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Posts posted by NeroBoron.7285

  1. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

    > > > @"Memoranda.9386" said:

    > > > There are numerous Foci that do this. I think it's related to the physics engine and how it works. Probably not something that can be fixed that easily.

    > >

    > > Yes I noticed it some time ago on something else, but I believe that was the Laurel head gear piece. Also thought that it is some engine issue.

    > >

    > > But there are other skins, that don't have that effect, like the cavalier weapons. Or the basic ascended weapon skins.


    > All the jade weapons have the same issue(Especially the greatsword)


    Ohh okay... Damn

  2. > @"Memoranda.9386" said:

    > There are numerous Foci that do this. I think it's related to the physics engine and how it works. Probably not something that can be fixed that easily.


    Yes I noticed it some time ago on something else, but I believe that was the Laurel head gear piece. Also thought that it is some engine issue.


    But there are other skins, that don't have that effect, like the cavalier weapons. Or the basic ascended weapon skins.

  3. Oh God please no.


    Burning was a duration stacking effect back then and sucked. Specially when multiple people use that condition, only one deals actually damage and the others don't. Leaving all others rendered useless with a big DPS loss. There is a reason why all conditions are stacked now.


    In its current state it is a short lasting condition meant to be for burst IF the opponent uses skills. And yes 15 stacks or confusion hit hard, just like 10 stacks of burning hit hard. Just don't spam your skills. Its like not dodging a burst from a power class, you have to be punished. The difference is you still have the chance to cleanse it.


    And I know that feeling when other conditions then confusion gets removed pretty well. Specially when one has only access to skills that remove a single condition at a time. There should be more dedicated skills that remove only damaging conditions, as well as dedicated skills that remove only movement imparing conditions.


    With that we would have more control that actually the condition that is hurting us right now is removed.


    So skills could have effects like "Removing 2 damaging conditions" or "Removing all damaging conditions". There are already a few of those. Like engineers rocketboots for movement impaired conditions.


    Further protection should actually reduce condition damage as well.

  4. > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > I....actually like these changes for the gyro. There functional, not op, and it would get rid of the clunky AI pathing issues while making them useful. Cant speak much for hammer since I honestly dislike it. For some reaosn I can never keep up with someone running away from me with it so my auto attacks just miss. (Even while taking mecha legs and superspeed, somehow I just lag behind them)


    I just hate this stupid gyro AI ?


    Yep, the hammer isn't that great for fleeing people. Currently the Rocket Charge sucks at gap closing. Further there aren't really great offensive range kits. Electro whirl still can hit pretty hard, you can combine it with the magnet pull if someone tries to flee


    But that's all fine for me if the hammer will be pushed more into a supportive weapon.


    > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Gyros need some help but hammer has been nerfed to its current state. I don't think hammer should be touched til gyros are buffed a bit.


    Yep pre PoF, reduced damage on the block and reduced leap finishers. But with PoF there is also a Meta shift and even more unblockable stuff. For me it feels like the hammer is a bit left behind with no real unique identity. Sword shield on holo feels really similar.

  5. I couldn't stand another set of ai based skills as well. The ai suck so hard on gyros already. And I really hope that they do something about it.


    Turrets are okayish at least thumper and healing turret are a no brainier and awesome. Rifle, net and flame turret itself are nearly useless. Rifle is just a good pick thanks to the tool belt skill.

  6. Hey, had some thoughts on a Scrapper overhault :)


    Identity: Aiming for a supportive front line bruiser, with a focus on cc and support for allies due to barrier.


    **Hammer changes:**

    Electro-Whirl: _Great skill, but a really short projektile reflection. Let it leave a short reflective aura on the engineer after usage as well. So it actually reflects for 2 seconds. Damage radius is still 180, but reflect radius is increased to 240._


    Rocket Charge: _Decrease the number of hits to 2, so it matches its leap finishers. Increase the damage of both hits by 50%, so it matches the 3 hit version again. Increases leap range on each leap to 450~600 each so it actually an effective gap closer. _


    Shock Schield: _Isn't that bad. But for what do i need 4 sec of Barrier while i'm blocking during 2 seconds of them? So while dealing damage to enemies infront of you and blocking attacks against you it should build a fix amount of barrier over the time for you and allies around you. (~ 2k barrier base +1,5x healing power)_


    Thunderclap: _Great skill, a 2 second stun wont hurt tho. Also gives a small amount of barrier to allies per pulse (~200+0,1*healingpower)_


    **Trait changes:**

    Recovery Matrix: _Should share the barrier with allies. Decreases condition damage by 33% while you have barrier. Replaces Adaptive Armor._


    Impact Savant: _Barriers you ~~receive~~ apply are 15% stronger_


    Decisive Renown: Gets replaced by a new minor trait: _While you have superspeed you are immun to movement imparing conditions_


    New Major Trait: _When you use a skill that applies barrier you also apply ~3s protection (Synergises with Anticorrosion Plating)_


    **Gyro rework:**

    The KI and its path finding is ridiculous. So it will be scrapped (ha-ha-ha). When they get activated the gyro will still float next to the scrapper, but like the passive function gyro.

    So the gyros don't have to follow anymore and are indestructible. Due to this, all gyros need to be adjusted.


    Medic Gyro: _Still initially heals you (3k healing), applies pulsing aoe healing for 5 seconds (~650 healing per pulse)_

    Reconstruction Field: _Fine as it is._


    Bulwark Gyro: _Currently my facourite gyro, specially with the toolbelt skill. But would be really broken when the gyro is indestructible. Unique buffs are pretty strong, specially a 33% damage reduction. It could be kept and applied every sec for 5seconds. Or get replaced, by initially applying protection for 5 seconds. And applying barrier per pulse (~400+0,2* Healing Power per pulse)_

    Defense Field: _One of the best scrapper skills, imo :)_


    Shredder Gyro: _For 5 seconds, whirl finishers are executed around you aiming at your target. (Weak, due to stronger toolbelt skill)_

    Spare Capacitor: _Applies a stun instead of a daze. Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds._


    Blast Gyro: _Should actually be just an animation like a projectile or maybe like tides of time and it explodes on first contact. Also it should scale with the engineers stats, without scaling it is just to weak. specially with that low crit chance._

    Bypass Coating: _Fine as it is_


    Purge Gyro: _Lasts 5 seconds now and removes 1 condition per second from all nearby allies._

    Chemical Field: _Instead of applying poison to enemies, it applies resistance to allies. Reduces duration to 5 seconds. Also changes to be a light field._


    Stealth Gyro: _Initially applies 5seconds invisibility to you and your allies. Creates a smoke screen (Combo Field: Smoke) around you that moves with you. Applying blind with each pulse. Increases cooldown to 60 seconds._

    Detection Pulse: _Fine as it is._


  7. Check out AMA :tongue: ;)


    > One of the design requirements I was given for the beetle was that it not displace other mounts for everyday short distance travel needs. Short of cutting the top speed of the beetle, which I considered a non-viable solution, starting the mount in a state where it couldn’t immediately boost was the best compromise. The zero to full charge time was tuned to be about right for the delay between successive boosts, and from internal testing with stakeholders it was decided that it was also the correct delay before boosting after mounting up. Now that the mount has been live for a bit and players have had time to use it extensively, I’ve been comparing player experiences with our own internal notes. While I can’t promise anything, it’s possible there are some ways to soften the pain points of using the beetle while still keeping the other mounts desirable.


    [Dulfys Summary of the AMA](https://dulfy.net/2018/07/02/gw2-long-live-lich-developer-ama-summary/ "https://dulfy.net/2018/07/02/gw2-long-live-lich-developer-ama-summary/")


  8. Usually anet doesn't give dates ahead in far future.


    I got the same problem and don't like the server and will sit it out.


    Well they told us about it winter so I hoped for betas this summer... Sadly we don't get any info, beside an interview from a month ago they told something like they have nothing yet. Really sad, seems to be really low priority. Can't find the interview anymore :/ maybe someone else can link it?


    And to be honest I will not support this by buying a stupid server transfer, which is only wvw relevant. And should be overhauled for a long time already. Rewards and legy armor are nice, but the server match mechanic sucks for me. Also there were no real content updates like a new map to wvw since hot. So it is basically the same old shit beside pirate ship Zerg meta, and more dedicated healers due Tuesday pof elite specs


    I heard from many people and guildies that they will checkout Camelot unchained when it is released. It focuses completely on wvw. And sadly we will probably lose a lot of players then.



  9. - **Players in Golems should not prevent capturing and not be able to res people.** Add a tactic to prevent/delay capturing instead.


    - Better topdown view for some siege would be great


    - Auto attacks on rams and catapults

  10. After playing wvw for some time, it happens that some models and animations arent visible anymore. Nearly everyone in my guild has this issue.


    It starts with things like guards from camps and co arent visible anymore, only the names which are at totally wrong places. No models for those also results in no animations for stuns and blinds. Also the portaits from my party is missing then. When going on it happens that i don't see my own weapon and backpack anymore. And later then animations from my own skills are missing sometimes, as well as some from opponents.


    Due to this i have to restart my game like every 1-2 hours. Same happens to my guildies so that frequently one has to relog.



  11. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > **A message from Robert Gee, Guild Wars 2 Systems Team:**

    > We designed malice as a gating mechanic that would act as a way for a Deadeye to gain increasing damage threat the longer they were in combat with their mark. This system was built to allow for very high damage attacks with enough warning to the victim that there would be room for counterplay.

    So perma invis oneshot deadeye has conterplay?


    Three things you should really watch:

    a) perma invis, hopefully you remove the reveal remove. its the only thing that conters the perma invis a littl bit. even with revealed there are still a lot of ports to gain range and evades.

    b) litterally one shot skills, in wvw Death's Judgement deals currently up to 30~40k damage currently, backstab up to 16~21k. a damage buff to backstab is just ridiclous and death's judgement hopefully is a bit nerfed due to malice is only gain on attacking and not while camping stealth.

    c) I still dont get why it is okay for the thief that he can spam skills, specially while it was broken for the revenant as well and he got nerfed already in the hot beta. give those skills some charges. so that stuff like always mashing one button wont be that successfull and gets a longer cd then just the regeneration of initiative. Same goes for spammable oneshot skills from invis like backstab. oh hey i was lucky and dodged or blocked it, but no reveal and it can still be spammed, due to 0 sec cd when screwing the burst.

  12. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I feel like I’ve noticed blocked people not being on my team but that might just be coincidence. Just block them for future matches anyway. Doesn’t change match manipulation but I don’t know that you can really gauge match manipulation versus someone who has just had enough trying and just decided to have fun with it.


    > I don’t report people anymore. There’s no use and at the end of the day it’s just a game. People talk trash, you talk trash back or block. Then you get them in the next match on your team and you both move on and keep playing. Lol


    Good attituted :) I try to keep it that way as well. And i always try to be kind and positive even in the 2nd match and try to communicate with such people. But after the 3rd match with the same person yelling, it just pisses me off so much that i stop playing pvp. It is kinda sad, that such player ignorance is tolerated by anet. I currently have 2 people on my blocklist and I would like to keep it nearly clean. Communication in pvp is important in my opinion so blocking is a bit contra productiv.


    > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > The issue is the basic nature of the reporting system.

    > I've posted before in greater detail but in essence there are 2 changes which could be made to make players time in game less frustrating.


    > 1) Do not put players from block list on the same team or allow them to be in the same party without notification - limit block list size (e.g. 20 people max) to minimize abuse.


    > 2) Review the reporting system.

    > Rather like systems used in other pvp games, make reporting mean something. This can be done by giving each account a limited number of reports per month/week(e.g. 10) and provide a 200(or 300)character explanation box for each submission.

    > E.g. - If player 1 reports player 2 and player 2 is found guilty of wrongdoing, post a simple automated message to player 1 stating their report has been actioned and they will be "refunded" that report point. If on the other hand player 2 is found not guilty, inform player 1 to be more careful with reporting.

    > IMO this would cut down on people spamming reports which clog up the que and perhaps make them more meaningful.



    Good ideas :+1:

    Not sure if everyone can manage 20 people on block list specially when you block gold sellers this is full quickly. Also you could dynamically add and remove people from there to influence the current match up to much during times or ranks with not much population.

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > This is nonsense. It would be too easily abused & reports would lose all of their value because now everybody reports people because they get mad at each other


    you may check out the red text, when reporting

    "WARNING: Support actions will be based on a review of chat logs, not on unsubstantiated player reports. Abuse of the report feature may lead to the termination of your account."


    So this would lead to your own account termination only.


    Anyway I'm open for other suggestion. But currently it i just annoying. Sure long time goal should be to reduce toxicity anyway, but I think currently this is out of reach. Being more hard to rude people with temporary bans would already nice. If someone doesnt have something nice to say or doesnt express kindly they should just shut their mouth. Today it seems like most people forget that on the other end are people as well, who want to enjoy the game.

  14. It is already bad that we match up with people in a team who we've played before and lost. It is already so toxic and people blaming other teammates for it. So it really sucks if you match up with them again. But it is even worse that we get teamed with people we reported before due to verbal abuse or matchmaking manipulation.


    I guess due to the low popularity and matchmaking abuse it is already not possible that the matchmaking excludes people from our blocklist. But I would really really like if you dont put us in a team with a person we reported recently. After some amount of time it could be possible that this person is in you team again. I just got one person 4 times in a row in my team. Reported him twice for verbal abuse... and once for matchmaking manipulation, for reasons. In kinda everymatch he was yelling at people, blaming everyone else, and did suicides. Why do I get placed in a team with such a person, which I reported already 3 times.


    Usually if this happens to me like 2 or 3 times in a row i currently just add them to friend or block list and wait till they are in another match, but this shouldnt be the way to go. Unfortunally some of those people (like the one above) play offline, which not only already tells a lot about them in my opinion, but also prevents checking if they are already in a game.


  15. I like the place where the disenchanter is there are so many classes that can hit with 10k with a single skill on 25 stacks might and that is okay to me as long as there aren't many. And to hit that hard you usually need might, for the disenchanted the target also must have 0 buffs.


    There are so many skills of other classes that hit that hard or even harder. 30k kill shots of deadeyes, 12k warrior axe F1, 16k backstabs.


    The real problem in my eyes is how phantasms currently work. They are still some KI that runs around and can be targeted. This should just be an animation like many other skills. So the visual noise would be reduced. People can actually Dodge and have to wat h the mesmer when he uses the skill and not all phantasms. Mesmer can still be interpreted when casting a Phantasm skill.


    I played Phantasm Mesmer in many forms since the change and it just ridiculous how many names are out if those phantasms chase after the opponent because they are out of reach. I sometimes end up with like 10 names on my screen just by clones and phantasms. Which makes it really annoying for the opponent to tab through them to find me.


    While I think chronophantasma currently is a really great and awesome and makes Phantasm builds to be viewable I think there need to be some changes. I could imagine that those phantasms are added during the initial cast so only one Dodge has to be used and not 2. Or to add make them usable twice like with the mind wrack trait.


    While they are so slow they are also overwhelming immobile classes, other mobile classes like thief's are nearly impossible to catch due to phantasms slowness.

    Just check out the defender... It spawns next to me and then runs melee range without speedbuffs.


    PS: you could merge my thread from a few month ago as well:



  16. Please not! people would blame low players. Opponents would pick low players as first target, probably resulting in even more blaming. There is already enough toxicity. Even post match, i often meet people over and over again during a day or even multiple times in a row. Which is even more annoying if those people threw the game and went afk.


    Sometimes I would already wish you dont would see playernames like in wvw. Or a limited chat usage. Where you only have some simple informations you can send. Like "playing support/power DPS/ condi DPS/...", "going close/mid/far", "need help" or "i'm fine". And that's all. cause ppl just can't STFU if they don't have something nice or helpful to say.

  17. They just have to be focused out. Same as with rifle spamming version. Can be hard sometimes cause they are still thief ?


    But I agree pressing over and over the same button should not be effective. I think it is ridiculous that in hot beta the revenant could as well spamming their skills. But oh it was so op that they got cooldowns. But for thief it is still legit.


    I think there should be some changes, and many skills could get charges on them so they still can be used quickly spammed. But this way it could get more balanced by adjustment to charges and recharge time. And this way skills that are currently lucrative to spam can only get two charges for example with a fair amount of recharge time like the rangers pew pew skill.

  18. As Mesmer one of my mains I totally agree that the channeling in pvp should be interupted when using mirage cloak. It isn't possible in stealth as well and when you use stealth during channeling it interupts it as well. So this makes sense.


    I still don't get why the channeling for heroes in stronghold works another way then those and pulsing stability has a big advantage.


    I don't agree on stomping tho. 3 second stomp 2 x 1 second dodge. So no full time cover. Teleport on thief, Mistform on ele, teleports by friendly skills, stealth or a quick res still safes one. And even if not place your burst after the stomp, died that way often enough ? so it's a one for one trade.


    And people often forget that mirage needs endurance to dodge like all other classes. Energy sigil only restores 25 endurance and vigor gets often ripped. There are no other sources. As well I can only recommend apply weakness it not only helps against critical hits, it reduces the regeneration by 50% as well. In my opinion a really awesome condition.

  19. Currently I'm running a defensive Holo with 5 CCs, and that feels really similar to scrapper. A lot of condi remove and protection application for my group.


    I really liked the hammer and the function gyro scrapper, but for me it doesn't have a decent role anymore. The barrier changes didn't help there much and only show again that it meant to be a more defensive spec. Unfortunately if you want to play sword on Holo the only offhand that makes sense to me is shield and so it gets pushed to skills with similar feeling to the hammer. Skills with cc, block, projectile reflect and leap.


    The difference for me is the holo can also be played as a full of burst spec.


    The gyros tho seem to be more for a support aspect with unique mechanics like bulkwark and stealth gyro. Unfortunately the following logic just sucks.


    I hope with a new spec we get a ranged healing and support spec, that differs a lot from scrapper and holo

  20. Can only agree on it, amount of stability and stunbreaks on useful abilities is very limited. In wvw group fights I'm fine with the stability stacks application on hit, but I think the stack amount could be increased there.


    Stunbreaking with entering holoform for like 15% heat could be also a thing.


    More stability options that can be used when on range would be great.


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