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Posts posted by setdog.1592

  1. At first I was very skeptical of pof zones as the events dont really seem to culminate into anything connected but I think thats due to having gotten used

    to HoT style metas and the change in style is overall a good one. The Doppleganger and Serpents Ire events are both good, DeadHouse is decent, the Wurms and the Forged Events are all good. Overall Ive come to appreciate the PoF zones alot more as they dont, imo, make the earlier zones feel obsolete like some other mmos and there is plenty of content.


    The Bounties are fun. However, I just wish there was a little more the encounter than a single NPC. I think a bounty hunt could be alot more interesting if there was some sort of phase to it, similar to Bandit Bounties where you can encounter multiple foes, say 2 or 3 waves of Champions, then a legendary. Maybe this idea can lead to a new bounty encounter, and doesnt have to mean that all the bounties should change.


    The current playstyle for the bounty trains is to gather at a waypoint. Ride out to a location, literally skipping everything, kill one NPC, then waypoint back and then ride to another location, rinse and repeat. This is a bit on the grinding side after. doable but a bit too much autopilot involved.


    basically i wish after riding out from the waypoint, there was just a little more complexity to at least one of the bounty hunt encounters.

  2. > @Rennie.6750 said:

    > > @setdog.1592 said:

    > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > > > You need to go read metabattle, copy build there, follow commander and spam skills until your fingers fell off.

    > >

    > > i dont enjoy the game mode. its not something i think can be fixed by changing builds. there is a massive structural problem with wvw mode

    > > has nothing to do with profession balance.


    > So you have no idea how we play the game mode but since you saw some red circles and couldn't survive with your PvE build, you demand a major overhaul. Well, goodbye then. You're obviously not accepting suggestion so I won't make any, but these "ground marks" are not really a problem for most of us. In fact we have many ways to ignore them. But you're right, forcing you to change your PvE setup sounds like a daunting prospect.


    You play conditions. I enjoy melee. get that thru your thick skull. but seriously, im all ears for you expert knowledge on how to melee from 900 range

  3. > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > You need to go read metabattle, copy build there, follow commander and spam skills until your fingers fell off.


    i dont enjoy the game mode. its not something i think can be fixed by changing builds. there is a massive structural problem with wvw mode

    has nothing to do with profession balance.

  4. Join a wvw game. ground marks literally everywhere.


    what do?


    leave. because i dont enjoy caster classes as much.


    (edit)dodging is completely ineffective in these group skirmishes because with the amount of ground marks i would need to dodge about 12 times in a row.

    (edit2) i literally only do wvw for the gift of battle to make a legendary. if it wasnt for this I honestly dont think I would ever do it at all.

  5. Im working on the collection for The Flameseeker Prophecies III, and I am trying to get this collection trophy, The Retaking of Orr. As fas as I can tell I have to participate in the

    event to retake the Promenade of the Gods. I have been camping out in and around the Anchorage Waypoint.


    How does these events work? Are they linked? Are they on timers? Theres nothing to give any sort of indication on when or how to even trigger this event.


    what is going on here?

  6. idk but ive come with a weird pve build, its pretty fun tho, damage sucks (but aoe from ToJ is ok) but i like the slower playstyle and much fewer deaths.

    shamans gear, zeal 111, virtues 121, fb 222. mantra of solace, intervention, mantra of truth, SWORD OF JUSTICE (yes a spirit weap), mantra of liberation

    weaps are axe/torch:mace/shield. its great for pve roaming but you have to be willing to take your time, if you want a speed build, this is not it,

    but i can pretty much walk around the map kill stuff and move on.


    will prob work alot better with better gear choices, but like i said, i like the slower pace, to me it feels very paladin like

    after i get to know the prof better ill tweak it more for better damage, but im still learning the nuances of fb


    but you may want something strong for pvp, this isnt it

  7. > @Abelisk.4527 said:


    of course its subjective. but how on earth can you call them challenging.


    > 3) Again this is really subjective. On the contrary, some of the bounties are really interesting and the mechanics are engaging. Some mechanics are easier of course but there are those that require a ton of positioning and planning.


    its just not that interesting. mainly because i cant even see the boss unless its something like facet.


    i just dont enjoy the bounties because they seem so un-complex, theres no depth to the encounter.


    (edit) maybe challening isnt the right word, they just seem to be so grindy, too grindy. join squad, follow squad, loot chest, wp, follow squad, loot chest, wp,

    follow squad, loot chest, wp, follow squad, loot chest, wp...over and over. its a weird frantic race to tag the npc and repeat.




  8. in the spirit of feedback, the bounty trains are a bit on the tedious side.

    1) they are not very challenging.

    2) there is nothing that leads up to the conquest.

    3) its pretty boring.

    So what are they really for? Is there any purpose beyond giving the players an open world boss to summon.


    and im kind of annoyed by the fact that i cant even see the target most of the time because of all the player abilities firing off.


    why cant there be a bounty event? at least make it a little more complex and interesting than the training golem.




  9. > @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    > > @setdog.1592 said:

    > > Dear OP you are not ever going to get racial skills and abilities or be able to create builds based on racials.


    > I bought the game to be a norn shapeshifter which is something I dont have?


    you have them.



    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Become_the_Bear <- lol 50k health






  10. crafting was complex at first, but now after leveling armorsmith, weaponsmith, leatherworking, huntsman, and artficer to 500, i think its pretty great and one the more interesting aspects of this game. once you understand how discoveries work its pretty easy


    i wish they would do more with the whole crafting component of the game, because there are alot of recipes i have access to that in all likelihood will never get used.

  11. > @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

    > I'm pretty terrible with builds so I'll open with that admission. Anyway I haven't played Guardian since release and figured now was a decent time to get back into it. But I find Firebrand to be fairly squishy for heavy armor and I don't really get why everyone is saying it's god-tier DPS. What am I missing?


    i am by no means an expert, but here is what ive been reading. someone did a condi firebrand benchmark dps test, on a training golem, and it was close to 50k dps.

    that is very significant. But the tradeoff is exactly what you elude to, its a very squishy firebrand build that does that level of damage.


    Firebrand is squishy if you go that god tier damage route. But it doesnt have to played that way. I am fully enjoying the firebrand spec with Shaman exotic gear, axe/torch, mace/shield. not even using food/util buffs, its not a killer damage spec but im able to play all the pve related content and not constantly be sent back to a waypoint, which for me is great as I get to know my firebrand guardian again and play the game.


    i can make improvements to the build and gear over time. but so far i do really like it.

  12. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > Are we talking about the achievement item or the crafting material?


    > If the former, I, too, would like to know where those can be found as I have not come across any, either, during map completion in PoF.


    the currency one that goes in your wallet

  13. i am running an exotic shaman draconic set with balth runes, axe torch, shield mace. zeal/virtues/fb, i like it because i got tired of dying in higher damage gear


    i like it, its slower damage, but its actually alot more enjoyable. i like it because i can solo roam and take on multiple veterans at a time. still die when vastly outnumberd, but its actually nice casual set up, hard time killing anything that heals tho, i kinda tried to model the build after the gw2 fb intro video,

    a zealous lorekeeper, and they had him with shield, so what the heck i chose zeal and the lore talents


    and did mention its cheap!! like super cheap.




  14. So after more thought, I realize that I simply being impatient. Its only been 4 days. I havent even been able to log on yet today. So maybe Ive put in 10-12 hours so far in PoF.


    Its not fair to the hard working people at ArenaNet to draw conclusions about this xpac so soon.


    There are bound to be countless updates in the very near future. The first update to HoT was one month after launch. There were about 18 major updates over the span of 2 years, which is almost every month!


    So with that kind of track record, I look forward to playing more GW2 PoF, and I cant wait to see what happens this halloween.

  15. > @"Wild Sister.7529" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > If you want to talk to an NPC, chances are there's a few people in the neighbourhood that also want to talk to that NPC. Who wants big, kitten clusters of mounts obscuring everything? Not me!


    > EXACTLY!! I think it is not done well enough. There should be a circle around it so you don't see them unmount or mount again at all.








    > -----

    > Besides that the whole idea of the mounts is to use them for example the raptor for big leaps and long distances right? Or that rabbit for higher grounds. USE them for that and walk in towns or cities etc. Worked fine in the past 5 years.


    This could easily be solved by zones, like cities, where mounts dont work. The gist of this guys post is valid. There are 5 mounts, each one performs differently to tackle certain terrain, so when you encounter various terrain in a short span or want to speak to several npcs in a short span, the mount swapping definitely does not provide a smooth or fluid experience.

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