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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > It’s actually not that hard to get a unique char name. Adding a last name or changing the spelling a bit will do it.

    > >

    > > That only applies to languages you are fluent in. A lot of languages are full of words where a minor variation will change it into something completely different. I once had a name on a Sylvari and was asked why I was using the name 'small metal disc' (obviously I did a typo and had not noticed).


    > That doesn’t invalidate what I said. It only changes what you thought the name meant. It still is a unique name if you vary the spelling or add a last name.


    > By the way, Small Metal Disc could be a cool name for an Asuran engineer. ?


    Or an ironic name for a Charr engineer. ;)


    I'll second the advice to add something to a name if it's taken. For example: If Dragonslayer is taken, try Dragonslayer Il or Ill (uppercase i, lowercase L). In my case, I have a naming scheme for alts that only varies one word per character, but it allows me to use even the most generic descriptors because of it. It even fits with the sword & sorcery setting!

  2. > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > > > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > How do you know that the names you want are from people who stopped playing in 2012? Unless you’ve been checking since that time they could have stopped recently.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There's actually no nicknames I want. But meantime IMO they should reset it regularly.

    > > > >

    > > > > Disagree with you. i had to stop playing for three years because of multiple deployments, i would have been pissed off if they reset my names when i came back.

    > > >

    > > > Why? Just rename it. It's just character name.

    > > > ID is more important in GW2.

    > >

    > > If it's not important, why does it matter if character names are released or not?


    > Reason is very simple. With regular name resets (once per 2 years for example) it would be MUCH easier to find some cool names for your new characters.


    But according to you, character names are not important. So by that logic, ANet has no reason to reset character names.

  3. > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > How do you know that the names you want are from people who stopped playing in 2012? Unless you’ve been checking since that time they could have stopped recently.

    > > >

    > > > There's actually no nicknames I want. But meantime IMO they should reset it regularly.

    > >

    > > Disagree with you. i had to stop playing for three years because of multiple deployments, i would have been pissed off if they reset my names when i came back.


    > Why? Just rename it. It's just character name.

    > ID is more important in GW2.


    If it's not important, why does it matter if character names are released or not?

  4. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Revanent.9715" said:

    > > I never got to play with the old spirit weapons that much, but they did look fun having these ghostly weapons follow you around, attacking stuff with you. Though I feel they should have been permanent pets, rather than duration based.

    > >

    > > If they did bring back the old spirit weapons and made them permanent, they could make their command skills function much like how they currently do now. Ammo based ground target attacks. Maybe it could be the best of both worlds?


    > They were not permanent back then. Also, only SoJ was of any use back then, but it did far less damage than it does now.


    > I honestly do not get the nostalgia. Everyone uses SoJ in PvE (it is best in slot for both power and condi builds) and yet some say they miss good old days when the never equipped SWs for anything, cuz they were absolutely useless.


    While I agree the old iterations were not good, a permanent minion skill type skinned as spirit weapons would be awesome. Guardian Minionmancer as next E-Spec, please!

  5. > @"kratan.4619" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > Camelot Unchained has been killing GW2 since 2014 according to the forums.


    > Link the the stats showing how many people specifically quit GW2 to go to Camelot Unchained please, or is this just more anecdotal evidence based on what you personally think is happening. Just because active population has dropped does not mean that one game in particular is the biggest or sole cause.


    As others have said, it's likely a sarcastic reference to a common theme for _many_ such threads. Some new game or another expansion is supposed to kill off this or that older game, etc. Almost invariably, it's wrong.

  6. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > > > Here's a quote explaining the reasoning behind the charr posture, from Kristen Perry, one of the designers who worked on them:

    > > >

    > > > > In designing them from the beginning of Guild Wars 2, there had been a very large internal debate about whether or not they were going to bend more like creatures or stand upright as more humanoid. In the end to better stand out against the humans and norn, it was decided to slouch them.

    > > >

    > > > (The full article can be found [here](https://kristenperryart.com/projects/w8YEL6), and a lot of it is about the impact the posture had on designing clothing for them.)

    > > >

    > > > I'm not convinced that their appearance in GW1 is really relevant to this discussion, since several other (non-playable) races had major redesigns between games, e.g. trolls, hydras, skelk, giants. Designs from GW1 obviously influenced the ones in GW2, but the designers were obviously open to making alterations - many of them more substantial than this.

    > >

    > > And just like how Anet early on was wrong about Expansions, Mounts, Raids, Healers, Anet is wrong here on this subject regarding the Charr's models in GW2.


    > I don't think this comparison works. Even assuming that ANet was "wrong" about those things – which is highly debateable – you're comparing an artistic decision (the design of the charr) with a business model decision (whether or not to have expansions) and decisions about gameplay mechanics (mounts, raids, healers). Those are completely different things – and, in particular, it doesn't actually mean anything to describe an artistic decision as "wrong". There's just no measure of rightness or wrongness.


    > > Again they had their own thoughts on this but they were wrong or better yet off from what most people feel or agree with.


    > On what grounds are you claiming that "most people" want straight-backed charr? All we have to go on is this thread, in which only a handful of people have said that they want them – and more than twice as many people have expressed a strong preference for not having them! (Of course, making artistic decisions democratically is a terrible idea anyway...)


    Camels are wonderful, misunderstood creatures!


    On topic: I think the straightbacked form looks nice, prefer the hunchbacked form for lore reasons, and would rather not have ANet waste developmental resources better spent on new content.


    Opinions, man!

  7. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > The implementation of Anet's so called build templates is appalling, certainly when compared to the brilliant solution many people were already using and can no longer use; Arc Templates.

    > > The monetisation structure they have adopted for it is repugnant.


    > You do realize there's a difference between what developers may want to do and what corporate may want you to do right? I would blame the methodology of the build/gear templates squarely on NCSoft and not ArenaNet...and as someone else posted above, it was always known, from the beginning, that the ARC templates would go away as soon as ArenaNet released there's, an agreement is an agreement, something a lot of people don't live up to in today's world.


    I'm not sure we can say whether it's NCSoft's monetization policy vs ArenaNet's policy, really. To (forumites and players), it's a black box. I do see the difference between the (software engineer, artist, writer, etc.) and management, though.

  8. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > So.... you were able to play just fine before templates and now? If they are cost prohibitive, then don't buy or use them. Go back to the way you were playing before templates were released.


    > i mean it wasnt really fine, it was just how things were back then.


    > are you really happy with build templates?


    Yes, actually. I gained two build templates and an extra bag slot. I don't use build storage and I'm extremely unlikely to buy extra of the three, but I am happy with what I have now.

  9. > @"Blasphemeral.1276" said:

    > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > @"Blasphemeral.1276" said:

    > > > Until backpacks can be dyed, I'm done purchasing backpack skins. I've already passed on a number of glider/backpack combos that I would have liked to have if I could make them match.

    > >

    > > the gem store cape can be dyed..


    > Oh, really? Wow! Ok; I guess I'll fork out the cash for it, then.

    > They should have mentioned it in the gemstore description. I would not have known if I didn't log in to the forum for the first time in years to complain about it.


    Both of the capes can be dyed. The gemstore cape has 4 channels, the guild cape has 2.

  10. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > Isn't the guild cape about the same length as the GW1 cape? Maybe only a tad shorter?


    > I've barely touched GW1 but am pretty sure my mesmer/monk there has an ankle length cape. It's been years since I played, so I don't recall if I started with a shorter one and got hold of a longer one somehow.


    The GW1 cape is actually in the middle of the two, as it hangs down to the waist.

  11. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > > > @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

    > > > 1. No new classes

    > > > 2. No new Specializations

    > > > 3. No new Dungeons

    > > > 4. No new fractals

    > > > 5. No new raids

    > > > 6. No new world bosses

    > > > 7. No new WwW

    > > > 8. No new SPVP

    > > > 9. No new PVP content

    > > > 10. Only one new PvE activity - Strikes.

    > > > 11. Small map

    > > > 12. Only half of story (very short)

    > > > 13. No new Legendery

    > > > 14. No new maunt

    > > > 15. No hard mods on story company

    > > > 16. No Bunty Hunts

    > > > 17. No challenges

    > > > 18. No new weaons

    > > > 19. 1 DEAD NEW MECHANIC.

    > > >

    > > > SO this small patch was SMALLER then all DLC in LS. Where is Addon lvl content?

    > > 20. No new hearts

    > >


    > Hearts the the worst content in this game. I almost dread them. I'd probably pay a sub to guarantee no new hearts ever showed up. They are by far the most annoying, repetitive, time wasting content in the game.


    If only ANet sold a heart completion item in the gemstore instead of waypoint unlocks.

  12. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > How can you set the game to restart your auto-attack once your target is dead? I know of no way to do it.


    > If I'm right, ANY second auto-attack is either a keystroke, mouse click, or automation. The first two are legal, since you can't do them unless your finger is active. The last is illegal.


    You can set any one skill on your bar to autocast. I believe the base keybond is Shift+Right click. If you select a non-targeting skill other than your #1 skill (or autoattack), it will keep reusing the skill off cooldown.

  13. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > Back when the game started and then for a long time afterwards, WvW, PvP and World Bosses was pretty much all there was to do once you got to level 80. Then ANet added 2 expansions with their maps plus multiple LS maps, which doubled the size of the game and added a bunch more things to do. That alone is going to thin out the population on any one map as people spread out to do the available content. In addition World Bosses, WvW and PvP are old and stale content leading to a drop in the number of players doing them.


    Don't forget the natural attrition all games tend to have as they get older.

  14. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > > > Where is this info from? Can't see it in the dev feed.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is the last official answer directly related to the guardian:

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > > > > > **Stronger reses are not desired in PvP.**

    > > > > > We are looking at competitive splits for some of these changes but they haven't been finalized yet.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **Stalwart Courage (Courageous Return) is definitely too strong.**

    > > > > > Talked this one over with Cal and we're going to split the protection duration in PvP/WvW to 1 second. We considered an ICD for this trait, but think it's more interesting without it so we will only add one if this split proves insufficient to balance it.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Well.. that would make it nearly useless. It is better on live, with CD reduction to VoC than a 1 sec on aegis break. They should change it to something else completely, since valor is not used in PvE anyway.

    > >

    > > ... I use Valor on PvE all the time...


    > Why would you do that lol?! Do not get me wrong, if I want to solo a champion that would be require sustainability beyond dps build, I would slot valor. But that is very rare. If you constantly use it, up to you, but you are wasting damage potential for unneeded sustain.


    > It is realistically only needed in PvP, for core and DH power builds (which suck, but that is a different issue). If a trait line primarily used in PvP has a new trait that already requires a split, something went seriously wrong in design.


    Because there's very little difference in damage between Valor and Radiance in casual PvE.

  15. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > Where is this info from? Can't see it in the dev feed.

    > >

    > > This is the last official answer directly related to the guardian:

    > >

    > > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > > > **Stronger reses are not desired in PvP.**

    > > > We are looking at competitive splits for some of these changes but they haven't been finalized yet.

    > > >

    > > > **Stalwart Courage (Courageous Return) is definitely too strong.**

    > > > Talked this one over with Cal and we're going to split the protection duration in PvP/WvW to 1 second. We considered an ICD for this trait, but think it's more interesting without it so we will only add one if this split proves insufficient to balance it.

    > >

    > >


    > Well.. that would make it nearly useless. It is better on live, with CD reduction to VoC than a 1 sec on aegis break. They should change it to something else completely, since valor is not used in PvE anyway.


    ... I use Valor on PvE all the time...

  16. It amuses me that some get so worked up over players 'afk' farming. I mean, the rate of return is so small compared to active farming.


    Anyways, ANet has set their guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable. All any of us can do is report suspected players and move on.

  17. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Mea.5491" said:

    > > Yes and Phantasm weapons too. <3 I have all of them so far and I never use anything else! I would sell my soul for a semi-transparent pink/purplish staff & dagger. :lol: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasm_weapons


    > Is it just me who cant see the dif on the two pistols?

    > Why make 2 diffrent named ones when 2 of the same would be the same outcome.


    I'm certain it's because they're tribute to the twins Lyss and Ilya that make up the Goddess Lyssa. The whole weapon set was made for mesmers! ;)

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