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Posts posted by setdog.1592

  1. In the June 23, 2015 patch both Grenadier and Writ of Persistence were revamped and received radius increases by +60.


    Today Guardian got this 5.5 year old change reversed.


    Is it possible this is a change to the Grenadier trait that has been overlooked, and might deserve the same reversal?

    How would that impact PvP, Engi, other professions and builds?


  2. what i found to be funny is that on my druid i hit this scrapper with ~41 strikes,(condi ticks, direct damage w/e, i wasnt parsing that info) of which only 6 of those actually did any damage, the rest was absorbed by the scrapper. meanwhile, the scrapper landed ~38 strikes, while protect me was on cd


    basically i hit the guy for 750 dmg, in between his absorbs.

    while he hit me for almost 18,000 dmg, in between my absorbs

  3. "The new fractal boss is a showcase for ranger upcoming spec. Change my mind"


    The Sorrowful Spellcaster is a powerful human **_elementalist_** serving as the last boss of the Sunqua Peak Fractal.








    Aqua Jet - ...

    Call of Storms - Summons lightning to smite enemies.

    Call Meteor - Summons a meteor to strike the target location. Deals heavy damage that decreases with distance from the impact point.

    Elemental Surge - Charges the target location, damaging enemies along the path.

    Elemental Sweep

    Elemental Whirl - Weaves dangerous elemental energies to heavily damage nearby foes.

    Elemental Manipulation - Weaves dangerous elemental energies to heavily damage nearby foes.

    Firestorm - Unleashes a powerful blast of flame, incinerating anything in the line of sight.

    Flame Surge - A blast of flame scorches the area, damaging surrounding enemies.

    Fulgor Sphere - An orb of electrical energy damages anything in its path.

    Lightning Strikes - No skill description found.

    Roiling Flames - A bolt of flame born from rage damages anything in its path.

    Torrential Bolt - A bolt of aquatic energy damages anything in its path.

    Volatile Fire - Volatile elements envelope the area, damaging anyone caught inside.

    Volatile Water - Volatile elements envelope the area, damaging anyone caught inside.

    Volatile Wind

    Voltaic Expulsion

    Wind Burst


    Doesnt sound very Rangery to me

  4. scrapper vs druid


    outgoing dmg

    _**druid lands 2** ticks of bleeding totaling 250 dmg

    scrapper absorbs 17 strikes totaling over 5.1k dmg

    **_druid lands 4 ticks totaling 502 dmg_**

    scrapper absorbs 18 ticks which totaled a paltry 2.5k dmg


    incoming dmg

    scrapper lands 4.1k dmg in 5 strikes****

    druid absorbs 7 strikes totaling 4120 dmg

    scrapper lands **_38 _**strikes totaling 17990 dmg =) =)



  5. Currently, there is no reward for properly timing a dodge/evade against a stealth attack> @"Hollow.5382" said:

    > Title.

    > Currently, there is no reward for properly timing a dodge/evade against a stealth attack and no risk to the attacker for missing an attack.


    You get to keep your health, thats your reward for your well timed dodge.


    The risk to attacker is now you know they're near. So just fart in any direction and collect your kill.


  6. bronze/silver/gold/plat/legendary. these are skill ratings, and if you lose games your skill rating should reflect that. If you are in Legendary Tier, with say half a dozen others, and you are the only one of those in that tier that lost a game(s) today, or this week, then the risk of getting kicked down to Plat makes sense. The only safe play here for you to remain in legendary (or any) tier is to win. If u dont win, meaning you lose, you get booted from the tier. Skill Rating decay encourages people to play. So ones skill rating does (and should) have to be maintained over the course of the season.


  7. How might a 15v15 pvp map benefit the pvp community?


    I am not a game developer. But I started to wonder about this question because we often hear about problems in GW2 pvp, the biggest of which is population. It seems arguable that the one of the most frequent complaints is population, and how a lack of population contributes to poor match making, and how poor match making leads to frustration among many of the less hard core players. Even hard core players who sometimes benefit from poorly matched games dont want this. The best of them want a challenge. So how does Gw2 increase interest in pvp? Maybe something is simply missing from the menu.


    Would a larger map offer the opportunity for newer or less experienced players to cut their teeth in a more forgiving, less harsh, PvP experience?

    Would a larger map allow for players to learn about PvP while not feeling utterly frustrated?

    Would a larger map allow for players to discover builds and professions and mechanics?

    Would a larger map allow players to build confidence in PvP?

    Would a larger map serve as a type of training ground for smaller team sizes?

    Would a larger map make players feel better about their PvP experience overall?

    To the contrary, would a larger map hurt the pvp scene? (queue times for example)


    The way I see it, there are essentially two choices when it comes to pvp in GW2. 5v5 or WvW.


    Maybe whats missing is a link in between.

  8. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POAFcEG7XZBMN2HLkdil2jZqtEzHF-zZwKkCSgEChMrAHGA


    having grown tired of longbow and shortbow, i started playing around with this build in unranked. its quite melee oriented. i enjoy it, you may not.

    not a 'meta' build. just a fun alternative.


    i tend to just jump right into a melee scrum and go nuts. sometimes its great. sometimes its not. generally try to avoid 1v1s, which for some encounters this build works well, but if feels like it does better by spreading out the damage fighting over a node for example. access to pretty decent amount of immob to help keep your opponent in your bonfire.

  9. Here is what I think can be a very fun druid build in spvp. Now, of course this isnt going to impress everyone (or possibly anyone), and I am not suggesting this is a great build or anything thats going to power you up to legendary rank, or even something that you would want to play in ranked. however, i find it alot of fun. This is not a slayer build. Cant really kill anything. I am indeed curious what people think of the build.


    I find myself having a blast smack in the middle of a team fight in mid. Using celestial avatar quite often. And the end of the match it puts out about as much damage as it does healing and can take a beating with its high armor. But most importantly its fun. With the leaps and evades. You have 2 massive condi cleanses with CA and Signet of Renewal great ability to root foes with entangle and jacaranda. But it does have its weaknesses. Been plenty of times where I asked myself, why am I playing this at all.


    Its also not a dual 2 hander build, which i find to be very sluggish. Its not going to be the hard hitting killer like a power lb ranger or the current sb meta build. I just think its a lot more fun to play.


    Let me know what you think.


    heres the build. obviously you can change whatever you want, whatever you think is better, whatever you find more value with. i make changes as well, such as earth runes or whatever. but generally this is the build


    It's axe wh, sw tor, sorry had to edit build



  10. yea its too bad, it almost feels like a thief out of stealth when caught in a team fight. The protection it gains sounds great, the evasion sounds great, certain condi builds blow it out of the water in terms of pressure and either sustain or defensives, idk. utility options like glyph of unity which is essentially an expensive version of retaliation are not worth the cost of a util slot. generally however its a fun build, so theres that. but it is very inconsistent. sometimes it performs (seems to anyway, maybe there are other factors involved) really well other times it completely falls flat.



  11. Ive been playing some version of a short bow druid with sword/torch. generally skirmish, wilderness surv, and druid. I switch around between carrion or sage amulets, krait rune,. i play around with some other runes sometimes but generally carrion or sage w/ krait. agony / energy sigils and various on sword. It is a fun build, but its pretty pathetic in too many situations. It can be ok in roaming and some duels, like anything else it can help +1. Overall the class really doesn't shine unless allowed to shoot from behind, which can be very difficult to achieve, most of the time, to any great effect. Its not very common that you're able to shoot behind someone, and even then it can be a slow build up. The build is especially weak in team fights where everyone is running circles around each other, standing in aoe. You've lost half your damage from Short bow, so you swap to Sw/T and now you have to hope your enemy picks up some burning in your Bonfire.


    It does have it moments tho, if u can line up the entangle, bonfire and jacaranda pet skill call lighting, to all go off. at the same time, and your targets have run out of immobilize cleansing traits, boons or utilities, this can be satisfying. And this does happen occasionally, but there doesn't seem to be a good way to control how to pull this off. U can keep pet in avoid combat state, but then you are losing damage. Which makes it very unreliable. Not to mention pet location and pathing which is bizarre. Imagine you see your enemy on a node and you are line of sighting behind the edge of a barricade. You press attack to send in pet. So the pet goes the longest way around the barricade to your target, who is now in your face. And what does your pet Jacaranda do, it goes back around the long way on its way back to you to help finally hit your target. The projectile from jacaranda gets blocked by terrain as often as it lands. If there is never going to be a way to make pets more reliable, then perhaps there should be some compensation for that.


    What bothers me isn't so much damage, though there is nothing about this build that hits hard. Its pretty much just bleeds some poisons and some burning, basically its a condition build. But nowhere does it seem capable of packing a punch in those moments when it really needs to. It kinda just drools along until u get this random burst of evades and leaps and a surprise call lightning from a floating ball of roots, which makes it fun. Kills tend to be too slow in most team fights. Escaping 3v1 seems impossible. This would be great to be able to disengage better.


    Everything about it feels like a 6.5-7/10.

  12. Anet needs to promote pvp. they simply do not promote it. other games are just pvp so all that is required is to promote the game. this game has 3 game modes. pve, wvw and pvp. they promote pve. they dont promote pvp. in game or otherwise. relocate all the features of the mists to lions arch so players get more exposure to pvp. let them browse the rewards from the vendors, which may peak some interest. desegregate the community, its become an exclusive (in a negative way) part of the game. make it more inclusive by giving pvp some promotion in rest of the living world. weve got a raid and fractal portal in LA, but nothing for pvp. you more or less leave the rest of game and move to this exclusive server with other players doing just pvp, called the mists. this reduces overall exposure of the pvp system.


    until the population of pvp grows, youll never get an increase in the higher ranks.

  13. i believe the OP is entirely inaccurate with his premise. the game is absolutely 100 percent inclusive. there is not one single aspect of the game designed to exclude any player.


    if a player chooses not to participate in one, or multiple aspects of the game, for what ever reason, this is not due to game design. these are personal choices that players make.


    a player deciding not to participate, is not the same as being excluded.


    but i believe what the op is attempting to say is that anet should stop trying to dumb down the game so that the least dedicated and most casual players get exactly the same results as the players who invest more time and are much more interested in, and therefore achieve better results than the so called 'casuals' who want to be able to survive a zerg without even knowing or acknowledging the difference between pvp and pve.

  14. what are some good core guardian or dh hammer builds for fractals, ow pve and perhaps raids? I dont mind trading some damage for personal survival and group support (support role can be interesting, but difficult to gauge effectiveness). Whats a good build/rotation to accomplish optimal protection/aegis distrubution?


    Ive been running around lately as Power DH, Hammer * Sw/Sh (shield 5 seems woefully inadequate for anything), and doing some fractals with

    Radiance 2-3-3/Honor 2-3-2/DH 1-2-3, gear is full zerk.


    I like the playstyle of hammer/sw/sh, which is why i am asking, and while I dont mind mixing in some Longbow/GS and other 1h weaps. I am just looking to hear some

    other players experience and what builds they like or situational builds they find useful.


    (p.s. as much as i enjoy firebrand and LB DH I just really enjoy the play style of hammer dh better, despite the lower damage.)

  15. i dont play much wvw. it basically comes down to my being a solo pve artist. the problem i encounter when i join a wvw map is this terrible feeling of being lost.

    one of the obstacles to new players is learning how to engage the entire wvw game mode.


    are there any plans to help players bridge this gap in understanding how wvw works? it often feels like nothing is happening out there. in the mists.


    or maybe the solution is as simple as wvw exclusive skins as a way to entire some players into wvw. after all players love fashion in gw2.

  16. ok, so this may sound trivial, however, i think alot of people may recognize this.


    when i open the crafting panel, all of the content sections under one of my professions is expanded.

    i always collapse the drop downs, every time. its kind of annoying. I wish it was collapsed when I open the crafting panel, and I can then more quickly go to the section i want to expand.

    i know there is a search feature, but sometimes i just want to head right to a section. most of the time ectoplasm refinement. and i have to collapse all those sections every time.

    i think it might be more efficient with the sections collapsed and then i expand one by one, not all fully expanded at the start.

    or maybe a selection we can toggle to Collapse or Expand All.

  17. Guild Wars 2 is a masterpiece of a game. Its actually quite awesome. From the great art to the fantastic amount of content. Its fun. Sure its not perfect but this system was built by real people who deserve some credit for their hard work and excellent product.

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