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Diak Atoli.2085

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Posts posted by Diak Atoli.2085

  1. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > I ran Istan for about 3 hours and got no more than 30 gold.


    > Very inefficient. I double that amount in the same time just farming iron, platinum and logs, with 0 need of extra players. But only the Saturdays because lately I'm becoming lazy and having a life.


    Nothing to be ashamed of, my fellow. A life is a good thing to have, or so I'm told. ;)

  2. > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > > > @"Lambent.6375" said:

    > > > > Some of us want to earn our gold from playing the game.

    > > > >

    > > > > If we just bought everything, that wouldn't leave us with much to do. (Speaking of open world pve players)

    > > >

    > > > I guess that points out a pretty big flaw in Guild Wars 2 then, eh? The fact that you can buy so much of the cool stuff with real money. I personally wish the cash shop wasn't there at all, but since it IS there, it's always an option--and often the more logical one.

    > >

    > > What is in the cash shop that is a " must have" to play this game? It's their source of income and it's all mostly cosmetic with the exception of the upgrades which is also not a requirement to have.


    > Legendary weapons are a goal for most players, so I would consider that a "must have". And since the endgame is Fashion Wars for a ton of people, the cash shop has the shiniest cosmetic items in the game. Why farm a dungeon all day and night for some lame kitten armor when I can just buy a skin from the cash shop that's 10x cooler looking?


    This is a subjective opinion, though. What you consider to be nicer looking, others may not. Just as you may consider Legendary gear to be a must have, others may not.


    As a side note, you can not straight out but Gen 2 weapons or legendary armor/trinkets.

  3. I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.


    One of the most basic ways to make money is to craft the four 1/day Ascended materials and sell them. However, if you plan on making Ascended gear, you may want to keep those for yourself.

  4. Since the OP appears to no longer play Guild Wars 2 , of course the game is dead for them.


    However, the reality is that many people play Guild Wars 2, and seems to enjoy playing Guild Wars 2. ArenaNet continues to make a profit maintaining the game and developing new content. Irregardless of whether players are being drawn in/retained by one mode or all three, the continued in-game presence means the game itself is not dead.


    To the OP: I'm sorry you no longer play Guild Wars 2. Asserting Doom'n'Gloom like Chicken Little, despite ample evidence to the contrary, does your argument (Whatever that may be.) no favors.

  5. > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > You mean you spend money on something you can easily get for free? Weird. :o On a more serious note, most people likely have more important or valuable things to spend real money on.


    > How is farming 40-60 hours easier than working enough to afford $20? And what could be more valuable than time?


    First off, you mistakenly equate 40 - 60 hours worth of farming gold to the equivalent of buying $20 worth of gems and exchanging that for gold.


    Doing the full Istan meta farm, and one SW RIBA rotation for maximum MF, reasonably nets a _farmer_ an average of 20g - 25g an hour. 40 to 60 hours worth of effort equals 800g - 1,000g (40 hours) or 1,200g - 1,500g (60 hours). $20 = 1,600 gems. Current BLTC exchange is 1,600 gems** = 350g. To purchase an equivalent amount of gold, you would have to spend **$50 - $90** on gems.


    Secondly, most employees can not work additional hours without supervisor approval. Most supervisors will not give approval unless absolutely required. I, personally, have only been allowed to work 10 hours of overtime over the past 3 years.


    As for the second part of your response, I offer events such as family birthdays, vacations, going out with friends, concerts, etc. Those are much more valuable to spend money on, especially when one considers **I can make gold for free by having fun.**

  6. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > If you think the way he was executed is just "above" average, then you are in serious denial, but that much has been obvious from the start. I don't have a "gross misunderstanding" of what a Mary Sue is, I'm just not in denial about it and I'm actually willing to accept that not all sues are equally OP, but he still pulls skills out of nowhere, whether you're willing to admit it or not. Just like how you keep denying the spotlight thing, but you do you. You thought Jok(e)o was a good character after all.

    > > >

    > > > Congratulations, for every single post so far you've proclaimed I said something I didn't. You must be proud of yourself.

    > > >

    > > > I'd like you to try to give what your apparent definition of a Mary Sue is, because so far the attributes you've called out on Trahearne are pretty standard major character attributes across fiction, and is apparent in almost every member of Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch. So far, the only thing you've managed to consistently say is "a Mary Sue is a major character", which is as I've said, an incorrect definition of Mary Sue.

    > > >

    > > > You say time and time again that he "pulls skills out of nowhere", but yet every example you've given has been incorrect, and not only rebuttled by myself at this point.

    > >

    > > Because none of your rebuttals actually have any founding, you keep saying he's just like any other character in the setting while ignoring all the things that make him stand out ahead of them. Because again, you're in denial because you're not willing to admit your apparent waifu is a bad character.


    > Isn’t the burden of proof, yours?


    Shh! It's just getting good!


    Popcorn, anyone?

  7. All my characters, except my Elementalist, run a melee set/ranged set combo. I only swap weapon sets if I feel like it, or one set proves useless. I still do well enough in T4 fractals to never have been kicked, and I've yet to have any problems with OW or Story content.

  8. > @"Sargoth.8104" said:

    > Sorry, I don't fight with neon surfboards or exploding bunches of crystals. Oooh, more glowy buster weapons, no wonder the magpies are in love. And they clip, and there are "collections" involved like legendaries even though they're exotics, and they're not scaled properly to the character models? And you have to cough up 15 ecto just to start the quest? No thanks. Dozens of more important things I can use 15 ecto for.


    I didn't realize ectos were so valuable now. The current festival must be doing a really good job of removing materials from the market!


    While I don't care for any of the three weapons, I'm happy others are enjoying them.

  9. Ranger, Thief, Necromancer, Elementalist, Warrior, or Guardian. I guess you could do the other three, too.


    In all seriousness, if you have nine character slots, make one of each. You never know when a new e-spec or profession update might make one appealing to you.

  10. > @"Kreslin.6832" said:

    > > @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

    > > > @"Kreslin.6832" said:

    > > > I just don't understand one thing. If some weakling in a robe can survive in a front line... why do we have characters with heavy armor in the first place? I'm not talking about gameplay with specific skills. I'm talking about the concept in general. 

    > > >

    > > > What makes heavy armored character different from character in robes?  Heavy armored character can stay in front line and absorb damage. That's why he wears heavy armor. The character in robes can't stay in front line. His robes can't protect him. That's how it works.  

    > > >

    > > > But, if mesmer, a wizard/illusionist in robes can tank, stay in front line, and thus guardian and warrior don't need to do this job anymore... 

    > > > Why do we have medieval setting with knights in the first place? Why don't we have, I don't know, a Victorian Era, only with magic? Where everyone wear clothes. 

    > > >

    > > > Okay, it is a concept thing. About the gameplay... Well... As I said,  Anet removed the holly trinity, but didn't bring the true alternative. Every class can do every role, which might sounds good, but what do we have in reality? We don't have individuality. What's the difference between warrior and elementalist for example? Both of them can survive, both of them can deal massive aoe damage. 

    > > >

    > > > You know, for me a good alternative to holly trinity is a moba game. But GW2... well, while I like this game, I keep asking myself - what do we have instead of the holly trinity? And I can't find the answer. All I can see is unfinished, and thus, shallow system.  But imho this game has completely wrong concept, where squishy can do the same thing heavy armored guy does.

    > > >

    > > > That's why we have such thing like Chronomancer being top "tank", while we have a "protector" Guardian. 

    > >

    > > Heavy armor is mostly a cosmetic thing, especially vs bosses. It only helps a bit vs normal mobs or players. Difference in armor between light and heavy is not that important and toughness can quickly feel the gap.

    > > My warrior feels fragile without toughness when I get hit. But with some toughness, I really feel the difference. Like beeing able to survive a big hit that would have downed me without that toughness.

    > >

    > > Gw2 went for a simple system but it isnt good for armors. Armor should provide a separate damage reduction multiplier and then, you apply another with toughness. Something like 20, 30, and 40%. Heavy would be twice more efficient than light.

    > >

    > > Hopefully for me, I really like heavy design and not much medium/light. Therefore, I accepted the fact that heavy doesnt provide much and that I need to use some toughness trinkets.

    > > I couldn't play a chrono for the sole reason of light armor.


    > At least they could make toughness only for heavy characters. For medium and light characters, something different, which would suit them more than toughness and would make their "surviving" play style different form "tanking".

    > Shame, cause I don't find playing heavy armored character only for "fashion style" sufficient. I want to feel being heavy warrior/guardian.


    > This game is definitely not for me. :\


    I'm sorry you don't feel like Guild Wars 2 is for you.


    As for your complaint, making a Guardian, Warrior, or Revenant feel like a heavily armored profession is simple. You make it one.


    Build your gear towards toughness and vitality (Zealot's being the absolute bunker set.), run the defensive traitlines and utilities, use the defensive weapon sets.


    Example: Marauder's/Soldier's Guardian running Hammer + x/Shield, using Zeal/Honor/x. A very bunkered build that does not-inconsiderable damage.

  11. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"Belishine.7493" said:

    > > you say in thierie that any class can tank but a few classes cant tank at all so it goes out the window for ex. a rev sounds like it should be able to tank but it turns out to just heal and dps but not tank


    > Revenant can tank and it can tank well; I’ve done it personally on every boss. The issue is not that it can’t tank (same with Firebrand) but the role compression that Mesmer provides makes Mesmer the easier (for building a group) and slightly better choice for speed clear meta strats. There are other tanks besides Mesmer that can do the job well, this is a fact. My raid/fractal group nearly always runs off-meta with a Firebrand heal tank, and honestly, it works better for our group most of the time simply due to how much extra defense and healing it can output while maintaining 100% quickness. This means that several of our members with Australian Ping are more easily covered when they make mistakes.


    Bu-b-but that's not META! Only META is allowed in Guild Wars 2!


    On a serious note: Any class can 'tank' in Guild Wars 2. What everyone focuses on isn't how well a Chronomancer 'tanks', but what it does in addition to 'tanking'.

  12. > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

    > "Vote with your wallet" does absolutely nothing unless you're spending your money. There's always those people that snatch up the new gem store items as soon as they're available and parade them through LA. Those people tell ANet that selling stuff at high prices and randomizing what you get when you make your purchase is financially beneficial to them.


    > Meanwhile, me deciding I'm not going to buy anything from the gem store anymore does _nothing_ to change the state of things. "Vote with your wallet" is a farce, and used to trick people into thinking they're getting something done by doing nothing and not saying anything, when it's just used to do exactly that; get us to do nothing and say nothing.


    It seems, then, that 'vote with your wallet' is working as intended. Just because you don't care for the new (item, skin, convenience, etc) doesn't mean those who do are wrong.

  13. > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > > > @"DrMatt.9408" said:

    > > > > Currently still enjoying pve/wvw and I've been playing on and off since release. Please don't assume that your own preferences/opinions are shared by everyone else.

    > > >

    > > > I don't. I also know for a fact that most (NOT all of course) people that are perfectly fine with the current state of the game are new or new'ish to gw2. Can already see the usual whiteknight saying "i play since launch and enjoy everything every day every minute of my life. gw2 is the best". Pretty common in here.

    > >

    > > Ah, yes. The 'I know best, so everyone who disagrees with me is a rabid fan' argument. What definition do you give for 'new-ish' players? What proof can you offer to support your claim?

    > >

    > > My 'proof' (read: anecdotal evidence) is that most I talk to are 2 - 6 year veterans, even some 13 year veterans, who are 'perfectly fine' with the state of the game.

    > >

    > > As a side note: **_If you're defining 'perfectly fine' as a 100% positive review; no game, no institution will ever meet that standard._**


    > Going by the official forums, this is exactly how it feels like when you read their comments. Infact, a 100% pisitive review would be too low, its more like a 130% game to them.


    > Poor balance is ignored.

    > Abadoning wvw for years is ignored.

    > Abandoning spvp since 2015

    > 45 minutes of story (LS) per 6 months is supposed to keep you busy in an MMO


    > Looking bad. Real bad.


    One can say the same about the game's detractors, who often present their opinions as irrefutable fact while insulting the developers. If one is to believe the loudest voices, 99% of Guild Wars 2 players reside on either extreme.

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