort of value previously sought after from these traits, and then finishing the one-two punch by making the skill split. > > Draconic Echo may still be useful for Herald Roamers which will now be used exclusively to extend their boon pulses after using the Facet actives, but other than that, whatever use it previously had is essentially gone. > > Tempesteous Aria on the other hand, is simply trashed because people never picked it up for the Might and Weakness, those Boons are already abundant from Fire Warhorn, people picked up that trait for the extra allies affected. > > If it were the previous balance team, they would have straight up replaced Tempesteous Aria with something new because the trait's value is now diminished. > Whatever this new balance team is doing, it's not good for the game. Period. > anet does not know how to balance, he only knows how to move a 0, 02 in a skill, add 1 second, etc etc, that is not balance, and not learn patch after patch, do you read the forums? No, you ask something? No (anet)
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