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Posts posted by aleron.1438

  1. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"aleron.1438" said:

    > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > > > @"Cambeleg.7632" said:

    > > > > This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

    > > > >

    > > > > Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

    > > >

    > > > So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

    > >

    > > The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.


    > Sure stop and stand still in the middle of combat to open your inventory, tell me how well that works out for you. :)


    Done it 3 times tonight, ask the deadeye from [AC] on Baruch Bay at their GBL Briar tower. He was so annoyed he whispered spammed me I was a kitty bot for using traps.


    It's called training.


    If me as a deadeye main I had to learn to play around reveals and mark. So can you.


    It takes me 2seconds to do it on the fly I'm so used to it. Each day I always replenish my 20 stacks of all 4 traps and disablers where they sit away from anything else so can access them fast.


    I'll go one further, as perma stealth rifle DE, I can guarantee you that there's absolutely no way of stacking enough stealth duration to fully rez someone in one channelling.


    What this means is since I will get hit after I've started to rez from stealth I will be put into combat, and when my stealth wears off since I don't want to die before rezzing, I will be forced to go out of combat range to regen and wait for CDs and give it another try. And anything that touches me before I manage to be back in range of the Rez prompt will prevent me.

  2. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"Cambeleg.7632" said:

    > > This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

    > >

    > > Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.


    > So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?


    The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.

  3. No don't change it. It's what allows some of us to win in outnumbered fights. When opponents will interrupt or cleave on the downed body to prevent from finisher stomping and/or revive faster than you can kill the downed player, the only way is to chain down the same player, in hopes you get better odds as the fight progresses.

  4. Won't deny it, I've skimmed through many posts. Ain't an adept of the Player Vs Points mode where I dab at times rarely (p1-p2). I'm a WvW guy, solely solo roaming on DE (3k).


    @OP: If you make the mistake of wasting a Mark on a ranger pet, you're in big trouble. Mark doesn't reset when pet hp goes to 0% and pet runs back in passive mode to its master. You ain't getting Renewing Gaze trait trigger. GJ now you won't get all the perks of Mark on Ranger (Iron Sight trait: -10%dmg taken,+10% dmg dealt). Enjoy eating that RF. You're forced to now waste Mercy to reset your Mark and won't have it available to stun break/counter a LB 4-2 burst. GJ brainiac.

    If you're DA Mug specced, and you face a condi staff mesmer which has a playstyle that relies on tempo control kiting you while clones spam Hadokens, why not counter abuse of this with Mug chain-reactions off them?

  5. I built my own Thief (reminder: Lowest HP pool on Medium Armor) with full marauder + durability rune will survive a 1MBS spec (incl the sigil(s)proc).


    Guess what happens when you survive it? The thief is out of juice and will die pitifully when it's your turn to counter act.


    Pre-patch it was 18-19k 1MBS openers, now it's less. It's easier now to survive those gank attempts.


    You choose to be geared up to try to attempt the same fast TTK burst specs and you try to deny the right for others to attempt the same. It's a play/spec choice. I hate dying, and runnning back so I adapted my build and playstyle long ago.

  6. Rifle DE main here,


    You can try this:

    1) Lb#4

    2) plink couple #1 while he recovers or wastes a stunbreak (mercy or RFI) or eats it like a big boy

    3) tap Sic Em so when he tries to dodge rolls you deny him gaining stealth from Silent Scope to fire off DJ

    4) LB#2 Rapid fire pew pew him away as he's revealed and helpless


    Remember rifle#4 death's retreat doesn't have evade frames, just shadowsteps positions and the way it does still allows arrows to track and hit. Oh and it got nerfed on initiative cost. Can't spam 3 anymore at max ini, only 2 now. So he can't out range escape your longbow.


    As a dual rifle SA/Tr DE aka perma stealth, I always carry more than dozen Target Painters (uses 10sups) on me at all times. Use and abuse them. DE Shadow Meld elite can't remove that mark. Learn how to stay calm and toss them on the fly. It take me 2s flat to open my bag, click on it then toss to where I want. Train yourself.

    Can use LB#4, soulbeasted smoke assault channeling or pet taunt to give you stress-free time to access bag and toss it.


    Far too many soulbeasts have grown complacent and rely on soulbeast buff sic em RF burst combo opener. I don't blame them l, most often it's enough and it works.


    But here's how that goes when it's vs me: durability rune proc kicks in giving me protection to allow me precious time to Mark interrupt Lb#2 RF or if he used LB#4 before #2, Mercy stun break to reset my Mark and interrupt again, immediately followed by my own burst until I see Signet of Stone trigger to which I then go Shadow meld or dodge to wait it out then do 2nd burst till he's downed. Now good soulbeasts don't rely on their bow alone but will swap to gs after stone signet to block, mail, smoke assault. All these giving them respite till swap is available again for another Lb4+2. Great/smart soulbeasts don't waste their sic em early on but surgically use it to deny tempo control to the DE.



  7. My WvW solo roam build (dual rifle SA/Tr Mara/durab) getting rightfully shaved here and there, but when looking at everything else changing alongside, it will still remain the absolute best roam build.


    I'm even confident enough that things be be even easier for me thanks to the lowering of DMG output (dmg skills that had cc factored in getting the 0.01P coef nerfhammer) that I will be able to swap out Durability rune for something more fun.


    Sure, the current iteration of malice/DE flow made it easier to hard counter every WvW build I encounter, but I'm still pissed off at being forced to play around stealth/DJ offloads. I miss stealth-less rifle deadeye days with Cursed Bullets. Fuck DJ. I want Cursed Bullets again. The only thing it needed was fixing it's vertical pathing to track targets (ppl atop walls or hill and cliffs).


    As for PvE, I'll be happy to bust out my Hopes for piercing pew pew. Guess we'll never see Ricochet again, oh well...


  8. It's baffling how you all (players not Anet) don't even use your brains. If you would have checked your achievement point score by hovering over it to see the daily+monthly score and the permanent score, you would've noticed that the +1 AP you get from each Light Puzzle counted towards the daily score, as they are daily reset puzzles. This is why the complainers are 'losing' AP on reset. Because you've already reached the daily cap of 15K and you can't cheat the game to getting more ap over it.


    This repeatable Light puzzle is made for those that haven't reached their 15k daily cap. So essentially , those can get up to 10+4 AP daily. Think of it like a boost to get to your account daily 15k cap faster.



  9. This is the event type you do -not- want to ping in map chat.


    Ask 2-3 friends to join, take time to sort your cc skills and DPS burst specs, read the wiki page beforehand to see what to expect.


    Less players, easier to do due to scaling.


    Fortunately the event is always ready to start due to lack of interest and resets in like 15min if it fails.

    DE rifle, spellbreaker cc machine, staff reveal herald shirk, holosmith, sword weaver are good picks

  10. Occasional roamers or zerglings will most likely be oblivious to the following but anyways, here's my 2cents of coherence...


    First off, let's take in situational awareness:


    Did you check map chat if there had been any callouts info about spawn camping or duo thief roamers? No worries if we're none yet. But you should've noticed right at first exiting that there were an unusual amount of players standing on the spawn exit steps, that should've been your first alarm that a spawn camping is in effect. Unfortunately we've Lemmings can't seem to read a map so fail to see that there are 2 side exits too to spawns. And the right side exit in your server colour is the safest if enemy controls both towers with watchtowers radar.


    Uphill path leading to keep bridge shows no enemy visible, that's your warning there's a thief nearby at minimum. Now being a thief yourself you could've stacked stealth or slotted shadow refuge to exit camp unoticed, and laid a reveal trap on that path. And then you could've even busted out the portable tossing trap to cover more area but that's a bit more tricky to use for squishy players like you.


    This leads to the endless arguement of burst build to tank ratio and the senseless stance that some specs ought to have monopoly for glass cannon build.


    Most players will enjoy being able to play a build that can instagib passers-by but glass cannon goes both ways.


    Now I'm an adamant DE rifle only main in wvw roamer. And I hated dying to burst gank builds out there. So I adapted to survive the most agressive gank build out there which was the 1MBS DE (1 malicious backstab deadeye). Not because holosmith, soulbeast sic'em lb or mirage couldn't burst as fast, but because DE can stalk you for any length needed to burst anywhere they felt like it. Thus went for full marauder and durability runes. It gives you the buffer to withstand the initial burst for your RFI/Witdthraw to take you away so you can counter or reset.


    Like MUDse mentioned, your HP shows you are still willing to be in that glass cannon playing field. So what I suggest is you work on your situational awareness and coordinate with your server mates. Basilisk venom them before going out, stealth approach to+1 when they open on a more sustainable ally or daggerstorm.


    It just made no sense to exit and run along path normally as 2v2 when you know they are 2 burst spec opening/focus firing on their own terms

  11. Cute listings all around. But aside from Razi, the rest give the feeling of insufficient roaming experience to be talking about summit tier roaming build.


    DA Trick mara/dura dual rifle hard counters any of the stuff listed above.


    Condi mirage doesn't have the burst nor the narrow place to be effective. Their mechanic relies too heavily on pumping out clones which you can Mark+SS each in chain reaction = Mug heal+quickness+regen+vigor+swift+might+fury+initiative and stay there to troll them until bored or they altf4. They lose focus and panick and die to Binding shadow+Mark+DJ stealth combo.


    Holosmith sure got the burst but they run out of juice too quickly and their auto elixir S kicks in too quickly which is their doom. Sync DJ with it ending =downed. If they chain it with normal Elixir S to avoid it, just sync the next DJ. If they dodge as that one ends, gg he's fucked out of avoidance, he better have buddies around to rally.


    Wars/Spellb lose by default. DE cds > their iFrame cds. Sync DJ with endure pain logo ending or FC ending. Easy kiting minigame.


    Soulb better tether themselves close to keep or tower at one Stoneform+Swoop distance or they're fucked. Druids have a longer tethering distance granted. Both lose out to a woke DE. MarkS (Mercy) interrupt and binding shadow's their demise.


    Shiro/Herald see spellb.


    Also, I know the position of every ambient creature on each maps my DE variant build's the only one that can Mark them without being put into combat and reap all the benefits (see condi mirage part). This knowledge puts me at the top for mobility and reaction capability.


    Because what you all forgot is that roaming is about map awareness, mobility and reaction. You got to be able to respond to any dolyak icon moving weirdly or running crippled, marked dot(s) or contested objectives on the map and be able to get there quickest as possible. All while being able to withstand gank burst jumps and egress or react, and avoid/ escape zergs. So I'm kind of sorry to say this but you are delusional of you think the other professions can hope to do al that while being top at fight encounters.



  12. > @"zencow.3651" said:

    > New Defender Rune:

    > (1): +25 Toughness

    > (2): +35 Healing

    > (3): +50 Toughness

    > (4): +65 Healing

    > (5): +100 Toughness

    > **(6): 10% increased maximum health; restores 5% of your maximum health when blocking an attack. (Cooldown: 1s)**


    > Seriously needs to be looked at for professions with many blocks. You're looking at 1.2k to 1.5k heals per block without requiring any healing power investment just by having enough vitality + the rune giving the extra 10% to reach 24k and 30k health.


    I've stopped roaming because of it. It needs to get its CD increased ASAP. Systematic Abuse Guild sure is abusing of it, can't blame em either. And don't get me started on that Marked/Reveal bugs. All my past victims are enjoying taunting me on my corpse thinking they are worth something now.

  13. > @"Schnitzel.8270" said:

    > > @"Trepidation Lost.3469" said:

    > > Ability to instantly out of combat...


    > Curious, how does one instantly get out of combat with deadeye? I've only ever been able to get stuck in combat mode for minutes at a time even when there's nothing trying to kill me. Granted I'm still fairly new-ish to deadeye or the thief class in general. I think this knowledge would be greatly helpful, thanks.


    Crossing the sufficient distance to separate you from the source(s) of damage dealt or taken. Roll For Initiative, Death Retreat #4, Withdraw, Shadowstep and the like help you get away fast if need be.

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