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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I've got a new one to add: some people make mistakes because they're trying to play GW2 as if it's another game, likely the last MMO they played.


    > Last night I was doing a public Dragon Response Mission on my ranger, using sword/torch against the boss and afterwards I got a whisper informing me that "hunters" are a ranged class and should stay "in the backline" at all times. Which is especially amusing considering the usual objection to inexperienced rangers in GW2 is they stay too far back to be much help to the rest of the group.


    > I did explain that GW2 doesn't have dedicated ranged or melee professions and it depends on what you're doing at the time, which is why all professions can dodge. But all I got back was "lol whatever. you do you" which I assume means they're certain I'm wrong but not interested in discussing it any further.


    This, right here. Guild Wars 2 combat mechanics were (and I believe still are) unique among MMOs.


    On another note, what's a backline and where can my Longbow-camping, lazy SoulBeast find it?

  2. Druids in Guild Wars 2 are the Ranger's support spec. If you wanted damage, either core or Soulbeast would've been much better. Soulbeast damage modifiers, in particular, makes Longbow's Rapid Fire and Barrage very potent skills.


    As well, core and Soulbeast have the ability to support allies with stances and spirits, though to a more limited degree.

  3. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > The mark of a great liar is one that manipulates and lies using the truth.. that is what Jormag does, it doesn't outright lie to you.. it's very sly, perverts the truth and lies by omission and tactics like that so that it can always say things like.

    > > (Purely fan based dialogue not from the game)

    > > "I never lied to you, I told you the truth.. I just didn't tell you everything because I can't trust you.. not yet, because you're working against me, but I don't blame you.. I understand your fear and your doubt's but you must trust me, I am not your enemy and you will need my help."

    > >

    > > Lies with the truth.. justifies it's actions.. deflects the blame and calls your actions to question.. sympathises to your situation.. reassures.. and seduces.

    > > Jormag is a master at this kind of thing and it's what Jormag has been doing more or less for the entire IBS, trying to get us on it's side by making us think it's on our side.

    > >

    > > Also Jormag isn't small exactly, so far we've only seen it's head so there's not a large model to go by as of yet but I am still expecting Jormag to be about the length of Kralkatorriks Head and Tail maybe a bit of the neck too in total.

    > > That would make Jormag much bigger than Zhaitan's body but not as big as it's wingspan and much thicker than Mordremoth's body but not quite as long.

    > > If you want an example and comparison compared to other ED models I made this a while ago to show around about's what I expect Jormag's size to be using a mishmash of kralk parts as a stand in as I expect that better fits to the Lindwurm body type I am expecting Jormag to have.

    > > ![](https://imgur.com/cyfT5Vg.jpg "")

    > >

    > > Also to note as well, Primordus will very very likely be shrunk down when he gets a full body model in Gw2, I do not expect his head from season 3 will define his full body model, it's just too big.. however I do believe he will be the biggest of the Dragons.


    > That Shaman pulled the model and made a comparison of all the dragons. You can see Jormag’s size between Zhaitan and Mordremoth.


    > https://mobile.twitter.com/that_shaman/status/1333405006213615619/photo/1


    Off topic, but by the Six, Zhaitan is tiny... Then one remembers he was still able to raise Orr from the ocean floor. How'd we kill him again?

  4. > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

    > > @"Roche.7491" said:

    > > Based from the opinions gathered, I think the best solution would be to adjust it to 10% per level up to ascended. The difference imbalance would only be the effort put into.

    > >

    > > White to Blue - 10% increase (110%)

    > > Blue to Green - 10% increase (120%)

    > > Green to Rare - 10% increase (130%)

    > > Rare to Exotic - 10% increase (140%)

    > > Exotic to Ascended/Legendary - 10% increase (150% MAX)

    > >

    > > Easier to understand and the bump is NOTICEABLE lol. I hardly feel the 5%, it's more like a 2% increase.


    > How have you concluded that "solution" supposedly "based form the opinions gathered", when pretty much everyone's opinion in this thread has been along the lines of its fine and no changes/adjustments are needed? And for what it's worth, I'm in agreement with everyone else, systems fine as it is.


    Agreed. How can there be a 'solution' when there's no 'problem' to apply it to?

  5. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > Personally, I want a class with high cooldown high impact skills (30-180 seconds), so I don't have to feel guilty about wanting to use my autoattack.


    I would love it if auto attacks were better, too. On the other hand, the balancing issues for power damage alone from increased impact & cooldowns makes my head hurt... I mean, think of the burst potential!

  6. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I grabbed the proof so I can always get the new skills.

    > I was a little disappointed that they could not be equipped on Heroes though, I know they are pretty OP.. least a number of them are but considering full party's of players can run them together I see no reason to deny Heroes that ability.

    > I've always played Gw1 largely alone with NPC's over players anyways, even back in the active days because I like to play at my own pace and not at other peoples.

    > Anyhow they are nice additions, looking forward to picking some of them up on my mains when I feel like playing some Gw1 again.


    > > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > > Wait what? Is there a link of the new added items?


    > Doombox and Wooden Potatoes made videos about the new skills as did others if you want to see them.

    > Doombox's vid



    > WP's vid



    I think the main reason was to avoid adding them to PvP so that they could be suitably 'powerful', and heroes got caught in the crossfire.

  7. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > We are not the Commander anymore but many in Tyria recognize us by the title.

    > >

    > > This is because of the personal story where we were the second in command, Commander of the Pact.

    > > When we give up that position others continued to call us Commander out of respect and habit, that's all.


    > Military titles are for life, which is why we're still being called such post-Season 3. It's not really about habit or respect - it's their proper, official title. For life.


    The reasoning is not mutually exclusive, though. It can be out of habit and respect that you refer to someone by their official title, retired title, etc.

  8. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"Shagie.7612" said:

    > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > > That's literally what is going to happen. Pet nerfs WILL happen. Or marksmanship nerfs.

    > > If they nerf MM, the same people running it'll just switch to Skirm and hit real hard with a flanking burst and nobody's opinions will have changed, lol.

    > > It'll still be considered too high.

    > >

    > > Also a strong chance they nerf both pets and MM and not just one or the other, tbh.

    > >

    > >


    > Nerfing MM significantly lowers pet damage and soulbeast damage.


    > Skirm really only offers ranger more damage.


    I'll be honest: I wouldn't mind them nerfing Marksmanship because I only take it for two major traits anyways. Now, if they nerfed it, but reworked the minor traits for Opening Strike to be useful, that would be awesome.


    Disclaimer: PvE Carebear

  9. Echoing what the others have said, running "Search and Rescue!" is the best option for leveling. Otherwise, your build and gear choices do not matter as much as they would at level 80.


    That being said, I would recommend taking Nature Magic and spirits to support your friends as needed, while using Skirmishing and Wilderness Survival along with shortbow to deal condition damage. You can do some very nice DPS, run a tank pet, and help keep your friends alive.

  10. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > The flamethrower is a hybrid weapon, not just condi (AA does ~ 2x the damage of the "power" rifle in the same amount of time I believe). I hope you're running vipers or similar, or it's gonna be really lackluster in PvE.

    > >

    > > I think Grieving stats with Runes of the Flame Legion would be the best option for camping flamethrower.


    > Not sure about that. You can build up a lot of Bleed stacks with flamethrower, so you can still benefit from general condition duration rather than just extending the duration of Burning. The scrapper/juggernaut build also has the potential to stack up boons - getting +100% boon duration can mean you self-generate 60% Quickness uptime.


    The Runes of the Flame Legion are good for the additional power damage. I'm not sure it's worth trying to get 100% condition duration unless you're going full conditions.


    As for boons, Diviner's would work with Juggernaut, but you lose any sort of condition damage. I don't remember any condition-focused gear that includes concentration, either.

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