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Posts posted by Tony.8659

  1. I wonder if this can be done. I would love if when you enter underwater your skill template changes automatically to your underwater template. Many times I entered combat underwater and totally forgot I was using land PVE skills when I have certain traits for underwater combat. I want to it change by itself. Maybe something to add in the settings like on or off skill template change.

  2. Anet if your reading this I would love if going forward we can have DX12 and multi core support, maybe include the updates in the 3rd expansion? I just came across this:



    I mean the game is 16yrs old and supports DX12 and multi cores. This was an engine that was most likley written a few years before 2004 and yet it can support DX12, and multi cores. So really they can put these features into the engine. I don't know why they don't comment about it. That's crazy the next expansion recommendeds a GTX 1080 and a 2700x/6700k.

  3. I'm not sure if this came up before but, I would love if Anet (are you reading this?) can give us mouse cursor color choices in the menu options. This is not hard to add at all I'm sure. Lots of games give us this choice. Overwatch as an example you can choose many crosshair colors. I would love to have some color choices for the cursor. My choice would be bright green. Sometimes it's a bit hard to see when it gets hectic like during a meta or world boss event. And before anyone says there are options out there, thank you but, I want it from Anet themselves.

  4. After all these years has no one here brought this to Anet's attention? When entering SAB you lose any buffs you had on you, banners, food, karma, etc, that's fine and to be expected. But the issuse I have is when you exit SAB all your buffs you had on you are gone. How come Anet cannot return the buffs you had on you when you exit? It works when you log off then back on the buffs are still there and paused at whatever time was when you left. I'm sure most people forget and have lots of buffs and ascended food to only have nothing when exiting SAB.

  5. I just did it to be complete, to have all the emotes. All I'm asking is for Arenanet to follow what they did for the rockout emote. Obtain it in PvP/WvW or map achievments. You know if everyone liked how they obtained the rockout emote with a choice on how to get it, it should have stayed that way with this one, why upset most players. With a choice you can make a lot more players happy.

  6. Well after doing the achievments I finally got the useless emote: https://ibb.co/xFCym9L

    I will say it was the worst grind I did ever, def not worth the amount of grind for a simple emote. Now rockout was great, Arenanet gave us players a choice, achievements or PVP/WvW reward track. TBH I did not have a good time at all doing them, just did them to be complete. Never will I return to do that again. Arenanet in the future if you do give us new emotes I suggest you give all players a choice on how to obtain them. Just follow what you did for the rockout emote, that is all I'm asking it is not much. smh

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