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  1. > @"Wylf.2586" said: > > @"Itsmez.8095" said: > > > > > > I mean you can clearly see that there is more problems than just input lagg, thats pretty kitten clear its not only connection problem. I highly doubt any of my "connection" issues just happened to be fixed exactly the same time when i upgraded my CPU, It was trash internet connection there was nothing else to fix than getting a better internet connection. And i never really had any issues except random rubberbanding and disconnects. > > > > But i dont know what trash internet connection they sell to you on where ever you are from. But im wondering why i never had like 5 fps because of my bad internet connection. > > There appears to be a misunderstanding here. The thread in question isn't about FPS, which *would* be affected by CPU. It's about input lag. As in, you press a button and it takes a while until that button press has any effect. You can see in OPs video that he they have a skill pressed and it stays selected for a decent amount of time without actually triggering, i.E. no damage numbers and the like. This is a connection issue. > OP might also have framerate problems (but those could also just be caused by the recording, I know my framerate tends to tank a lot when I use recording software), but that's not really what the thread is about. Ohh yeah, i was referring for the fps issues mostly. Yeah the input lagg is probably mostly connection issue. My bad !
  2. > @"Wylf.2586" said: > > @"Itsmez.8095" said: > > I was having similiar issues, not as bad. upgraded my CPU and problem was solved. Doesnt really hurt to check on and monitor how your CPU is doing :) > > I was using really bad mobile internet connection (used my phone as mobile base station) and never had any problems even slightly close to that. If that is connection issues then you must have really really bad connection and probably play overseas server. > > I mean, yeah. The original poster mentioned that he was in the Oceania/South East Asia region, but playing on NA servers. It's nice that your CPU upgrade fixed things for you, but there is no way CPU would affect input lag. That's purely a connection thing. More likely that the connection issues you had just happened to be fixed at around the same time when you upgraded your CPU. I mean you can clearly see that there is more problems than just input lagg, thats pretty damn clear its not only connection problem. I highly doubt any of my "connection" issues just happened to be fixed exactly the same time when i upgraded my CPU, It was trash internet connection there was nothing else to fix than getting a better internet connection. And i never really had any issues except random rubberbanding and disconnects. But i dont know what trash internet connection they sell to you on where ever you are from. But im wondering why i never had like 5 fps because of my bad internet connection.
  3. > @"Wylf.2586" said: > > @"Itsmez.8095" said: > > Looks like issues with your CPU. Monitor you CPU usage + CPU temperature > > That makes little sense. CPU would not affect input time. With CPU issues you might see a drop in framerate and general performance, but there's no way ones CPU would affect the time it takes between a button press resulting in the character making an action, especially if everything else appears to be running smoothly. This looks like a connection issue, which have been rampant lately. I've been encountering high ping and occasional lag-spikes up to 10+ seconds too, as an EU based player on NA servers. In fact, if I log in right now, my ping will be in the 800-1500 area, because that's what it usually does around this time of day (EU morning), for whatever reason. I can play fine during the night, but during the EU day, when US servers *should* be under comparatively little load, I get massive ping and lag spikes. > > I suspect this may be in part due to the current pandemic and the higher amount of people working from home, over the internet. > > /edit: There's a thread about connectivity/latency issues here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues#latest > Most likely connected to that. I was having similiar issues, not as bad. upgraded my CPU and problem was solved. Doesnt really hurt to check on and monitor how your CPU is doing :) I was using really bad mobile internet connection (used my phone as mobile base station) and never had any problems even slightly close to that. If that is connection issues then you must have really really bad connection and probably play overseas server.
  4. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said: > For the skyscale you should keep in mind that you don't just need the episode where the mount came out, but also the other episodes that are required for the collections. So you will need the entire living season 4, which costs 960 gems if you need all episodes plus a full stack of each currency associated with those maps and at least 35 gold. On top of the cost the skyscale is a lot of work to get. > > The griffon is easier to get, but as you said, the griffon and the skyscale serve different purposes. While the griffon can't rise into the air on its own, it can traverse a map faster than some pcs can load it, if you start from a high perch. It's not suited for exploration. > > So the mount you want - judging from your description - is the skyscale. The question is how much time and resources you are willing to put into getting the mount. The wiki has a good list of the costs associated with getting the mount. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale#Notes Just get the griffon before skyscale and thank me later.
  5. Looks like issues with your CPU. Monitor you CPU usage + CPU temperature
  6. > @"Sol.6340" said: > I don't know how many other players were also playing on the Mac client, it certainly had its drawbacks but it worked for what I needed. As you drop Mac players, with almost no warning, you're also dropping a selection of your player base and telling us that we're not worthy of your time, your effort, or your game - regardless of the investments that we've made to be part of the game ecosystem. I was a beta tester, I've been here 8 years, but now? Now I'm a nobody. > > What's next? Dropping the ability to play via nVidia? With little or no warning AND I have to buy a subscription to play and hope that my internet connection is fast enough to do so? Or do I buy a current generation PC to game on, spend thousands of dollars on a computer only to be told, again with little or no warning, that my operating system/graphics card/whatever is no longer viable? Yes, in this case, Mac users got screwed but now that its happened, who's next under the knife? > > For the PC users who are like, "I don't know why you'd buy a Mac to game with anyways" - let me respond with, for 8 YEARS it was okay, and then one day, I woke up, logged in, and found out it wasn't. This isn't on me, this is on Arena Net. This is on the people who are unwilling to upgrade to an actual solution for OpenGL. There's options, but it would take effort and I've been told I'm not worth the effort. > > This game was my lifeline, a place where I had a community, friends, and something that mattered. No longer available, I'm very frustrated. I'm tired of the flames, I'm tired of not being good enough, and I'm tired of the idea that you're not willing to even turn over your code to the community so that we can build our own solution for the Mac side of the equation. > > I was looking forward to Factions. I was looking forward to fighting with my friends in wvw this week. I was doing my best to actually buy currency to support development. And at the end of the day, none of it matters. > > I'm just one voice in a sea of thousands, but just because you don't hear me, doesn't mean it doesn't matter. > Youre pointing the finger on wrong direction, go write this at your belowed Mac devs. They are the ones to blame and no one else. Its not the beginning of the end, well maybe for the Mac users it is but not for us the majority. And the dropping support with nvidia will most probably never happen. Why you ask? because they actually work with everyone else, they dont think about their own arse only like some devs seems to.
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