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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > While we're asking for crazy things, I want my five-seater Veteran Oakheart party mount to stomp around in style. It'll come with 4 dye channels, but mine will all be Electro Pink.


    No Permafrost for contrast? Laaaammmmmmmeeeeeeee.

  2. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

    > > > Plain old swiping the plastic.

    > > > This is the only way to have such a high account value.

    > >

    > > This is false.


    > If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.

    > note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.




    I'm sorry you feel it is impossible to make large amounts of gold without paying for it. However, just because you feel it's impossible does not mean it actually is.


    As well, there is a marked difference between gold, liquid gold, and account value. The current #1 gold amount on GW2Efficiency is 195,906g, and the highest liquid gold (gold, gems, and sellable items) is 398,288g. 819,120g is the highest account value, which included unlocked wardrobe items, dyes, etc. As explained above, just because it's worth a certain value now, does not mean it was bought at that value.


    As another note, the accounts currently #1/2 in these categories have played for over 22,000 hours. That's an average of 10 hours per day since the game released. Plenty of time to farm obscene amounts of gold if one wants to.

  3. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > No farming. No TP flipping. No lucky drops.

    > Plain old swiping the plastic.

    > This is the only way to have such a high account value.


    This is false.

    Account value is not just determined by the amount of liquid gold a player has available, but also by the skins they have unlocked and the items/collectibles in their inventory. Specifically, any older items and skins that were obtained cheaply upon released, and which have increased in value. For example, the Chaos weapon set currently has a total value of 7,755g for the complete set. I, personally, obtained the whole set for ~500g-750g when it came out, which equals a 7,000g "profit." Also, account value can include gemstore upgrade bought with farmed gold. That gold might have been exchanged for gems at a historically favorable rate and then used to buy account upgrades, which again turns a value "profit."

    Even having a liquid gold value value that high is possible with smart/lucky investing and TP flipping. As well, the time a player spends farming, the greater the chances of the so-called "lucky drops." Dropped precursors can be efficiently turned into legendaries and then resold for a profit, and of course one can get certain high value items such as infusions or Treasure Hunter trinkets.

    So no, buying gold with real world money, and with it account value, is not the only way to accure such high values.

  4. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > Okay, we're about halfway there seeing some attempts of reverting to normalcy after the PoF powercreep despite soulbeast and holo still being massively overtuned. Silent Scope nerfs are good, but DE still camps stealth via D/P to abuse the busted MBS damage, and TRB spamming is about all rifle can do now. But baby steps I guess.

    > >

    > > But...

    > >

    > > >Repeater: For builds that use a pistol in their main hand with no off-hand weapon, the damage of this skill has been increased by 20%. Striking a foe with this skill now applies 4 seconds of bleeding per hit.

    > >

    > > You guys really hate power D/D thief that much to apparently buff Pistol/Nothing before making power D/D usable in the PvP modes?


    > It's to make RP builds viable in PvE. He said to look at the whole of Tyria with these changes!


    > D:


    Well, if you read the note above it, it actually explains why they buffed that skill. For reference:


    > • Shadow Strike: This skill now grants access to Repeater for 4 seconds upon landing a successful melee hit.

    > • Repeater: For builds that use a pistol in their main hand with no off-hand weapon, the damage of this skill has been increased by 20%. Striking a foe with this skill now applies 4 seconds of bleeding per hit.

  5. > @"JDub.1530" said:

    > > @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

    > > On topic. Gopaka is right, the gate gets pushed inwards when the Warbeast pulls on it. Funny oversight on the GW2 devs parts.


    > +100 pts for Mr Bean.


    > I don't think it's an oversight. Gates are only modeled to be destroyed one way. And they decided they wanted this to be a pull skill not a ramming skill, either as a design choice, or some manner of balancing/mechanics issue (hard to say pre-release). It may be immersion breaking to some, but I'm sure it was still a deliberate choice to have it that way (even if it was just a choice of convenience).


    > I suppose you could always head cannon that he's ripping the doors off and they break short of the hinges, and what remains just sort of swings inwards from the force of the breakage.


    Because physics!


    In all seriousness, this is actually how a gate would behave, if the doors themselves gave out and splintered before the hinges and anchor points. The parts of the door tethered to the [mount] would be pulled outward, while the hinges and any connected pieces would swing inward from the released tension. When that happens, I pity the poor asura standing next to them.


    _Intercom: Cleanup in the courtyard! Bring a mop!_


    Edit: After actually watching the trailer, I believe it's more likely an animation/coding issue. That said, the physics still work! ... If you had a nip of norn ale beforehand.

  6. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > They're provided for free for several days, and they're advertised provided you follow the game at all. They're fairly cheap to acquire if you haven't, like others have pointed out, you can even get them by getting the gold, and then turning it to gems. If you're a pinch, sell your mystic coins and other such expensive but replenishable materials. It's also a -one time purchase- compared to MMos who Milk you in order to keep what you paid for.


    > Let's resume :

    > -Cheap

    > -Free to get during the Week of the release, not the day, not the hour, but Week.

    > -It's yours forever, on all chars



    To clarify, it's not free for a week. Players logging in during the _entire_ release period of an episode will unlock that episode. An episodes release period is from the point when it is released to the point when the next episode is released, usually about three months at the current rate.

  7. > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > it could work inheriting from the party system.


    > 1.) both players party each other

    > 2.) seller opens a dialog displaying the item that he sells

    > 3.) buyer puts up the price

    > 4.) if the amount put is not the agreed price, the seller resets the price offer, allowing the right price to be offered

    > 5.) if the agreed price is put, the buyer presses ok.

    > 6.) to avoid scamming, the seller cannot modify the item selled if the buyer says ok. the thing he can do is cancel the transaction if he changes his mind. thus there is no loss for the buyer if the transaction is canceled.


    > idk if this is safe against duping. coz we had a duping thing of arm braces before in GW1 with person to person trading.


    > the party system, i think, can trace the origin of dupes, if it is discovered, since partied transaction can be another column on the database.


    The question is not 'how', but 'why'. 'Why' do we need a peer-to-peer trading system when all can be accomplished either through direct mailing or the trading post?

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > So people ask for more balance patches but then complain for about a week or so when they get them but don’t like the changes?


    The game is not balanced according to players' bias, so those players demand more balance patches thinking that will change. When ANet releases new balance patchesthat inevitably fails to meet that bias, those players decry the changes and demand more balance patches.


    Turning again and again, like spokes on a wheel. All the while, it's grinding innocent NPCs under it... Does anyone have the strength to _break_ the wheel?

  9. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > Power soulbeast, using greatsword and longbow.


    > K I assume Zerker stats.. how about traits, pet etc?


    > Zerker Longbow Ranger is a pretty great safe playstyle as keeping out of damage is one of the best ways to stay alive anyway.

    > I advise using the Nature Magic traitline for the Nature's Vengeance trait and running at least the Stone Spirit utility skill.

    > I use Water, Stone and Frost spirits on my main Ranger and the protection spam from the stone spirit often comes in handy even with my glassy stats.

    > Spirits also double as aggro magnets for enemies so you can use them as decoys.. use your Longbow stealth skill (3) and hide for a few seconds and usually enemies will re-aggro on your pet or spirits instead of you.


    > As for Pets I use Jungle Stalker for damage and Smokescale for a bit of CC, dmg and something a bit more tankier than the cat.


    > Hopefully some of that will help you out :)

    > good luck


    Drakes are very good tanking pets, too. Their AoE DPS works wonders for holding aggro and they come with self-healing.


    I would actually recommend running a core Ranger build with Wilderness Survival and Beastmastery, as a fully traited Troll Unguent is the best heal Rangers have.


    As for the title, completed in full Berserker's/Viper's on Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer, Thief, Warrior, and Guardian.

  10. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > @"James.1065" said:

    > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > Apart from the ludicrous suggestion and balancing issues, what are you gonna do about contradicting mechanics, like the necromancer death shrouds

    > > >

    > > > You miss-understand the sugestion: you can still only choose 1 elite line and 3 others instead of 2.

    > > >

    > > > There wouldn't be conflicting mechanics since you can't choose scourge and reaper..... they are both elites....

    > >

    > > Oooh.. i thought the suggestion was to have multiple elite lines.

    > > But they meant to preserve the original three lines independent of the elite line.

    > >

    > > Fair enough.

    > > I once made a suggestion to have a seperate set of trait lines for underwater combat


    > It would be fine it could open up new roles to specs that really didnt bring much to the group. How about a thief in a tank role, or a warrior as tank or heal. More options is good for the game, balance will always be a problem whether you have 3 classes or 10. But its still better to have more specs available for different roles to bring more classes in. I think it would allow more people to try raiding wvw etc.


    More diversity is good, but what the OP is suggesting wouldn't increase diversity. It would only introduce further powercreep, which is a bad thing.


    Taking your example, an additional core traitline wouldn't not allow a Thief or Warrior to tank or heal any better than what they are currently capable of. As well, it would just further increase the difference between the higher preforming build and the lower performing builds.


    The Deadeye Rifle build is currently the highest benchmarked build, using Deadly Arts/Critical Strikes/Deadeye. An additional traitline would allow that same build to also bring Trickery. That's a +3 Initiative, +15% damage, and -20% reduction on Steal; all of which will greatly increase the DPS of the highest performing build with no drawback.

  11. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > That reminds me of another one. When people see my pet raven's name: "You know the raven in the poem isn't actually called quoth".


    > To which I always say "Yeah but the one in Discworld is". Some people accept that, some try and tell me that means Terry Pratchett didn't understand the poem (he did, the character did not) and some actually tell me they've never heard of Discworld, in which case I tell them I'm sorry to hear that.


    What's Discworld?


    Sorry, couldn't help myself.

  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > "Ranger players have no skill" (depends how you play your ranger... not all of us are bearbow and not all of us have our pet tank mobs)


    > Someone once told me rangers don't have a learning curve, they have a cliff. Most professions you can work out gradually but rangers are either really easy or very difficult.


    > I'm not entirely sure that's true, I feel like it's just a matter of being willing to try different weapons and pets which isn't really any different from most professions. But I like the description of a learning cliff anyway, and I can think of some games where it's definitely appropriate.


    For a learning 'cliff', I offer up EVE Online. For the thread, I offer up "HoT/PoF is too hard."

  13. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > >

    > > However, I'd hesitate before doing so. In the long run, having a copper-fed plus a runecrafter's turns out to be a good combination of convenience plus economic value.

    > >

    > Explain please. Because unless the Runecrafter increases (significantly) the chances of getting Symbols, it has no value at all compared to a Copper-Fed.


    > Please raise your hand if anyone needs more lucent motes? (currently selling for 14c each on TP) Anyone?


    > Getting or not getting a lucent mote from salvaging an item isn't a problem or a solution for anyone afaik.




    As far as I know, both Copper-fed and Runecrafter's have the the same chance of salvaging symbols/charms.


    The difference is in the _overall chance to salvage._ A Copper-fed only has a 20% chance to salvage upgrades when salvaging an item, while Runecrafter's is 100%. Meaning, on average, a Runecrafter's Kit will salvage 5x more upgrades.

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