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DogMD.9182's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. > @"Mellow.7409" said: > ![](https://i.imgur.com/f5ycuSD.png "") > I am having so much fun!.. > Classic example of a bad player being farmed by a burn guard, who presses S to go backwards when they see an enemy approaching them. Imagine getting hit by 32 hits of grenade barrage, I wonder what would do more.
  2. This is what we do when we’re meme-ing and have no respect for the other teams skill level. We do 5 revs 5 engis sometimes too
  3. Burn guards are really good against gold and silver players who don't yet know what condi cleanse is. That's why we get complaints about it because the majority of the player base is playing gold 2/3 games getting meme'd using their cleanses at 1 stack of burn or trying to cleanse off all the useless other condis that make the bar look angry red but don't actually threaten ur life.
  4. I actually think it was a good patch. All the overtuned S+ tier classes got minor nerfs and are now on par with the A tier classes. Overall I think build diversity will increase significantly.
  5. > @"Supreme.3164" said: > "To understand the enemy, walk one mile in their shoes"....it's what they say. Multiclassing brings with it a boat load of benefits, ranging from increased duelling performance to less opinionated balance philosophy . > > > What is your opinion? Can you imagine playing a MOBA without ever playing another MOBA hero?
  6. > @"Rvannith.8364" said: > * Bastion.1502 > * BlackCrag.9760 > * edaraz.3296 > * koechto.1835 > * Quaker.8314 > * Strogg.2695 > * Swedishchef.8609 > * Zorg.8340 > > I have been grouped with _all_ of these accounts over the past half dozen matches _alone_. All have close to a thousand matches _this season alone_, every one has more losses than wins, and most of them "path" identically: they follow the exact same route out of spawn, jumping over obstacles in unison when there's more than one on my team. A number of these names have been here for _multiple seasons_. This shouldn't be a problem that requires a lot of effort to solve and would significantly increase PVP quality of life for bad players who are in low gold. Those of us who still play PvP remain _flipping coins_ if we win or not based on if we end up with one of these accounts on our teams or the opposing team, and dealing with this situation would be a very simple step to make things a lot less frustrating. How does a bot play 1000 games and be useless and still stay in gold LOL
  7. PvP posts should display the authors same in game badge to delineate what tier player is making this post
  8. > @"choovanski.5462" said: > also, like why do people think teams were hard to form? > > we used to play Duo or Trio all the time, and literally just invite good players we had in our matches (from either team) to get 5 man teams. > > gave a lot of incentive to not be a toxic player too, because if you did no one wanted to play with you. also meant you could completely avoid bots and afk players ever being on your team, which if the forum is still anything to go by- is something that makes a lot of players unhappy. > > perhaps that's a reason most of the pro solo queue players are so toxic. they play alone due to poor social skills. just a theory, a gw2 theory- now clap :tired_face: Yes I really do feel that the people who are against this duo/3 que/team play are those who are either A) Too toxic thenselves to have friends to que with B) too bad at the game and don’t want to face the fact that they’re gold because of their own skill and not because of some systemic issue stacked against them. Most good players I know who are not 1700+ But in the 1580-1650 range have ended up in the same ELO solo and duo give or take 30 ish mmr. You end up somewhere near where u belong anyway but eliminate toxicity from pugs who don’t know you and increase enjoyment by being allowed to play with your friends in a, lo-and behold, MMORPG
  9. > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said: > > @"DogMD.9182" said: > > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said: > > > Teams are just the people taken from those who are searching and then the matchmaker _tries_ to make it even. If you have a team of all good players they will stomp random teams easily as those random players are from different skill levels. Then there's the advantages of communication and playing together that a full team has. Full teams are supposed to go to tournaments or have custom games against other full teams. > > > > Anybody is open to make a group and play w/ their friends w/ or without comms. It's not like you have to do anything special to right click and press create party w/ whoever you want. Everyone is on an even playing field and if you choose not to take advantage, thats entirely your problem. Right now, we're being forced to play w/ people we don't want to and being punished for it, and ultimately, that's breeding the toxicity towards other teammates in games + negative rep for the sPvP community. > > But you already can play with your friends. Just make a custom match and 5v5 with another team or play in a tournament. I already addressed this in my post you quoted. Yes and I also replied that you should specifically be allowed to play RANKED with 5 and experience a meaningful reward (as in ELO, leaderboard rankings) based experience with people who aren’t going to ruin it for you
  10. > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said: > Teams are just the people taken from those who are searching and then the matchmaker _tries_ to make it even. If you have a team of all good players they will stomp random teams easily as those random players are from different skill levels. Then there's the advantages of communication and playing together that a full team has. Full teams are supposed to go to tournaments or have custom games against other full teams. Anybody is open to make a group and play w/ their friends w/ or without comms. It's not like you have to do anything special to right click and press create party w/ whoever you want. Everyone is on an even playing field and if you choose not to take advantage, thats entirely your problem. Right now, we're being forced to play w/ people we don't want to and being punished for it, and ultimately, that's breeding the toxicity towards other teammates in games + negative rep for the sPvP community. > @"Exile.8160" said: > I for 1 expirence pvp here in its prime back when we had 5 man q and I tell you what it was the most fun pvp was in this game. Beating a 5 stack as 4 +1 felt amazing, havimg control on what team mates you get was so much less frustrating, not having bots was a blesing and the best part enjoying the company of more than 1 friend was the best. > > > Sadly now I mostly play by myself wgo knew that an mmo playing alone was mostly force on you. **Why even make friends in pvp when you cant even play with more than 1 at a time? ** Exactly, theres nothing more fun than climbing a ranked ladder w/ your friends in hand. Every other PvP game (WoW arenas, DOTA, league, CSGO etc.) allows you to do this, only GW2 doesn't.
  11. > @"snoow.1694" said: > How about no and reducing highly exploited 2 man queue to 1? I know a whole lot love the feeling of ganking pugs with their premade teams while sitting in Discord, but it‘s not fun for the rest and shows 0 skill. Try daily tournaments and see how good you’ll do there against other teams talking on Discord - in the time between tournaments play unranked, it is as simple as that Lets be real, I do AT's but an AT occurs every 3 hours and you get 4-5 games in max. This is hardly a solution to playing w/ friends to enhance an sPvP experience ruined by bots and pugs that you don't want to play with. Every top MOBA like league, DOTA, and even HoTS for that matter allow you to que 5 against friends and the ladder is fine. The top players end up at the top and the bronzies will be bronzies but at least the top players don't have to play w/ the bronzies that get matched w/ them.
  12. > @"noiwk.2760" said: > 100% spvp suck atm.. > i think the biggest issue is actually not having your own mate you are likely to be teamed with 2-3 bots and i dont jsut mean bad players i mean literally bots that run and farm gold all day long.. which for some reason Anet does nothing to prevent. > sPvp is the most frustrating thing for honest players and i think being able to que as 3 buddies might reduce the frustration and ensure that 3 players are not bots Exactly, If you 5 que, you GUARANTEE you have no bots on your team
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