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Newbie (1/14)

  1. As a roleplayer, I have a real problem with the 10 mail limit for ALL of my characters. I have to try to shift my RP partners to Discord if they get chatty in mail. Could you please, at least make it 20 for each character? I understand the restrictions on mail to keep people from spamming, but couldn't we have a whitelist feature? I have 3 accounts (2 paid and 1 FTP) and it's really annoying when I'm trying to send items to myself and I get the "excessive mailing" flag.
  2. > @"Myster Marz.6481" said: > Would it be possible to add typing detection feature for slow typing players like myself? > I think it would be useful to add a grey/ low opacity chat box with ellipsis above the players head to indicate that they are typing something in chat. Not sure if I'd like the ellipsis over the head, but one in the chat box would be helpful. Especially for roleplayers, because sometimes I don't know if my partner has something to say or not and I don't want to run out of "earshot" while they're typing a long response.
  3. I like to play with as little UI showing as possible. I sometimes play with UI hidden completely, as for screenshots, but I miss guild chat that way. Could you add an option for "view on mouseover only" for the UI, and allow me to turn off the numerical damage notifications and player names in groups? I'd like to be able to keybind switching the default mount. I have my mounts keybound to NUMPAD 1,2,3,4, but it's faster to hit X than to take my hand off my programmable mouse to choose the mount. Lovely game! I really enjoy immersing myself in this gorgeous living artwork you have created!
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