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Posts posted by Flumek.9043

  1. While im a necro 1trick since launch and its the game I enjoyed,

    I doubt how long it would last. It was very punishing , 1-shoty and very "proc" based.


    Air + fire sigil + dhuumfire = 3k dmg on a power necro attack thats meant to do 500 dmg.

    Add spinal shivers and I can already remember how a duel against the average sizer looked:


    hit for 3k with procs



    swap to dagger, land 2x autos



    swap shroud




    land shroud auto 4k , air 1k , fire 1k , spinal 4k

    sizer ded, me 3hp.


    Its a good equal matchup betweem 2 glass builds, but only cz both builds have unfair mechanics.

    So if you remove 1 stupid thing , which you 99% will have to, lets say the fire air procks , you then need to make necros actual weapon more reliable.

    At that point, youre already playing something closer to HOT than vanilla gw2.

  2. > @"Ashur.6403" said:

    > Rune of the Traveler adds 300 more hp, but you lose 139 power and 59 condition damage. I think I'd rather take the extra 139 power and 59 condition damage over 300 more hp.


    You take lynx on power builds and traveler on condi builds.


    Reason is they both give same number of good stat point, with traveler adding 5% condi duration. On a power build yout survival usually depends on evades and cooldowns, so you take the max power possible (lynx) , while condi necro is a facetanker, you care ofc about condies, and your power skills have mostly poor scalling. So you prefer traveler.

    In the end the difference is single digit % , so only tryhards care.

  3. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > They should nerf Rev only, maybe cut a bit the burn from sword from guard


    The sword is an outlier. Effectively its a mini necro well, WITH 4x CHARGES.

    Aoe fields are just soo versetile, point pressure, cleave, self defense against meleee...


    And trapper runes....


    Cz all other burn guard builds werent ever a problem to play around. Just those 2x spams and stealth+superspeed for reposition are more annoying than skillful

  4. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > Silver Division opponents... the 1v2 situations at far at foefire were already facepalm, but then the teef at the end of the video... why on earth did he facetank you on the capture point? One or two disengages and he would have beaten you with ease. Tunnel visioning at its best. He prefered to be defeated instead of letting you cap the point for a few seconds, but comfortably beating you. Passive life force generation on necro was nerfed to oblivion in PvP. Bait shroud, disengage, come back and then kill with ease.


    > Scepter+dagger is the most clunky weaponset in the game and not viable against anyone who knows what he is doing. The pacing in your video is so slow at times, it's surreal. That's not what I experience in the game since PoF or even HoT.


    A bit harsh, valluns a good player and prolly didnt waste too much time to make perfect video with perfect enemies.

    I wont say the enemies didnt play stupid, but yes, sadly you see that daily even at 1600 elo.


    Scepter dagger for me works way better than expected.

    Seems like in bunker meta, yo play more slow and pressure wit #2s and swaps, while in power meta you want focus, more survial lifeforce and spam #1.

  5. We all do.


    But the money and casuals have spoken.


    You have to realize, nostalgia aside, that 2012-2015 was EXTREMELY oneshoty and punishing for new players.

    Basically bottom 50% of players are sooo bad, they kept dying to quickness+100b combos, so they nerfed and changed it to boon.

    Meanwhile the top 50% of players are surviving 1v10 , because they know how to "abuse" all the game mechanics that nobody teaches you ( no port spots, kiting, animation canceling and precasting, stealth openers, melee builds hitting nothing and poeple only dying cz everyone wore the best zerker amulet...)


    Instead of potential niche high tier scenes like smash melee, the game rather went the normal mainstream route to not care about top0.01% balance but rather make average customer happy enough to buy next product. A business has to make money in the end.

  6. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > @"Norbe.7630" said:

    > > > > > > I dont think necros OP

    > > > > > > i dont think everyone thinks necros op

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > > > Who said necro is OP or broken?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's more Lich Form that they are complaining about, due to what @"Ragnar.4257" mentioned about 2v2 seasons.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Lots of debate could go on about Lich Form being ok or needing nerfs. But before discussing Lich, players should acknowledge that the bulk of the complaints vs. Lich stems from 2v2 seasons, where a round can be won in 30s from a single use of Lich, and then the Lich resets its CD when the new round begins, bypassing its intended long ICD. This is a problem with 2v2/3v3 format, not Lich Form. No one complains about Lich in 5v5 conquest.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > > > There is someone on nec forum asking for nerfs.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117932/necro-deserves-a-solid-nerf-especially-reaper-in-pvp-and-especially-wvw#latest

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > the person seems to be a noob ranger complaining about necromancer

    > > > > >

    > > > > > All Rangers hard counter all Necros. Any Ranger who complains about Necromancer is certainly a bad player.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Lich is for noobs, 150s CD. Easy to kite lich, dodge, reflect, block - its like 0 velocity.

    > > > > Good players use chilled to the bone

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > you mean 75s cd, 1,25s cast time " enemy loses 1 dodge "

    > > > vs 150s cd " enemy has to give up for 10s "

    > >

    > > Ever heard for dodge, block, reflect, aegis, retalitation?

    > > Guard and scrapper can block lich for whole team and usually there is a guard in each team since its very common class.

    > >

    > > Oh and necro has to exit lich if there are some condis on him ;)


    > I did, its much easier to block/blind/dodge once then do it for 10s, which is why lich is OP. yes proj block/reflect is a hard counter, but most classes cant really afford to take those

    > Oh and necro can use their 1200 range to use the lich safely and not run into the condis. :)



    Bad troll.


    Half the meta specs use focus/shields anyway, the reflect is just bonus.

    Then a third gets completely free projectile hate like heal on rev. The rest is actual blind and blocks which most have a ton of also.


    But ur biggest fail is calling lich a 1200 range :) omegaLUL if that thing hits anything past 120 range - it can be considered your own fault and missplay for not sidestepping it

  7. > @"Luclinraider.2317" said:



    Downstate isnt problem, it is actually its best selling point.


    It makes the game unique AND adds control (most important).

    GW2 simply SUUUUCKZ for deathmatch format. While the "CONTROL" aspect of combat is amazing.

    The game at launch had poeple play cleric bunker guard, which mainly rezzed or stomped with stability - AND ppl loved it. Just cc+bursting someone from stealth isnt really that skillfull and it adds a ton of rng. The interupt - cleave - rezz trinity is the best stabilizer of gw2 combat.

    Theres also WHOLE CLASSES DESIGNED to be HORRIBLE for deathmatch but having rezz support in exchange. TLDR a "mode" with 0 rezzed is WVW ROAMING. Now think what builds and playstyles dominate that format.


    What CAN/WERE problems and shouldnt return:

    - mercy rune bunkers for rezz abusing

    - perma 1x stack stability for rezz abuse

    - 2x double rally , makes too big swings and punishes the team who already lost a player too much. ( ex. Turning a 3v2 into a 3v4 is freelose, would be more interesting to keep it 3v3 with 1 downed)

    - too much AOE dmg for preventing rezz at all (this is main problem NOW since powercreep turned support bunkers into hybrids)

  8. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > Reaper skill 2 - Death's Charge

    > So this skill, how is it damage calculated?

    > I was looking at combat log and i see opponent hit me like...

    > Death's Charge - 432 dmg

    > Death's Charge - 432 dmg

    > Death's Charge - 432 dmg

    > Death's Charge - 432 dmg

    > Death's Charge - 6082 dmg**


    > Is it like the final hit meant to hit really hard?

    > I don't see anything on the tool tip for that skill.


    The scythe spins in front like a propeler , destroying projectiles.

    It does 8x small hits, but as the skill is a leap - you only take the small hits if you stand still + if the player used a leap in melee range just for the dmg or skill effect.

    The total damage does add up, to about half the final hit if all the small hits connect. So itsl ike you saw, 3k dmg of small hits of around 500, with 6k final hit.

    Of course thats big numbers for pvp, youre both in glass gear + some modifiers to hit that big.


    Like others above said, the main problem is the skill is a bit clunky and unreliable even more than normal leaps + it has a decent long aftercast.

    Add some trait effects and the reaper shroud leap has always been a skill worth dodging /interupting.

  9. Boyce EU

    Naru NA (NotoriousNaru full name)

    Both streamers, members of the nr1 teams last 2 years. Very helpful to watch, they play in a "tryhard/ optimized 5v5 organized team" way, so its clear to see what is (and isnt) a necros job.


    Mijo, Hollts, on EU.

    Great players. Theyre more "necro only 1tricks" and "ladder only" , so a lot more flashy, risky plays (and builds, mijo was pure zerker before big nerf patch..). I know hollts has a lot of youtube guides as well. Oh and Vallun has youtube guides as well, even more beginner friendly ones. Watch Vallun till you reach plat, hollts next, then check naru/boyce stream if you wanna try teams, GL


  10. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"Flumek.9043" said:

    > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > >

    > >

    > > Great TLDR.

    > > Dagger mainhand becomes revenants sword offhand. Reliability in pvp goes up from 1% to 99% and boom, suddenly its a meta weapon and necros have healing without a babysitter...

    > > Only problem is Anet cant afford programing work on animation and functionality changes, its number tweaks 1x per year in these times...


    > No it doesnt. Why? Because first of all it will be small range. Secondly most of the ports like these where you port behind enemy require them to be in range. So its not like you can port through walls long range like rev or port away by targeting a mob in wvw.


    pardon, didnt mean literally, more joking.

    Just as an... "idea" or "concept" or whatever fancy word arenabois use.

    Cz right now their feeling for dagger is "stand still and dps golem each other to death".

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > For example the current problem with dagger is not being able to land damage as enemy are always out of range which also results into not being able to use its lf regen effects most of the times.


    > ... and the solution to that is making weapon/skill choices and weapon swapping to get the effects from other weapons/skils that make up for those deficiencies. Nothing needs to change on dagger to address any of the issues you have listed BECAUSE the intended mechanism for dealing with those deficiencies IS choice. If dagger is SO BAD that it is not useful in PVP/WVW ... then the answer isn't by default that Anet needs to do something to make dagger good specific to those modes. even if we all conclude that IS the answer ... how the dagger is changed is significantly impacted by it's theme or how it is intended to NOT cover the concepts of other weapons. In otherwords ... have no doubt that whatever is done, meaningful choice will be the target ... and dagger, whatever it's theme, will not degrade the idea that weapon swapping and choices are intended mechanics for players to solve their game problems.


    > All that is to say ... if the target for swapping and choices is already fulfilled by the current weapon configurations ... not much reason for Anet to change it because of deficiencies to begin with.


    > I think one of the few valid arguments to 'fix' dagger (and not specifically for any game mode) is that Necro's don't have many weapon choices to begin with ... so the theme of the whole class has diminished potential because of weapon concepts aimed at questionably effective strategies.





    just problem that necro has least weapons available.

    2012 was rushed as well for those who remember :)

  12. > @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

    > Hello again. Yet again moaning how bad and casual i am as a player and ranger. Pathetic, i am not going to comment this toxic, as your profession and/or playerbase, comments. But someone of you wrote to kill a Necro, or Reaper is "wait until it leaves the shroud". Hmmmm. Why? Why should i wait until it leaves shroud? Because it is Overpowered. Otherewise i could fight it. But no. Shroud, just after chill stun kills not only me and my build. But most of the players. There is an argument, wrote by Necro itself that this class need a nerf. And saying Reaper needs a buff is a bad, bad joke. Not going even to comment this. Reassuming: Necro needs a SOLID nerf, especially Reaper shroud. and endless life force gathering from core Necro.


    sigh, why start memeing after half a page... not good bait

  13. > @"XECOR.2814" said:



    Great TLDR.

    Dagger mainhand becomes revenants sword offhand. Reliability in pvp goes up from 1% to 99% and boom, suddenly its a meta weapon and necros have healing without a babysitter...

    Only problem is Anet cant afford programing work on animation and functionality changes, its number tweaks 1x per year in these times...

  14. > @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

    > I play designed class as a hard counter of any Necro/Reaper/Scourge - ranger. But due to power nerf i was forced to drop the "boon beast" power Longbow/GS build as a not effective and made hybrid power/condi one which is META in my opinon. Axe/Torch + Dagger/Dagger. So it is close ecounter. If i would play Longbow/GS - maybe i could stay competetive to the Necro. But my fights with necro looks like: Chill stun - conditions and damage; fear - conditions and damage - chill stun - conditions and damage - dead (pull not necessary). Can not even pop up my skills. This is ridiculous overpowerness. Especially Reaper. And do not tell me "learn to play" or use longbow - as it is uneffective and not doing enough DPS, and not META anymore. I play this game (GW2 it is) from beginning. And necro was allways challenging, but what we have now is just a bad dream. Wake me up from it please. Lots of Devs play Necro, and maybe this is the reason for this "love" for it. And do not tell me Necro does not have mobility/defence - as you never are using this - focussing on constant push and aggresiveness + life force second HP bar with fancy strong skills. Popped up every few seconds suprisingly full again after beating it to none.


    I dont play wvw.

    But as far as i know, necro is bad for 1v1, it always loses to run-away and re-heal tactics. It takes a while, but its unreliable and needs enemy to make mistake.

    For zerg, its just AOE spam, so its the best. Dont see a way a zerg v zerg mode would play otherwise.

    So for wvw its simple, l2p for 1v1s, and dont play ranger (or any non aoe class) in zergs.


    For pvp.

    Ranger DOES counter necro. l2p untill you can kill them reliably.

    However you probably WONT be in fihgts vs necro a lot, as well as necro isnt your main problem.

    If you play duelist, youll be side noder and necro is teamfighter. So only bad scenarios will a necro duel you. And even then its safer to call your thief, cz necro has no immunities and is best class to 2v1 kill.

    If you play roamer dps, your main problem isnt necro, but supports and other roamers. Projectile hate is still too strong IMO, so yea, pray for some patches... And watch to not die from other roamers, decap with ur mobility or just pewpew to be annoying. The rest is up to your teamfighters.


    Also you cant have everything on 1 build.

  15. > @"Fipmip.7219" said:

    > I'd like to revive this thread (searching for d/d builds on google). what exactly are the devs going for with dagger? it seems to me like their best use is to brawl, applying weakness and stealing health and lf. Should we lean into that then and try to maximize carapace, toughness, protection and healing power? still a necro noob at this stage so would appreciate any insight.




    dagger atm is a duelist choice. The only benefit is a miniheal on 2, if you can manage condies and corrupts with shroud. Its still very random, sometimes you land the immob and instawin, sometimes you dont get interupted and sustain for long, and sometimes you get blinded or CCed and just instadie.


    While necro is THE sustain sponge calss, it kinda doesnt need defensive stats.

    Most of survival comes from avoiding with ports, facetanking with lots of lifeforce and condi cleanse.

    So having +200 toughness for 10% less damage is worthless overall and not worth spending traits on DeathMagic.

    For healing, we simply dont have it. Siphons dont scale enough so dont use healing power (only scourge barrier is worth healing power).


    You basically just play hybrid variants of condi core necro (carrion staff)

  16. Ofc you can.


    You can get basically anything to like top100 if youre willing to learn.


    The only thing you cant get is the tournament prizes with organized teams, there you go against +5 years veterans, with talent and skrim practice.


    yes, youll lose and be called trash a lot, but you got a lot of guides now so you can learn faster if you like the challenge.

  17. > @"huluobo.7036" said:

    > The speed of the warrior's dagger is very fast.

    > Dagger design is very unfair professionally

    > The rhythm of the necromancer's dagger is more like a staff

    > I dare not use the dagger 1 skill in the face of warriors

    > Too stupid skills


    A bit after HOT, they buffed thief dagger to deal with broken OP revenant.


    Its about a 20% slower animation, and ofc when they copypasted warrior to get dagger - they used the smoother thief one :)


    Given that necro didnt get the animation update in last dagger "soft rework" , and reaper quickness is a bandaid so less poeple cry about, it probably wont ever happen.

  18. Remember theres more hardcountering in deathmatch, cz theres only 1 objective. So sometimes you might get rolled. considering organized duos are only top20, ill list the soloq heroes


    S+ tier

    tempest CC spam

    holo blinds dps

    S- tier

    Reaper or core necro





    the rest is just emulating a support+dps duo, or going for a 2 dps gimmick.

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