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Posts posted by medivh.4725

  1. I build myself a rev, and I enjoyed its game play. Its combos is very nice. Nicer then other toons. His skills effects is nice. I liked the double sword play and even the staff animation I think it is so refreshing. Also I see so many revs in Tyria or in PVP so there is sufficient revs. Be mindful it is a later add on by Anet so it needs time to catch on. People also require ample time to build up a new toon. So give it some time to mature and the rev population will come right up. People coming back to GW2 needs find time to discover rev as it wasn't avaliable to them before.

  2. Combos when combined with rotation gives the most satisfying fight experience. Even if its a auto skill one the animation itself is stylish.


    For my ranger, its irritating since he tend to jump in and out of fight, even skip around enemies at times. So random pressing won't be smooth for his attacks and sequenced skill pressing also isn't the best. You got to figure out which weapon combined to which skill give the ultimate fight experience. So to speak. And if you do this well enough, by time your attacks end, a new set of cool down also end and you have next set of skills ready for deployment at enemies. For this you have to try them and know which weapon gives which effects in fights. For example in some fights you don't want the toon to fall off a cliff. So it needs managed. Hence it is always handy to know your combos. :) In the end it all comes down to knowing your toon.

  3. Yes the handful of missing Guild weapons.

    Some weapon collection are merely a colour scheme overlay with no design work put into them. Suggest to redo and get in designers to give them a look at. For instance the 'Dark Asuran' weapon sets are merely blue flip red. 'Golden Wing' weapon set are silver flipped to gold.

    1 suggestion is to instead of flipping colors, you can strip the effects the weapon it will still look as cool and desirable. Sometime a weapon with too heavy effects or colorful visuals are not most ideal.

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