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Posts posted by Loboling.5293

  1. > @Griever.8150 said:

    > Its not "Meta" so you'll get yelled at for playing it regardless of its effectiveness.


    All this means is you might get teammates who refuse to adapt. Expecting you to hold points solo, when your best position is taking out key targets in the team fights.


    And it's fact that very few builds can burst as hard as soulbeast, while being unblockable no less. One wolf pack carries the build to viability, but base ranger (which is similar to how it plays without owp) is pretty solid too. So you're "down time" when you are not in a burst window is just about kiting and staying alive, and every minute you can down 1-2 (3 if lucky). There is counterplay through los, and the best scourges I meet can actually hold their own for a while in 1v1.


    Anyway, this is up to plat. Maybe at higher ranks, enemy teams can figure out counter pressure enough, and greatly reduce the effectiveness. Still, if you want to climb through gold into plat, it's viable.

  2. Soulbeast works fine mostly. (I personally don't have too much trouble vs mesmers) You are not the strongest 1v1 class, but I do think you have a chance to beat a mirage 1v1. Just don't expect to hold the point. It's usually when they try for the decap that I can get most of my damage in, which puts me in the advantage, then they either leave, or I can take them out.


    I personally prefer soulbeast over druid mostly cause of how strong it is at taking out firebrands and scourges in the team fight. Unblockable burst is just deadly.

  3. I've been having a pretty bland time in pvp this season. I tend to tire after very few games. I'm looking for a class that is fun for pvp. Open my eyes to what's fun in this meta of pvp.



    I've mainly focused on the Ranger (soulbeast & druid), which seems powerful, but it's a little boring.


    Then there is the Revenant (herald), I love this build, but I can't make it work against more than one scourge. I make my team lose when I fight two scourges, so I just bring my soulbeast, who can shred scourges.


    Thief: Bored, even before PoF released. (too much spam in HoT, and the new dead-eye is silly for pvp.) I did love daredevil on launch, but I eventually realized how spammy this class feels. And I much prefer the rev.


    Elementalist: I grew tired of the complexity without the old feelings of rewards (this was my longest main from launch, oh how I miss immobilizing someone into a teleported trail of fire made from fgs! Best days of ele imo)


    Engineer: My second favorite class, but I could never get into Holo. (maybe I just didn't give it enough of a chance) Engie, because of it's build diversity, is the only class I did world complete on. Super fun, but holo felt to take away what made engie great, and I'm also not a big fan of the introduction of toolbelt skills for elites. They didn't include racial elites, and having an extra buttom, just made engie that much more annoying for me to play.


    Warrior: I could never get into, but I haven't tried spellbreaker. I only had to fight it a few times to see how broken it was, so I didn't want to contribute to the bad meta.


    Necro: I find them too slow, overall, although a fun class for play occasionally. But, see above. I haven't played scourge, I find the gameplay cancer.


    Mesmer: Fun profession, but I find myself feeling weak when playing. Maybe I'm just not good, I always had more success with engie, ele, rev (except in this meta) and ranger.


    Guardian: Same as scourge and spellbreaker, except I tried this a bit, and I found it pretty boring tbh. Firebrand might be strong, but I just don't find the build invigorating. At least in the couple matches I tried.



    So, based on what I've said, is there anything you'd recommend? I'd be tempted to give warrior another try, as they don't feel too broken anymore. (or much less so) I'm hoping for people to try and convince me on a good class for this season to try. I wish it could be rev, but I can't stand fighting 2 scourge teams. (I usually pve, while waiting for pvp queue, so hopefully, something fun in pve too)

  4. I did some speed tests on the jackal during the halloween races. I won almost all my races done on a raptor, but I did a few of them on a jackal too, to see how it compared. The jackal would often only finish ~900 yards behind the lead raptor. And there isn't much for slopes on that race, but with the little there was, it's enough for jackal to keep pace with the raptor.


    For any terrain with 20-30% of it being in an upward slope, you'll likely get more speed out of the jackal. I personally always use the jackal, so I don't have those frustrating moments taking a raptor up a hill. I'll really only use the raptor for walking new characters across the desert, to unlock waypoints, etc. Either way, the difference in speed is pretty small, and I like the jackal. (If the springer was a bit faster and could jump farther distances faster, I'd probably only use it) As someone who owns a pet bunny, I love the springer.

  5. > @Hooglese.4860 said:

    > come at me bro


    haha, that's a good attitude. If you take me down, it won't be long before you die from the millions of condies flying around. ;P


    Sorry, my post was extreme, but I had this match where I kept getting into fights with a Renegade, and the sting of disappointment I felt when Renegade was launched without major updates. I just kept killing that player and I would feel bad, almost dirty. haha Kind of how I feel when I gank on my thief or kill noobs with my pew pew ranger.


    I hope one day A-Net realizes that makings Renegade summons immune doesn't remove their counterplay. They have cooldowns, and are immobile, affecting a limited area. (Wells) I was honestly shocked and sad when I faced someone still trying to make it work. At least Renegade is not bad in PvE (even very strong). Heck, it's even fun in some rare comps in pvp. (when I tried to make it work)

  6. I just want to put out a warning as a fellow Rev Main. I get you want to make Renegade work in pvp, but I will still kill you on sight on my herald.... I don't want to, but basic tactics say I should target the weakest points on the enemy team. I hope one day Renegade works, but if you're counting on the kindness of strangers to win games, maybe unranked would be best...


    Wishing for the day Renegade spirits can't be killed or cced and we can finally at least try to make this build work in pvp. I mean wells you can kill or knock off the point, which also have cast times. There is even one spirit that does absolutely nothing of value in pvp. They didn't even want to give it a second ability for pvp (explodes on death maybe? who knows).


    So this is a just a warning to the Renegades I see in Ranked, don't expect fellow revs to go easy on you. It's hard enough being a rev, and I feel really bad killing you, but I will.

  7. Renegade is a guaranteed win vs druid. Just place all your spirits on the point and run around in circles. Once you respawn, they should've left the point, you can maybe make it back before they do.


    If I don't feel like getting owned, and the enemy team doesn't have a scourge, I have good success with Herald, can force decap and sometimes land a kill.

  8. > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > Do you even know where the bug is on mirage that allows it to deal so much damage? Hint, its not the clones, its one of the axe skills.


    All the more reasons for them to nerfs the Greatsword to the ground... For gw2 balance, it's all about identifying the problem, and then implementing nonsense changes, aimed to confuse the players for months at a time. ;P

  9. Hey,


    Am I the only one that thinks it's strange that the pvp armor doesn't have a special look? (aka, look like the legendary armor)


    I've been working the legendary armor for soon to be 3 seasons. It's not easy to accumulate the components and gold needed to make it. Why is it that they don't get to look like the Legendary armor crafted through raiding?


    I've never raided before, so I can't compare the time spent. (I know this is taking many hundreds of hours of pvp at least) Is the PvE Legendary armor so much more of a time/gold sink that it deserves to be separate from the PvP Legendary armor?

  10. PvP Balance has killed the game for me since PoF. Maybe I'm just burnt out on gw2 though. But even the mount scandal recently reduced my playtime further. The story was great, the environment was beautiful, and the gryphon collection was really fun to do. But I've always played pvp as my main focus with some pve in between. Right now, since pvp is borked, I can't enjoy it enough to play as much. To me, PoF was a flop... Mostly just due to the elite specs and their poor balance.


    Edit: I just wanted to add, I feel I got my money's worth. I just feel it has reduced my playtime compared to before the expansion.

  11. All classes can play ranged or melee. In PvE, melee damage is almost always higher, since your allies need to be close to you to share buffs. (so everyone groups up near melee range)


    However, outside of PvE, the Ranger is a great class for ranged combat, but as I mentioned every class can be ranged. Right now, longbow is part of the ranger meta in pvp, and I enjoy it a lot in wvw.


    Here are the classes and a short bit on their builds:

    Elementalist: Staff (long range, aoe, support, dps) Scepter (medium range dps)

    Mesmer: Gs (long range, best burst in melee), Scepter (medium range utility/condi weapon)

    Necromancer: Staff (utility), scepter (single target dps)


    Ranger: Longbow (longest range single target mostly), Shortbow (medium utility/condi weapon), axe (hybrid weapon)

    Engineer: Rifle (Shotgun), kits (grenades, mortar)

    Thief: Shortbow (utility), Rifle (sniper), p/p (medium range burst)


    Guardian: Longbow (aoe dps), Scepter (good hybrid weapon, medium range)

    Warrior: Rifle (single target dps) Longbow (condi)

    Revenant: Hammer (range burst), Shortbow (condi, medium range)


    Overall, for open world, I'd say: Elementalist, Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Guardian, Warrior and Revenant are best suited to maintaining ranged combat. (with the engineer landing large bursts in melee, while kiting)


    For other game modes, it's rare to see Range Warriors, but they can be pretty funny to play in pvp. (huge burst with unblockable effects)

  12. Although, to be frank, I think a lot of what made pvp in HoT problematic was solved fairly well before PoF. As someone who was playing rev during the 2 meta's before HoT, I can tell you it didn't feel like a spam meta, and I had a lot of fun before scourges forced me to change mains... (Mirage didn't help either, but it wasn't any worse than condi thief) Now, I joined in the spam, and just spam away for points... But I'm only playing about 1 game a day max for my daily.


    Spam wars may have started in HoT, but it was PoF that took it to the next level... I'm so disappointed that they released the expansion into pvp like this. I enjoyed PoF, but pvp was pretty much ruined, and I'll say this over and over: PVP is now in the Hard Counter Meta. On my Soulbeast, I can make Scourges cry; when I meet a Scourge with any lifeforce on my rev there is nothing I can do... Rock, Paper, Scissors. So much is wrong right now in pvp, I've given up for now. (I'll still do my daily rofl game) I hope the devs find a way forward, but they've made me reinstall some games I never thought possible. haha

  13. I'm not saying they should not look into this, but are you about these numbers? With survival traits, you always got 4 conditions off on cast of bear stance (2 from stance and 2 from muddy terrain trigger)


    Is it really removing 4 conditions/sec afterwards? I've been running with the trait since it was buffed this patch. But bear stance was definitely not doing this before the change, and I know it's only removing 2 conditions/sec with trait.


    Hope this gets worked out.

  14. I'm an old timer for this game, and I found the initial progression very rewarding. Going from a noob to winning some outnumber situations was a nice feeling. The game has changed a lot since then, and I'm not sure the same skill thresholds exist anymore. I know the build I play now is total faceroll, but it's the only way to deal with the meta.


    However, I still think this game is worth checking out. If you've never tried all the jumping puzzles, done SAB, participated in a long drawn out siege battle, or turned the tables on a gank squad, you haven't gotten to experience most of what this game offers.


    It greatly depends on your taste though, but pvp right now is loopy. (Unless you like picking the between a bunch of faceroll builds)

  15. I'm not sure how to answer the poll, but no matter what they say. I'll still not be buying these mounts, and with pvp in the state it's in, I've been spending more time with other things. I'm not sure when/if I'll spend any more money on this game. Just a lot of sour tastes from different decisions by A-Net. Anyway, I am at least glad, they say they won't do this again. But I'm just not feeling it right now.

  16. > @Ashyri.5426 said:

    > I despise quitters. That said and no pseudo-maths involved, from my experience afkers and flamers usually start doing their thing once they start losing and then it's everyone's fault. Ya, if you got triple capped it's your fault too.

    > Also, if you often bump into these kind of players, sorry but you aren't as good as you think you are bcz most of the behavior you mentioned rarely happen on gold above compared to bronze/silver where you probably are placed.


    Don't listen to this guy, I lose 3 cap every game we play together. ;P

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