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Posts posted by Touchme.1097

  1. > @"Sansar.1302" said:

    > in windows guild wars use dx9 NOT OpenGL


    You are just reinforcing my argument where I have claimed that even Windows is dumping OpenGL.

    From google search: Does Windows 10 have OpenGL? "Pretty much any OpenGL error is caused by a lack of optimization of drivers for Windows 10. This means that if you run your favorite games smoothly in previous versions of Windows, you might experience some graphic card issues in Windows 10."

  2. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > They're dropping it because Apple is making it impossible to code cross platform for developers. They're moving to proprietary chips and an entirely different architecture that current code doesn't work on well, and in the future might not even work, especially because Apple is not known for supporting their older systems. And they're not about to code a new client from scratch just to accomodate Apple's stuff. Sure it kinda still works now, but one new Apple chip later andthe support for the current OS is gone. Probably a few other reasons but, that's the "Apple way".


    > It's the same why most developers don't code their games for Linux. First, there's like, no market share for them, Apple maybe, but not gaming related so not much market there. And second, there's a lot of effort involved into coding, and maintaining 2-3 different clients. It's not like this is a single player game where you code once, publish and maybe update a few times before you forget about it, the updates need to be constant. And since Apple is dead set on making developer's lives harder with the decision they made - that means double the work for every update of GW2. Linux at least is bridging the gap between Windows and Linux. Apple is widening it.


    Your assumptions are full of flaws and one in particular is just a myth: "> It's the same why most developers don't code their games for Linux. First, there's like, no market share for them". The current market on apple devices is currently growing and a lot of people use Linux, but hey...There are always people like you who don't know and fuel the stereotype where only Windows deserve the whole gaming market cake. You are not considering gaming companies just don't want to invest in improving the quality of their products anymore. There are better alternatives than OpenGL, go and read them.

  3. Will Bootcamp allow MAC users to continue playing the game using the Windows client or not?

    Looking at GeForce Now I see no reason to buy a new computer anymore, it's ridiculous how gaming companies have kept using low rendering technology for years without investing money into more profitable and better quality alternatives, easy money I suppose...

  4. Dear ArenaNet,

    I can't describe you how disappointed I feel about your decision to stop supporting the MAC client, I have been one of your most supporting MAC customers since September 2020 and now the news about your decision to drop support on the MAC client has taken me unprepared and hugely disappointed.

    I expect game developers in the future to stop using OpenGL as their only jack of all trades rendering SDK and be more flexible exploring other alternatives more compatible with the different platforms existing today.

    Even Windows is planning to get rid of OpenGL, so I don't know how you will survive chasing a dead horse, I think you should have considered Metal or other alternatives instead of using OpenGL for MAC OSX, this would have improved the game client performance and continue your support for MAC users. Other companies did it, so I don't understand why you don't. It's easy to stick with OpenGL and be a game developer working for a multimillion company, it's harder to be more knowledgeable with other rendering alternatives, for this reason I define your discontinued support to MAC users a business failure.

    Please consider taking feedback about the product you sell as well, there are a lot of feedbacks on Reddit on how terribly optimised your game is and you should really start to work on some serious improvements because it's not possible to play GW2 on max settings without being affected by lag and poor rendering, not even a reasonably expensive computer could do it and GW2 is meant to be using a very old engine.


    I will add a few links to enrich my feedback with useful information about OpenGL alternatives, in case your (well paid) developers didn't already:

    The end of OpenGL, Vulkan: https://gamefromscratch.com/cross-platform-opengl-alternatives/#:~:text=Use%20Vulkan%20%2B%20MoltenVK&text=Vulkan%20is%20a%20lower%20level,graphical%20functionality%20in%20modern%20GPUs.


    Metal (API): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_(API)


    I have spent a lot of money in GW2 since I started playing the game and I honestly feel betrayed by your decision to drop MAC entirely.

    I have a question for you, will the last things I have unlocked with gems be locked back if I asked for a refund or will they stay unlocked (for example all the living world content bought with gems)?





  5. Deadeye has little mobility due to the kneel feature, it has to rely on stealth in order to survive. Why don't you run stealth reveal and learn how to counterplay instead of asking for nerfs which would cripple a whole profession and make it useless? All thieves rely on the stealth mechanic to make up for the lack of block and lack of heavy armor.

  6. "September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release: Demonic Lore has been added to the game." Bring the Demon lords into Tyria, it's gonna be fun. There are plenty of villains that can threaten Tyria other than Elder Dragons and Disgraced Gods. Now that Gods have departed to new worlds there are a lot of opportunities for villains to ascend. A new evil race of monsters can threaten tyrians as well, the mist is full of opportunities to expand the current lore. Other worlds and other dimensions can possibly exist in the game's lore, see how aberrations can expand the lore in RPGs and it can actually deliver a successful product.

  7. Dear ArenaNet,

    Today I am lagging extremely hard and got disconnected with a connection error but my internet is fine, I can navigate through websites and play other games.

    I am having extreme lag issues in PoF maps. This problem has been going on for months now, please fix your servers, fix your systems preventing me to buy gems ingame and fix PoF maps to curb the lag problem preventing me to play the game.

    The path to success is narrow and full of obstacles, problems need to be fixed! Don't take my money for granted because I like the game please.


  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > > > Dear ArenaNet, I am a Mac OSX user and it's currently impossible for me to install third party programs using the GW2 API since they use the .dll extension.

    > > > > > > It would be a quality improvement if Mac users could get some of the most popular Addons built in the Mac client because Addons are all built around the Windows client.

    > > > > > > Since Mac users are a minority of your customers and my idea wouldn't be a huge impact on the whole community, could you please release a built in dps meter for the Mac client?

    > > > > > > I want to constantly improve my dps but without a meter I am not able to progress any further.

    > > > > > > Regards.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Good news you can improve your dps useing the raid training golem area.

    > > > > > It gives the dps meter you want.

    > > > > > Then use that muscle memory to replicate it were ever you like.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have to disagree with you because the training Golem doesn't behave like a raid boss, it just stands still and takes all the damage, it doesn't have combat mechanics and it won't be effective in improving my raid damage. It's a way to calculate the damage output but not an accurate way to improve raid performances.

    > > >

    > > > Ok, so you get your dps meter, you see your dps is lower than on a golem or whatever and then... How exactly do you use that information to improve your raid performance?

    > >

    > > That's not exactly how things work, it's more complicated than that. You have to set a certain standard to your DPS in burst phases that can surely help a lot.


    > Notice how you didn't answer my question at all.


    > You don't really need a seperate dps meter as a tool to improve your dps. You might as well just perfect your dps rotations on an immobile golem and then while raiding you'll know when you messed up your rotation, when you've failed at a mechanic or when you missed a phase, so despite not knowing your dps during the raid, you'll know it's not optimal and why it's not optimal. Dps meter during the raids themselves don't change that much about it.


    No, it won't help because raid bosses don't stand still taking up the beating like good golems do. Your argument is nonsense, sorry

  9. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > > > Dear ArenaNet, I am a Mac OSX user and it's currently impossible for me to install third party programs using the GW2 API since they use the .dll extension.

    > > > > It would be a quality improvement if Mac users could get some of the most popular Addons built in the Mac client because Addons are all built around the Windows client.

    > > > > Since Mac users are a minority of your customers and my idea wouldn't be a huge impact on the whole community, could you please release a built in dps meter for the Mac client?

    > > > > I want to constantly improve my dps but without a meter I am not able to progress any further.

    > > > > Regards.

    > > >

    > > > Good news you can improve your dps useing the raid training golem area.

    > > > It gives the dps meter you want.

    > > > Then use that muscle memory to replicate it were ever you like.

    > >

    > > I have to disagree with you because the training Golem doesn't behave like a raid boss, it just stands still and takes all the damage, it doesn't have combat mechanics and it won't be effective in improving my raid damage. It's a way to calculate the damage output but not an accurate way to improve raid performances.


    > Ok, so you get your dps meter, you see your dps is lower than on a golem or whatever and then... How exactly do you use that information to improve your raid performance?


    That's not exactly how things work, it's more complicated than that. You have to set a certain standard to your DPS in burst phases that can surely help a lot.

  10. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > Dear ArenaNet, before you release your new expansion please do a balance patch for support builds in order to break the meta of dominating support specialisations like Chrono-alacrity, Heal Druid-boon support, Alacrigrade, banner slave Warrior.


    > Nah, I see nothing wrong about specific classes having limited/unique effects and abilities. I don't think we should get rid of that.



    > >The current state of Heal Tempest needs serious improvements on the support role. Perhaps add spotter and Alacrity to all support specialisations


    > Perhaps play more than one class instead of trying to pack... well, *everything into everything*.


    I do currently play more than 1 profession and raid organisers always ask for meta builds in raids, the same I have mentioned above. Don't poopoo my post with nonsense please. Maybe you need to realise that every profession deserves a spot in raids and the current Meta is wrong.

  11. I feel your pain, I have been lucky enough to end up in 2 guilds doing raid and fractal training and luckily I get a spot by signing up in time. As a new player you have to face the toxicity and elitism of other players who have had their training in PvE already, it's not a welcoming experience, especially in pugs as you always get toxic players complaining about your performances. Life is tough for new players nowadays and ArenaNet should step up to fix this issue before it goes out of control. I would be glad to share my knowledge in PvE with new players without being judgemental. This is the way!

  12. Dear ArenaNet, before you release your new expansion please do a balance patch for support builds in order to break the meta of dominating support specialisations like Chrono-alacrity, Heal Druid-boon support, Alacrigrade, banner slave Warrior.

    Look at support builds that are currently off the Meta like Heal Tempest and make them competitive in PvE by adding some offensive boons to their tool kits in order to make every support builds equally competitive in PvE. The current state of Heal Tempest needs serious improvements on the support role. Perhaps add spotter and Alacrity to all support specialisations to break the current Meta so people don't have to spend years to invest time in 7 different characters in order to enjoy some PvE, this would be very much appreciated from me.


  13. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > > I have had issues with DJ being cancelled or unable to land due to target obstruction. These are certainly things that need to be fixed. I was unable to do any damage on the portals spawning during the dragon boss in Drizzlewood Coast's meta event, today. It happens on other targets that get obstructed for no reason and I am unable to do any damage forcing me to swap to melee weapons.


    > I would like Kneel to turn into Crouch where you could still move but slowly so you can position. While in Crouch there could be a laser site that would basically just be a flattened target border the length of max range so we could see where terrain or invisible structure would cut us off.


    I like your suggestion, I was thinking the same thing the first time I started playing Deadeye. Another idea would be permanent stability while kneeling only. This way kneel becomes more useful and not a burden in any mode and DJ doesn't get interrupted.


    > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > Espec doesn't need to do everything, it's part of a class, not a new class of its own. You want cleave, then build for cleave.


    > On top of this, rifle is only one weapon on a profession with weaponswap. Sword/pistol gives pretty good cleave. If you want to stay at ranged, shortbow is another good option for area damage.


    Swapping to any melee weapon gives cleave on small hit boxes, that doesn't make Rifle combat any better, you are simply forced to swap weapons and interrupt your rifle rotation when cleaving but I get your point. Swapping can translate into a DPS loss when closing the distance gap is necessary.

  14. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > @"Touchme.1097" said:


    > > I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation.


    > Not to sound overly arrogant and elitist, but I think thats all the wvw community needed to hear to judge this post. Its nice to see first impressions in a game full of veterans especially when the steam release is coming, but I think you need to put more time into learning the game before you are really able to critique it.


    Despite what you might think, even feedbacks coming from new players playing WvW for the first time are useful, because that is the welcome ticket they get and the future of WvW depends almost entirely on the welcome experience.

  15. I have had issues with DJ being cancelled or unable to land due to target obstruction. These are certainly things that need to be fixed. I was unable to do any damage on the portals spawning during the dragon boss in Drizzlewood Coast's meta event, today. It happens on other targets that get obstructed for no reason and I am unable to do any damage forcing me to swap to melee weapons.

  16. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Espec doesn't need to do everything, it's part of a class, not a new class of its own. You want cleave, then build for cleave. DE's single target is doing fine and I didn't have trouble with finding a spot in raid squads for a dps spot. So no, it's not in need of a serious rework. If you want "weaver-like rotations", then play weaver. Thief is based on a different mechanic and it should be obvious why it doesn't really have a rotation you're aiming for. Saying "I like that class, so make this class like that one" is pretty ridiculous, we can choose between different classes and their playstyles for a reason.

    > Aaaand dj definitely shouldn't have its cast time reduced, there's simply no need for that in any mode.


    You are not following my argument, I don't want every class to be like a Weaver, I want Deadeye to have a decent interactive rotation that would make most of its abilities useful. Just because you don't have an issue finding a raid spot doesn't mean the class itself is fine, this is a flawed assumption that leads to no valid point. DJ should have its cast time reduced because in raids a lot of mechanics require a fast reaction time to be dodged and the cast time is unnecessary, not only because it's an empowered autoattack but because it requires previous casting of other abilities with a casting time, so it requires 2x casting times.

    Since Thief can only do Damage, Deadeye needs enough changes to bring this elite spec back to the meta.

  17. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > The "cleave" for Deadeye lies in its Adept Trait : Collateral Damage.


    > Yu burst the main target, it boom booms, yu mark another and repeat.


    > They should probably make it less tedious but it's a tad wrong to say Deadeye has "no cleave"


    > If they make DJ too fast, the competitive scene is gonna complain, so I don't see that happening.



    > Also on the spam thing.... hahaha.... what rotation do yu want xD yur playing Thief.





    I play power sword Weaver, I want a proper rotation for thieves. You can clearly see where I come from XD

    Anyway ty for the info, I just wished Deadeye to be back into the meta, it's tough to compete with other DPS when all you can do is DPS as a profession and the DPS is underperforming

  18. I voted Greatsword because I know a few people would love to see thieves with big giant swords sneaking behind enemies and I hope to see a Parry & Riposte elite specialisation for thieves in the next expansion, it would be really interesting

  19. Zero cleave, underperforming single target damage in fractals, underperforming in most raids, low popularity. I think it's time for a serious rework for Deadeye.

    I can't see why nobody thought of replacing Rifle 2 with explosive rounds. If you look at Snowcrows the rotation doesn't even include Rifle 2 for optimal damage, and the build needs daggers to finish off the fight.

    Deadeye is a seriously flawed design that should be reworked to be competitive in PvE, I get flamed in Fractals and it's very hard for thieves to compete for a raid slot.

    Explosive rounds should replace Rifle 2 in order to do some damage on multiple enemies, everyone has a cleave ability, why can't Deadeyes get one too? Their single target damage is not performing good enough to compensate for the lack of a cleave. Either you buff Deadeye's DPS or you add cleave for balance purposes.

    Rifle 3 spamming, it's a bad design in my opinion, being able to spam Rifle 3 10 times without an actual rotation because using the other abilities would mean a damage loss. Autoattack while kneeling should do more damage than the current AA damage.

    Death's Judgment animation shouldn't be slower than an AA, it feels clanky, Deadeye is a rifle specialised elite spec, I think the delay on Death's Judgment animation is not needed. It makes the thief unnecessarily vulnerable and it doesn't feel like playing a sniper either. Remove the delay pls and make it as fast as AAs.


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